TheSeer ago

You got to love how all the really awful stuff takes place outside US and EU boundaries, and we are just oblivious to it. Child trafficking and slavery out of Haiti. Abhorrent treatment of women in Saudi Arabia. Bacha bazi in fuckin Afghanistan! Oh, but its "their culture".... Never mind if it is Satanic and evil! We must be tolerant... Sorry boys!

TheSeer ago

And these places are all either US/EU allies, or under military jurisdiction! Fucking terrible.

kekistocrat ago

An article by Erin Elizabeth -- which links to an article that shows another heart attack victim, Mikhail Lesin of RT. But the plot thickens with blunt trauma.. Perhaps the hospital where Ulfkotte was pronounced dead was mentioned somewhere?...

sensitive ago

Sadly, I couldn't find ANY details about his death and the aftermath. This is not only sad, but also a bit weird ...

kekistocrat ago

Curious, indeed. Generally, these guys get knocked off because of the last few things that were said/written/done (their masters' had enough). Since this was pizzagate related, for me, this suggest to keep digging. The amount of mystery surrounding these deaths are telling. In a lot of ways, one doesn't know that one is on the right path until one notices attempts at getting one off of that path...

sensitive ago

I'll try to dig some more, ask contacts who might know, but I think we will never know in this case ...

FriesischShipping ago

It's old tech too. Church commission in 1975: CIA shows off heart attack gun. An aigun that shoots an ice dart laced with a few mgs (not sure about the dose, could even be micrograms) of TTX. Low dose = breathing problems/heart palpitations, high dose = heart attack. The poison binds to your nerves and interrupts the electrical action causing the heart to misfire.

zoltan907 ago

I didn't have the chance to read shoosh's comment before it was deleted, but since it seems to have been about the Iraq war, I'd like to share something about that. About a month or so before 9/11, I read an article on the London "Times" website about how numerous foreign intelligence services had warned the U.S. that they had picked up information that Al Qaeda was planning to fly planes into buildings. According to the article, some terrorist cells were thought to be already in the U.S., taking flight lessons. A flight instructor from a school in Florida was quoted. Apparently, the White House had tightened security in April because it expected some kind of attack, but when an attack didn't happen, security was loosened again. At the time, I considered posting the article on Usenet, but I didn't, because I thought it might be seen as fear-mongering. I found it interesting that no one in the U.S. media was talking about it, considering that it was published in one of the world's major newspapers.

About a month later, the 9/11 attacks happened, and I was suspicious about how the Bush administration immediately started talking about Iraq and Saddam Hussain, when the article had stated that all of the intelligence agencies had warned Bush about Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. I wish I had thought to immediately retrieve that article, but I waited until years later to look for it, and by that time, the "Times" website was behind a paywall. I searched for pre-9/11 articles that mentioned Al Qaeda and planes, but couldn't find the one I was looking for. It occurred to me then that perhaps someone in the Blair government asked or told the "Times" to remove the article from its website because that article would likely contradict the "bad intelligence" claim, and Blair was one of the only world leaders to support the Iraq war.

When I last visited the "Times" website, I didn't even see a Search field. Is the Search function available only to subscribers? I doubt that the article is still available online. To find it, I would probably have to go to the university library and browse through their microfilm.

transmutation ago

Here is a video by Udo where he says the CIA write the stories and force him to put his name on them and he can no longer be a part of that.

shoosh ago

I deleted it, cause I don't want to detract from good piints. My mind immediately goes to connect-the-dot picture that went into action. Mostly because I question the same intel that claimed Russia was wikeaks hackers. Same intel group - same war- different name - different place.

HighFlyingRambo ago


It may possibly be that this Mr Ulfkotte was murdered either way may he rest in peace for fighting the good fight!

Nice Link OP you ssay they exposing German Politicians but also wouldnt USA have something to do with this?

In this article from RT News it states that U.S. Troops need to turn the other way as it relates to children being raped by Afghan officials. Quote:

“At night we can hear them [Afghan boys] screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” Lance Corporal Gregory Buckley Jr. reportedly told his father Gregory Buckley Sr before being killed in 2012.

Quote from this article US Troops told to ignore Afghan Soldiers abusing boys

LC Gregory Buckley was told by his father to bring this info to his superiors

Buckley Sr said he told his son to tell his commanders about these incidents. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture,” he told NYT.


