Pizzagate connection: potential State Dept cover-up of abuse
ALSO partners Hearts with Haiti, Wings of Hope, Trinity
I stumbled upon this quite by accident and it doesnt seem to have been posted.
The founder was convicted of child rape:
Head Michael Geilenfeld was arrested but not convicted.
The place also offers to rent rooms as a sort of Bed&Breakfast, and one reviewer states: >“Funny stuff and awkward feeling”
Reviewed June 1, 2014
I stayed there pre earthquake. And vowed never to support it again. The feeling that the kids were "paraded" all over the states to sing and dance essentially for their keep is uncomfortable. Also once these kids stop being cute then what and how do they make a living? No trades are taught. No important life skills. Also have a feeling that the scent of abuse is there. Having been abused. One smells or feels the icky vibe. For those oblivious. It's probably enchanting. For those with eyes. Not.
When in doubt as I was. I chose an accommodation that didn't have that vibe.
Stayed July 2013
There are many potential leads on what seems to be the blog of his main antagonist, American activist Paul Kendrick: He quotes a clergyman who brought up the issue of a NAMBLA member staying there and who was rebuffed by Geilenfeld and:
From Obituary of NAMBLA founder, Tom Reeves / “In lieu of flowers, consider a donation to the St. Joseph’s orphanage in Port au Prince, Haiti (”…
Seems in 2013 Embassy officer Brian Yee Hoyt was dispatched to 'investigate' but apparently did nothing (I havent read the court documents yet) seems to have been a Clinton appointee and has worked in twice Haiti and the Balkans under Hillary-hand Victoria Nuland (who covered up an adoption fraud in Ghana and the Belgian pedo-ambassador with Patrick Kennedy iirc)
Kendrick seems to have been just a Catholic who got outraged over the abuse scandals and dediicated himself to protecting kids, i wonder if hes investigating PG
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anolegion ago
How is Douglas Perlitz related to St Joseph's?
His orphanage/pedoschool was called the Project Pierre Toussaint School. It was financed by the Knights of Malta and Fairfield University (notorious hotbed of jesuit pedos) who paid $12 million in settlement with the Haitian victims.
A jew, a knight and a jesuit went to Haiti...
Don-Keyhote ago
he odesnt seem to be, i just saw him on the same page, thats my misake thanks. i remember beingconfused reading that cuz id already read that micahel was the founder