momshorts ago


AgainstTheNWO ago


Ihatepizza2 ago

In his other video "Tutorial: keyboard shortcuts" HE GIVES THEY KEY. He says "please be sure to follow the keyboard shortcuts" and types the following on screen. He starts with a capital T, and at the end he coughs as he types "." (Stop) and then ends with "T". Here is the full code he posts (Please note there are NO commas in what he types, I add the here for clarity /readbility.)

T,+,+,+,-,-,-,-,-,-,+,-,+,-,+,-,1,2,3,-,+,1,-,+,2,+,1,3,-,+,1,2,-,3,1,+,-,+,2,-,1,3,K,B,K,1,G,2,3,1,2,G,K,1,G,K,2,H,V,G,3,K,1,H,V,K2,H,V,1,K,K,F,1,.,T Note the full stop and T at the end. The T might be the start and end letter to put in a password

momshorts ago

key to what though

archons ago

So what about these pedo band hiding stuff in their music? Seems like something they would do.

AgainstTheNWO ago

I think that 2, and if i remember correct James also had some "music" files on one of those music share sites under his own name.

Could not find it this quick, but came across This with has some nice enumeration in it what alway's can be handy.

archons ago

Little Babys Ice Cream has a lot of weird music. Seems weird for a ice cream joint to release that. They have all the pedo symbols we all know and hate.

salinaslayer ago

You should upload that picture as it's unreadable, unfortunately we haven't heard from swissanon since november

AgainstTheNWO ago

I think you mean This one It is a 2.4mb photo, so if not clear download for reading the photo.

The photo that is talked about : The best way is to download it directly from Wikileaks 10037 Than it is for sure the real source material.

The others have there source location in this reaction But last one could easily be standard compression,have no idea. Have not heard yet any explanation for large difference file size so still something i try to learn/understand.

salinaslayer ago

He wasn't lifting these off one email, I have reverse image searched them from the original read and they were all new, this guy was legit

spez_dispenser ago

My theory is they are using semantic compression.

Here's how I arrived at that conclusion (links are broken up for a reason).

  1. Go to dr pong . net

  2. Click "linken"

  3. Go to good and plenty . de

  4. Click on "Click here for more super hot shit"

  5. LInks to Shweinpeg Research Youtube Channel

  6. Watch video called "The Use of Advanced Data Compression Algorithms in Semantic-Field Shift Computations (ADCASEFCO) " Link:

At 2:35, you will see what they are really hiding in the cat photo. It's literally a tutorial by two guys who are hiding one data file inside another.


This study proposes a novel scheme of semantic image compression. A compressor firstly creates a compact image by gathering a part of pixels in an original image, and calculates estimation errors of the rest pixels. Then, a compressed image is produced by embedding the estimation errors into the compact image using data hiding techniques. This way, the compressed image are made up of a small number of pixel values, and the original content is still visible roughly through the compressed image without any decompression tool. If a decompression tool is available, a user may reconstruct a high quality image with original size by exploiting the embedded data. Because the proposed scheme is compatible with reversible and non-reversible data hiding techniques, either the lossy or lossless semantic compression can be performed. With different parameters, the qualities of compressed and decompressed images vary. Furthermore, the smoother the original image content, the better is the compression–decompression performance.


I think it means that all the back page file downloads from pizza joints, or even the mp3 files from bands like Heavy Breathing, could have something else inside the file. I'm no expert on this stuff, but this is where the pizza crumbs lead.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Well, that is exectly my thinking.I made this short movie some time ago because it is so telling if you learn understand their talk and way of doing. There are more strange and pasword protected websites links on dr.pong and further. Just bogus coverup website's for deeper access. Sometimes a real business is connected like Comet, but that also is just part of the cover-up structure.

If you search on Slideshare on steganography you get 0 result.

Do same search on Google and you get a lot of great presentations.

nomorepepperoni ago

Work in IT. I'm not a l33t hacker or anything, but can confirm they are demonstrating use of a type of steganography.

