joe_hill ago

the two birds look like Cockatoos Golden cockatoo

I dont know what it means.

But the fake door painted + color blue is clearly from ancient egypt

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Pretty interesting that they determined the statues in front of the doors to the temple are also at the Hotel Sacher in Vienna. Epstein seems to have copied them exactly.

Hotel Sacher

Epstein's temple

Info about Hotel Sacher


so the Owls....are really Parrots?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Possibly phoenixes.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

wouldn't mind checking it out with a black light.

goatboy ago

If you ever get inside there is a hidden key that is not hiding that opens a door that is not a door.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Someone asks on /pol who is this

I think it is Pan

No account there, so place it here.

CosmicChrist ago

I'd say much more Poseidon than Pan. Not even close.

AgainstTheNWO ago

If i look at google images i do not see animal feet, just human feet. Not saying it's Pan, gave just a option. Later in the /pol thread they have other options.

CosmicChrist ago

Well those look alot more like horse legs, which is common with Poseidon, and the trident is a dead giveaway. Look up statues of Poseidon and compare. I'm 100% sure that isn't Pan. 99% sure it is Poseidon.

AgainstTheNWO ago

The legs of poseidon horse legs while the real horse legs to compare with are on same picture. You must be joking. He has human legs with toes

CosmicChrist ago

He rides a seahorse in alot of art. And I bet you can't find a single example of Pan with a trident.

goodguy1367 ago

Does he have the whole island and the only thing on there is a little box house and a fake looking temple?? This place has to have something underground? Are they generators or aircon units to the left of the house? Either way they look pretty damn big to be powering/cooling that little box! More like industrial size ones. Who the fuck would want to stay on that evil dark island. Seems like a big island to just have that little house and temple On it!

Snailracer ago

The pool and pool house are right near there, there must be generators somewhere too, there might be some utility rooms underground elsewhere. As far as there being some underground complex... personally I doubt it, why bother? The whole point of owning a private island is that the whole thing is already private.

goodguy1367 ago

Is that the pool House the little white box? I haven't seen anymore besides the few pics posted. The big white/black boxes next to the White House? Looks like either generators or aircon, I see there's a white pipe going in to the ground next To it, possibly aircon?

Snailracer ago

There was some other pics on 4chan... here's one that shows the pool house and the ac/heater boxes, you can see an outdoor shower near the bottom of the giant flagpole.

Here is another that shows a diving board near the right, the temple is in the background.

goodguy1367 ago

Those black boxes? Are strange looking things and those aircon are still fuckin massive for that pool house! Normal ducted house ones are a quarter the size of one of those boxes. Probably some airconditioned kill room

Nana66 ago

IDK anything about 4Chan but does it usually already get archived like it is now and you can't even reply any more?

CynicalLurker ago

Yes that's completely normal. As soon as threads hit post limit they get archived.

Vindicator ago

Interesting...just saw the judge in charge of Epstein's pedo island is a graduate of the same school John Podesta is a member of the faculty: George Washington University.

Curtis V. Gomez

Judge, United States District Court for the District of the Virgin Islands

Tenure: 2005-present Chief 2006-2013

Appointed by George W. Bush


Bachelor's George Washington University

J.D. Harvard Law School

Curtis V. Gomez is a federal judge for the United States District Court for the District of the Virgin Islands. He joined the court in 2005 after a nomination from President George W. Bush. Gomez's term expired in 2015, but he continues to serve as federal judge on the district court pending his successor's confirmation. Gomez served as the chief judge from 2006 to 2013. Prior to joining the court, Gomez worked as an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of the Virgin Islands.[1][2]

2impendingdoom ago

Podesta is connected to Georgetown Law, at Georgetown U. I think this is a different school.

Vindicator ago

I always get those two schools confused. :(

sore_ass_losers ago

You can rent Little St. James, $3,000 per day for two people:

This suggests anything nefarious is well hidden.


$3,000 for a night's stay and dinner

you are the main course

YingYangMom ago

I doubt this is legit. I'm sure they would come up with an excuse to not let anyone 'outside' of their cult or covent members rent the place out.

jbdigriz ago

Seems easy enough to crowd source. With plane tickets, maybe $10,000 to send a pair of 4chan autists?

Strap gopros to them, give 'em a drone, give 'em a push off the boat and tell them they get extra tendies if they run around the whole island.

lawfag123 ago

Good find

lawfag123 ago

What's the best way to back this up, given that archive is unreliable?

ThePuppetShow ago

Save/print it as a PDF. BTW, thanks. Didn't have these

Vindicator ago

GoPluck just started a thread on the subject: