B3nder ago

from his site

"A man with a nearly magical ability to connect with children"

  • Washingtonian Magazine

vector3rector ago

Edit Dedicated Thread keeps getting deleted

Just realized this.

On fairfax underground, there was a comment that really stood out.

  • [For those who want context, they are arguing about The Great Zuchini being a pedophile. So accused party and defenders begin name dropping for credibility.]

Why would Michelle Obama, be giving Sasha Obama, personal rides to a venue event?

After noticing that little fact., My misinterpretation with Sasha Lord, making no reference of her friendly ties with the White House, had me looking at other's VOAT threads about her. There are many instances, where we can correlate a strong friendship between Mr. and Mrs. Obama., With James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong. Let's not forget their PizzaPac Group, which was created back in 2012, to receive "donations".


This has all been said before:

Sasha Lord worked at Black Cat 2001-2005, graduated from George Mason University in 2005 in Therapeutic Recreation specializing in working with At-Risk Populations. In 2003, Sasha Lord was a outdoor facilitator at Hemlock Overlook specializing in At-Risk Populations. In 2004, Sasha Lord volunteered in Salem Oregon with The Girl Scouts of Santiam Council helping facilitate "Girl Scout Beyond Bars".

All her hosted events at Comet Ping Pong, continuously have a pedophillic theme.

Also, all the archives to her website poster and other material is either begining to get lagged out or has been completely removed.

When cross correlating all the bands Sasha hosts., A common name comes up. Commodore Gilgamesh. Feel free to go check out some of the footage and "art" on his website.

Commodor Gilgamesh is, Nick, Nic, Nicholas Maier , the co-founder of Everything is Terrible!. A private content producer for Funny or Die.

This is where everything begins grouping itself together

The attatchment in Email #28538, sent to John Podesta for after party., This is originally from David Brock [Who Neera Tanden, warns Hillary about], to his extra VIP guests, from the White House Correspondents Dinner. Labeled After After Party. He tells his guests to RSVP to " [email protected] ".

Kimball Stroud, for our importance., She is the co-founder [With James Alefantis], of IMPACT Arts + Film Fund. She also prides herself, on coordinating (sellling -cough, cough), introductions. [Archive]

For a better summary on Kimball and her past work. Check her About Us Page. * >Kimball Stroud began her political career at the 1992 Inaugural Committee for President William Jefferson Clinton as Special Events Manager.

Im sure it doesn't take long to realize she's been in the Clinton's pockets since then., She's benn a confidant and sex-party planner, since Bill's early days in office.

Browsing through her press links, you begin to see Kimball Stroud and Associates have a strong relationship with Funny or Die.


  • Comet Ping Pong > Sasha Lord > Pedophillic Correlated Artists > Commodore Gilgamesh - disturbing content producer, proclaims videos attained as "found" > Everything is Terrible! - disturbing content producer > IAFF Impact Arts + Film Fund > back to Alefantis, Owner of Comet's



EVERY TIME I have written the following., Posts have either been deleted, or accounts removed.

"Based on the information release by Wikileaks and the Panama Paper leaks., These individuals provide us with blatant evidence, that describes them engaging in RICO fraud, deception, racketeering, money laundering, coercion, collusion, and treason. These acts where described by Podesta Email #52046, #2874, and many more.

This, more than implicates them in multiple crimes., Especially once tying in the Panama Paper leaks, far more crimes can be attributed. This more than constitutes an investigation, but because of the number of wealthy individuals involved in this., No federal prosecutor is wanting to touch this case.

Among these parties and those "invested" in them and "donating"., They compose and compile, the worlds largest and most intricately involved laundering group in history. This has some of the wealthiest politicians, businessmen, actors, musicians, media titans, and criminals involved. They will go to ANY lengths, to avoid public prosecution or embarrassment."

Publicly attaining and pursuing, concealed information from:

  • Alan Dershowitz., Doug Band and Teneo., John Podesta and [The Clinton Foundation and The Clinton Global Initiative]., And David Brock w/ the Bonner Group.,

Will produce the "Pandora's box" of information, regarding criminal enterprises in: politics, new-media, and entertainment.

EyeOfHorus ago

Other than being absolute CRAP, Commodore Gilgamesh is clearly involved with the Majestic Ape / Heavy Breathing videos and vice versa. Who the fuck pays for all that crap? They've got good equipment, all the time in the world, and absolutely zero talent.

pujoldotcom may be sharing artistic "talent", use the word loosely, with Majestic Ape also.