We need a more l33t down here to tell us how we can extract these with the technique used. I'll write back here in the meantime if I dig up anything.

Edit: The channel that video is from has more weirdness on it, of course.

Like this video "demoing" their RAD compression...

Perhaps we need a new thread over this "SchweinPeg Research"...

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree! You would think computer programmers would be jumping at trying to decode this stuff! IMO

Criticalthinker615 ago

I don't want to be that guy but the word you are thinking about is steganography

AgainstTheNWO ago

No problem, on the contrary, glad learned it, makes searching that much easier!

8887766554433221 ago

Juniper, mentioned on the photo of the child eating pizza on the cometpingpong instagram timeline.

Though the more practical uses of juniper have been known to people for several millennia, it features only sporadically in ancient mythology. Juniper was a symbol of the Canaanites' fertility goddess Ashera or Astarte in Syria. ... The first two of these properties relate to the juniper's berries.

EQJ ago

I agree! Can u explain further? I definitely don't get those results with a search of Z wcqn send GEw aasaq. I understand the context from trolley Parks Facebook page but...??????

8887766554433221 ago

The Juniper tree's name is derived from the Latin word juniperus. In Latin, juniperus is combination of the word junio, which means young, and parere, to produce, hence youth producing, or evergreen.

Wolftrail7272 ago

This is important. Pedos do this constantly. We haven't seen much talk about the dark web either.

target_blank ago

This is what I want to see investigated more. Dark net is full of pedo shit, if someone smart enough knew how to search through the sick shit without getting identified, could lead to many roads. Pedo forums would have so much info of how they talk, code words, all their sick shit.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

The problem is with most of these you need to upload to get into the inner circles

BallsDeepInReality ago

If VR is a thing I imagine a fake would be possible?

neurofluxation ago

It is a well known fact that in the pedopile comunity the use of stenography is a standard practice.

Not that I don't want to believe a random user, but... citation?

crazimal ago

O it's real no citation needed.

Back in the day /b "sinks" =bad shit

DriftingDevoid ago

It's actually 'steGAnography', right? I made the exact same typo a while ago.

People then said it was a dead end. But it could've been shills trying to fend off. I'm interested.

WewLaddy ago

I brought this up well over 2 months ago in the chat. It was agreed that it is being used, but not sure as to what lengths. I was pointing out the techno/random music of Heavy Breathing and the likes, wondering if there is rhyme to their bullshit music.

nomorepepperoni ago

For some reason, this made me think of SSTV. Don't ask me why. It's a way to transmit photos using sound.

Here's how rendering one sounds and looks.

So theoretically, you could send around an audio file that, when opened, simply sounds like digital, ear-killing racket and of no tangible use, but the person on the other end will know how to turn it into a photo of a child, or a location to meet for "pizza".

Sonic_fan1 ago

I made this same connection a month ago...

I noticed that in another post where someone linked to an image of the spectrogram, and it looked really weird (I'm an audio guy, so seeing something pegging off the top end of the scale like that tells me there is something wrong with it). You could say that their audio guy is a total newbie and is higher than hell and doesn't know how to prevent a cymbal crash or snare from pegging the meter, or you could hide CP images (or video if the song/file is long/big enough) using SSTV. Anyone remember the noise of dial-up when you were using AOL and picked up the phone? Same thing... those blips and everything was the data being sent to your computer, but only with the right software that understood that that one blip was a period and not a semi-colon, would you get usable output. One other thing I noticed, in the Majestic Ape songs folder... a lot of the songs are the same file size, which tells me either they're really good at repeating a performance, or the fact that the song is a front and is just padded out with something. If I had the time (currently job hunting), I'd be willing to put my computer (which runs BOINC 24/7, and doubles as a space heater) to work to run all of those songs through any available SSTV decoding software.

AgainstTheNWO ago

You are right, thanks.

That i found the software by just clicking 5 hyperlinks tells me it is something. Have to go first, then gonna check out @1132HCE link.