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BagelsHigh ago

Kill yourself.

@Crensch, kill yourself.

All mods of this sub, kill yourselves.

Fuck you, you pedo-enabling censorship-prone mods.

All of you should be fucking killed immediately, you pieces of shit.

Don't you fucking get that pizzagate is censored to hell already? You fucking pedo mods are just an extension of the MSM. You're all fucking Clinton shills. There's no goddamn reason this sub should have moderation.

Fuck you Crensch and kevdude. IRL I wouldn't hesitate to punch you to death, you pedo-enabling fucks. Fuck you. Kill yourselves.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

VictorSteinerDavion ago

IRL I wouldn't hesitate to punch you to death, you pedo-enabling fucks

eagleshigh ago

Lol. Thanks for the laugh.