jangles ago


When you scroll over Ben's photo, a little kid shows up. Did a reverse google image search and found nothing. https://sli.mg/GIfYwu

amyrebeccajames ago

Slimg under attack. Can't see the pic.

jangles ago

This is an odd lead yet provides insight into how deep this rabbit hole goes. These concepts give rise to the name PEGASUS. I really do think they are using these children for their fluids. Here is an ethical review (http://repository.uvh.nl/bitstream/handle/11439/286/JGEmbodied subjects.pdf?sequence=1) and more (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11673-008-9112-7))

Podesta email link on subject of human fluids https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/784

NIST 1998 (prescribes – New and advanced technologies Labs (Physical and Chemical Properties, Electromagnetic Fields' • Electromagnetic Technology' • Optoelectronics- • Time and Frequency') in Boulder, Co - http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-15/SP800-15.PDF

DYNCORP • History 1998: DynCorp established DynCorp Technical Services, Inc. (DTS), and transferred its existing aerospace and international-division business-including contracts later held by DynCorp International-to the new DTS subsidiary.

Google Scholar Search- dyncorp "growth factor" frequency endocrine- Abstracts for the committee on the genetic constitution of chromosome 10 SA Narod, H Sobol, Y Nakamura, C Calmettes… - Cytogenet Genome …, 1991 - karger.com ... chromosome 3 27246 BEK, a receptor for multiple members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family ... AUendale Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406 USA Program Resources Inc./Dyncorp, NCI-FCRDC ... M, Santoro M, Fusco A, Vecchio G, Delia Porta G: High frequency of activation ... http://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/133744

-Google Search for more leads - https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=dyncorp+%22growth+factor%22+frequency+endocrine&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C42

amyrebeccajames ago

"NASA installations of mind control" reference - Cathy O'Brien. http://theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/transcription_cathy_obrien.htm http://archive.is/0CuUM

I think NASA might be a cover operation for the implementation of harmonic mind control used on MK Ultra victims. Conceivably it could be possible that the self destruct mechanism programmed into the victims' minds prevents them from being capable of speaking out or escaping.

amyrebeccajames ago

The surrogacy angle is a new one for Podesta. Do you think that was an important part of the email? I mean, I know different states have banned surrogacy and it's illegal in some countries as it is considered the sale of children.

jangles ago

This is the whole thing. Benghazi=pizzagate

amyrebeccajames ago

yeah you're right

Eastwood350 ago

Looks like the Wexner Medical Center in Ohio does a number of organ transplants. https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/transplant

7900 transplants were performed at this Center. http://thelantern.com/2015/04/wexner-medical-center-recognizes-organ-transplants-with-pinwheels/

Big bucks involved with the average cost of a transplant. http://www.transplants.org/faq/how-much-does-transplant-cost

BallsDeepInReality ago

The fact that kids photo doesn't come up on Google is actually kind of creepy. Means that it didn't come from the web...

ThePuppetShow ago

Were you able to view the pic from this link? https://sli.mg/GIfYwu

lawfag123 ago

slimg has been down for me all day. Is it still working for you?

ThePuppetShow ago

That would be the problem then. No, it's not. Didn't bother checking anything else. Haha

Hopefully they aren't purging.

lawfag123 ago

This is the first time its ever happened in my experience, and it's been down for quite a long time for me today. !_!

ThePuppetShow ago

Weird, I wonder if they getting ddos'ed. Tons of info on that site!

They can never get rid of anything permanently, lots of us have hard copies.

lawfag123 ago

Yeah - I've made a habit over these past months to save info to my computer -.-

rutkdn ago

Looks like they are now going to do this legally... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1569936

derram ago

https://archive.is/7hw59 :

Amy James on Twitter: "t.co/8J2R4XtjtE organ trafficking. #pizzagate"

https://archive.is/YDvWf :

Dani on Twitter: "JEpstein/Wexner-cancer research center Ohio state. Daughter heads family services/child advocacy in Ohio. Intersect t.co/SyQHqS8lP8"

https://archive.is/2N9Y1 :

Dani on Twitter: "Wish I had voat. Please tell them start at JEpstein-look up the scientists he finds. Also his partner les Wexner t.co/SyQHqS8lP8"

https://archive.is/YDvWf :

Dani on Twitter: "JEpstein/Wexner-cancer research center Ohio state. Daughter heads family services/child advocacy in Ohio. Intersect t.co/SyQHqS8lP8"

https://archive.is/VcNPO :

Dani on Twitter: "The scientist Minsky directly connected to alcor. Who just developed "new process" for preservation.&supporters t.co/SyQHqS8lP8"

https://archive.is/Xh7Rc :

Votes by Byron Dorgan - U.S. Congress Votes Database - The Washington Post

https://archive.is/a9r4z :

Clinton Officials Protest ABC 9/11 Film

This has been an automated message.

amyrebeccajames ago

Thanks guys. Looks like Millenial_Falcon is of the opinion that there is no evidence that organ / blood / body harvesting and blood drinking and Satanism are in any way connected to kidnapping, pedophilia organ / blood / body consumption and cannibalism. Do you guys have any more information on Dorgan? Obviously, he's an anti-truther connected to the Clinton Foundation. I guess Millenial_Falcon thinks that the CIA and elites are only into kidnapping, pedophilia and Spirit Cooking as art and that they have a small appetite.

jangles ago

I agree @Millenial_Falcon continues to push this investigation the way he wants it to go.