starseedlover ago

I found the front door entrance on Google street view

It's the right side entrance of the Pegasus museum, the windows match.

The 2nd floor doorway, which is only accessible via the rolling loft, is visible in this shot: (upper right)

But it's been photoshopped out when viewed for the other angle: It should be visible right next to the man in the plaid shirt. If you zoom in and look between his legs, it might appear to be remnants of the original door that were not properly photoshopped out.

The room behind the sliding door in this image looks to be the same one with the garage door seen on Google maps.

Edit: formatting and comments about the upper doorway being photoshopped out

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

That is definitely, 100% clonebrushed. Note the conspicuous yellow spot that's different from the surrounding area, as well as the repeating brick textures.

starseedlover ago

Also check out this photo from 2013. It's the same tree trunk table! Shot overhead from the mysterious 2nd floor doorway. This photo was from when the building was used as a DIY music venue called Paper Sun. You can see the same "coat hanger stain" on the floor between her chair and her coffee. Same floor. Same desk. Same room. Same building.

joeysaperv ago

Nice catch on the photoshop remnants.

It appears that the upper platform splits into two halves. In one image the platform is the same width as the the sliding lower door. In the image with 2 men sitting on it a seam is visible between the two halves. When separated there would be no rails.

Access to stair side is obvious, but access to the oher side is tricky. Looking at the brick side with the upper door where the door was shopped out. Is the doorside desk a swinging gate?

starseedlover ago

Yeah I noticed the two halves too. I don't think the doorside desk is a swinging gate. It just appears to be on rollers that moves on one axis only. And is accessibly only by climbing the stairs and going across both platforms together. How does one move them? Not sure. Also, not sure it's really relevant, but it is interesting.

Fateswebb ago

There are handles on the walls that the pull on while on the platform I believe.

joeysaperv ago

Yeah, just thinking aloud. Why would someone want a 2nd story platform section that can be inaccessible and with no rails? Makes no sense unless the platform was enlarged between pics by just adding another section and joining them.

The platforms have power lines that probably connect to electric motors. Moving by hand is impractical, especially if alone.

edit: looking at pics from another post I don't see motors underneath.

starseedlover ago

That's an interesting question, what's the design intent for making two sliding platforms anyway? According to Joe Wills website:

SQUAREFORM ROLLING MEZZANINES: Steel and walnut elevated workstations which rolled on a steel frame together or separately. Designed for and built by Squareform.

Are they separate so the people working can have their "own space" if they desired? What if the guy on the stairs-side, pushed the other dudes platform away. How would he get down. Haha... I can't believe I'm imagining scenarios like this now lol.

joeysaperv ago

It only makes sense if you want to control traffic flow. Let's say that the 2nd story door is not photoshopped out but has a false front. Both platforms over by the stairs, it seems like one unit and you can't see a hidden entrance into room accessible across the wall. Or, if someone comes out of that door and the platforms are not positioned to exit, there is no access to the stairs. If platforms are rolled over the stairs, you can completely block off access from up the stairs. One platform over the stairs, another over by the hidden door to act as observatory platform.

Again, just thinking aloud. These sections can be configured in ways to provide security and controll traffic through the area.

Htaed ago

The lower levels have steel bars for windows. It's definitely designed to keep something inside and to keep curious cats out.

joeysaperv ago

note that bars on lower windows in high crime areas are not that unusual

Htaed ago

Yeah, but those bars are too heavy duty. Prisons don't have those big a bar on their windows. Matter fact, Prisons use screens--heavy duty screens.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Are those windows frosted (hard to tell from grainy imagery)? If so, is that normal for this part of DC?

They are definitely higher than usual for ordinary construction. The bottom of the windows is almost as high as the top of the doorway. Is that normal for this part of DC?

This is some of the oddest interior design I've ever seen. I'll say one thing for these people: they have way more talent than fake artist Marina Abramowitch.

joeysaperv ago

Agree about the ironwork and design.

NerdyNoodle ago

There can't be any legal threats about us calling it the "kill room", I mean, it was HIS OWN FRIENDS on HIS OWN INSTAGRAM using that terminology. Though I am inclined to think that the massive walk-in is probably at Bucks, the "other" kill room mentioned by Alefantis' friend is likely here at Pegasus.

joeysaperv ago

Do you have a reference to the other killroom mentioned? I can only remember the cooler pic

NerdyNoodle ago


Thakiddds ago

The guy should call alafantis back, say something he doesn't like and record the guy threatening his life

srayzie ago

He said that James Alefantis contacted him again and that he's not reporting anything else until he talks to the police and a lawyer

earthbalance1 ago

At 8'00" into the video it shows a house near the location in question with "Kids" spray painted on the concrete. I recognize that image from previous research. I believe that location is also owned by Alefantis...

Stukov ago

It was the white building with the bars on the second floor that he owns.

earthbalance1 ago

Cozy little neighborhood...

joeysaperv ago

Good analysis and observations. The only thing I would add is that at 2:14 on the upper platform level there appears to be a doorway with a step down onto the platform, and the door is not present at 2:22.

The lower level floor looks like bare concrete, not carpet.

sundalanded ago

great job! i think your speculations re: what/how this "museum" is utilized ring true.

and given how the OP of the video (Ryan) just posted a video detailing a scary/dodgy interaction w/ alefantis, this Pegasus shit is hotfire, yo.

earthbalance1 ago

David seaman mentions talking with people who live in the area of Pegasus "Museum" and apparently they had no idea the building was a "museum".

So spend tens of thousands upgrading the premises to not open it to the public? To not advertise it to the local neighborhood? How will profit be made on the establishment? Goes against my experiences with local museums...they want people to know they exist.

SpikyAube ago

What the fuck!? Eww. I don't get why, if you're worried that people think you're up to sinister things and are investigating you, but it's all false and so you're scared some random person is going to end up hurting you or your family, why on EARTH would you threaten to kill one of said investigators and their family? You're basically just saying that the investigation is totally worth it aren't you?

I guess you might scare off people with the whole 'I will keeeel you' thing, but there are tons of people worldwide who think exposing this kind of stuff is probably worth the risk. And probably some big bad dudes in among them. And now they know for sure it's not some wild goose chase. Unless it's like some huge global interactive game set up to try to find the best detectives, and at the end on finding the smoking gun, Alefantis will pop up out of a giant pizza with balloons and confetti and a band to say 'surprise! You've won!!' And the prize is you get enrolled in an elite intergalactic detective training program and you get to shake hands with aliens and ride in a UFO or something.

Thakiddds ago

Yup that is definitely the place. Great work