VieBleu ago

good research - worth of a real write up. Would make an interesting article.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Chinese Transplant Doctor Accused of Ordering Executions to Speak at Vatican

SpikyAube ago

Why is it that some people can see it and have always known it's all a bunch of evil sociopaths following their own agenda? There must be some telltale sign that some people pick up on, but I can't put my finger on it.

mrjdouble ago

This shit is ridiculous and can't believe they put their names on it. Reminds me about the FBI recently publicly complaining that they couldn't get enough qualified bodies in their cyber crimes division because, "too many people smoke weed"


mrjdouble ago

I was just reviewing the links you've provided. Good stuff, these seems like legit connections you've shined the light on here. One thing I noticed that didn't seem to get mention is, among other titles, Senator Dorgan is apparently the "Congressional exec of China" which if these connections are true, would make sense because you'd certainly want a friendly in congress that was working closely to "sort china out" on paper, but his real job would be to manage the contacts on the otherside who would be doing the actual kidnapping, trafficking and organ harvesting.

This man could very well be a lynch pin. Consider him a project manager of sorts: Except he's not working on IT projects, he's managing filth around the globe.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Ok so my comment now is 13 hours after yours and they just changed their website. All pics on Heather Podesta's goofy website are professional up to date photos. So Heather Podesta is actively monitoring this site. Why Heather? Got something to hide? Why have u never had children of your own Heather? Would it conjure up too many bad memories for u of things u have done? Too many reminders of times passed. What goes through your weak mind when u and Tony go into your dungeon theatre to watch pedophilic snuff movies? U know, the ones u have paid so much for the rights to own. What happened to u in the beginning of your life Heather? Do u want to go back and change those childhood memories? Have u ever tried making it better? Do u ever wish u could sleep well at night, to stop the intrusive thoughts, the nightmares, the faces, the screams? I know u know what I'm talking about...

remedy4reality ago

' Welcome to Heather Podesta Partners, can we have a childhood photo of you to put on our website with your professional profile? '


badastrid ago

Excellent sourcing!

badastrid ago

That mouse-over is creepy beyond belief.

PieInTheEye ago

Interesting. That 9/11 documentary was produced for Citizens United ... and it directly targeted the Clinton wing of the Democrats for setting the stage for 9/11 ... which, lets face it, was part of the larger NATO 'stay-behind' network operations designed to maintain control over Afghanista, the MENA, and to keep Russia down and make them submit to the New World Order and full privatization of their national resource combines by Rothschild/Rockefeller controlled western capital cartels ... same NWO agenda the Bush Family was so effective at laying the groundwork for prior to Bill Clinton, and directly after him with Bush Jr., ... Clinton was just a fit gap used to bridge the Bush dynasty, and Clinton's wars in Yugoslavia were the groundwork for the next stage of the 'stay-behinds' and the expansion of NATO into former Soviet block countries, in contravention of the agreements the US made with Russia under Reagan.

Clinton's and Bushes were just two halves of the same toxic problem, gaming the 'democratic' mechanics of the Republic. Doug Band was all pissed off because he had worked so hard to build the Clinton brand into a post-office lobbying and foundation network, that would net the Clinton's millions of dollars whilst Hillary was positioned up for a launch from Senator to President.

Sharipie ago

Need organs? See Planned Parenthood or a Pedosta with a fresh shipment of Haitian kids.

EuroContra ago

Organ harvesting takes place also in Syria:

Could child trafficking and organ harvesting be among true reasons for the war? Because there are certainly easier and more profitable ways of financing the military activities in the area, whereby these news of organized organ trading sound odd.

Relevant things to follow in my opinion: 1. Related NGOs and individuals working/worked in the area - and their relations to pizzagate 2. White helmets and other possible field organization for the task - connections to NGOs 3. Related decisions by US and European governments 4. Destination of the illegal organs

Through turkey-russia co-operation more related information may surface (via RT or Sputnik). However, as the source is russian, reliability should be questioned.

ragerino ago

I was saying this from the start of pizzagate on reddit.

It reminded me of the yellow house run by doctors without borders in albania.

amyrebeccajames ago

As of right now there are several with no childhood photos. That's seriously the weirdest thing I've ever seen done on a professional online photo vcard. Must be code for "here are the people at our firm who will help with child trafficking" or something.

