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stunknife ago

this isn't new, they used stenography to find new leads, but as far as I'm concerned I don't think they had any luck yet. They also found mp3 files from one of the pizza websites and are examining them to see if there's pictures or anything hidden within them.

TheUltimateDebate ago

Very interesting! Do you have any links where I can read more about these mp3 files? I've been experimenting some myself with steganography decryption so I'd love to give it a try on these files! Thanks for great research mate!

stunknife ago

yes, it's in the 8chan archive list. just search for "mp3". Operation Berenstain was shut down

Sonic_fan1 ago

New poster, so not expecting anyone to take me seriously, but hear me out and do a little looking around online. Been lurking for a few days, and spent the last day reading the link... I'm no guru or anything, but the waveforms and spectrographs that anon posted on that thread look a lot like what you'd get using SSTV (Slow-Scan TeleVision). Basically, it used simple FM radio to transmit video, taking about one second to transmit 10 frames (roughly) in black and white at about a quarter resolution (roughly 128x128px). Think we may need a software engineer to take a look into this if there isn't already a program out there. (Slow-Scan TeleVision)

stunknife ago

I suggest you make this into a post, in the hopes we find one

Sonic_fan1 ago

I don't think it'll let me... too new a member (don't see an option to post this as a regular post).

(Edit to add: nevermind... figured it out... just not obviously labelled "Create new post" like I'm used to on other boards)