zenmaster_411 ago

I've done more intel on this Craigslist item.

1) REVENGE OF OSIRIS 7292 Finns Ln, Lanham - mm4m (Cairo 86637)

I went to the Helsinki Finland link: (http://www.helsinki.fi/~jetsu/papers/publicity.html) and I found the following in the references (the link discusses the "Cairo Calendar"):

The Number "86637" refers to the Cairo Calendar (see below)

Cairo Calendar (Nummer 86637) fanden sie tatsächlich eine Periode von 2,85 Tagen, die mit der Periode des Veränderlichen Algol ..."

On the webpage it states:

"An ancient Egyptian calendar of Lucky and Unlucky days, the "Cairo Calendar", is the oldest preserved historical document of the discovery of a variable star, Algol. Modern astronomers made the same discovery three thousand years later. The above figure shows one papyrus page of one such calendar (@Trustees of the British Museum). The stars in the modern Perseus constellation have been superimposed on the papyrus and connected with straight lines. The eye denotes Algol."

2) the tilde (~) represents the following:


"The tilde key on the computer keyboard is a satanic symbol, or portal. The wavy line appears on many things, think of it as a demonic spirit or serpent. "

3) the "mm4m" on the post represents gender preference. (translation: "multiple males" looking for "male"

4) Found some interesting documentation on 7292 Finns Ln. It is currently owned by John Frank who bought it in a tax sale in 2015. He is the husband of Jaycee Frank (formerly Jaycee Mitchell--from Jaycee's Palm Reading").

5) Found an interesting document. Looks like they wanted to build a 6 foot high privacy fence around the property to shield it from the street.


(see quote from document below)

""The property is a corner lot with the house facing the legal front street at an angle. Exhs. 2 and 9(A) through (E). There is an existing asphalt driveway on the property that accesses the property from Riverdale Road and runs along the rear property line. Exhs. 2, 5(E) through (H), 9(A) through (E).

  1. Petitioners would like to construct a 6-foot privacy fence around a portion of the rear and side street yards, but a variance is needed to obtain a building permit. Since the fence would be over 4 feet in height and located in the side yard abutting the street, waivers of the fence location and height requirements for a fence in the side yard on a corner lot were requested. Exh. 11.

  2. Petitioner John Frank testified that they want the proposed fence for security and privacy reasons noting that drivers currently use the driveway in their rear yard to turn their vehicles. He testified that his dog was run over by a vehicle.

  3. Jaycee Frank testified that they have five children and the youngest child is two years old. She stated that the fence is needed to protect the children from the (trespassing) vehicles and from the road. She stated that she is further alarmed because there is a bus stop near the driveway (Exhs. 5(C) and (D)) where people loiter. Appeal No. V-102-15 - 2 -

  4. John Frank further testified that the driveway at the rear and a metal chain link fence existed when he purchased the property. He stated that the existing fence next to the driveway is broken (Exhs. 5(G) and (H)) and will be replaced with the new 6-foot privacy fence using the existing fence lines. He explained that there will be a gate blocking off the driveway from the yard to protect the children.

  5. He explained that the property slopes upward from Riverdale Road and the proposed fence would be located at the top of the slope next to the driveway and Riverdale Road. See Exhs. 5(A) through (K). He stated that the new fence will not block the view for traffic because there will be sufficient clearance between the fence and Riverdale Road."

Sonic_fan1 ago

This could be something, but, to me, it screams of something more along the lines of the Pink Floyd/Publius Enigma game... the record company planted little clues in a few Pink Floyd concerts that were so obscure and well hidden that nobody ever solved it. But, something to look into, is mirror flip it, print it out, and use the capital letters from the clues to try and solve it... the ones that are all the same might require solving the others to have some idea what they might be. Interesting, but not putting much faith in the image itself, though the address part is worth a looksie.

Monkstar1 ago

Interesting. The link provided in the first ad takes you to a amateur looking spam-ish page with lots of info about Egypt and Demon Star However, if you go to the main page it's for the university of Helsinki.

olear ago

The thing that interested me most about that page is that at the top there's an eye that looks like a coloboma.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent research!!! Always great to have another researcher on board. Buckle up as you slide down this rabbit hole!

wellington33 ago

People need to understand the power of masons and jesuits. Keep diggin OP, and thanks for sharing.

