Votescam ago

The majority of Americans support CHOICE and birth control --

And they support Planned Parenthood and government funding of it. Numbers are probably even higher today.

In fact, even Catholics support abortion, birth control, and the numbers are very high -- 74% and more -- at times higher. When Latinos/Latina Catholics are added in the numbers are even higher -- !! -- and all the way specifically to CHOICE for any reason whatsever -- at about 51%.

Catholic women have abortions at the same rate as any other women -- and this is true internationally not only in the US -- this is true in Ireland, in the UK, wherever women have gained the right to abortion. Irish women go to the UK to have abortions.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Actually, the majority of Americans don't support abortion, at least not the abortion on demand at any point like the left would like to have it.

Slavery use to be legal at one time, did that ever make it morally right to have a slave? NO!

Votescam ago

Where is your evidence of that?

True about slavery -- and also true about oppression of females.


Votescam ago

White House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake, Cites Planned Parenthood

Also --

The Producer Of The Planned Parenthood Videos Admits That They Are A Fraud

sore_ass_losers ago

That first link doesn't prove much of anything; it says the White House asked PP if the videos are true or fake and they said they were fake.

Second link (which you've posted here twice so far) cites two frauds; the first very specific, showing a stillborn fetus instead of an aborted one:

'”Carly Fiorina was referencing a sequence in our video that shows footage of a born-alive infant from a late-term abortion actually moving in the specimen pan,” he explained.

“But if you’re talking about organ harvesting and abortions and how terrible they are why would you use a stillborn fetus, which is not a function of an abortion?” Cuomo asked.

“It’s the same baby, whether it’s born dead or alive, whether the organs are harvested or not,” Daleiden replied.

“It’s also completely irrelevant to the point you’re trying to make, which is, ‘Look at what they do to these babies,'” the CNN host pressed. “It was born stillborn. It was not aborted. Doesn’t that matter to you if you’re talking about abortion?”

“It’s the same kind of fetus,” Daleiden continued to insist.

“My point is context,” Cuomo shot back. “You’re saying, ‘what they do in abortions,’ that wasn’t an abortion. That’s my point.”'

Second point, claims the video was edited fraudulently:

'For Republicans, letting Daleiden speak meant the truth might slip out. Daleiden might admit that in the 43 edits he took quotes out of context and falsely attributed quotes to Planned Parenthood employees. He might remind people that the “full version” of the video is just a less edited version.'

Votescam ago

Give it a rest.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Give it a rest" you are a fucking asshole. I am quoting material from your links.

sore_ass_losers ago

You give it a rest. "White House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake, Cites Planned Parenthood" sounds like a headline from The Onion.

Votescam ago

Find something else to do -- something other than defending fake videos by extremists affiliated with Operation Rescue which has pushed their followers to murder doctors at women's clinics. "If you believe it's murder, act like it." And some of their deranged religious fanatics have done just that.

sore_ass_losers ago

The issue we are discussing is organ trafficking at PP, not abortions and Operation Rescue.

Here's a story from January this year discussing the results of House and Senate investigations, which didn't rely on the undercover CMP video.

"According to the Senate Judicial Committee report, in 2001 Planned Parenthood did have a policy stating its clinics had to have an independent accountant verify they were not profiting from the sale of body parts. Those who did not follow these guidelines could be thrown out of the Planned Parenthood network, they were warned. In 2011, when they found their clinics were ignoring the guidelines, Planned Parenthood quietly deleted the guidelines from its requirements. By doing so, Planned Parenthood headquarters made it quite clear they would not stand in the way of their clinics profiting from the sale of baby parts."

Votescam ago

If PP is in any way dealing in trafficking body parts (aside from fetal tissue donated by patients which was made legal by the GOP Congress) then there should be an "impartial investigation" by our DOJ and the evidence presented to the public.

We are now in a situation where we have a GOP absolutely opposed to birth control and abortion in a full on attack to limit gynecological health care for women, including birth control, abortion and PAP smears and breast exams. That's not going to work.

