VieBleu ago

you are a menace.

VieBleu ago

I completely agree with everthing this person says about this submission, and I reallly objected to the title of the thread. Where is the moderation on this site? WHERE? and I said as such in the thread. Faekitty's brand of fundy freakout fingerpointing and spam submissions which are massively upvoated by ghost accounts are a menace to this investigation and to every well meaning person here.


dreamdigital ago

Powerful position of who he's affiliated with. It doesn't matter now, the author deleted the post, and you've been a member for an hour.

glutenfree11 ago

I'm pretty sure it's a Snowboard movie. The guy is Swiss. Buying snowboard DVDs and complaining are stereotypical Swiss activities.

sore_ass_losers ago

Not at all, in fact, I'm the stupid one; here it means a person of interest, i.e. Nicholas Durand. Sorry everyone!

VieBleu ago

Oh,we know nothing reasonable penetrates your kitty facade.

VieBleu ago

Yah, ok, I'll get right on that.

Still no answer to the valid questions- ok, dismissed.

VieBleu ago

You are supporting the claim by making it part of your continuously weak argument, which woldn't pass the smell test in a nose factory.

You never answered the question - what "law enforcement" are you passing your accusations to?
Why do you avoid this question?

NikitaVerite ago

My bad - it was the link that my browser didn't like. I went to the blog but I don't see anything odd... what am I supposed to be looking at? In the two linked videos I watched I saw nothing wierd. Where is this "cutting into children" thing? I'm keeping an open mind here but for some reason I am not able to locate the questionable items.

NikitaVerite ago

My browser wouldn't take me to the blog, but I watched the two videos, and looked at his map thing with all his points of interest and reviews. What is on this blog? Can someone archive it and/or post screengrabs? When my browser tells me to not go to a page, I tend to listen.... :)

Singleservename ago

OP has been shitposting for days now. On the pig farm from JA's IG (refused to see it was Whitmore Farm, kept talking of JA's mother when it clearly referenced a fucking sow). On 'creepy' panorama photos on Google Maps, a technology OP consistently misunderstands). And now on this random guy who merely reviewed a POI. No other connection whatsoever.

OP ignores refutations even in the face of clear evidence, accuses others aggressively of shilling or w/e, and will reshitpost multiple times, probably under different aliases.

Now I don't believe in reflexively calling people shills, nor do I believe anyone would hire such a weak one. But make no mistake. These kind of people and behaviours discredit this investigation no end. Sooner or later a 'suspect' of this type will sue. Or a pizzagater like OP will do worse.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I'm not trying to "discredit" anything. You and the original OP have already demonstrated that you don't know how web traffic works, and you've both jumped the gun at assuming several innocent things were something pedo related. It's dangerous to make pedo assumptions on such weak evidence. I don't want someone innocent getting smeared and I don't want this website being shut down, which is exactly what will happen if you aren't careful.

As for the movie, it's hard to know exactly what he is saying since you've already admitted it is badly translated. Going from the google translated page, says:

"DVD Meet the 3rd Kind I recently bought the DVD "A MEETING OF THE 3RD TYPE"

Frankly, a little disappointing. Pay 20.- plus 10.-shipping costs = 30.- for a DVD of 20 minutes, full of dialogues and little real slide, it starts to become a scam."

He sounds like he bought a movie and got ripped off with some shitty knock off. Then there is a comment on the entry that Google translated to him saying "Oh, I thought you meant the Spielberg one!" But who can say for sure... since this is a damn google translated page instead of an actual translation.

Finally, where is your source that this man in the blog is the same man from the University?

VieBleu ago

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ T H I S /\/\/\/\/\/\

dreamdigital ago

I feel like there is something to this guy and the power he has and who he's affiliated with. However, I can't make a solid connection. It is suspicious weird stuff linked to him... but we can't accuse anything yet and might never ever be able to if we can't find anything solid.

Redcone ago

Nice try. It's a pretty weak lead.

ConcernedParent2 ago

It was deleted because OP was calling people pedophiles without any good evidence, and he had already gotten several things about his theory wrong.

ConcernedParent2 ago

From the20th and others : Nicolas Durand posted 14 photo’s of the Farm in his review as a Local Guide only a month ago. He’s submitted 118 reviews, 165 photo’s and his photos have been viewed a staggering 483,886 times. Run the mouse over the locations marked on Durand’s map and you’ll get a good sense of what Durand is all about.

Why are people upvoting this weak "evidence" again?

Redcone ago

I was thinking the same thing. Also could be 2 different Nicholas Durand's.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Interesting that when you google 'Nicholas Durand' the first hit is 'Nicolas Durand Rothschild' with links to Paris, les Pyrenees , etc.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Nicholas Menard-Durand --works for Rothschilds banks, this ND also has middle initial M at Georgetown, associations w world bank, speaks French

VieBleu ago

which site, exactly are you calling a pedo site in the above links. I want to be sure I understand very clearly. Please put the link in your reply.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Wtf? still up. And I've had 19 interesting and relevant and coherent posts removed. Are you kidding? :-) wtf

VieBleu ago

I wonder if this is clear to you? This is basically a collective effort. what you find and archive is supposed to be archived here so others can also use it. That is why I am talking about archiving your work and putting it into your posts here.

Ronnilynn31 ago

With that level of condescension, I wouldn't even bother replying to the comment. There's such a thing as being helpful and instructive, then there's just being an ass.

VieBleu ago

and there are also spam comments that do nothing to further pizzagate.. Have you actually looked at the links in the post? Why can't someone have written reviews about Starbucks and Ikea? He reviewed a place John Podesta worked at - do you really call that worthy of a post, of saying he is possibly child trafficking and uses food to cover for his interest in children, and then have materials "delived to law enforcement?" This is coo-coo land stuff.

There is nothing to these spam posts that choke up the forum and are populated by shills.

the OP rushes to post half baked claims and then begs people to archive on their behalf, but doesn't share the archives - do you REALLY think that is responsible activism on a forum? I think that is the definition of being an ass.

This forum has been inundated with PLEASE HELP!!! , and QUICK BEFORE IT GOES AWAY posts that are half-baked unformed click bait put up like spaghetti thrown against a wall to see if any of it sticks. After awhile OPs need to realize that patience wears thin and yes, they do need to defend what they are doing in some cases.

VieBleu ago

Where are your archived posts? why not post them in your post - you are not making sense.

VieBleu ago

I would like to see the archives. One reason to archive is so people can go to those links and not the original websites - keeps traffic from tipping off, keeps from hitting unsafe sites. Your archived sites should be in your post, right next to the original links.

What law enforcement agencies are you spamming, sorry submitting to and in what manner? There is no need for secrecy or vigilante activism, what you do acting on this information your are posting should be shared with the community.

What does the 20th mean?

Birdzeyeview ago

admit yourself to the nearest mental health ward now. Before it's too late for you.

Birdzeyeview ago

Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

yeah reaaaaaal sinister

are you as brain dead as you pretend to be?

LeChevalBlanc ago

Spielberg's film in French litterally translates "Rencontres du troisième type" where as "A la rencontre..." would give "Meeting with the third guy".

Found this on a most probably unrelated evangelist website:

Edit: Feels like a bad joke here. People start throwing in names out of the blue and over 70 upvotes??????

unbiased_researcher ago

The DVD he purchased is a snowboarding film. Guy seems like a normal enough guy. He likes to take pictures. Some of them are a bit odd, like the post office. The boy standing next to the chicken is his son, confirmed via facebook.

I don't see anything that jumps out.

Godwillwin ago

Person of interest

Godwillwin ago

Good work!

ConcernedParent2 ago

No, it's not good work. As I said back when the other user posted this:

There are some people who have made a lot of reviews and provided pictures, and OP claims that these reviews are weird and that they have a ton of views, even though 450,000 views for 165 pictures is NOT a lot .OP has no idea how web traffic works, because having a few hundred thousand views spread across 165 photos is not a lot. This very thread already has over 1,000 views after a few hours. There are thousands of people searching and viewing these reviewer's photos, so it's not hard to reach 450,000+ views, especially if some of these pictures are years old.

OP has already mistaken the "Sausage Party" movie for being code word for something else, and OP didn't know that the American Girl Deluxe Party was a real thing either. These reviewers appear to be regular reviews and OP is jumping to conclusions.

And this newer "evidence" OP is providing is not any better. So, some guy reviewed 'The Farm', and that automatically makes them linked to John Podesta? And that same guy makes a post about being ripped off after he bought the movie "Encounters of a 3rd Kind"? How is that proof of anything? OP is yet again mistaking a real movie as something else.

VieBleu ago

Thank you. As I said, this "fake submission" wouldn't pass the smell test in a nose factory.

Godwillwin ago

I know what American girl doll is and that it's common for bday parties but the farm pics seem a little suspect. But I see what you are saying now that it's morning

PizzaGate711 ago

American Girl Doll looks like a hotel doesn't it. Odd that he would review that you need one adult for 8 kids or something!!!

Birdzeyeview ago

so all members of public who have been to that farm now POI too then? what a freakin joke this all is.

Piscina ago

who are you to say who is and who is not a POI?

RecycledUser ago

His FB page is already 'not found'. Hope someone backed it up before posting.

NikitaVerite ago

I just peeked at his facebook (it worked for me) and there were MANY photos accessible for viewing. It looks like he's married and has two kids, and honestly, there wasn't anything that seemed "off" to me at all. It could be that this guy happens to be linked to wierdos through his work, but I feel like he might be one of those that are oblivious to it. Not everyone involved with the sickos actually knows about it. The sickos need to be surrounded by good people as it's the perfect cover. I agree that this guy's social circle is incredibly suspect, but my gut tells me that he's not one of the sickos. That's just my two cents. But I admire the research you are all doing - we absolutely need to be doing this, and I thank you for that. And I think it's good to post stuff, even if you're not completely sure yet, just so that you can get fresh eyes on it. It's all too easy to lose perspective when you're looking into all this sick shit.

Freemasonsrus ago

Thanks, this jogs my memory of the name. There's been so many names that it's hard to keep it all straight. Certainly is odd with his professional background why he would be writing these reviews in his off time. Seems below him. So yes, it could def be code instead. The amount of views def got my attention the other day. Inexplicable.

sore_ass_losers ago

Points Of Interest - the little labels that pop up on Google Maps, etc.

Redcone ago

Dumb work

Redcone ago

What does a local guide do? Take pictures of the inside of his house?

LargePepperoni ago

Maybe tag a couple respected posters. Possibly repost when there is more traffic.

LargePepperoni ago

Great work. Needs visibility.

Freemasonsrus ago

If you actually want help, this has got to be explained with a background story. Even reading the prior thread hasn't told me what the hell I'm looking at or supposed to be interested in. If it's that important than please take the time to walk everyone through what it is and what it might mean. Thanks

VieBleu ago


He uses food and menus to disguise his special interest in children>

This is your train of thought, and not something to accuse someone of without good proof.

Also, faekitty, has it occured to you to learn how to archive your materials? It is easy and does not take long. Other people are not necessarily here to act as servants for you.

  1. Find good material

  2. DO NOT RUSH TO POST, so you don't have to worry about your subjects making things private

  3. Archive and back up your own links

  4. THEN post your material.

See? Then you don't have to beg for favors..

MolochHunter ago

more explicit background summary: There's a farm that does tourism industry type 'historical re-enactments' of 17th century life. Its right next door to a CIA headquarters, John Podesta used to work or volunteer there, gloats about how that farm taught him how to slay pigs. Some suspect it may be a CIA pedophile ring - for-purposes-of-entrapment (Operation Brownstone, or whatever they prefer to call it these days)

faekitty has dug deeper into some of the personalities who post about this place and they have some pretty dark online activities, i infer without clickin the links

Freemasonsrus ago

Thanks for that.

alliecapone ago

Person Of Interest in Law Enforcement circles