They get paid to sit around all day watching shit (Everything Is Terrible) VHS tapes, sort them into pedo/occult bins, then edit to create near subliminal stimulation visuals. In the end, were going to find out all this shit is being paid with our tax dollars. Its either tax dollars via BS off the books congress fund or a way to laundry illegal money, payoffs. Nobody would ever invest a dime in that shit expecting return.

vector3rector ago


just_clueless ago

Good catch...I knew this had an odd "not quite right" feeling about it

wecanhelp ago

I would personally theorize that he's, in fact, scared shitless.

just_clueless ago

Meanwhile, maybe you're stuck on the leftcoast...Say in Portland for instance, eating a delicious Voodoo Doughnut http://voodoodoughnut.com/ and wishing you could get to Comet Ping Pong for one of those awesome Heavy Breathing shows...Maybe you'd go see a Boys II Gentlemen show instead https://www.facebook.com/boys2gentlemen/?fref=ts ...A kid can dream in this world of hipster food and edgy art , Heck, maybe you'd run into Scott Cummings there, who knows ?

AreWeSure ago

So nothing to do with pizzagate ?

just_clueless ago

Obviously it has to do with pizzagate....Clearly I made the connection...Criminal? No it's not. Fucking odd in the house of odd that is Comet Ping Pong? Yes it is...Comet is ground zero for pizzagate so that is an odd question to ask AreWeSure..

AreWeSure ago

Every musician who ever played there or every customer who ever went there is not part of this. You claim it's odd. Why? Because he's playing a club? He seems to also played other DC performance places: The Arlington Cinema Drafthouse The 9:30 Club The DC Improv

This is guy is a popular kids perfromer in Washington DC. What's wierd? That he's played parties at The White House and embassies and influential places?

That's because he is a kid's performer in Washington, DC.

It's like if you were the top cupcake baker in Washington, DC, you would important customers too. Or if you were the top plumber.

You're taking normal stuff and yanking it into pizzagate.

just_clueless ago

Normal doesn't play at the CIA,NSA, AND Comet, get real

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


Keep repeating this and he might realize that there's a real chance it will happen, and he might turn states witness! Cuz the noise isn't stopping, all the paid shills aren't working. The dots are still being connected and evidence dug up.... seriously. He's got what two weeks before shit could get REAL nasty! And if I was a Saudi Puppet master I'd be lining up some wetworks on a little pizza boy, no matter how much moolah he cleans through art!! THINK ABOUT IT JAMES!! I'd pull a Braverman and call the FBI like NOW!!!

salinaslayer ago

He's dead meat already, but I wouldn't count on him turning out a whistleblower, he's already cornered on every side, he's threatening people's families because his own family is threatened, but the reality is that there's nothing he can do to stop this

remedy4reality ago

except Alefantis IS the State

Orange_Circle ago

I think he's just a tiny little player. To the elite, James is very expendable.

If I were him, I'd be headed to the Trump Tower and asking to be put in Witness protection with Eric Braverman asap.

doubletake ago

No. 49 is a fairly lofty area; if you figure the higher you go is based on the quality of your blackmail/leverage, #49's pretty good.

vector3rector ago

I think James is going to "commit suicide" from all the pizzagate "stress".

They have certainly been trying to clean up their astronomical errors. They realize they are being monitored by more eyes than the original Silk Road website.

James feels more heat from this, than from his average butt poundings.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


just_clueless ago

Exactly what I thought too...And to tell the truth, even if these were on the up and up, I don't need the overpriced CIA or NSA adding some kind of family day entertainment on our dime at the workplace where it has no business.

wokethefkup ago

Can someone archive this? Sure as hell am not giving those tossers traffic just so I can see what the hell ur on about

waxdino ago

It's not hard to archive, guys. Copy the web address and paste it in the bar at archive.is. I'm not sure what the plan is if that site stops working. I archived the reviews: http://archive.is/ohyNh

wokethefkup ago

ah thank you! (always phone blogging but occasionally will go on a laptop so thx mate because not only for me but others in future can properly archive)

just_clueless ago

Thank you wax, I saved the link and appreciate you showing me that

just_clueless ago

PLEASE DO...Archiving would be much appreciated

BeezleyBillyBub ago

That fucking Majestic Ape piece of shit is caught on video joking about "orphans and assholes" and the gender preferences of pedophiles right before his boss gets his cock sucked on teevee by Megan Kelly. That's called sticking it in our face.

ImmortalCommunity ago

Yeah and she did it in the White House too.


doubletake ago

what??? that interview was in the White House?

ImmortalCommunity ago

Well yeah, it was. Below the subway outside of the Whitehouse.