Wolftrail7272 ago

That sounds possible. Jesus Christ.

yabbadoody ago

I would agree - maybe on someone's personal social media, but BUSINESS?!?! that's about the weirdest thing I've ever heard.

The_Kuru ago

I really think that Life Extension for elitists through harvesting ( third-worlder body parts, young blood rejuvination, umbilical blood-stem-cell rejuvenation ) is the big attraction for Democrat Party elite money funding.

I'm speaking objectively because I'm not very religious myself: When you don't believe in an after-life scenario, everything revolves around staying alive. They'll drain kids blood because they don't believe in hell. They just want to keep sucking oxygen and not be decomposing in a hole in the ground.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah, no doubt, look at David Rockefeller on his 7th heart transplant. The man looks like death. Just fucking die already. Evil twisted vermin.

wokethefkup ago


rhy ago

Agreed. They are almost certainly involved in illegal and highly immoral parabiosis through the ritual murder of infants. Pretty much everything points to that being the main motive.

sunajAeon ago

Perhaps these evil people are afraid of death and the afterlife, and that is why they go to such extremes to artificially increase their lives

Godwillwin ago

A little off topic, but They also believe in UFOs according to this Wikileaks email. This is the first I've seen of podesta and UFOs. Maybe he is really reptilian. Lol

noreturn4me ago

Don't forget the FOIA FBI on UFO's. Part 1 page 22 has a nice description of aliens. There are many others but this is the one I can remember.

sunajAeon ago

Podesta doesn't say anything about aliens, the person sending the email made the remark just to clarify, still interesting remark

Hopevoats ago

Blink 182 dude (Tom DeLonge) tells Podesta that he's the secret inside source mentioned in his book. It's in one of the emails.

sunajAeon ago

Interesting, I'll take a look at that when i find it

Hopevoats ago

It's a message where he tells Podesta in which paragraph he mentions him as the "unnamed source".

sunajAeon ago


Godwillwin ago

You're right. The guy insinuates that he knows podesta wants UFOs to be exposed. I should have said UFOs not Aliens.

Podesta says they have a lot of work to do in his reply

I took that as him saying a lot of work to do before UFOs would be "revealed" to the public

sunajAeon ago

Yeah, these emails are visually very hard on the eyes, takes a lot of care to take it in fully, just slow, repetitive reading, easy does it...

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks for all the work you put into this post!

search4truth ago

I've been trying to research the organ trafficking angle for some time based on these leads among many:

I'm still working on it, mainly because of my geographic location and contacts.

We're dealing with some serious issues, trying to peel off the cover of the crimes these people have been involved in. Expect them to fight back. They may be working furiously, trying to cover their online and real-world tracks. There are many of us though, and I expect more to join and help out.

Keep researching. Some leads may lead nowhere, but we may hit the jackpot at some point. I expect some Anon-intel help along the way.

Good luck to everyone in whatever way you choose to help.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I've often wondered about the whole 23 and Me, and other new age crap where they encourage people to send in their DNA to look for possible diseases and to match them with family members around the world in their database, as well as to inform u of your origins. They would have so much info on u in their hands. If that is linked to any of these organ trafficking groups then they'd know immediately where to grab the person who was an exact match. Not saying this is the case but there are numerous tv commercials and online ads pushing u to pay and send in your DNA swab. Makes u wonder...

Sharipie ago

For at least the last 4-8 years they've been committing crimes right in front of our faces every day so that our heads were spinning so fast that we couldn't do anything about it. And now, we are exposing their crimes every day and so fast that they won't be able to lie, confuse and propagandize fast enough. Then we win!

yabbadoody ago

"serious" doesn't begin to describe what's going on if they're organ harvesting - "body snatchers" is more like it, only they're snatching living persons... that's "murder", even if only by degree. And they need to find appropriate DONORS - using govt records, most likely, but also medical records - which means MASSIVE HIPPA violations, major Federal prison time for anyone involved, and that's BEFORE you tack on murder / medical malpractice / manslaughter.

fogdryer ago

is this why my our medical records keep getting hacked--stolen? 3 x now

sunajAeon ago

You know about 10 years ago the hospitals adopted a new policy of treating all medical information as classified material, not the name but the effect was the same, it was preached as a way of safeguarding patient's privacy, but I am beginning to think it was all about exploiting the public on many levels, and making it impossible to blow the whistle on what's going on, what we have today is in the words of Eustace Mullins "Rockefeller Medicine," which is all about exploiting your illness for profit, keeping you returning to your physician in a revolving door cycle that perpetuates a sick society, taking the poisons of Big Pharma, which results in an endless line of payors to this institution of suffering; hospitals, research centers, are all interrelated, and becoming much more so as technology skyrockets and the need for organs and living human tissue increases for science, experiments and medicine, this feeds into this International Slave trade that includes the Zenith of evil-Luciferian Pedophobes

dogwalker ago

On this note, I have personally witnessed the smearing and misinformation campaign involving afrezza, and the naked short selling of MNKD stock. Afrezza is the closest thing to a cure for diabetes that we have seen yet, and patients blood sugar levels normalize to that of non diabetics. Obviously this threatens a massive amount of profits from current diabetes drugs. This also happened with a prostate drug called provange, that was eventually sold to Valeant for pennies on the dollar.

The financial/health angle is a massive part of the globalist game, and it deserves a little more attention to understand how it all ties in.

ArthurEdens ago

Huh, that 9/11 letter reminds me of the time politicians panicked over that discovery channel Boystown doc that eventually went unaired, because you know it was just so untrue and ridiculous right? Oh wait it turned out to be 100% true oh yeah, so I think I'm going to watch this 9/11 film.

All these people do is the opposite; our heart association illegally procures hearts, our anti-child trafficking teams actually do the child trafficking, our adoption agencies actually steal children. What did someone say, Satanists do the opposite of what the right thing to do is? I'm seeing a lot of patterns here.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

As above so below?

mrjdouble ago

Along that same token of thought, would that mean our intelligence community is actually a bunch of retards?

ArthurEdens ago

I laughed at that but also I think you're on to something here.

mrjdouble ago

Cheers! Keep pushing forward and keep on fighting!

Mooka_Molaka ago


Thanks for the giggle ~ I really needed that. I spent a good part of this early Saturday morning (after midnight) catching up on George Webb's Where is Eric Braverman series. Feeling a bit drained, but never giving up!


oh boy, am I deliriously tired

Thank You ~
Thank You everyone for working on this ~💟
God Bless You,💖✝🕊
Flying Spaghetti Monster Bless You,🍝
✨🕊Have a Happy & Healthy New Year ✨🍾

mrjdouble ago

I've heard about the series, but haven't watched it yet. Is it online, or where can I find it?

After what you've seen, do you think he's approx victim #50 in HC's circle to be suicided/kia?

And glad you got a laugh out of that stupid comment. I know that feel. Been drained myself, so I know how big a simple pick me up can be. Almost like a survival situation being lost out in the woods or something; you've got to keep your head straight, independently thing and apply logic, but having a little fun in the process can go a long way. Unfortunately for these scumbags, I have not yet begun to fight!


Mooka_Molaka ago

Hi there mrjdouble ~ So sorry I hadn't replied. I ended up in the hospital very shortly after this post. -_-

But I'm home now & slowly recuperating. I have some ongoing health issues so I won't be making it back to 100%, short of a miracle, but there are MANY other ppl who deserve/truly need that so I'll be fine at my 70% or so. It's my new 100%!

Some of my health issues are considered "progressive" (NO! NOT THE #SJW KIND OF PROGRESSIVE! I'D RATHER NOT HAVE THAT DISEASE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ~ _ ^) If I can keep it close to that 70% or so & not experience too much progressiveness or getting too much worse I'll be alright! How's that for a bunch of confusing numbers & stuff? lol ^_^

So anyway, after all that babbling, I'm sorry I hadn't replied about the "Where is Eric Braverman" series that George Webb has so diligently researched & studied & posted pretty much daily for months now on YouTube. It's brilliant & ties everything together so well. I was in bed/resting for much of my viewing of it, on my little tablet mini & I personally I have a tougher time opening new tabs to research or double check stuff without losing what I had on a previous open tab than I do while sitting at the pc, so I haven't verified everything, but damn. Deep rabbit-hole, shadow govt., CIA GLADIOS, private army/mercenaries, foreign govt coups, takeovers of toppled leaders' finances, takeovers/stolen funds from a small country's entire banking systems (nobody ever seems to ask about what happens to the money & infrastructure of a toppled regime!) - OR EVER THINKS TO ASK WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE WOMEN OR ORPHANED CHILDREN but I digress. George Webb covers this. ALL OF THIS and more.