Neither is anything based on the faked videos going to work.

The Congress ALLOWED the clinics to charge "reasonable fees." I believe experts have made clear that what they charged has barely covered their expenses in preserving the fetal tissues, transporting it, etal.

Don't know what the situation is with the organizing documents of PP, but essentially it is a non-profit organization. It can't go both ways -- and consideration of that has to be in Congress' hands. If they don't like the change, they should act on it. Still -- what will be "reasonable" fees as opposed to other clinics making actual "profits." That's another question to be asked of Congress.

The nation supports Roe vs Wade and they do so by very high numbers mid-70's and mid-80's -- Though simply CHOICE -- abortion for any reason whatsoever -- has only a simple majority of 51%, though expected to rise. This is a liberal nation in its outlook and as we can see from the Sanders' campaign.

The US public also supports funding for Planned Parenthood.

What will also happen here, imo, is that the Catholic Church will falter even more extremely if this abortion issue continues to be pushed, especially as it has been in the past to murder of doctors. There is a very strong connection of religious fanatics to this issue. And, yet, we see that Catholic women have just as many abortions as any other women -- that has to be understood. And when Latinos/Latinas are added in -- the support for abortion services are even higher.

We are here right now discussing Pizzagate -- and there is no event of organized sexual abuse of children that has taken place in the past or relatively recently where the "church" is not involved.

Especially the Satanic elements where it is organized patriarchal religion (male-supremacist religion) which introduced Satan/Devil and Heaven and Hell into their religion. Organized patriarchal religion also underpins patriarchy. ** One cannot exist without the other.** Support for organized religion is falling all over the world which makes clear that unless protected by the sword, the cross will fall.

PP is under constant surveillance by the Congress -- long has been as the GOP has been very anxious to cut and destroy it's Federal funding. If something has been found, let Congress present the evidence.

sore_ass_losers ago

'there is no event of organized sexual abuse of children that has taken place in the past or relatively recently where the "church" is not involved'

Complete bullshit.

"If something has been found, let Congress present the evidence."

They did, see the Breitbart article I posted above, which has links to the reports, which you completely ignored.

"anything based on the faked videos"

I posted the results of an independent Congressional investigation. You ignore that completely and rave on about the 'fake' video.

I looked for an "abortion" subverse on voat for your rants; how about "v/whatever".

Votescam ago

Re both of your replies -- If you are not an anti-abortion fanatic, then my apologies. However, that is where the attacks on Planned Parenthood generally rise - with the right wing. The GOP Congress has been trying to defund PP since long before the faked video. They have no credibility because of their attempts to overturn Roe vs Wade and certainly aren't impartial by any means in regard to PP. So -- Congressional investigation is meaningless. Just as Warren Report was. Independent Congressional investigation? You're daydreaming.

Now -- again -- IF Planned Parenthood is doing something they shouldn't be doing, then let the states investigate and report that information to the public/DOJ so that it can be seen and judged. And I'm not talking about more faked videos.

Fortunately, Americans are leaving organized patriarchal religion and RCC in droves and this has been going on over 40 and more years. And it's happening all over the world. The history of the church is being re-examined and put out there for the public to read and decide for themselves. And, whether Belgium, or Canada, or Ireland -- or any other place where the RCC has been been involved worldwide -- there are scandals old and new having to do with children, profiting from institutionalizing children, and from selling of children. There's information on this all over the internet - Also see recent movies on RCC: "Magdalene Laundries" and "Philomena" from which you can get a glimmer of what has been happening. If you recall the very beginnings of this nation - genocide vs Native Americans -- you will note the involvement of RCC in "Church schools" set up by our government and the kidnappings and abuse of children and murdering of children in those schools. (Mormon church was also involved)

"When they came we had the land and they had the book. When they left we had the book and they had the land."

Obviously as far as the history of organized patriarchal religion, the Old Testament was written to cement patriarchy. All male-supremacist religions underpin patriarchy. This is what the figure "Jesus" was voicing in part -- the lies of the Old Testament.

