zoltan907 ago

Tashfeen Malik, who was identified as the female shooter.


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I agree that they are willing to use false flags, but having Muslims attack does them far more political damage than the political gain from justifying the unlocking of an iPhone, which they cud do easier Id imagine.

concernedaboutitall ago

Maybe likely that they are not blackmail-able picks. Nobody has video on them to hang over their heads and control their actions. Possible considering most of them are outside the political establishment.

postfascion ago

You're completely right. Controlled opposition at it's most lame.

postfascion ago

Don't let your anger get the better of you. You're giving them what they want.

PieInTheEye ago

This is a mother lode.

It sure is/was ... but will the people ever get to search for themselves what is in those 650,000 emails, or have the FBI done an 'immunity deal' like the Cheryl Mills laptop which was "destroyed" on order of James Comey? If we ever get to see these emails it will be a miracle, because when the FBI Director is complicit in destroying evidence, then it is not likely that any true justice will ever prevail.

We live in hope that a new boss in D.C., will at least make some moves to bring back Justice (capital J).

postfascion ago

I agree. I'm not holding my breath, but it's a complicated problem with complicated solutions. However, people are so used to movie narratives where the protagonists are obvious that they expect "real life" to run the same course. Those who are guilty of the crimes need to be kept guessing as to the outcome. The public's perception is secondary.

Flat_Truth ago

What did he say? I didn't bother reading it, but seemed odd.

DeathToMasons ago

Get your act together. Nobody cares about your drama. Remember why this forum exist or expect to be ignored.

party1981 ago

  1. Former CIA agent Robert Smith
  2. General Flynn
  3. Erik Prince
  4. Steve Pieczenik
  5. Matt Drudge's deleted Tweet about Hillary Clinton's sex crimes
  6. Wikileaks tweet about child trafficking

2017 will be interesting

LawofTruth ago

Tillerson could be strategic for being Pro-Russian. NWOs wet dream is to start WW3 with Russia, and this could be a token to Putin that Trump doesn't share the same agenda. Just because he is a CEO does not mean he is a Cabal puppet.

juhos ago

Trump's SOS pick isn't just an oil man -- he's a Pedo-buster


wokethefkup ago

Would so up vote the helll out of this

AgainstPedos ago

Rumor is since Maddie's parents were swingers, and in fact vacationing with the other couples in their normal group arrangement, that Soros provided the sperm for the child.

Todomas ago

To be fair this guy also thinks that the San Bernardino shootings and 9/11 attacks were false flags. Not saying that they are or aren't. Just saying that this guys track record lines up with anti establishment claims.

awakenaware ago

Track record is niot trusting official sources... 911 was an inside job.. maybe your too young to know this? I saw it in real time.. the towers came down in a controlled demolition. 100%.

DeathToMasons ago

Exactly. Most who have awakened because of pizzagate don't understand that many of us have known about our entire establishment being subverted for some time. The Masons/Elite control the Media, inteligence agencies, key politicians, DOJ, and are behind the terroist. We know the CIA and Mossad did 9/11 along with Larry Silverstein, Giuliani(destroyed evidence) Bush administartion, DOJ etc...This scandal should make you look at everything. Do you think an entire nations apparatus being traficking murdering propagandist means they haven't been doing worse the entire time? By the way, most the school shootings were as fake as the Comet Ping Pong shooter show. I have watched this nonsense for years and most of you have been zombies. Glad the pizzagate crowd is aboard because many of them would have stayed asleep.

postfascion ago

Goes deeper than just the masons. If you haven't already, look into the knights of Malta, catholic, Nazi, bank of international settlements connection.

Verite1 ago

Have you seen the interview presentation of the female former CIA asset who explains her theory that it was both-a controlled demolition but that there were indeed Saudi hijackers who flew planes but that they were paid/hired by CIA? Reason was b/c "they" weren't sure the pilots could pull it off so the demolition was the backup plan. I can't remember her name but it was very interesting.

vvf ago

I want to believe. I really want to. I've watched Zeitgeist several times and I come closer to believing every time.

postfascion ago

Good start. Keep digging. The older info is sometimes better, franklin cover up is another good source.