Here is a link somebody left for you after I was unable to reply;

Verite1 0 points (+0|-0) 1 month ago 
Please watch and educate yourself it will give you the context needed for pizzagate 

So I wish you well, hope you & yours are having a good New Year so far & as always...


Verite1 ago

Please watch and educate yourself it will give you the context needed for pizzagate

sunajAeon ago

Hey since you mentioned "Where is Eric Braverman series" can you give a synopsis of this-who is Eric Braveman? I have caught one of the shows and it was packed full of info (that needed to be verified of course) but I haven't listened to the beginning shows

ArthurEdens ago

Braverman was CEO of the Clinton Foundation. John Podesta mentions him as a possible whistleblower on their corruption in a wikileaks email. Braverman is missing now. No one is sure if he was killed or under witness protection.

sunajAeon ago

Thanx-I need to get up to speed on this-so much perversity, so little computer time...

Rigg5 ago

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

pizzaAudit ago

How is Ben Kline related to "Andrew Kline" (DOJ)? that created Besta-Pizza logo "We fuck little boys"

followthemoney ago

aka false memories

billybigrigger ago


Godwillwin ago

Yep and they also accuse those trying to bring them to justice of the exact crimes they are committing. Sal Alinsky - Hillary and Obama are good little sal Alinsky pupils

sunajAeon ago

How is it people could have glossed over Alinksy-I don't think most liberals have a clue about some of the leaders in the Obama march to the WH

ArthurEdens ago

News stations pick sides by design so you're only going to hear whichever one you lean toward, it's human's tribal nature. That's why I think political parties should be banned. Trump is truly an independant like Ross Perot was, but they have to pick a side because it's the only way to go anywhere. Republicans and Democrats are buddies, the fights are all for show like a wrestling match.

Godwillwin ago

They don't. They're zombies. It's really sad.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I did not understand the significance of the Alinsky connection until they started having fake victims come forward accusing Trump.

ArthurEdens ago

Doesn't it seem these last two years are Alinsky on steriods? Especially these last months with the pushback against pizzagate and all the obama bs about russian hackers.

Dressage2 ago

Great job!! I am going to look into some of the others on masthead of letter. Also, good idea to see who else might have voted against these issues.

MAGABoomer ago

Ah, that's him as a kid.

2impendingdoom ago

i didn't think it looked like him, and if so, who does that??

MAGABoomer ago

Not sure who does it, but back when I was on FB it seemed everyone was doing that.

TheGodHead ago

The eyes are the same but still it's weird...


The photo of the kid is indeed freaky - I've never seen a professional work photo change into anything else before, let alone a kid.

2impendingdoom ago

WOW. nice work BUT EVERYONE check out the little boy behind the photo in the first link: IT IS SERIOUSLY FREAKY. Who is that KID??

NerdyNoodle ago

They all have these kid pics:

It's very very weird for a legislative team.

justiceforever ago

I'm not seeing it. Did they change it?

remedy4reality ago

Think of this: Every member of the Heather Podesta group were abducted and/or conscripted into this massive operation as children and are 100% brainwashed, MK Ultra robots.

concernedaboutitall ago

Creepy weird. I don't understand why they did that on the website at all.

pizzagate_crusader ago

I saw this on one other company I came across, if I can find it, I'll post it. It seemed like a young, hip company though and so it didn't stick out as much. This may be something to watch for...

libertyvs ago

Anyone ever notice another professional group doing this?

amyrebeccajames ago


TheGodHead ago

I think it's him as a child, it still strikes me as odd.

Goldenshowergirl ago

I second this. The facial features are similar enough that it's almost certainly him as a kid.

derram ago :

Votes by Byron Dorgan - U.S. Congress Votes Database - The Washington Post :

Clinton Officials Protest ABC 9/11 Film

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