Investigate1999 ago

Good question! I gave you an up vote.

I honestly have no good explanations, but to play the devil's advocate: maybe they just enjoy it enough that they played it during their work breaks?

I noticed that it is blue, while CPP's are green. I wonder if that is significant.

8toborrm ago

Anyone have any ideas on what's bisecting the top and left side of the door frame on the door on the right? Initially I was convinced it was a staircase, which would fit the pegasus building layout, being that the door leading to the staircase is offset from the door to the left and the bricked dock door in the image. But the way it gets fuzzy toward the bottom and also seems to change angles ever so slightly makes me think not. Could this blurring and slight appearance of angle changing be due to a change in light? An optical illusion of sorts?

Investigate1999 ago

Somebody said in another thread that it was a door pushed up and to the left.

You suggestion is a good suggestion. Maybe there are stairs in the room.

8toborrm ago

It could definitely work, but I'm not much more convinced of it than I am of anything else. Other than that line, and the fact that stairs could make sense right there, I'm spit balling.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Is the guy on the right alefantis?

Investigate1999 ago

I don't know, but I doubt it.

[edit: I doubt it, because he has a restaurant and human trafficking business to run]

Yuser_Manuel ago

I would say renovations to buildings like this are public record at the courthouse but that's probably wishful thinking. Who did the work?

Investigate1999 ago

Based on the other discussion, Square Form did the work.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Thanks, I'll try to find that thread.

Investigate1999 ago

If you haven't started searching for the other thread yet, then go to the discussion that is linked in my post. It might be in there.

Beaucephus ago

The PVC is most likely for electrical conduit. Plumbing would more likely be black and at that distance, it would be 3" or larger.

Investigate1999 ago

Great! Thanks!

Beaucephus ago

I take it back, it's plumbing but it's not sewer line. Basic sink runoff line that would connect to the main sewer line. Not sure if this matters at all, but worth being correct anyway.

8toborrm ago

Nice find.

Investigate1999 ago

I don't think that it's that specific model, because the logo looks too high above where the red thing would be.

8toborrm ago

How's this one?

IMO close enough, we could argue about exact model all day. At that distance and resolution we can't tell what the red thing is or how the box is oriented with the objects in front of or under it.

Investigate1999 ago

I fixed the link in my post. I'm confident that my find is more accurate, but as you said, it doesn't matter about the specifics. I'm just creating a reasonable explanation for why it wouldn't be a bar stool from CPP.

I agree about the red thing.

8toborrm ago

Aah Ok, now I see another aspect as to why that's important. Also, check that paint out. It matches the paint from the offices next door to large room of pegasus building in the other photos. So this room is/was the shop and the one through the door is their trendy office made of angle iron.

Investigate1999 ago

Are you talking about that office space on a raised platform?

8toborrm ago

Yes. That is the Pegasus building is it not??

Investigate1999 ago

I honestly don't know any more.

@yuke, would you chime in? Is that rolling platform for office space in the Pegasus Building?

Yuke ago

Yes, the rolling platform (mezzanine) is (or was) the Square Form office space at Pegasus. As you look at the front of the building that part is the part to the far right of the building.

ArthurEdens ago

1999, your toolbox link is broken here, try uploading it to

Investigate1999 ago

Thanks for the correction!

I'll try uploading it later. I think that since it is from the manufacturer or a reviewer, it shouldn't matter.

[edit: I can't upload it with my old browser; the link should now, though]