MolochHunter ago

its mirrored for some reason - the text and the music notes are all backwards, need to read it in a mirror to decipher it

olear ago

I do scare easily when it comes to the people we're investigating!

alanna ago

I think it's a great find! I'm a long time lurker too and know I don't have the knowledge to fully protect myself. I've posted once. I'm so impressed by what's going on in this investigation. I wanted to say bravo and good find.

goodguy1367 ago


Edit:spelling, farrrrrk trying to do this on a iPhone 5 fuck fuck

olear ago

What does "auto misleading" mean? I'm open to this being false flag, but who made it, and why something no one was really that likely to catch?

Azzipdoe ago

"Member for 12 hours" this is most likely bs, even if it happens to not be op. anybody can make a listing on craigslist wherever.

Beaucephus ago

Just another way to waste time and distract. Even if it were something, there is absolutely no reason you can decipher it without some form of backdrop or decoder. Pointless.

olear ago

As I said, I'm a lurker. I signed up to post this.

iamthepizzanow ago

Don't worry about that fool. Thanks for posting. Welcome to the board.

olear ago

Thank you!

LargePepperoni ago

Good find. This need exposure.


I hope that this post of mine will help you understand the masonic connections:


strix-varia ago

I have learned a great deal from your posts and thank you for them.


My pleasure.

joe_hill ago

The second link is already down !

Here is the picture INVERSED you can read the text :


obviously it's an announcement for a secret sex/death masonic ceremony (and maybe spoon = cannibalism ? )

it's also a Crossword Puzzle.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Link is broken.

TimesUp ago

This is fascinating because 7292 Finns Lane, mentioned in headline of the strange Craigslist post, is linked to Joseph Scheve, from whom James Alefantis purportedly acquired the Pegasus 'museum' property. More important: the Finns Lane address is where an anonymous source claims that trafficked children are held:

"Children are also most likely kept in homes neighbouring 7292 Finns Lane, Lanham, MD 20706 which is listed as the residential address of one Joseph T Scheve, Business Manager of the New Hope Educational Institute Inc" (New Hope is affiliated with the Unification Church (AKA Moonies). https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/1553956


Thank you! I was very much lost.

I think that I have the whole Masonic order thing figured out: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1491256

PizzaHunter ago

There is nothing Masonic in the picture. It would be a square and compass not whatever that is and compass. It would be a "G" in the middle not a "C". Also it looks like it has been mirrored, so it's a backwards "C" in the middle. Nothing else on the page is even remotely Masonic.

Ang68 ago

I can't believe Had to sign in for this. The image was Inversed so that it would circumvent censors. Isn't that what he referred to when he said he Inversed it?

phisonic1987 ago

Although it is riding the "secret society" thing, I think this is the equivalent of turning a cross upside down to represent pop-culture satanism, rather than Christianity. This is a well bastardized version of Masonic imagery. Nothing to do with actual Masons, just avant garde copy-cat degenerates with a taste for debauchery...

TimesUp ago

The Beehive (lower left of chart) and bees (everywhere) are Masonic. So is the All Seeing Eye!

PizzaHunter ago

While the all seeing eye is used in masonry, it is also used by so many other groups that I would hesitate to call it masonic without any other masonic ties. The whole picture looks like it is just random "occult" graphics put together. You got me on the bees, I didn't notice them, but I still don't think the picture has anything to do with the Freemasons.

TimesUp ago

You are right! 'All seeing eye' can be found in many occult traditions. I just noticed the 'skull and cross bones' on the Craigslist chart too. Same thing -- found in many occult traditions.

joe_hill ago

what ??? Nothing Masonic ? Are you kidding ?? Compass and symbols near to masons (all seeying eye, bees, pharao, triangle, star...) . Probably a secret loge.

doubleherpes ago

Archived permalink or it didn't happen.

olear ago

I've seen posts about archive sites being compromised, where would you recommend I archive this? I'll do it as soon as I can!

doubleherpes ago

No idea. A flash drive? Then anything that disappears you can replace later, and you're not routinely storing anything remotely that would be data-mined.

fartnigger ago


You simply go to archive.fo and paste the URL.

Antonius ago

Are those notes written in treble or bass clef?

Beaucephus ago

So, how long you been using GoDuckGo?

olear ago

Since I started reading this board and saw people using it!

Forgetmenot ago

What is your point? I am confused.