cantsleepawink ago

Excellent post. We really need to start mapping all this stuff.

waxdino ago

Someone should meme up all the shady shit the Podesta Group is connected with, like Hashim Thaci. I know I can't keep track of it all.
Oh, Maldives is another one...

Piscina ago

Bangladesh, where Yunus's Grameen micro-credit bank is based.

anolegion ago

The microcredit - human (organ) trafficking angle is important but 1) Podesta Group is run by Tony 2) $90.000 job is peanuts because 3) Podesta Group is ranked 3rd most powerful lobbyists and represents criminals much worse than 'terrorists' for many, many times that amount.

But yeah, microcredit by Yunus cs.was a get-poor-quick scheme ran by evil elites to harvest desperates.

waxdino ago

Run by Tony, but started by both of them. It's also obvious via wikileaks that they were in regular contact about Podesta Group business. In fact, after the leak, Podesta Group had to file an amendment to their lobbying disclosure to acknowledge that a lobbyist (Tony) was in communication with a government official (John). (Which also acknowledged the authenticity of the emails, suckers!)
I agree, accuracy is very important, and Tony runs the lobbyist group. But John is totally implicated in whatever the Podesta Group does, imo.

cantsleepawink ago

More wikileaks communications between John and Tony about having a lobbyist from the Podesta group in a government position:

PizzaGate711 ago

Wait for this...George Soros has ties to the Bangladesh Bank, 'BRAC' Bank. Soros is even quoted on Brac’s website. Direct quote taken from BRAC’s webpage three months ago reads:

“The billion dollars in microloans that BRAC extends each year to poor people is just the beginning of the story of this remarkable organization”. George Soros, chairman of the Open Society Institute.

BRAC is the largest NGO in the world. It generates massive profits from its numerous businesses across 12 countries. It's biggest revenue earner is its banking division. BRAC’s biggest ‘expense revenue’ is providing micro finance loans,

Open Society Foundations, the Clinton Foundation, and the Gates Foundation are all connected to BRAC through Acumen Fund, Omidyar Network, Omidyar Network Fund and the BRAC Bank,

BRAC owner, Sir Fazle Hasan Abed has very close ties to Monsanto and was awarded Monsanto’s '2015 World Food Prize Winner' - often called the, 'Nobel Prize for food and agriculture.’ Prize of US$250,000 News of the award was announced at a ceremony at the State Department in Washington DC.

Brac Money Laundering

Brac Ordered to Pay 11 Fiscal Years of Taxes - Aug 2016.

shoosh ago

I'd like to see a full blown dig up on the podesta freaks.
To think those 2 freaks of nature were in charge - blows my head wide apart.