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phlux ago

Educating the masses on the symbolism will be intensive - but it must happen. This is an alpha post - Ill iterate on it...

I transcribed the symbolism in this vid....

" Hey!! That's "Son of Ra" - I love those guys!!" -- Sun worship

Here is a serpent; 'symbol of DNA' -- Do you think that they don't believe that their thoughts affect DNA?

two men, white and black, are sharing a space (reality) black represents both space and chaos and, in their terms, spirituality - white reps earth and order and materialism (hence the boxes on his lap (why do you think the world operates as it does? Whites have all the money - blacks have a lot of spirit...) Levi is actually eating (consumption)

we no longer need sit beneath the sword of damocles -- this means they no longer need to hide...:

Damocles (/ˈdæməkliːz/; Greek: Δαμοκλῆς Dāmoklē̂s, literally: "fame of the people") is a figure featured in a single moral anecdote commonly referred to as "the Sword of Damocles", an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power. [Chapel Perilous] -- basically he is bragging saying that they are NOW all powerful

Clear the mind... stand at the center (shows a white and black column standing at the center of the mind... (too much to say on this at the time, its late...) -- ill get back to this...

the black column over talks - the white column stands silent (duality)

know the "field" -- "become the other" (grokking in a sense - but much much deeper) -- gnosticism, and "know thy enemy" and such - but basically, become a chameleon and know they way that the goyim operate and become like them in appearance and then own them... this is basically the Talmud distilled and being weaponized - which was the intent... we can talk more about that later.

the black column reps chaos/space/spiritualism(but demented), the white, order. dichotomy/duality evil - good - etc... why is chaos SO happy?

trance experiences in the realm of death for a moment with death looking masks

hypnotism, fear (green reps fear in this vid) - woke to chaos telling him how "cool" "Son of Ra" is...

Music (frequency) being used to push the conditioning...

hypnotic suggestion; "LEVI feel those horns on your head?" -- levi is a symbol and trigger

colors change from fear to elation to hate (green, blue, red)

"tou always knew this was the right thing -- let me give you the illusion you are empowered... that youre a chosen one, like moses"

"the horns are in your DNA - I cant take them off... you're 'one of us'"

hypnotic music continues... just go along with the flow, but be CONGRATULATED that YOU are chosen (MK technique)

euphoria ensues... conscious takes over and he asks to get out

the man in the authoritarian shirt (epaulets) ([Meaning that the MIC is in control]), plays nice cop - "ok stop"

sends black pillar to take him home "wanna get something to eat, down on franklin?" (franklin cover up... conspiracy of silence...) "they call it 'LITTLE PAIR'

what do you want to eat? "an omelette" -- "c'mon man - you gotta go bigger than an omelette - know what I mean (only if youre an idiot do you not know what they are coding here...) #chickenlovers etc

I dont get the burning bush symbol in this context just yet - will need to look

I have a ton more occult references that can be linked to this -- but this is my transcribing of the vid as I saw it -- if you want me to dig deeper I can - but this is a clear CP symbolists vid. PERIOD.

youll need to put in some effort - but I will as well... but I know my symbols a tiny bit.

BeezleyBillyBub ago


phlux ago

I updated.. read again