Pipebomb ago

I was just watching a documentary called "Visions of Light - The Art of Cinematography" and in the 1974 movie "Chinatown" directed by Roman Polanski(pedo) coloboma is mentioned.

"There's something black on the green part of your eye" "Oh that, it's a flaw of the iris"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIrDlMFD6KcYouTube At the 1:04:20 mark

Just wanted to add this since my post was deleted.

Hopevoats ago

Get this. Target (whose logo, I suspect, is a version of a pedo symbol) owns Life Touch. Life Touch is affiliated with the cult "Promise Keepers" and a bunch of pedophiliac "Christian" zealots, who use their outreach programs to access children.

Source: Some speculation and personal experience with the company and its members.

Life Touch is the company who photographs children for schools and churches. They have an extensive catalog and personal information of every child in the systems that they provide photography for. Potential "targets", if you will.

People are worried about posting their children on the Internet, when these monsters can scour through the image library and shop for their victims, including identification of the ones who are the product of Soro's donated sperm.

VitaminC ago

Maybe this is why Maddie McCann has been kept alive and close to John Podesta. This photo is supposedly her now as a teenager sitting a poker table with Podesta.



Narcissism ago

I like him and his info/ presentation style. My best guess is that he's an Israeli asset of some sort - but at this point in time who cares.

MAGABoomer ago

Maddy was a test tube baby and there's been talk for years Gerry is not her biological father. For what it's worth.

jangles ago

jangles ago

nanoo nanoo

dmthirdeye ago

I think its more likely if they are making kids with special defects its for special clients, like George Soros who also has a coloboma eye defect. http://i.imgur.com/53lf0dp.jpg

jangles ago

PAX2 Protiens along with other regulator proteins and peptides are good for medicine, preventing ocular degeneration, genetic engineering, cloning and organ trafficking. For instance cross-talk between p53 and Pax2 provides a transcriptional platform that promotes nephrogenesis, thus contributing to nephron endowment. More science on another thread, here

micha_ ago

Children of Mengele. LOL! I was already sceptical of Webb, because he makes so much claims but shows no evidences, and after waiting so long for Braverman, he simply switched to other topics... YouTube viewers bring cash and sensationalism brings subscribers and viewers...

That's not research, that's not even journalism, making fact free "conclusions", that's just the worst kind of sensationalism and shines a very bad light on the great people in real search of facts and truth around pizzagate.

Btw, I also have the same suspicion about David Seaman, whom I still want to give the benefit of the doubt.

George, is that you, starting multiple threads, how great you are? Secretly promoting your YT-channel?

LostandFound ago

A lot of his source data is on a maintained google docs spreadsheet, should be in comments

Celticgirlonamission ago

He uses metadata to find this info out, if you don't know what that is educate yourself

drunk420 ago

Webb does not monetize his YT channel. He doesn't make a dime

iamthepizzanow ago

This. Lol.

SterlingJB ago

So, just wondering, y'all know George is some sort of intelligence agent, right? I'm guessing so since he admitted he was brownstoned with a 50 shades of gray by some porn star. (I don't know about you, but that doesn't really seem like that great of blackmail--I know he was married at the time, but still. I'd put that up on my FB wall) What about his brother David, who's linkedin account says he's NSA? Did you know he filed a lawsuit for wrongful termination against the US Military? Apparently the commander was hiring inexperienced workers from his church group and fudging the numbers. But guess what program he was fired from: STRICOM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Simulation_and_Training_Technology_Center. So his bro worked for a military program that specialized in simulation. Court Docs: https://cryptome.org/jya/dgsfiles.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20170212231715/ Linkedin profile: http://www.slideshare.net/dgsweigert/cv-of-dave-sweigert-cisa-cissp-hcispp-pmp-sec So we got two intelligence agency bros: one is NSA and worked for a program in the military dedicated to simulation, the other, George, Mr computer salesman who also apparently is a card caring, "brownstoned" agent of some agency (who apparently knew Assange at some point too), churning out videos that are supposedly generated through organic crowd sourced research despite the majority of those commenting on his YT channel linking to conspiracy sites and the like (edit: actually most of the comments right now are from women talking about how sexy his voice is and r now giddy about him showing his face on screen-- nothing wrong with a little attention from the fairer sex tho) . All I'm saying, and the bros might really have great intentions, is that—with the lo-tech presentation, his phone cutting out while he's filming yet still somehow loads to YT (cliffhanger!), the guest appearances of KSI sniper and Peter Thiel, and now with all the Nazi speculation—the owls just might not be what they seem here.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya and if you look at his LinkedIn profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gwebb)) he's had a shit ton of jobs, a lot of jobs, and it seems as though he is in the data collection/prediction business. Maybe he moves around so many businesses because he is collecting info on them, just a thought...

unbiased_researcher ago

Thank you for your input. I am fond of George as he seems to have good intentions, but I am not naive to think he doesn't have his own agenda. He has said a few eyebrow-raising things like being a Zionist, excluding Israel from his research because he is pro-Israel, and that he likes Obama. Do you have any theories as to who he may be working with / what his agenda is?