But... I guess it is "Their Culture"

So part of what our military was doing over there was removing one form of opression and evil i.e. Taliban and replacing the authorities with these fucks who are pedofiles and obviusly not good people "its their culture" as Alfanntiss would say

Also one last thing I found in comment section of the article and it seems pizza related:

In the comment section of the RT article I linked there is a post by a Sod98 that caught my attention.

They are trying to proof that pizzas to scream when thrown in the oven.

or: They are trying to PROVE that pizzas DO scream when thrown in the oven.

That was his comment in response to Doug Most comments about Jews


zoltan907 ago

Here are a few more articles about the Afghan situation. Interestingly, the Taliban didn't practice bacha bazi--only the warlords armed and trained by the U.S. did that.

sensitive ago

Even the same wording. Nothing surprises me anymore.

sensitive ago

Very good and enlightening comment! Thank you.

kekistocrat ago

Ulfkotte died of a heart attack. Family says this had not been his first heart attack, so it is quite possible that his death has nothing to do with his work. On the other hand, the timing looks indeed suspicious …>

Timing is suspicious indeed; the first Friday the 13th of the New Year. Although I don't know where he died which could make a difference but still... For what it's worth.

sensitive ago

Someone mentioned the date of his death is a very important - or the most important? - date for satanists (or whatever we call them). Don't know more about that but have a source I could ask. Why do you think the location would matter? Tried to research it, but to no avail.

kekistocrat ago

Date, time, and location are all very important details to a large portion of dark occultists (Satanists, Luciferians, Sabbataean-Frankists, etc.), especially if they are the ones behind the murder or whatever. Originally I wanted to know the location because of the technical aspect: time zone and exact time in case he died at 12:30 am or something -- usually these dark occultists are very particular about these details and generally wouldn't allow there to be any confusion as to the date. As I understand it, both Satanists' and Communists' high holiday (holy-day) is Walpurgisnacht or Walpurgis Night. Of course, this wiki does it no justice. This rabbit hole is huge on it's own as it is a date shared by many. With special focus on the solstices and equinoxes. Ritual murders and the like are treated as sacrifices and as such treated in very high regard whether they are worshipping a deity (Luciferian) or the concept (Satanism -- and then there's what the Frankists believe which gets more confusing because it runs parallel) of which there are distinct differences... coming from an ex-satanist (or still is?). In any case, knowing about gematria and the importance of numerology (and how it's tossed around right in front of us) is essential to Pizzagate, in my opinon.

sensitive ago

I tried to find out where he died - or at least where he lived or where he was buried. To no avail. The newspaper where he said he lived (but probably didn't) writes this:

"On his homepage, Ulfkotte states that his current place of residence is Rottenburg. Another point was that he kept his place of residence secret because he had received death threats. The German magazine Spiegel said Ulfkotte and his family lived on an autark place in a lake surrounded by a high fence and guarded by a flock of geese; Only the priest and the mayor are said to know where that is. The attempts of the "Rottenburger Post" to come into contact with Udo Ulfkotte at the end of 2016 remained unanswered."

kekistocrat ago

It seems that mysteries are more telling than the exoteric.

sensitive ago

My gut feeling tells me this will all be in the open any time now. Then we can start from scratch. About time, too.

AmishMechWarrior ago

I wish I had the money to make a memorial for the heroes who died looking in to pedo cults/trafficking rings. Fallen Protectors memorial or something. Plus it would help people see how many have died for trying to expose pedos, and help keep their investigations alive.

sensitive ago

Your comment brought tears to my eyes

quantokitty ago

Too much of a patriot. A real journalist writing real news and not propaganda. Just unbelievable.

sensitive ago

In Germany, if you say you are a patriot or act like one, you are now a Nazi ...

FriesischShipping ago

Which is what NAZIs did to all their opponents, oh the irony. It's really bad here, free speech is extremely limited, people are conditioned on what to say because they are harassed if they speak freely and don't hold the party line.

kekistocrat ago

Everything's backwards. Nationalism is racism. Just like orwell -- 'Freedom is slavery,' etc.

quantokitty ago

Yes. HRC-ites like to throw names around. Same thing is happening in the U.S. ... and really around the world. We need to get justice back.

witch_doctor1 ago

TPTB are not shy about killing people...and being heart-attacked is one of their documented methods. But I will play devil's advocate, the younger you are when you have a heart attack, the more likely you are to die. It is because of collateral circulation...the older people who have blockages in their arteries have had time to develop collateral circulation, which is basically a detour around the blockage.

