wsl23 ago

This is important info. I will spread this around on my other social media sites.

madhatter67 ago

She doesn't even know who the president is ffs!!

madhatter67 ago

Which answering myself only suggests she is deeper in the game and more protected

Madharleyman ago

Homepage of Goat Hill Pizza: Goat Hill Pizza And what do you find on the front? A little girl shoving a phallic looking piece of something into a wide open mouth. And at the top row of pictures a little boy holding a large slice of pizza in front of his mouth. SMH! Compare that to Domino's pizza that is littered with food products and coupons.

Horus_Krishna ago

goat? pizza? Pelosi? yeah somethings up there.

Kwijibo ago

It has been discussed here weeks ago.

cantsleepawink ago

The problem with Pelosi is that she hides her nefarious businesses well. She's the fourth richest Californian politician in Congress apparently. This is largely through real estate in Southern California that she owns with her husband, Paul Pelosi (who keeps a very low profile). Included in their portfolio is a vineyard and Russell Ranch. I've slowly been coming to the conclusion that she's quite happy to have illegal immigrants working on her land. She has a reputation for paying poorly or not at all.

As Investor’s Business Daily reports, the winner of the 2003 César Chávez Legacy Award from the United Farm Workers does not herself employ unionized workers.

Paul Pelosi, husband of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, will reportedly make millions of dollars from a previously undisclosed real estate venture in Mrs. Pelosi’s home state of California. Mr. Pelosi is a real estate developer and an investment banker and entered into this project with the father of the current Ambassador to Hungary, as reported by The Washington Times earlier this week. Mrs. Pelosi helped the ambassador secure her the post.

Apparently, she's also a Freemason (Podesta is also on this list):

LostandFound ago

This has been discussed many times, the problem here is that no one has been able to prove outside of a few potential links that she has anything to do with that. I believe that she is, she probably cant remember at this stage, but no one has provided proof unfortunately. So the threads come and then go again.

virtuous_pedophobe ago


Information overload. A few months ago I could still keep up with everything, but there are so many new things coming out daily that I would have to quit my job to read and understand it all...

Melitica ago

Problem is that a lot of this has been covered over last 9 months but no one has tied it together, especially to source and cause. Underneath all this horror, it is covering something that involves much, much bigger corruption where Alefantis is just a flea...and podestas are wanting to get in to the real circle.

Two kids from inner city Chicago.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

If Alefantis is just a flea, he would be dead by now.

In fact, Alefantis has connections to the Clintons, the Podestas and David Brock - all three very powerful in DC. Of course it is very hard to speculate about his position in the hierarchy, but my guess is that his position is pretty high.

dogwalker ago

Good thing your not the only researcher! That's like saying more books shouldn't be written because you don't have enough time to read them all.

Mtnchan ago

way over the mods deleting everything I post here, three things in one day, why fucking bother digging if these kiddies going to play kiddie games, new rules say not deleting comments, don't have time for games. What the fucks the point, can't see in logical reason for it other than burying new leads.

This guy tags goat hill with satanic art links to this pizza outfit whose Instagram pics are full of satanic imagery Need to be looking at the link between Satanism and missing kids

Lovethelight ago

Wondering if Steemit would be a platform to post deleted threads from voat PG? Or can be posted by Corbett report members on the open source pg investigation there....

Mellowmountain ago

I might be way off here, but on the halloween pics page the last photo has a guy that looks like Alefantis to me... would be insane if it was him. Anyone else see the resemblance?

mathemagician33 ago

definitely a resemblance. I wish the photo was a bit more clear, but it certainly could be.

Mtnchan ago

Found this: Hail Pizza #satan #allhailsatan #goathillpzza

Led to this, tons of satanic pizza imagery, no pedo, just pizza and Satanism:

gangpressorliber ago

Man in Halloween pic wears 8 point star in picture. I pull the following from a David Ike site "The linear eight-point star represented... ...Ishtar (Astarte), the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer.” Sounds like a Lucifarian Christ expression.

gangpressorliber ago

Note he was handing out pizza to the kids.

witch_doctor1 ago

I don't know if it would make me happier to see HRC or NP in an orange jump suit..hopefully will test drive this question soon. But is it wrong I noticed Maw Maw (NP) has big knockers? It feels wrong.

Narcissism ago

Been thinking for sometime how terrible HRC is going to look in Orange.

madhatter67 ago

Hahaha....Fuck an orange jumpsuit...Actually make her wear an orange pantsuit in jail.....That would be such good karma

gangpressorliber ago

Halloween 2012 pic set depicts Owl aka in modern terms a Baal meme.

gangpressorliber ago

Masonic imagery.... Parmesan chesse (Pillar one) Red pepper flakes (Pillar two) Sun (eye) Pizza (coffin) Google "two pillars sun" and you will see the masonic imagery. This is hard evidence in my book. It's a pizza place you have a picture of a little child and a picture with the pizza barely in view to the side. this is sick.

madhatter67 ago

I think you may be taking the piss.....Whatever....Pelosi is one of them for sure

fogdryer ago

She launders money via goat hill And provides Reid with small kids to rape

madhatter67 ago

Just lock the senile bitch up for getting wasted on your taxpayers money already.....She will have plenty of time to consider her other crimes against humanity then

fogdryer ago

I want the incontinent bitch in gitmo!

gangpressorliber ago

note at the bottom of their page the "we heart symbol our customers. Combined with the little girls picture across the front, I say it leans towards little girls. This makes sense for Pelosi my gut tells me.

gangpressorliber ago

They have a video on their main page. It's private. Was this always private? Does anyone have a copy?


welcome to the club

zlomsocz ago

FBI anons suggested to look at pelosi for pizzadust.

AreWeSure ago

There is an actual Goat Hill area in San Francisco. It's a crazy steep hill that only billy goats can climb.

FriesischShipping ago

Excellent research, fully annotated and organized with bullet points.

AreWeSure ago

You know what other group of Satanists use a goat as their logo?

FriesischShipping ago

Except they're not implicated in a scandal and I raise goats as a hobby.

madhatter67 ago

It's fucking annoying ....They took our pizza....They are not taking our goats! Goats fucking rule

smokemirrors ago

...becuase we discussed it a ton before Christmas.

FartOnYou ago

I think this 100% proves goat hill is used for pedoing

Dressage2 ago

Yes, you will be deleted soon too bad because you clearly worked hard on your research, but it will be deleted for DUPLICATION

huhhh ago

Thanks, Goat Hill Pizza has been in my mind ever since I heard about it. You just know that's another real fucked up place. Speaking of, I made a post before about Voat and the fact there are 2 triangles in the logo and if you put them together you get a pentagram. Mascot is a baby goat too. Or a "kid"...

bFuddlez ago


2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for your post, it looks well put together, but there have been numerous posts already about Pelosi's Goat Hill pizza