Votescam ago

The Producer Of The Planned Parenthood Videos Admits That They Are A Fraud

Blowing up the Republican Party’s scheme to destroy Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden admitted that his videos are a fraud during an interview on CNN.

The admission came when Daleiden was questioned by Chris Cuomo about Carly Fiorina’s numerous deceptive comments about Planned Parenthood, during CNN’s Republican Candidates Debate. Courtesy of Raw Story:

cakeoflightylight ago

Watch the George Webb videos, he goes into the price of each part.

Votescam ago

Somewhere in the debunking videos you'll find that it isn't even a Planned Parenthood clinic where that scene is happening. It wasn't a Planned Parenthood clinic, but I don't think they said which other private abortion clinic it was. But, it was proven it wasn't Planned Parenthood.

That is exactly what is seen throughout the fake video -- just as was seen in the ACORN video -- a video where anti-abortion fanatics edited video to say what they wanted the victims of this scam to say.

It's really sad that people are so gullible and the media, of course, never bothered to tell the public that the GOP Congress had approved the donation process -- along with "reasonable fees." The scammers got a lot of help with their lies.

But -- this is the way that fascists rise -- by lying propaganda. Anyone who knows history knows that.

Edited to add:

Even if you refuse to believe that federal dollars don’t fund abortions (they don’t) or that women will lose out on vitally important preventive health care, including cancer, HIV, and pregnancy screenings, if Planned Parenthood shuts down, there is simply no evidence that the group actually does what the CMP videos allege. And there is even less (let’s be generous and call it zero) evidence that Planned Parenthood does what Fiorina alleges. In the absence of evidence, making it up isn’t enough. And when the fabricated evidence doesn’t show what you want it to show, you don’t get to keep saying that it does.

Despite the fact that it is obvious and proven that the videos by this guy are faked, still many will believe it. Fortunately, this is a liberal nation and even Catholics support CHOICE. The numbers supporting birth control and abortion are very high -- even simple CHOICE is over 50%. That's abortion for any reason. And, those numbers on Catholics includes Latinos/Latinas are even higher in support of abortion/birth control.

Very clearly when you look at the violence, you know which side is the side not to support. Many of the protestors at women's clinics were hired at Methadone clinics and paid. The nation -- men and women -- support the right to abortion and simple CHOICE.

NATURE is pro-choice having supplied the plants which permitted women to control reproduction. All of those plants -- our drugs -- were destroyed by Elite Patriarchy. Even the knowledge of them was destroyed (almost wholly) in the "Witch Hunts."

Some knowledge of these plants still exist -- in the South Sea Island they still use Papaya to interrupt conception. RU-486 is also based in some original plant information which causes the egg NOT to adhere to the womb lining.

Not only did these plants provide these natural ways to control reproduction, they were also our medicines. Most of the information about plants/drugs -- which are still the models for our drugs today -- has been destroyed. All of this information came under control of Elites/Rockefellers for their private profit. Unfortunately, all of today's medicines have immense side effects, unlike the original plants. Many of the plants were destroyed before even anyone knew what they could do.

Cr1xus ago

What about all the satanic demon babies from there blood orgys -is it OK for the Clintons to rape them?

cakeoflightylight ago

I saw that one last year - they're republishing this stuff periodically under different places. It's true that they are pushing that agenda. I'm just waiting for it to catch on which I don't think it will, but it's interesting to watch and see who all tries to defend it. They're serious Satanists who should be investigated.

Votescam ago

If I recall that scam video correctly, the scene being shown isn't even happening at a Planned Parenthood Clinic -- it's just being made to look at though it was. There's nothing about the edited video that can be believed.

But there is an obvious obsession with this poster in attacking Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood is a Non-Profit organization which is heavily scrutinized all of the time because currently anti-abortion/GOP is in control of our government. If there was any truth to any of this, PP would immediately be shut down -- all of its clinics. That hasn't happened because the video was faked and none of the accusations from the video can be supported.

