apparatchik1488 ago

So a Korean factory company hired/supported by clinton had workers rights problems in Haiti? Ok, not really surprising. Am I missing something?

OtisFirefly ago

In Guatemala they used intimidation, violence, arrest of Union organizers. There is reports of sexual assaults in multiple locations including Haiti. This is human exploitation worldwide by a single entity which got its roots in Caracol solely due to connections via the Clinton Foundation. This is a place to look for slavery and where you can find that and human rights violations/exploitation you will likely again find human trafficking. This post was an effort to make use of FBI Anon's advice to focus on wrong doing by the Clinton Foundation rather than just the emails.

2impendingdoom ago

Was Rodham's mining contract before or after the earthquake?

OtisFirefly ago

Post earthquake but the Clinton Foundation and likely Tony had interest well before the earthquake. Mind you the mining was more a continuing of operations that have been suspended various times. I believe this project would have gone forward regardless if Haiti had been spared the earthquake.

2impendingdoom ago

This may sound totally out there but could the mining have intentionally caused the earthquake to destabilize the region? Fraking is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma and Ohio so its potentially feasible.

OtisFirefly ago

I can't rule it out completely but given the size and scale of the earthquake relative to the scale of mining operations in a 2nd world country I would have to say it is unlikely. Fracking involves injection of materials as well as removal and even widespread fracking is usually associated with much smaller quakes. There are similar projects (mostly speculation based on odd events) that are more feasible for destabilization. Look up thunderstorm asthma and associated respiratory infections in Australia.

2impendingdoom ago

i know it is a reach, but clinton's have been poking around in Haiti for a long time, with them it seems anything is possible. I will look up thunderstom asthma.

derram ago :

Earthquake Relief Where Haiti Wasn’t Broken - The New York Times :

Role of Hillary Clinton’s brother in Haiti gold mine raises eyebrows - The Washington Post :

Hillary Clinton Has a Family Problem—and It’s Not Bill | Mother Jones :

The fight against child sex trafficking in Cambodia is far from over - The Washington Post

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