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bumbleberries ago

R.I.P Molly Hightower


Conaway Family was NPH's secret task force... what the hell?

Thomas and Vern Secret NPH task force for special operations.

Many rumors are still circulating within the extended NPH volunteer community regarding the outstanding weekend-retreats the Conaway family, namely Mary Sue, Vern and their son Thomas, provided throughout the 1990s to the volunteers who served in the NPH Mexico home. Based in Mexico City, the Conaways generously invited volunteers to spend their weekends in their family home and the concomitant rest, change and treats were highly appreciated

The Conaways stayed in touch with the NPH family even when Mary Sue’s job commitment moved them away from Mexico and after various stations, to the Dominican Republic (DR). While Mary Sue, who appears to pull the strings behind the scene, served as an important advisor on immigration issues to the NPHI Medical Services team in the recent years, Thomas and Vern formed a secret NPH task force for special operations with a wide range of activity. Whether it was in the aftermath of the January 12th earthquake in Haiti, where they tirelessly worked on the ground and guarded countless transports with lifesaving supplies from the DR across the border, or as patrons of the newly created cancer program for pediatric patients from Haiti in our Dominican Home, the NPH family can always rely on them. In the most recent weeks and months Thomas and Vern have been an outstanding support to the NPHI Medical Services team and with regard to the treatment of one of our chronically ill Haitian pequeñas who had to visit the DR for better treatment options.

AHuman ago

Wow. That sounds pretty sinister considering the circumstances.


I've scanned over it and seen a couple more names that need investigating.

  • Dr. Sirgune Piorreck a Retired German pediatric neurologist

  • Jan Weber, RN, MPH. Regional Medical Coordinator (Author of the Conaway article)


Also worth looking look into:

  • Verns Airforce background

As a former air force member, Vern uses his widespread contacts and logistical skills to benefit the children.

  • The Conaways time in Mexico. (Maybe Mary Sue worked at the embassy)

....Mary Sue, Vern and their son Thomas, provided throughout the 1990s to the volunteers who served in the NPH Mexico home. Based in Mexico City...

cantsleepawink ago

I've been trying to find out a bit more about the origins of the NPH and the Fr. Wasson's Angels of Light program

AHuman ago

Dam. That looks evil. Is that Fr Wasson?

Please keep me informed with what you find.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, that is Wasson. I found a number of images from his work 'back in the day'. When viewed together I found them a bit unsettling so started to dig. I just posted this: