SpikyAube ago

Yeah probably, I had eaten some weird smelling sandwich that day so that might have been what was giving me the woo woo feelings.

pierrebezukhov ago

Absolutely agree with you. Why are we looking at JA then? Because the overwhelming circumstantial evidence is stacked against him of course. Hope someone has saved it.

pierrebezukhov ago

when 'armyseer' appears you know @faekitty that you've hit the bull's eye. Congratulations!

Dressage2 ago

You have some very solid evidence. I know for a fact you do based on my research. Keep going down that rabbit hole. There are enemies amongst us on this site.

pierrebezukhov ago

Photo's on Google Maps in the Button Farm album, where 'ND' reviewed as a Local Guide, have also recently been removed. The photo's were of a locked gate and roadway. There was a photo of a road heavily lined with trees and once rotated a lone black car appeared, parked by the side of the road. Several other photo's showed, from memory, a site marked as 'Coffin Rock' in a river stream.

pierrebezukhov ago

The Farm at CIA HQ's is now closed (for the Winter). Is this odd? Given volunteers are/were expected to 'dress up' in costume, no matter what the weather conditions were, per their volunteer job description. http://1771.org.

SpikyAube ago

For me, even though it's a bit woo woo and I'm not really a woo woo type, what made me find this suspicious was the picture of ND, for some reason his face gave me absolute horrible chills, brrrr for some reason it really creeped me out. But obviously that is not evidence and could just be me being weird. Also the young woman/girl in the bottom photo of the abandoned building, at a distance, looking small and vulnerable in the ruins. That creeped me out too. Sometimes there is a gut feeling about something/someone...

pierrebezukhov ago

Precisely. It's such a pity The20th's work and findings were challenged so harshly by a few naysayers and then credibility questioned. And now it's gone. I believe it was one of the most significant posts in pizzagate thus far. If you took the time to really explore what was posted there is no doubt the investigator was onto something and was not posting from a feeling of 'woo woo'. Comments got lost in protecting the name of 'good people'. Clearly they didn't take the time to open these good people's google map and local guide photo albums. Lesson for everyone who attacked that post yesterday. Take the time to delve into the subject matter and explore yourself before launching into an immediate attack.

derram ago

https://archive.is/6CP5s :

John Podesta, a seasoned hand - POLITICO

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