Gorillion ago

That hacker and those cops. You are fucking heroes. Never forget that.

mrjdouble ago

Member for 3 hours. Fuck whatever this guys has to say.

ProudTruther ago

I believe fbianon in that trump thinks the clintons are disgusting animals.

fetuspizza ago

Didn't FBIanon get killed back in November? A few FBI Agents died. One suicided/House burned down (Michael Brown), another's car exploded (Name forgotten).

Is FBIanon still posting?

Todomas ago

well then why would he invite them to his wedding?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Make friends in high places, play the game

Z11Mama ago

'...and keep your enemies even closer.'

ProudTruther ago

I'm hoping just because he was bribing her at the time and sucking up to his colleague in the billionaire boys/girls club.

mrjdouble ago

I've heard a lot of this FBIANON character and some of the stuff he said, (in what was it? Apparently an AMA)? Anywhere know when and/where that was posted? I'd like to review it.

RebelSkum ago

http://pizzagate.wiki/FBIanon is a good resource, too. We began looking into all the leads that were suggested and have found some decent material and connections

digitalinterference ago

Link to full FBIANON transcript here. Very interesting reading. Many of his predictions have come true.


AgainstTheNWO ago

It's a really nice read. Did read it again last week just to remember. Foundation and Soros are the focus points is what i get out of it. FBIanon Thread 1 and 2

LawofTruth ago

There were 7 AMAs all together. Here's a link with the. Pdf for all of them I've downloaded it's legit.


Chistock ago

There were a couple of other conversations... http://pastebin.com/hgW5q5Kx

mrjdouble ago

Thank you, i'll archive and review.

Freemasonsrus ago

Yup. He does. Concern trolls may want to spend their energy elsewhere.

AlienIntel ago

Man's attempt at cloning https://i.imgsafe.org/c484d5e0dd.png

AlienIntel ago

It's why all of the children on Alefantis instagram has the same eye mutation as SOROS from the original OUROBOROS genealogy of the serpent, blue blooded Gods.

Meanwhile man tries to perfect cloning and produces this https://i.imgsafe.org/c484d5e0dd.png

quantokitty ago

WOWZA! Hope this isn't BS and that he is what he appears to be.

IDeliverPizza ago


MAGABoomer ago

No, Seth Rich did the DNC emails. Gucifer 1 is in prison, Gucifer2 did Podesta.

AlienIntel ago

Is Madeline McCann a clone?

jml1201 ago

Does anyone know where the original source is of this statement?

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

It's in so many articles but I can't find the original source

zoltan907 ago

The original source seems to be True Pundit. This is the article everyone else cites:


No one seems to know who runs the site. It doesn't have a masthead, or list any author bylines or contact information. It frequently cites unnamed sources, so I would take anything it reports with a grain of salt.

jml1201 ago

I don't know how I overlooked that for so long. It just dawned on me when I saw this post. We should try and find out if this is legit.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Has anyone tried contacting the NYC police detective that made that statement? Should be easy to corroborate. If he doesn't exist, it's fake info. If he says that he didn't say it, it's fake. If he refuses to answer, could be either/or. If he says it's real, either he's lying or it is real.

RebelSkum ago

I believe the NYPD chief James P. O'Neill made statements along these lines on Twitter. He's pretty well respected

Ionsurfer ago

He's probably on a long vacation, by now

jml1201 ago

Also, does anyone know the status with Wieners case? Is there anywhere to check? Thanks.

zoltan907 ago

Back in November, Blackwater founder Erik Prince claimed that an NYPD source told him that arrests were imminent in the investigation, but I don't know if there was any follow-up on that. He claimed that Wiener and Huma were cooperating were the investigators, implying that they might try to cut a deal if this ever went to trial.


He also mentions that quote from the NYPD chief. The current NYPD chief is Carlos M. Gomez.


I wonder if someone could call his office, and ask a spokesperson to confirm whether that quote was accurate.

Prevent-1984 ago

I am sad to sad to say that Trump is most likely another NWO puppet. He does not seem like he is pursuing HItlery Clinton with any investigation, so his "Hillary goes to jail" gag that he flexed during his campaign is unlikely to materialize into action once he takes office.

fogdryer ago

We have no idea what is going on behind the scenes and neither do you He is not in office yet

RedGreenAlliance ago

They are keeping their cards close to their chest. If a major deal was made, without him having control of the apparatus of state, evidence could be lost, the investigation sabotaged, and he and his advisors would be out of the loop. It would be a very hamfisted approach and could compromise any form of justice he could have got if he were simply patient.

The second aspect is using the threat of disclosure to ensure power is handed over. Thats whats going on. watch this from here: https://youtu.be/9DGCV1onAPs?t=9m35s Keep an open mind and watch til the gun segment. So in order to protect the republic from extremely damaging leaks, or the crazies bringing us to war with Russia or counter-coup against Trump - promises were probably made. Possibly promises of mitigating some of the charges or scope of investigations. Who knows.

The third aspect is simply that if there is an active investiagtion then Obama still has within his power to scupper it prejudicing future investigation, and/or issue pardons.

But if there is no crime charged or being investigated - no pardon can be given.

In short - hold on to your hat and judge Trump after he has been in office for several months. My feeling is the revelations will come thick and fast in a fortnight.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I don't think many would go after Hillary, regardless of whether they were a 'nwo puppet', half the UN, high level US and NATO, many CIA FBI, all depts of government, and many gems and repubs, it would be such a massive purge, people have been put everywhere. That said, Trump really does not like Hillary, and it will take seriously good planning to get her, and if I were him I wouldn't be broadcasting my intentions, so either think or stop concern trolling.

MolochHunter ago

Im certain Trump would have to be in a faction of the illuminati - but it seems clear he detests paedophiles - so he's not of THAT faction. If he destroys that faction to secure his, that'll be enough for me to run down the stairs in elation like laura linney in the Truman Show

postfascion ago

Exactly. The "illuminati" believe they are enlightened, but when you get your power from the places they do...doesn't look too enlightened to me. The true illuminati exists, but they are guerrilla in nature. As with the satanists, but in the opposite way, by their deeds you shall know them.

crazy_eyes ago

How can he pursue her when he has not taken office?


Wait. Major wars are not won overnight. We took decades to get here. Will take at least months to sort through this officially! Give it time.

doolord ago

He's not even in office yet dude chill out.

mrjdouble ago

This is standard politics 101 during election campaigns. Say a bunch of outlandish shit to get elected, promptly forget all about that shit and then laugh when people feel duped and decide to complain.

postfascion ago

Even if that is right, at some point people are going to wake up to the fact that you can't keep on expecting politicians to wipe your ass for you. People have been made lazy, but will take responsibility when they have to...that or die off, one or the other.

rp5x5 ago

Be patient. He knows what he is doing.

CWenstra ago

He's not even in office yet. Chill until then. Though he did say that she has had enough. But then again we don't really know what she is truly involved in willingly and what she is doing under duress. I'm no lover of the woman but I don't know what the truth is. Hopefully we know at least some of it soon. I've seen a lot of BS here lately that I don't like where this is going here, let alone with Trump.

NoBS ago

After 8 years of Obama, we need to detox from a President who telegraphs intentions to the world.

Fahrvergnaked ago

This. So far Trump has been following the wisdom set forth in Sun Tzu's The Art of War fairly closely. He does not broadcast his intentions, he appears weak when he is strong, and he appears stupid when he is anything but. His strategy has upended the way politicians have been running for presidency for decades, he is tactically sound, and dumb like a motherfucking fox.

NoBS ago

My same conclusion. I also know how entrenched the corruption is in congress. Would not be surprised if Ryan has been blackmailed from day one. Shit, he has as even more power than the President to stop Justice through the purse strings and more..

witch_doctor1 ago

Have faith. Pres. Trump has said many times over that to telegraph your moves is not smart. He is not in the driver's seat now....when he is, expect there to be action. Look at who he has surrounded himself with for proof of this. Drain the swamp was his campaign slogan.