SterlingJB ago

The Zionist thing and the Obama thing doesn't really bother me. 1: I don't think he thinks O is child molester, just that he's a CIA "Hamilton Baby". What he doesn't seem to like to admit or believes in is that child abuse is an essential part of elite culture since it's a form of programming, programming that might both increase intelligence while also keeping him on a leash and providing a heft dose of apathy for the purposes of destroying countries and lying all the fucking time. But, within the paradigm of lesser of two evil politics, i can see why he would say he likes Obama. I voted for him once (McCain's no cupcake either). 2: the zionist thing-- I got the impression that it was more of an "I think they have a right to be there, or at least stay there now that they're there again, but that they are safe enough so stop pushing the boarder" type argument. I'm pretty sure his family has Jewish roots as well. For me though, my eyebrow raises at where his Dyncorp narrative is going since he's in the area of historical conspiracy now, ditching his "real news" sources approach, which, true or not, is mostly based in speculation. But, if you're looking for him to take on the Zionist cabal (I love jewish culture BTW, but all religions have a dark side, and the the Hebrew's dark side is just a lot older than others) maybe this route is actually intended to lead to Israel since the the story of Adolf and the Nazis leads to the Rothchilds. One of the biggest defenses against the cabal is the word antisemitism (again, lots a jews are cool as shit and have nothing to do it with or don't realize the contribution by means of compartmentalization--a lot like every other religion's relationship to their shadow), so this might be a tactical approach to getting around the trap of antisemitism. Anyway, I know nothing. Just surprised that no one else has been talking about this.
Edit: sorry that was long winded. Here's my two theories: 1-- He really is trying to get off the shit list so he and his brother, both very smart people, figured out a way to get around the non disclosure agreements. 2-- This is the NSA getting the CIA back for Snowden. Or maybe it's a mix from column A and column B, which would explain how he's able to this without his whole family getting taken out.

Celticgirlonamission ago

History always has a way of repeating its self...considering how dumbed down most people are and lack of historical knowledge of WW2, I can see how they could play this complete scenario could be played out again.

unbiased_researcher ago

Yeah I think you are right about the Israel and Obama comments. I'm new to this whole thing- pizzagate woke me up- so I don't have much historical context. Just following the logic and trying to weed through fact from fiction. He definitely jumped aboard around the time pizzagate started getting big / or maybe once Trump won. Besides him still being alive, why did google ban his original videos and then suddenly back off? We could have a whole thread just talking about George!

SterlingJB ago

Read some John Allegro sometime if you want some quasi-real (best I've found though) context. As it has to do with YT. I'm having a trouble believing G about some of his YT travails, mainly because there's been some production/narrative continuity errors. I've worked as a script supervisor before for some no budget indy flicks (I have a snowflake film degree for what it's worth), and write myself, so continuity errors stick out for me. The whole phone cutting out with the "clever virus" thing but still posting a 1 minute video anyway, just didn't make sense other than as a narrative technique to build tension.

TheHolyGrail ago

Maddie McCann is multiple clones. Deal with it.

jangles ago

TheHolyGrail ago

Oh for Christ sake.

ArthurEdens ago

Wow, that nazi eye marker thing

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

They write these marked are actually a different race via an rh- blood type along with different DNA.

Dressage2 ago

We cant look into this! Please tell George, it is not allowed to be discussed in this forum. The mods will take you out at the knees you try to do this! This will probably be deleted before I even finish typing this and giving you an upvoat! Hmmm, they must be on break as it is still here! They would definitely tell you this is not Pizzagate!

allconnected ago

madeline is tied to PG through podesta philes. maybe we can dig on this that way.

Dressage2 ago

Good point. They have no problem talking about McCann, but it is Coloboma and Pax2/3, etc., that they shut down which is ridiculous.

TruthTrumps ago

Why do you say that? I just did a search here and came up with these threads.


Dressage2 ago

Do a search in the deleted section, if that is possible. I cannot even list all of the ones that were deleted. Seriously, they must be at church or on break because this stuff gets deleted. Start here and you will find more. Pizzagate #1595832

jangles ago

The proteins produced in people with retinal coloboma along with other regulatory proteins and peptides are good for medicine, preventing ocular degeneration, genetic engineering, cloning and organ trafficking. For instance cross-talk between p53 and Pax2 provides a transcriptional platform that promotes nephrogenesis, thus contributing to nephron endowment. More science on another thread, here

samhara ago

I noticed a lot of material is coming through tonight without moderation.