Again --

The video is a scam - a lie -- and taken from 15 hours of video which was then edited to seem to make people say things that the scammers want them to say.

Planned Parenthood is non-profit -- legally it is not permitted to charges fees that would create a profit.

Additionally, as for fetal tissue -- it is only donated at the request or approval of the patient/donor. That was approved by the GOP Congress -- Republicans Repeatedly Voted To Use Aborted Fetuses For Scientific Research

Selling body parts is ILLEGAL -- if that were found to be true -- Planned Parenthood would have been shut down as would any other business be shut down.

ILLEGAL dealing in organ trafficking is something that everyone is against.

Again -- It is illegal to sell fetal tissue. But donations are legal.
(Approved by GOP Congress, including reasonable fees to cover costs of preserving the tissue.

And, The law allows for "reasonable" fees to cover the group’s costs of donating the tissue. (Experts make clear what PP charged would likely not even cover their expenses.)

It is actually birth control and clinics which provide this assistance to females -- especially poorer families -- which is under attack. As we have always seen, control of women and their bodies has always been a political issue. Let's not go back to the "witch hunts."

cakeoflightylight ago

I feel sorry for you because you're extremely brainwashed. I'd guess with no reservation you're a paid troll.

IPleadThe2nd ago

It's sad that the pro kill the baby types crawl out of the gutter to post their biased nonsense trying to justify something that is so unjust!

cakeoflightylight ago

They're paid shills. I know literally ZERO pro-abortion folks who have been investigating this topic at all. Interesting they're suddenly here.

umpteenth ago

Where does the footage come from? Do you know?

Votescam ago

And there is also this --

The Producer Of The Planned Parenthood Videos Admits That They Are A Fraud

**Blowing up the Republican Party’s scheme to destroy Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden admitted that his videos are a fraud during an interview on CNN.

The admission came when Daleiden was questioned by Chris Cuomo about Carly Fiorina’s numerous deceptive comments about Planned Parenthood, during CNN’s Republican Candidates Debate. Courtesy of Raw Story: **

cakeoflightylight ago

He's never admitted it's a fraud. I know the editor of Raw Story personally and he's a liberal hack who will literally say anything.

Votescam ago

He not only admitted it -- he has a history of it --

For Republicans, Daleiden was the perfect choice to produce and doctor the video attack on Planned Parenthood. He has ties to Operation Rescue. Interestingly, Planned Parenthood was awarded an $880,000 judgment in 1999 because of Operation Rescue’s harassment and intimidation of PP’s staff. ** **Operation Rescue is where Daleiden developed his “skills” of deception. He carried out “sting” operations to gather information on abortion providers and, at times, their patients so that Operation Rescue could harass them at their homes and workplaces or make their clinics expensive to operate.

Based on the interview with CNN, he is less competent at deception when he’s asked questions

For Republicans, letting Daleiden speak meant the truth might slip out. Daleiden might admit that in the 43 edits he took quotes out of context and falsely attributed quotes to Planned Parenthood employees. He might remind people that the “full version” of the video is just a less edited version.

Daleiden’s organization Center for Medical Progress is part of a network of anti-choice groups.

Let me also remind you this is a fake Medical company he created.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Stop spamming, I have reported you for posting the same shit! You might find more cheerleaders for killing babies someplace else!

Votescam ago

Actually I've reported you for anti-abortion spamming here. Get back to discussing the subject which is pizzagate -- not abortion nor fake videos.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Nice try, I didn't start the thread!

cakeoflightylight ago

Anti choice is my point of view. I've watched the videos, and you're missing the point because you obviously are a Planned Parenthood sympathizer or a paid disinfo shill. Nobody who is against murdering babies agrees with you. If you think editing is the reason they said they wanted to make arrangements on price, you're stupid.

Votescam ago

The majority of Americans support CHOICE and birth control -- are they all trolls? ROFL

And they support Planned Parenthood and government funding of it. Numbers are probably even higher today.

In fact, even Catholics support abortion, birth control, and the numbers are very high -- 74% and more -- at times higher. When Latinos/Latina Catholics are added in the numbers are even higher -- !!

-- and all the way specifically to CHOICE for any reason -- at about 51%.

Are they also "paid disinfo shills"?

It is the right wing which has to pay trolls and disinfo shills -- See: Brock and Correct the Record spending $40 million now on sending trolls and disinfo shills onto the internet?

And, that's after the right wing fascists have already worked for decades and centuries to control a free press here. See: Operation Mockingbird - scroll down to "History"

Catholic women have as many abortions as any other women -- and this is true around the world! Are they all shills and trolls?

investigatethepizza ago


NakatomiBaby ago

Its shit like this that has changed my viewpoint of being pro abortion.

waxdino ago

I'm still pro-choice because no good comes from forcing a woman to go through a pregnancy and have a baby she doesn't want. And history shows that making abortion illegal doesn't stop it, it just makes it unsafe.
The problem is that PP somehow became the gatekeeper of abortions, and they are a fucked up organization. I've changed my viewpoint on them over the years.
As unhappy an event as it is, abortion is a fact of life. It is as old as humankind, and no law or opinion will ever stop it. It just needs to be pried from organizations that want to turn it into a profit and an experiment.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Agreed, as a woman having a choice is important. However, our tax dollars should not go towards PP who in turn offers abortions and sells the unborn fetus' to stem cell companies.

NakatomiBaby ago

I feel you, I really do...I am still for legal abortion in this country because it isn't my right to tell anyone what they can or cannot put or take out of their bodies...but my personal views have changed with this PP bs and watching the actual moment of conception vids ( the burst of light is pretty cool.) I terminated a pregnancy about 15 years ago and it messed me up for a few years. It's not and never will be something I am proud of. I have a little girl and understand that things can happen and for her I will always, from a legal stand point, be pro choice. Personally, though, a baby is life from the moment it is conceived. Period. And abortion regardless of the reasons is ending a life.

4warned ago

If our culture could start encouraging adoption, and supporting pregnant women, abortions could stop. This thinking...' abortion is the only answer' is hopeless. Abortion is murder. Period

unrealisthenewreal ago

Not if being pregnant endangers the life of the mother...

4warned ago

Aborting the baby is not necessary to save the mother's life. Medicine has advanced so that BOTH the mother's life and baby's life can be saved. As in all medical emergencies, there are risks, but to purposefully kill the baby is not necessary. Please read this.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Fair enough. I just personally believe that I have no right to dictate to others on matters that pertain to their own body. I have a genetic disorder that makes me VERY prone to deadly blood clots if pregnant. There are shots that will neutralize the blood clots, allowing me to have a normal pregnancy, however without insurance those shots over a nine month period add up to about $10k. So, I can understand how it can be a very stressful decision.

4warned ago

I hope and pray that should you become pregnant, all will be well. Both physically, and financially. God bless.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Abortion already is incredibly unsafe. If the left really cared about women then they would strengthen regulation for abortion clinics and prevent the injuries and deaths that women suffer constantly. Let's not get started on all of the baby females they kill, but just looking at their safety record should be enough to wake people up to how unsafe the practice is. Just make your choice BEFORE you become pregnant and then you won't be "forced" to have a kid you don't want or undergo a risky abortion.

cakeoflightylight ago

That's like saying you're Pro-Hillary because no good will come from forcing Haiti not to have thousands of children murdered. We're not talking about anything other than murder with abortion, you do realize that?

waxdino ago

Nope. Really can't compare abortion rights to Hillary's corruption. Wtf.
Look, we could go back and forth all day, and I've heard them all. I was expecting the, "Theft happens whether or not it's illegal, does that mean we shouldn't have laws..."
Not trying to argue or change minds. Just stating a different viewpoint, because pizzagate really needs to be about those who are ok with baby fucking vs those who aren't. All other differences can be put aside. So I like to throw my lefty views in there sometimes so people stop associating wanting to stop pedocracy with conservatives and the right wing.

allconnected ago

This is and has always been one of the Goals of PP. Organ trafficking, sex trafficking, experiments etc all in a days work. All the information on PP needs to be pulled together in a visual board. it might be a way to wake people up

roundhouse1776 ago

Yep. PP is a for-profit abortion factory. They work like salesmen, selling abortions because each clinic is pressured to meet monthly quotas. Thus why something like 92% of women who walk into PP end up having one. A common misconception is that they provide prenatal care and help pregnant women make the right choice. They don't do either of these things. Their one and only goal is to perform as many abortions as possible.

sore_ass_losers ago

Isn't it strange that the left doesn't care about illegal organ trafficking at PP? And you wonder how this all ties in with adult/child organ trafficking.

investigatethepizza ago

They say "It's for stem cell research" .. they have a million excuses and 0 soul.

roundhouse1776 ago

The truth is PP has no idea where those aborted babies were going, all they care about is the money. Some of kidney cells of aborted babies were going into Pepsi and other products. I wish I were joking :(

investigatethepizza ago


investigatethepizza ago


This is why people who use Snopes for anything are useless sometimes. NAH BRUH, SNOPES SAID THATS NOT TRUE. . .

uhg, thanks for the links though........sorry for freaking out but I'm freaked out.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yep it's absolutely disgusting. They tried taking the first step to normalizing cannabalism.

investigatethepizza ago

jesus christ so fucking gross and its making me sick because I eat kraft macaroni like god what the hell WHAT ELSE DONT WE KNOW ABOUT RIGHT NOW?! I might buy seeds to start a garden tbh government scares me, corporation scares me

roundhouse1776 ago

One of those linked articles has a list of products it was in. I'm pretty sure the only Kraft products were chewing gum and other stuff, not macaroni.

cakeoflightylight ago

It doesn't matter what it's for. It's already illegal to sell the parts and they don't care.

FriesischShipping ago

My research has led me to discover that a lot of these foundations that pedophiles start put tens of millions into stem cell research and life extension. They know where they're going when this is over and they're trying to keep the party going as long as possible.

investigatethepizza ago

Has there been a post on here about that? Would you remember these foundations? If we can link pizzagate with this, that would be huge.

Honestly, if this only results in a small amount of arrests then I feel like we've done nothing. This is HUGE - is planned parenthood is involved as well, it needs to crumble down with it.

investigatethepizza ago

" a quest for sex with virgin teenaged girls from the Philippines to Vietnam" as much as I want to do everything to help, sometimes coming here just defeats everything in me.

FriesischShipping ago

That's alright for now. You eventually start to realize that the whacky stuff gets reported as a cover for the McDonalds franchise $$$ blackmail operation. I have uncovered evidence that this dude was running a brownstone for all the Pacific Rim countries in Saipan the same style as Epstein at little st James island (sex slave island). Then things started to catch up with him and he had to vanish himself (Plane Crash - No Body). He was a statesman there to and pushed to change inheritance laws right before he "died" so that illegitimate children could inherit from deceased parents. Right after he died children and mothers came immediately forward with high power lawyers and demanded his's a long story for another time. I say focus on the DC child sex blackmail/pervert pedophile ring because it seemingly encapsulates the entire city and if you can get that one to fall we can work our way out from there.

investigatethepizza ago

The problem is pizzagate keeps it small. It's good and it's bad. It's good how many people are adamant about's good that we're going to prove that this happens in the US, it's all good - but the bad is it's just so much it can't ever be beat and it's not enough for just's just everywhere..the web of this gets way too huge..then it links to other peoples webs in other countries of their own version of it's a sick mindset that the world rulers have and I don't know how it can actually be stopped. I don't get why that can't just go live on their own freaking continent, power hungry has to be a mental illness. I'm not trying to be a downer. It just gets me depressed..I would love to post the huge theory about all of this, but at the same time going balls to the wall makes the community look bad or thats the type of story the media will cherry pick and use as their argument of why this is all shit when it isn't. I'm just trying to power through the negative mindset but it gets to me after a couple hours of doing this. I thought I had a really big lead...internet results bring me almost NOTHING...which makes me feel it is a big lead.....but IDK I'm just me. I can't investigate people, I only have the tools I have you know.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Guarantee you PP is involved. Just a brief look into its founder, Margaret Sanger, should tell you all you need to know. (Btw, I wonder who she knew/what her 6 degrees are...)

investigatethepizza ago

What the f*** did I just read. It's one thing to speculate, but then actually seeing it all laid rare. While my crazy mind wants to go into how elites are using parts, organs, blood - for their super race and wanting the live births for perverted reasons and doesn't seem so crazy.

sore_ass_losers ago

Right after the organ trafficking at PP came out, people around here started wearing "I Stand With PP" t-shirts. Sick.

cakeoflightylight ago

I attended an anti-abortion protest on Friday. I'm an Abolitionist. My friends go out nearly every single morning holding up signs protesting abortion all across the whole city / area and for the first time there are dumbass butthurt liberals out there every morning standing near them with stupid signs to distract people from our signs, but their signs were "honk for Spongebob" and "free the pokemon." This woman was laughing and mocking many of the things we say. To these people it's a joke to be pro-life or anti-abortion, and babies aren't human beings. I asked her when she thinks a baby should have human rights and she said when they take their first breath of fresh air. She thinks that there is no excuse for being pro-life because women need abortions to save their lives, but she couldn't go along with the argument that you don't have to rip a baby limb from limb in order to deliver it if necessary to save a woman's life. I have already had this debate with my OB and he agreed with me, he couldn't think of any reason why ripping the baby apart would be theoretically required to deliver it either and he is theoretically pro-choice. Sadly as we know, the abortionists will not stop with the murders of babies when they are born alive from induced labor or other types of intact baby birth abortions. Look up the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. The move away from early dismemberment abortions and towards intact baby birth induced labor abortions is not really to comply with any kind of Partial Birth Abortion ban, it's to get the baby out intact so it can be sent to the organ harvesters intact and bring more money. Why else would there be images of completely full term dead babies in a trash bag going back decades? Why else would they not dispose of them in an incinerator? Why else would Stem Express be seen in those undercover videos harvesting a 10 week baby and saying they got plenty from it? We have Pepsi using aborted babies in flavor enhancers from that company Senomyx, we have vaccines made out of aborted babies. When I was researching vaccines I found out it took more than 100 late term aborted babies to harvest the liver they wanted for the measles vaccine. The babies are alive when harvested. They've been harvesting collagen from aborted babies for a very long time.

A friend of mine had an abortion a couple of years ago and she wanted to schedule it the second she found out she was pregnant. They made her wait until she was 8-10 weeks for some reason. I believe the reason was so the baby would be better developed and worth more for sale.

Here is a video of a 7-8 week baby wiggling around as it slowly dies after an abortion. It was delivered completely intact.

Side note - many things about the medical industry can likely be linked somehow to organ trafficking. Foreskins are also sold from circumcision, and they're used in face cream. I once had a lady put something on my face during a spa treatment and I asked what it was and she said it had processed skin cells. I asked from what and she said fetuses. I was disgusted and almost threw up while I was crying washing that off my face. I was so mad.

IPleadThe2nd ago

God bless you and your friends for standing up for innocent victims!!!

cakeoflightylight ago

Thank you. When will this all end?

IPleadThe2nd ago

I don't know but I hope soon!

cakeoflightylight ago

me too. By the way I like your username

IPleadThe2nd ago

Thank you! I like seeing your comments! Keep it up!

investigatethepizza ago

WTF, it's so strange to immediately protect it and deny the implications..well it's like pizza-gate. This is what investigative researchers/journalists should do, it can't be proven or mis-proven. Who cares - it involves children and involves a network that's hidden from the public, using our money to fund it. Our media protects the most outrageous things, this is why I don't watch the news - since Operation Mockingbird it's just propaganda. It's easier to read what's going on and decide the truth and keep investigating.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Just Evil!