huhhh ago

Do the shirts come in size 666 by chance?

wulf-focker ago

Love it much more than that stupid reddit alien.

doesitmakesound ago

Yeah, email me. I love your logo, good work.

Code_X ago

Re:T-shirts - @puttitout - you HAVE spoken to @doesitmakesound from /v/shirtwascash I assume? Not that I want to tell you how to do your job but it seemed like a logical thing to suggest? (I haven't purchase a t-shirt from there mind you....)

Oh - double thought - I am wearing the most comfortable t-shirt ever right now which made me think of it - the guys at were handing them out at a hackfest. They are made by - pretty damn fine shirts - I sleep in mine. Keeps it shape, it's print, colour. (I'm picky about t-shirts.)

_Mister_Rabbit_ ago

I dig it!

Chain_Reaction ago

But think of the nostalgia!

Roo ago

Awesome! Very cute goat!

I drew some voat goats as well and would love to assist with custom illustrations if you guys are interested :)

Atko ago

Ouch. Sorry to hear that and I hope your recovery thing will work out. I too have been doing some Java IoT stuff with MQTT all day today for this school project I'm working on... I am aware of the context button problem in combination with infinite scroll and I don't really have a solution for it yet (conceptually). Writing code is easy when you can think of a solution :) Have fun with minecraft and I hope to see you again soon :)

Atko ago

Hi Daniel, I haven't seen you since the whole voat hype thing started!

Chain_Reaction ago

Just few questions related to subverses:

Can subverse replace the VOAT alpha logo on the top corner with the goat? Also, can they modify the goat in any way?

lonelycircus ago

You can make a goat out of voat:

romo_sapien ago

Omg he's so damn cute. And material design, too.

Slug ago

Looks wonderful! It fits the design of the site perfectly, and I really like the use of the voats for it's horns and nose.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Aside from being completely awesome and everything, the voat goat is really good artwork. Perfectly fits the current logo, masterfully done!

huygenz ago

Oh, that symbolism...Conspiracists will see Illuminati and blackmagic everywhere. :P

imhereforfruits ago

It's cute, but I wish its head weren't quite so big :(

goatboy ago

We must have a donate boat to keep the voat goat afloat!

Also, if you could go ahead and integrate a crypto-currency wallet into the site, that'd be great.

Atko ago

I received an email from a developer who would like to help us integrate bitcoin into voat. I still did not get a chance to reply to his email but I'm pretty sure we will implement some sort of crypto currency at some point. Keep an eye on /v/announcements :)

Code_X ago

(@Atko - Aris and co. at would love to join forces with you along those lines btw - been meaning to chase you up on that... cruise by, send him an email or something.)

Norge ago

That's perfect!

Sticky ago

what does 'tm' on his leg stands for? trademark?

zen_of_the_pression ago

Stop by my subs and pet muh goats!

LizardBreathe ago

Super cute. Three cheers to the year of the goat!

tux ago

The goat looks great!

In terms of finding a shirt partner, encourage them to use american apparel 50/50 Tee's as the base shirt. They are magically comfortable, tapered nicely, but sightly more expensive than a tee from other brands. IMO the extra money is very worth it :)

imhereforfruits ago

most people don't like to wear american apparel shirts though, maybe make the option but you're risking making a lot of normal dudes look like homos

johnr754 ago

Nice! Good job to /u/genial!



Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

Museum of Free Speech!

rockumsockumrobots ago

Put that goat on a sexy, tight, black muscle T-shirt and I'll buy one!

swagath ago

Love it!

Trioate ago

What's its name?

Sticky ago

voat the goat, duh

FunTimes ago

I would love to own a shirt that had this cute goat on it.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

RIP whoa owl

thundar00 ago

I like this. Goats rule.

68494? ago

DominusNobilis ago

That is adorable! I would happily upvoat it but it seems I've reached my limit for the day. :(

Theleftshark ago

I got you.

DominusNobilis ago

Why thank you.

razuliserm ago

Let me help you get there.

princess_bubblegum ago

its gone

razuliserm ago

Yup ;( I'm in the US right now but as soon as I get back I'll rehost my gifs to a new host.

DominusNobilis ago

So. Many. Upvoats. IT'S FIRING UPVOATS! That. Is. Awesome.

BobbyV ago

I'll upgoat that.

frostache ago

You kidder