ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Trust no one single archive or backup service. Keep offline backups on devices that are not connected to the internet in any way. Assume that every time you post something in the clear, you are being tracked. Use VPN always. Be safe. Protect your data. If you come across something valuable, you may be killed but hopefully your data will live on.

redditsuckz ago

Guy who runs Slimgur just deleted his twitter and Reddit accounts...

December 18 archive

Deleted twitter less than 2 days ago January 15th capture...

Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 15 Jan 2017 14:58:35

Technician90 Reddit deleted less than 10 days ago

hafen ago

Same technician90? (If it's not, I don't wanna bother that random person)

redditsuckz ago

I dont think thats him...but dont give up looking because we should find out if he was threatened, paid off or is controlled he is ironically talking about censorship;

“Censorship doesn’t work on the Internet, people know when their voice is being taken away and it only strengthens their resolve to be heard,” Technician90 told me.

gopluckyourself ago

That's a little fuckin ridiculous actually.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

This is huge.

redditsuckz ago

I wonder if it was controlled from the beginning and they were just waiting to pull the switch...

28leinad82 ago

Quickly go and grab a copy of every image you can find - use!

redditsuckz ago

If Archive doesnt work please try to screen cap the entire page;*****************

Example of full webisite page image capture;

Full Screen Capture Firefox add-on;

Full screen Capture Chrome add-on;

Online website full page capture;

153sdsd ago

Store everything on the blockchain!!

wh0care ago

thanks. Bookmarked.

lawexaminer ago

I have suggested a solution on other threads that involves Seafile's free file syncing software ( You would have a permanent, fail safe setup for all files related to the investigation.

To employ this, someone would need to volunteer a server to host and serve the files (and allow contributors to upload). Then, Seafile would be used to mirror the data on computers worldwide.

The advantages are that numerous computers worldwide ("mirrors")will have an identical copy of the files and the files are stored in native format. So, if any computer in the network is compromised or unavailable, the public can use an alternate source for getting their files. Since the files are stored in native format, all files could be accessed through a web browser from any of the mirrors at any time.

BarryOSeven ago

This would be a nice solution if we wouldn't have a party trying to take down centrilized information distribution,

The requirement for a system like this is decentrilization, no single node should have the power to take out information.

A blockchain based system would be the safest, but it might be too early and technique not ready yet. IPFS is a better way but IPFS does still require you to "add a torrent"

What we need is some sort of p2p software, decentrilized, in which you can subscribe to a repository or something. If something updates in a repo there should be immediate distribution across the peers.

Could bring some security problems like overflowing the network to disrupt the distribution.

That's why a blockchain solution should be the best, if we can find or create something like this we are safe.

Vindicator ago

Flairing this as "Important" in light of the problems with and sl.img. Nothing is more directly relevant to the PG investigation than the evidence people have collected and saved to document it.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

And evidence that they are scrubbing investigation data.