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Let's make a monthly or biweekly post of fringe deletes, that did get deleted, please. I have seen some good stuff get deleted, and a lot of bad stuff as well.

SpikyAube ago

That's a good idea! I'd be happy to compile that if we can decide on criteria for which posts get included. @wecanhelp

wecanhelp ago

I don't think this is a good idea. We should zoom out a bit, and see that we're trying to use one sub for everything, merely because this one has the largest audience. I understand the problem, but this is not the solution. It would consume a lot of moderator time to even just come up with and transparently discuss the criteria for such posts, let alone actually maintaining a digest like that. This post is precisely about severely limited mod resources, and I'm not sure what the solution is, but whatever it is, it's not on this sub. There's a reason for having submission rules.

redditsuckz ago

It would consume a lot of moderator time to even just come up with and transparently discuss the criteria for such posts, let alone actually maintaining a digest like that.

You have 15 moderators and you already asked all 15 of them if they would like to do this and they all replied no?

There are over 10,000 people on this sub and dont you think if you ask one of them might be willing to compile a list?

wecanhelp ago

You have 15 moderators and you already asked all 15 of them if they would like to do this and they all replied no?

No, why, which part of my "I don't think this is a good idea" suggests that my response represents that of 15 moderators? I was personally pinged to offer my opinion, which I did. If you're interested in others' input, or want to see this happen, go right ahead and put some effort into interviewing and organizing. Since I don't agree with the proposal, I don't see why you're expecting me to run errands for you to make this happen.

redditsuckz ago

I don't see why you're expecting me to run errands for you to make this happen.

"wecanhelp" is your username...O.o

We are here to help each other not hinder and as a mod all you would have to do is put a sticky up asking if someone would like to compile a list for a biweekly thread compilation of removed submissions and even sticky a thread with the removed submissions for a day or two. Now if that takes up too much of your time then ask another mod to do it.

wecanhelp ago

I'm here to help, not to wipe your ass. If you want something, you're part of the same community, go ahead and make an effort, ask some people, make a plan. There's only a single sticky allowed per subverse on Voat. We will not sticky everything that pops out of your head.

redditsuckz ago

I'm here to help

Not totally convinced of that...I noticed you and gopluckyourself logged on around the exact same time rogue mod numbchuck logged on when he caused damage to the sub by deleting important posts;

So maybe there are still a few "rogue mods" here and some deleted posts deserve attention that only you can give because you are a mod with "sticky powers".

wecanhelp ago

Oh, sweet! I always wanted to see when people log on to Voat, could you please point me to the logs of that? Oh, wait - this is not your honeypot website that I've needed to flag twice. Too bad.

Edit: That was voatsucksreally, my bad.

redditsuckz ago

As in "log on" you arrived at 8:21 pm and numbchuck is there within that minute to do damage to the sub;

this is not your honeypot website that I've needed to flag twice. Too bad.

And what website is that?...because if I had a website it would be for actual investigations of pizzagate not some drama lama bs that you encourage and let happen to v/pizzagate.

wecanhelp ago

Has it ever crossed your mind that as mods, we, y'kno, tend to be around? By "arrived", you certainly mean I was here in that very minute, along with, well, I can't say for sure but I think about... 1k+ people? Not to mention it was my interaction with numbchuck in PMs that triggered him (see his first removal with the comment "cunt", which was my post that I have since resubmitted), so, geez, is there a chance then that he and I both were online at the same time? You know who else was here at the same time? Kevdude. He was alert enough to stop numbchuck. Or, was he numbchuck? Stay tuned, kids, we'll find out in another episode of Scooby Doo.

And what website is that?

I stand corrected regarding this one. I have mistaken your username for voatsucksreally, apologies for this one, I'll make an edit in my comment claiming that the website was yours. You're nonetheless full of shit, but this was my mistake.


THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^

SpikyAube ago

Ok yes I see your point, I was getting a bit too enthusiastic there...