SterlingJB ago

Honestly kind of surprised all you lovely autists haven't figured out more of the Webb backstory out yet

Birdzeyeview ago

he's having lunch with Eric Braverman and having a good laugh at the scam

foxxywoxxy ago

His twitter is Truthleaks @GeorgWebb

OrwellKnew ago

I like George Webb. His videos are fascinating to me. Some people dislike / are put off by the Trullo board which takes up the screen during his videos but I like it. I'm guessing it has to do our personality archetypes. I'm more left brain oriented and visual information like this is pleasing. Regardless, I tend to think he is sincere

Also he does provide a wealth of citations and sources. One just has to access his Trullo board and look in the margins for the links

archons ago

I can post proof when I get to my pc. Someone found an old page of his.

Alpo ago

I saw that - it was on so it's probably gone now.

archons ago

I save everything to my computer. Page is on my desktop.

srayzie ago

I can't watch right now. What was the meeting about? Why was he nervous?

willofthewarrior ago

Has he ever said that he's current or former intelligence? The only time he's talked about his background AFAICR is the Project Camelot interview where he says he was in software sales. Makes no claims about being an intel asset/agent.

Yuke ago

I'm just going to say one thing and I want you all to think about this carefully. If George Webb is legitimate in what he is saying, why was he not shut down long ago? We've had reddit being shutdown, we've had image hosting sites shut down, archiving sites shut down, news stories deleted and other people shut down. Why is he still free to say what he's saying?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

They deleted all the earlier eric braverman videos

ArthurEdens ago

How can anyone honestly say they know what the f*** is going on? Is he real or is fake? Why is he still alive? Normal logic can't cut through to truth with this cloak and dagger stuff. All you can do is see if what he's saying has anything to it by researching it yourself.

DarkMath ago

" Why is he still free to say what he's saying?"......I had the exact same thought. What's weird about George Webb is he speaks so off the cuff about people wanting to shoot him. I know George went through hell with Andrew McCabe and the JTTF but I hear 0 fear in his voice.

So it could be he's just so sick of the corruption he doesn't care anymore. I kind of think it's that AND someone like Donald Trump has called him and said he's doing a great job and that he should "stand and deliver" kind of thing.

Maybe George is so calm because he's gotten some assurances from the Good Guys. Or not, maybe just purely him not giving a fuck anymore. Let's face it have of what he says is true and it's not address there is no way the U.S.A. survives. Eventually enough people will discover the truth and show up in DC with "shovels and pitchforks".

archons ago

While I like the info he gets out, he's"ex" CIA. Take that how you will.

Birdzeyeview ago

well, even the CIA have employees who become mentally ill and have to be fired. Just sayin

Alpo ago

Do you know that from experience?

archons ago

Scared? Or just annoyed your last paycheck might not go through? Lol.

SterlingJB ago

Most polite Birdzeyeview comment yet. How's it BTW?

willofthewarrior ago

No he's not. He's enterprise software sales. I've never heard of that as being CIA "cover" before.

SterlingJB ago

Why wouldn't the CIA have a tech sales "Noc"? Personally I think you got the wrong ABC group tho. I

Alpo ago

There was something on that had a picture of George Webb with the caption "repentant CIA mole". It was linked to in this thread; I don't dare click on any links now.

archons ago

Yeah, he is.

V____Z ago

bc psyops r fun

ThePoorPeople ago

Because shutting down literally every single outlet talking about it forcefully is the quickest way to confirm its existence. I believe they know and he annoys them, but the fact that he's clear with his analysis and he has so many eyes on him makes doing anything about it highly risky and suspicious. I see it as trying to avoid more Streisand.

jangles ago

Because they think they have it under control and can pass all blame off on some pedos.

islandofdelight ago

Ha, I'm glad so many people are watching his back, but he'll never get a day's peace until the arrests start.

User890020 ago

Arrests which can't come fast enough!

badastrid ago

He was tweeting this morning.

banenya ago

What's his handle? I tried searching for him in Twitter - no luck. Wanna make sure they haven'[t shut him down.

badastrid ago
