dindonufin ago

I think this basically means they have failed to stop Trump's inaguration. Clinton winning was plan A, stopping the inaguration was plan B, now we're at plan C - late night shredding sessions.

scared_yung_father ago

Is there any open source alternative or could we create an open source sort of archive tool ?

Dressage2 ago

Well PizzaMemes has just been obliterated with Sli down.

gopluckyourself ago

alldancingcrap rule 4 meta posts belong over in v/pizzagatewhatever I'm trying to get a stick post going so that this can be contained in one thread as it is important.

AllDancingCrap ago

Get the sticky done, I could really care less about the post but the info should be UP again. That is what is important not the click bait titles (that are indeed diluting the front page ) Meta or not I saw no intention of this calling up. for Whatever reason you guys have, the information gathered should be the priority. Not just to maintain the front page clean. This sub should seek to end this investigation not to maintain it over time.

gopluckyourself ago

https://ipfs.pics/ uses ipfs as a backend please independantly verify the voracity of that statement and the viability of the platform for yourself.

gopluckyourself ago

am not arguin that point at all. just have to get an m or o on to change the sticky for the day or whatever.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

You should all be making local backups of key information. This way, taking down online sharing sites is ineffective because people can just re-host their local copies all over the place. Fucking millennials.

IlluminatiKing ago

Makes me wonder if the Veritas video made these people freak out.

MolochHunter ago

I put this on pizzagatemods sub 7 hours ago no acknowledgement or action https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/1569832

archive.is is compromised and we need an alternative

2016DLG ago

Heart sinks! I take this to mean that what was uncovered is now lost? I have a few things from (r)eddit days but none of the stuff from the last two months!

AllDancingCrap ago

Indeed We need a series of alternatives and methods to follow, not just one. There is an apparent silent crackdown on dissent.

Alpo ago

I wonder if the thread I started earlier today kicked off a massive campaign of data removal, or if this has been in the works for a while and just happened to be noticed today. Could it be that sli.mg is just under temporary attack and things will be back to normal soon? Is it possible that the Tony Podesta and friends Facebook pictures are so sensitive to "them" that they are willing to go to such great lengths to keep people from seeing them? Would it have been better if attention hadn't been drawn to the deletion of the archive.is pages?

It does look like something big and unprecedented is happening now.

AllDancingCrap ago

Dude, archive is asking for email to obtain specific pizzagate pages, so pretty much is compromised. Kaput, the end unless you want to give your direct info to archive (which will probably end up in third party hands)

Tony Podesta and friends Facebook pictures are so sensitive to "them" that they are willing to go to such great lengths to keep people from seeing them?

Its sensitive to the general public. It doesnt need much imagination once you see the lifestyle of these people. In fact (playing devils advocate) it would have seen normal in a totally perverted society. But since its not the case and the majority of people are not into that type of stuff, specially if is a threat to their offspring then.. well better get this contained before it gets more spread.

If slimg and archive gone all that is left is some videos (I believe) and maybe some other stuff people have in storage. Making everything else just noise. PizzaGate the information that has been gathered by its investigators are real threats to the establishment and those in power will do everything in power to destroy it or render the idea as a goof.

lawexaminer ago

This is being discussed on other threads. My suggestion is to implement wikileaks' solution to this problem: http://wikileaks.openanthropology.org/Mirrors.html

Mirrored backup is the most fail-safe solution, but it requires someone to requires someone to take responsibility of coordinating the effort.

Seafile is a GIT based file syncing application https://www.seafile.com/ which could also be used.

AllDancingCrap ago

It is, been seeing your posts in all related issues with slimg and archive. And I agree. But also setting up protocols to downloads the GBs of pictures and saved pages in a p2p or torrent network would work aswell (although one will need some extra privacy protocols to use those networks hoping your system doesnt get pin pointed ) Physical storage is also an option, if the info is recovered we all should consider download at least parts of these files, in a way that even if the internet goes down it can be redistributed once the net (or alter-net) gets up.

lawexaminer ago

My understanding of torrents is that the files are not stored in native format. That advantage of having mirrors in native format (like Seafile) is that the public can access the files on any mirrors. So, if one sli.mg goes down, the public simply uses sli2.img or sli3.img to get their images.

With Seafile, you can choose the communication port. So, if ports get blocked, simply change to new ones.

pupu ago

What worries me is the fact that maybe, only maybe, nobody is backing things up, as everyone's assuming someone, somewhere is doing it, simply because hey, it's the internet, and it will automatically heal these lost files without any human intervention!

I've been lurking this site for too long, and seeing archive.is removing archives was the last straw. I have zero investigative talent, but maybe I can be a useful backuper in this whole thing.

AllDancingCrap ago

only maybe, nobody is backing things up

This is a very real possibility, simply the fact that we all assumed that everything was being archived and that it was safe, made us lazy in that sense. I used to download everything I found interesting simply because I didnt have 24/7 access to the web before. I have some snips and pictures related to pizzagate on several computers, but nothing compared to what was being archived on slimg and archive.is

waxdino ago

That top post is absolute click-bait, not relevant, by someone pushing their own platform, like you said. I do not understand all the upvotes and positive comments by regular users.

AllDancingCrap ago

Maybe those are not regular users, but fake accounts. Some people have way too much time in their hands (other, regular users have to work and cant afford to just go around doing many things like voatreallysuck do).