He is an egotistical man, as many over-achievers are.....and he sacrificed a lot of cash to live in gov't housing that a black family was recently evicted from, and his airplane is nowhere near as plush...sure, it's got flares and shit, but no bidet lined in Italian calf leather. Point is, he is not going to want to have a shit legacy....and the people that are most likely to oppose him are also most likely to be involved in pizzagate. Do the math and calculate the odds on whether he pulls that pizzagate trigger.

logjam ago

If he indeed is another puppet, we will know soon enough.

When I heard Bill and his wife were attending the inauguration I had to chuckle.

Trump hasn't said he wouldnt pursue Hillary - but it could still happen.

Xbxn ago

If I were him, I wouldn't say anything until officially getting sworn in.

Black_Jesus ago

that's how you get a criminal to flee a nation. he's laying low

DangerPizza ago

Hopefully he announces the indictment at the inauguration. She can't run from the stands.

GoodGodKirk ago

Oh good lord that would be hilarious if she left the inauguration party in cuffs.

ArthurEdens ago

So great to be able to read his info. The internet is a glorious thing

2impendingdoom ago

So why is this guy choosing to start telling the truth now? We already knew that Russia didn't hack and even if Russia did hack, the emails are real, so who hacked is not as important as the information revealed. Presumably this guy spent his whole career as a professional liar, probable drug runner and regime changer and now he comes clean? Its rather disingenuous and why doesn't he spill real secrets? Names, dates, places...

postfascion ago

"We" already know, others need persuading.

ArthurEdens ago

What do you mean come clean? He's FORMER cia reporting on inside tips and confirming the Russians aren't involved. Did you already know the hacker was arrested and is probably working for a US office? Because I sure didn't, this is new info there, Chachi

2impendingdoom ago

Guccifer? I did know he was in jail. If it is a different hacker, who then? He should say who the hacker is because then the Seth Rich mystery is even stranger. He made a career out of lying, I'm not going to buy everything he says now. He probably has an ulterior motive.

MAGABoomer ago

Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails. The Podesta emails are the subject of Gucifer2. Gucifer 1 is in US prison.

ArthurEdens ago

Suit yourself

zoltan907 ago

It couldn't be Guccifer. Guccifer was extradited to the US in May 2014.


The phishing email was sent to Podesta's account on March 19, 2016, while Guccifer was already in custody. The email warned that someone in Ukraine had tried to access Podesta's account, prompting him to change his password. Since the government's trying to pin this on the Russians, they've probably tried to cover up info about whoever was convicted of this.


zoltan907 ago

He did admit to doing shady stuff himself. He also wrote this: "As a CIA spy, I have faked intelligence, lied to government leaders, and managed a modest false flag operation (no one died). This is what CIA does. I accuse John Brennan, Director of the CIA, of being a liar who is in betrayal of the public trust with his lies." As far as why he's coming out with this now, maybe it has something to do with political ambition. He was one of three candidates running for the Reform Party ticket in 2012, and started campaigning for Trump in 2015. Maybe he's maneuvering for a job. Dunno.

Here's his official site, by the way: http://robertdavidsteele.com/

RexAxisMundi ago

Most likely waiting for the right time I guess. With all the emails being leaked and everyone looking through them, now is the time to speak up as very many people are paying attention.

AlienIntel ago

Madeline McCann clone?

remedy4reality ago

Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are not big enough names for you?

2impendingdoom ago

I'll go back and re read. I did not see the specifics that these two were named with times and places. Probably I skimmed it too fast.

2impendingdoom ago

I was hoping for specific details, real evidence, this is as close as I could see, which we've mostly seen already.. I'm not disparaging your post, I just want the guy to be more specific.

Part I: Treason by CIA & NSA. This is the part CIA and NSA want to obscure, their decades of unconstitutional surveillance of and blackmail of US politicians. Russia did not hack the election. This is a blatant lie. [NOTE: President’s Daily Brief is crap — secret sources and methods provided General Tony Zinni with less than 4% of what he needed as CINCENT — and nothing for everyone else. The IC is a spending cesspool that is worthless in supporting Whole of Government strategy, policy, operations, and acquisition.]

Part II: Electoral Fraud by Hillary Clinton and Media Refusal to Document System Rigged Twelve Ways. Stanford University documented all this — she is not the legitimate Democratic Party nominee — she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders with electronic fraud in 13 states, and was planning to use the same fraud against Donald Trump until DHS stepped in. The fact that the media refuses to cover how the electoral system is rigged twelve different ways — while Donald Trump refuses to call for an Electoral Reform Act to unrig the system — is troubling.

Part III: Pedophilia rampant within Wall Street & the Vatican elite — the Podesta emails and the citizen investigative journalism that followed has them absolutely frantic because abusing (and snuffing) small children is the last taboo, the one that could bring the Establishment crashing down.

Part IV: Legalized Crime by Wall Street and Boeing and Lockheed et al. Donald Trump may turn out to be a fake easily bribed by the Rothchilds, but right now he is showing an inclination to end “business as usual” where Wall Street and the military-industrial complex rob the public treasury with the complicity of the two-party tyranny. The charity fraud of the Clinton Foundation is chump change compared to the high crimes of organized finance and dysfunctional military acquisition.

Part V: Online Censorship. Facebook, Google and YouTube — and probably Amazon and PayPal soon — are the new secret police of the neo-fascists who control Washington from Wall Street and the City of London. Skeptical citizen journalism is “propaganda organized by Russia” or a “hate crime” and will not be tolerated. Once digital cash is pervasive, individuals failing to repeat the party line will be made destitute…a reminder of how PayPal screwed WikiLeaks in violation of the law and its fiduciary obligations.

President-Elect Donald Trump should consider appointing a Director of National Intelligence capable of burning the existing dysfuctional, treasonous, largely worthless secret intelligence community to the ground. An Open Source Agency will suffice for the first four years, and will effectively give the President — and his entire Cabinet as well as all Congressional jurisdictions overseeing the executive — vastly more useful decision-support in one year than the secret world has produced in the past quarter century. The secret world is a spending cesspool and now — this is so clear — a nest of traitors who need to be put down. We still need secret sources and methods — perhaps 20% of what we have now — but with ethics and professionalism and no contractors. ENOUGH!

salinaslayer ago

just goes to show even in the CIA there are good people

postfascion ago

Yup. I need to remember that myself sometimes. Not that I trust this dude %100, their means are complex.

mrjdouble ago

Usually the former CIA guys that get fucked over by the current CIA guys are the good guys.

zoltan907 ago

Good point. I don't have time right now to look up where I originally read this, but last night, I read a comment from Steele in which he said the feds shut down his business, and that he had been "constructively unemployed" since then.

mrjdouble ago

100% likely. A few others have been slapped with the espionage act and thrown in prison. The message here is you make waves and you will have to pay the price.

Friends like these, huh dude?

zoltan907 ago

No honor among thieves!

I found the comment at https://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2012/05/09/cia-whistle-blower-robert-d-steele-reveals-the-truth-about-government/.

Steele wrote: "Thank you. I would however point out that I am a reformer who has never broken the law or violated my CIA secrecy oath. Whistleblowers such as Binney, Drake, and Snowden, all of whom I admire, are in a higher category of their own and have sacrificed a great deal more than I have — although the secret world did destroy my business in 2006, causing me to be unemployed since 1 January 2008. Donations welcome at Phi Beta Iota and Earth Intelligence Network, have no salary, pensions, or savings — but I am not giving up the fight and am CONSTRUCTIVELY unemployed. Appreciate your taking the time to write."

remedy4reality ago

Steele has been out of the CIA for many years but he consistently puts forth assertions that make sense. I'm sure he still has solid sources.

salinaslayer ago

you can take the man out of the ABC but you can't take the ABC out of the man

sunajAeon ago

NO CIA IS TRUSTWORTHY-why can't people get this??? The CIA is MURDER INC for the ELITE, PERIOD

salinaslayer ago

what about steve pieczenik