IPleadThe2nd ago

Gee, this sounds awfully familiar. Missionaries trying to smuggle kids into the DR? Was Hillary involved here too?

privatepizza ago

All too familiar. And yes, who knows who's involved with the logistics of the op. They must have a network of embassy high-ups, transport and ultimately buyers of these children all arranged. Who?

privatepizza ago

"Witnesses interviewed by police said that girls as young as 13 were lured to the resort with promises of a beach vacation, only to fall victim to the traffickers."


privatepizza ago

Nice find. This is a great resource. And yea, nothing directly, but they're a US mission who have organised kids clubs at Kalico Bay Hotel aka Kalico Beach Club.

A mission with 3 aka's, too!

What are the 4 missions based at Kalico Beach?

privatepizza ago

Aka 'The Lighthouse'.

waxdino ago

I just don't think this is related to pizzagate. I hope I'm very wrong, but all I see is people jumping to conclusions. Last night people saw Caribbean and said, "Trump is taking down Epstein island!" Now it's, "NGO! That means Clinton foundation!"
There are lots of trafficking rings, and of course I applaud each one being brought down (or to be more realistic, probably, slowed down). But the very head of the monster must be cut off. They want us to get distracted every time they wound a limb. ...Hope I'm wrong!

privatepizza ago

I'm with you. I think reaching this point and after all the rumours this week, we're all gagging for some hot action ! Agree that we should hold back on jumping to conclusions. And yes, we need the head of the monster! Maybe we get there by following every lead available?

On the other hand, in the big picture, Pizzagate has evolved into an investigation on human trafficking, rather than a pizza shop/s. As such I do feel it's related. To most normies, that NGO's, missions from churches and foundations could be involved in child sex trafficking reeks of conspiracy. This is another (sad) example to red pill with, and we go on.... !

waxdino ago

Yeah, to clarify, I don't mean, "this isn't related to pizzagate, stop talking about it." I mean that, while it is part of pizzagate since our government apparently facilitates sex trafficking, I don't think elites are going to be busted as a part of this bust.

privatepizza ago

Cheers, shoulda done that ; )

privatepizza ago

Who is Reginald Boulos? He is FB friends with the guy who owns the hotel where this all went down.

Reginald Boulos is a Haitian of Lebanese decent and he owns dealerships and various other businesses and he is also the president of the National Chamber of Commerce. Of course he's friend with them. I'm not from an elite family but I went to Catts Pressoir which is a school for the elites, they all know each other and marry each other. ** Look into Clifford Brandt and his father.** Clifford ran a kidnapping ring even though he is a rich man.

(Post from reddit)

Electionfraud ago

Hope that laura silsby cunt was arrested

privatepizza ago

Missionaries hosting Kids Camps at Kaliko Beach Club - Hope board member Jody Giles and his 18 person missions team from Revolution Church from Annapolis, Maryland have put together a very special weekend camp for MDL kids at Kaliko Beach Club.


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Good! Let's get all these Evil Rat Pedo Bastards!

isthisreality ago

Yes this is what Glen Beck tweeted about. It is what the new FBI anon "foretold" last week. It is what Alex Jones has been talking about. IT IS HAPPENING.

privatepizza ago

You know, it actually feels like it is! I got shivers ! HAPPENING.

MONOLITHicide ago

hmm #itshappening could catch on

privatepizza ago

Like it, doin it !

isthisreality ago

appears to include non-governmental organization and international elements.

Non-governmental organization aka NGO

Clinton Foundation = NGO


privatepizza ago

GREAT point. I'll highlight that sentence now. NGO's in Haiti getting busted, that's what we want !

privatepizza ago

Ooops, already posted. Apologies. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1624214