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AHuman ago



UPDATE1: Vern + Mary Sue Conaway were NPH's "secret task force"

Thomas and Vern Secret NPH task force for special operations

Many rumors are still circulating within the extended NPH volunteer community regarding the outstanding weekend-retreats the Conaway family, namely Mary Sue, Vern and their son Thomas, provided throughout the 1990s to the volunteers who served in the NPH Mexico home. Based in Mexico City, the Conaways generously invited volunteers to spend their weekends in their family home and the concomitant rest, change and treats were highly appreciated.

^^Thanks to @bumbleberries for update1 (Don't forget to upvoat the users comment)


UPDATE2: Molly Hightower's blog 30 July 2009 mentions more children being removed from the orphanage to an unknown location.

Monday was a little sad for me, because I went to the hospital to get Eveline for swimming only to find that she had been moved to a “more permanent setting” away from the hospital. I then asked if I could take one of the other girls from that room, Shnaika, only to be told that she had gone to the same place! I’m not even sure where they are, probably some other orphanage or medical center for abandoned babies and I’m not sure if I’ll see them again. I took my other two girls, Jolene and Liliana instead, but now I’m getting nervous that my babies will keep disappearing without me being able to say goodbye!

  • Silsby was in DR at the same time this happened. ref

Six months before Haiti's earthquake, the leader of a group of U.S. missionaries accused of kidnapping 33 children flew to the Dominican Republic to open an orphanage, a real estate agent said Friday.

  • Mollys blog post was 30 July 2009

^^Thanks to @cantsleepawinkies for update2 (Don't forget to upvoat the users comment)


UPDATE3: Picture of Vern + Mary Sue Conaway

^^Thanks to @exposethecriminals for update3 (Don't forget to upvoat the users comment)