diamonddust ago

Where do you hide a mannequin? In a clothes store of course. Myths are great cover for the truth.

VieBleu ago

The Pied Piper took the children from the town because the town refused to pay him for his services of clearing the rats out with his piper music.

Totally different idea - It was punishment for the town, he didn't go there to rob children.


samhara ago

Liar. Read the citations.

VieBleu ago

samhara [S] -1 points (+0|-1) 30 minutes ago Liar. Read the citations.>

It is a myth. There is no "lying."

HERE IS THE ORIGINAL MYTH, THIS IS A GRIMM'S TALE. http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/hameln.html#grimm245 EDIT -that link is weird so here it is archived https://archive.is/uKScm There are a thousand retellings of this myth, and it has to do with being denied payment so he punishes the town by stealing it's children. The origin myth has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH PEDOPHILIA. And you can't make it so with a hundred links. It just isn't and does nothing to help this investigation. Here is the sentence about how he was not paid by the townspeople "Now that the citizens had been freed of their plague, they regreted having promised so much money, and, using all kinds of excuses, they refused to pay him. Finally he went away, bitter and angry."

The red hat and all your other BULLSHIT have nothing to do to help solve the crimes of pizzagate. Start another forum dissecting Western symbolism in myth and magic which yes is fascinating but a total forum slide here.

EDIT: @Vindicator possible removal? So many of us are so tired of this forum sliding nonsense.

Nana66 ago

Georgetown University is very interested in Panda/PAN's


Check out the symptoms and tell me what it sounds like...


theseeker58 ago

This kind of sick stuff has been going on forever, I have no doubts about it. The difference now is we are civilized and have the resources to STOP it pronto! If law enforcers had any balls they would go after these people no matter who they are-politicians,teachers,lawyers,military, the neighbor etc. it is unconscionable to me that these groups operate under everybodies noses. End it Now!

redditsuckz ago

Famous Knights of Pythias



Papal Court Jew Chuck Schumer loves the Jesuit Pope more than Catholic Patrick Leahy!


The Pythian Temple looks like its all about ancient Egypt;



NEW photos inside BESTA PIZZA - They are worshiping Egyptian gods and goddesses

Image Dump of thread since slimg links broken;



So do these secret society's take their orders from the pope and the pope in turn takes his orders from Switzerland where the bloodlines of the Egyptian pharaohs reside??

pbvrocks ago

Any way to see if Marc Mezvinsky (Chelsea Clinton's husband) is tied to Alefantis thru the greek organization ties? Very interesting that Marc Mezvinsky ran a fund for "Greek recovery" and that Alefantis is greek and keeps strong ties...might be a connection?

gr8H8er ago

Because the Khazars or Knights Templar or whatever you would like to call them focus their attention on banking and finance. This story impressed on small children, the importance of paying ones debts lest you be separated from your mother and father forever. There is no greater fear. I just posted a discussion about those fucktards if ur interested. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1629362#submissionTop

samhara ago

I was thinking it was something like "He got rid of the RATS' ["rug rats"] and was paid with children.. " But your idea is good too. In Finland they scare the children with a "Yule Cat" song to make them stay tidy.. If the Yule Cats come and the children have dirty cloths on, they are eaten by the cats; so they are told by their parents. Bjork did a version. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QszJG0sYZE - Yes, Bjork's singing sounds like a spell.

Also, in Holland / Brussels, where there is a reputed very active Sado - Pedo group embedded in the ruling class, The "Black Peter," side-kick to Santa, scares children with threats of beatings @ Christmas.