awakenaware ago

If he was an adult comedian i'd understand him calling himself the Great Zucchini, but come on a children's performer calls himself a dick joke name? That is waaay weird!

awakenaware ago

"there is a picture of with Hillary clinton on his web site. When he was at the Avaon theater, Michelle obama dropped off Sasha for the show. "

crosshairs ago

Washington Post Article on the origins of "The Great Zucchini"

contrarianism ago

That guys comes off so sketchy. No way he should be around kids.

StrangeHologram ago

The CIA, eh?

UTKR89 ago

I posted about this as soon as I saw THIS SITE based on web search of names in Comet Ping Pong's "Kid's Night" poster. Many many red flags.

dustygozangas ago

known pedo.

check this:

contrarianism ago

Not a known pedo.

vector3rector ago

From the Washingston Post Article posted:

Initially, before I met him, I did not know what Eric's story was. I knew only from some parents that he was a complete over-the-top preposterous character. Also that he seemed to have cash-flow problems, and that his act had become less tidy over time. For all I knew, going in, he had a substance-abuse problem, or something even darker. Maybe he was doing something bad to kids.

Another quote from the same article:

Why do you think Eric's mom wanted to divulge so much of Eric's personal history, especially the story about the murder of the people across the hall? Eric obviously did not want to talk about it when you brought it up with him. It seems like his mother did not consider whether he wanted this story told. Of course, the article is much more compelling because she told it. Your article implies that the trauma of that incident, combined with the abuse from Rodger, contributes to Eric's absolute dedication to the kids and his own childlike qualities.

Lets not forget one of his friend's opinions:

I ask Eric's friend John Rivers, who is a psychiatric social worker, to clinically diagnose Eric. John paused, giving this some professional thought. "Oh, he's crazy as [expletive]," he concludes, deadpan.

Who knows. But maybe someone who has potential, emotional or past abuse issues, should not be working with kids. Especially when even one of you'r friends think your crazy as shit and is willing to say it to a Washington Post reporter.

And he's fitting the profile of strange performers that get an invite to Comet Ping Pong.

contrarianism ago

The guy is sketchy as hell, and I wouldn't want him around my kid. But he's not a "known pedo".

Pepper-theDoctor ago

What's the context there

TheGettysburgAddress ago

And linked to Comet Pizza and others.