My grandfather died at 59 of a heart mother is a registered nurse and was there when he collapsed, and began CPR immediately. But he was basically dead when he hit the floor. So, there's the alternate view...if his coroner dies of arsenic poisoning shortly after, then you know it was a hit.

throwawaa ago

Is Breitbart the only example we know of with additional evidence (coroner arsenic) of heart attack being used for assassination?

zoltan907 ago

Some people think Slobodan Milosevic's heart attack was caused by poisoning (possibly with rifampicin, a leprosy drug). There were a number of contradictory stories going around shortly after he died. First, it was reported that he was a suspected suicide (I think the article mentioned suffocation or hanging). Then it was reported that he died of a heart attack, and there were traces of rifampicin in his blood. He had previously said he thought he was being poisoned. Some articles claimed that he poisoned himself in an attempt to be sent to Russia for medical treatment. Then the next version of the story was that there was no rifampicin in his blood, and the heart attack wasn't drug-induced. I think NATO or the CIA most likely poisoned him.

shoosh ago

I can't link to the Irish Max Spiers last interview on my phone, bur you can find it. He had a past drug problem but claimed to be in recovery. He went to Poland (verification of the exact country as I can't fact check that now) to do an interview about his recent alleged big discovery

His last video he's trying to give an interview and answer questions but he starts to slurr his speech. It sounds like a woman is laughing while talking to him, telling him to open his mouth, and he progressively slurrs and becomes tired in the middle of the interview. The interviewer is relentlessly asking questions. It's a trrrible thing to listen to because it sounds like he's being drugged. You can hear the sound of him being massaged. He left a message for his mom that if he dies investigate. He died in a way that didn't sound like a normal death. I don't know what message he was delivering.

witch_doctor1 ago

I think so...but there was that 70's-ish CIA congressional testimony about the heart attack gun.

throwawaa ago

Interesting. Trying to find a non-conspiracy source for that so I can convince people who think I'm an idiot.

Here's something from from '64 that mentions Soviets using heart attack for assassination:

sensitive ago

Exactly. This is why I say it's only suspicious at the moment.

witch_doctor1 ago

Agreed it is suspicious considering his position. There are so many it is crazy...Loretta Fuddy was another one that interested me because some of it was caught on camera.

sensitive ago

Did you create a post on this?

witch_doctor1 ago

BTW, Tom Clancy was another suspicious one that happened in proximity of the time of Breitbart. Not heart attack though...he was apparently healthy and then got deathly ill and died a few days later. Suspicious because of his intelligence contacts.

sensitive ago

Most of his books are on my shelves ...

witch_doctor1 ago

No.....just an OG birther, which is just as frustrating as being an OG Pizzagater....for now, anyways. My gut tells me big stuff is coming.

Another really sad suspicious death is Britney Murphy (she was so hot and talented) and her husband...they were obviously poisoned somehow. Who and why has me baffled.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I thought the MKULTRA programming 'sex kitten' could have been named after her. I'm starting to think a lot of these young stars have been gotten at somehow. I had always assumed it about Disney kids and that, but it seems like most celebs are being used politically, and they are either unbelievably stupid and hypocritical, or they've been coached/groomed since youth

witch_doctor1 ago

George Webb talked about that very thing in one of his recent videos...can't remember which one, but it was within the last 10 days or so. It's too crazy to believe...but 2016/17 are shaping up to be that kind of year.

Alex Jones is now the most honest/prescient journalist on the planet, Hillary passed out and was chucked into a van like a side of beef, Pres. Trump talked about his dick size in a primary debate, Diane Feinstein has been outed as a CIA get the idea.....can't wait for the Antartica reveal as well.


just another right wing book seller

sensitive ago

Yeah, your comment does help a lot. Not.

witch_doctor1 ago

Right wing bookseller apparently rivals professional bull riding in mortality rates.

sensitive ago

He was after many .......

B3nder ago

He also was caught lying several times. He once claimed that he was kidnapped on a plane in Iran which was a blatant lie.

kekistocrat ago

He also openly admitted to lying for his job, that's what his confession on RT was about.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Fair enough, but the problem in general is very clear