It sounds like another U.S. government racket. You put a country on a U.S. watch list, causing panic in the victim country, and then they'll pay anything to get off it. If they can't afford to spend that much, they hire the Podestas!

hwong ago

Didn't hillary just buy a plantation there?

edit: yup....

2impendingdoom ago

Can you find the related wikisource? This source is dubious: "...diabolical plan for world domination or The fuckers need a vacation?" The whole site is satire.

New York, NY — This afternoon, WikiLeaks says sources in the Clinton Foundation inadvertently leaked the details of an apparently secret deal with Christie’s International Real Estate in New York.

Several recorded phone conversations between Christie’s executives and Clinton board member, Frank Guistra, clearly show that a deal for “The Imperial Maldives” had been closed. “The Imperial Maldives” is a development of 185 water villas set above the turquoise waters of the North Male Atoll. According to the recordings, the agreed price was $200 million (U.S).

Also according to the recordings, this deal began the morning after the last debate. The morning after Trump told Clinton he would appoint a special prosecutor and put her in prison. Mr. Guistra is heard to say, “Trump can drag his sorry orange ass down to the Maldives if he wants her so bad. There’s no extradition treaty!” [laughing]

The Clinton camp is very tight-lipped at the moment and no comments from Clinton Foundation board members. WikiLeaks seems to suggest that the Clintons are feeling the pressure of a world-wide criminal organization becoming frayed at the seams, and are looking for a hideout until they can hatch their next diabolical plan for world domination. Or, those fuckers just need a real good vacation.

zzvoat ago

Go to and run a search. That's how all the info has been found. can't do better than a primary source. Also, there are still many people going through all the emails there, if you go for that kind of thing.

quantokitty ago

You know, it's harder to think this is just another coincidence than to think pizzagate is true.

Stellarjay ago's endless

LostandFound ago

Wow the maldives would rather leave the commonwealth than get their shit together.

Pizzagate709 ago

Leaving the commonwealth is probably a good thing. The more independent countries in the world the harder it is for trafficking to be global.