LaDonnaRae ago

"File expired"?

RageGoddess ago

Cool story, bro.

pocketfulofstones ago

Yeah, turns out it wasn't a thread with questions and answers. Some OP just made a post with subject "Nov1 11am the clinton's are going down". Or something along those lines. There wasn't anything in that thread of substance.

Can't find the link right now, will update if I find it

lurch91 ago

Doesn't matter now. You can't get the file anyway because you wasted all of your time complaining about people being shills that aren't actually shills that was doing voaters a favor by posting a neatly put together transcript of 1-7 FBIanon. You we're the one that missed out, not me, or nearly 500 others.

DocterBS ago

For all i care the pdf could hold the key to the universe, i would not open it. I am just glad theres not allot of stupid people on this site but the shills.

lurch91 ago

Doesn't matter now anyways. It was available for 24 hours. You're a hair late.

Godwillwin ago

Can you do the dropfile again? It expired before I finished reading it.

Spindle ago

Just a reminder to us all, as I go through FBIAnon's AMAs again: the Clinton Foundation is the key to shining a light on the criminal actions of the elite. Sex trafficking is an integral part of how the CF conducts its money grabbing/laundering schemes in other countries, but there are other aspects of the CF's activities that could be meme'd and might be more likely to take a foothold in the fringes of the MSM (like Drudge). We need to muster an effort to create concise and digestible memes to aid in creating a confirmation bias, much as was done with Trump's landslide election through the efforts of the chans and others.

Not to downplay the utter nightmare that is the sex trafficking component, but it can be unbelievable to a point of outright dismissal by most and is very vulnerable to memetic counterattact (#fakenews). Meme warfare is effective and I believe will eventually be successful even if it only focuses on #pizzagate, but perhaps a quicker method of getting more information injected in the fringe MSM would be to start creating digestible bites regarding the CF's other shady dealings that are less unbelievable (at first). See George Webb's excellent "Where is Eric Braverman" series: Also, read through the AMAs by FBIAnon again for plenty of dirt. And, if you have the wherewithal to dig, check out the doc for all the /cfg/ work that was done since the original FBIAnon AMAs: .

Memes are insanely powerful, and the elite cannot currently control them effectively--though we are seeing that change with #fakenews. However, we are better at it than they are. They are just scratching the surface. Remember Hillary's speech about Pepe the frog? That was desperate scrambling to turn back the tides of a psychological op created by anons that was absolutely affecting the decisions of our country's voting bloc. I believe the last thing they want is another light shined on the CF so that the public can easily access its damning secrets.

Those of us here with the raw talent to create infographics and memes with CF-centric data points that can be injected outside of our community: I implore you to dig deep in the coming days as our efforts are threatened to tumble down a memory hole. Help us create the content that can be plastered on the walls of the MSM fringes.

I conclude with a quote from FBIAnon:

"I find your memes are not spreading the way they should because the effort is not yet there. For the most part, you all seem to trade the images amongst yourselves and other select image boards. In order to be effective, you must proselytize. For example: Start a website aggregating the images/facts and then try to get it linked to Drudge. Shove the images down every news anchor/journalists throat. Push out to people who you normally would have nothing to do with."

pipo44 ago

Page 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 are missing, could you fix it please.

MrrHandsome ago

Does anyone feel like this could be way deeper, scarier, beyond our control than simply a corrupt and evil government? Im not saying I believe any of it but what we are seeing now kind of ties in to these other disturbing conspiracy theories you would usually just scoff at. Max Spiers ( A conspiracy theorist) who was murdered before he was due to give a conference in Poland has touched on all of this before pizzagate was blown open. His main theories are about extraterrestrial beings manipulating our race etc too much to explain here, having been 100% convinced on Pizzagate it just opens my mind to many more theories now which quite frankly freighten me. Lets be real here, you really cant be human and share our feelings of empathy etc if you can be involved in child sex trafficking and the murder of kids. Does this thing not make the rabbit hole an endless cesspit?


raises hand

IsThisThingSafe ago

Amazing! Thank you!

totesgoats908234 ago

I converted this to images for anyone who doesn't want to mess with PDF.

shaboyi999 ago

Great work, could be a Trump insider rather than FBI agent.

j_m_d ago

Thank you for this Godspeed brothers

Hermesthriceborn ago

Sticky this shit

BestowFlower1Crown ago

I scaned before opening and OP just delivered the packet.

Live_Free_Or_Die ago


RebelSkum ago

Posted on the Pizzagate Wiki for great solidarity and justice:

You guys are killin' it, anons. It's truly amazing.


Melitica ago

"Anon" is simply any user of one of the anonymous image boards (forums) in which all users are called "anon". also short code in Twitter handles and such of various "anonymous" actors. FBIAnon posts appeared on 4chan over a period of weeks and was named "FBIAnon" because it was an (any) Anon...who claimed to be FBI Insider.

katphish ago

for those whom don't want to download, here are some points i have taken from the text:

  • hillary had special access programs on her email server, sold them
  • jewish holocost was faked
  • all levels of government are treasonus
  • alex jones is a useful idiot who believes what he says
  • 9/11 was mossad
  • george soros is the kingpin of global governance
  • clinton foundation is the key to bringing it all down
  • no one really likes israel
  • soros global plan is to breed out whites
  • global governance over idiots by elites
  • epstein is a pimp to congress
  • michelle obama is a woman
  • jfk was killed because he messed with the banking elite
  • bill clinton is confirmed pedo
  • israel and saudi would nuke the usa
  • russia is more a paragon of freedom and nationalism than any other country
  • police are to be feared in civil war, not military
  • gun confiscation is more likely than martial law
  • the government will not attempt to assassinate
  • bonner group
  • uk being in the eu without being in the eu
  • blacks have the most to fear in all of this
  • war over the african plains over food and minerals
  • trump will allow hillary to be prosecuted
  • anonymous is a farce
  • there are cia prison ships
  • usa government funds isis
  • the clintons have dirt on most all government
  • modern news is all psyop
  • bernie was bought out
  • /pol/ is one of the last places on earth with free speech
  • high profile assassinations are to difficult with technology recording
  • fbianon is posting enough bs to not be found, nuggets of truth
  • clinton kill list is legit
  • orlando club was false flag and staged
  • clinton foundation operates in countries where birth certificates are difficult to maintain
  • hillary has parkinson's
  • international corporations and their leaders are problems for usa
  • scalia was murdered
  • there will be another 9/11 attack on the usa to start ww3
  • look for cards in the emails
  • trump won’t be able to put soros in jail
  • congressman reynolds knew about 9/11
  • one cannot disrespect israel and run for pres of the usa

EyesWideScared ago

"jewish holocost was faked"??


SChalice ago

The cost of holos were very manipulated. But the holocaust was real.

katphish ago

that is one of the claims in the pdf by fbianon he said that the population records at the time in those countries would prove it

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

We're not in Kansas anymore😭. Seriously though how have I never heard about the population thing

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

How would this not have been proven or discussed here or on 4chan a ton by now?? It hasn't been. I don't believe the denyers anymore. Too many vets saw it first hand - too many areas and mass graves. For god sake, Kaytn was real and they said it was fake for 60 years.

CaptnMeowMix ago

Too many vets saw it first hand - too many areas and mass graves.

I don't think many "deniers" actually deny a ton of deaths occurring, but rather who caused those deaths, and who the deaths were of. The fishiness surrounding that period has more to do with blaming Germany over the atrocities of Stalin and Soviet Russia, and why the US/Britain (despite their supposedly strong "anti-communist" stance) actually worked with the Soviets on many occasions, and turned a blind eye to all the insane crimes they were committing, all for the sake of taking down Germany, before anyone supposedly knew the holocaust was going on. That is the key question that makes a lot of things not make sense anymore. And the population records are probably one of the few remaining archives that might actually be able to shed light on these oddities, if FBIAnon is right.

If you're unfamiliar with the whole story behind Stalin's relationship with the Allies and Germany, I strongly recommend watching this.

katphish ago

fbianon says that he included disinfo to mask his identity, so we have to choose ourselves which to take as truth. the jewish holocost is a hot potato that im not informed enough to take on.

MAGABoomer ago

michelle obama is a woman

FBIAnon did say he/she was inserting fake information too. I do not believe MO is a woman in the true genetic sense of the word. Hermaphrodite possibly.

BTW this was screen shot off Drudge Report

Then he deleted it. LOL Google Michell's penis.

anonymous is a farce

I find that to be curious as most times FBIAnon expressed admiration for them. