findingaway ago

Found him in Hillary Clinton Email Archive: Reginald Boulos, a business leader and former senator for the region, acknowledged the shortcomings but said the thousands of jobs will stimulate the area's economy, allowing parents to send their children to school.

pipo44 ago

Seems like Reginald Boulos is just a corrupt politic with many influences. The real deal here is the ex haitian president Michel Joseph Martelly, Clinton's puppet. Now we know that top politicians are in control by The Clintons.

Center of Economic and Politic Research - Clinton E-Mails Point to US Intervention in 2010 Haiti Elections

Related to the email 25033, this is not by chance the factory that Monica Petersen was investigating?

The biggest international project aimed at helping Haiti rebound from the 2010 earthquake. Those involved hope the South Korean garment manufacturer Sae-A Trading Co. Ltd. will set an example and urge other foreign businesses to invest in Haiti, a country long ignored by outsiders because of its cumbersome laws, heaps of red tape and occasional political tumult. "Investors still do not believe or understand the value and potential of Haiti as we do," Kim Woong-ki

Breitbart - REPORT: Clinton Foundation Donor Lands Taxpayer-Funded Factory in Haiti, Invests in Top Clinton Aide’s Company

Seems like it is. I've found this thread on voat which confirms.

Tony Rodham, Morne Bossa Mine and Caracol Industrial Complex - submitted 2 months ago by OtisFirefly

Screenshot - Wikileaks The Global Intelligence Files - [latam] LATAM - CentAm - Caribe Brief

Wikileaks The Global Intelligence Files - [latam] LATAM - CentAm - Caribe Brief

Screeshot - Wikileaks The Global Intelligence Files - CENTAM/CARIBE - 100921

Wikileaks The Global Intelligence Files - CENTAM/CARIBE - 100921

pipo44 ago

No, I haven't if you can share the link i'd appreciate. We are talking about the same person, Right? PaulDeGreat

pipo44 ago

Could you show a source link?

Jem777 ago

Saw the proof of life video! What is the best way to help him? In this video it was the first time I had heard him realize that all of this is a continuation of the original CIA under DR . Mengele from Operation Paperclip. It is this is important to understand is the drive to create genetic elite exists as well as a spirititual component & commitment to occult, Thelma, Crowley, or straight out Luceferian. They believe this, justify their own behavior in this way.

pipo44 ago

I think the best way to help him is arguing and expose his research and provide further data.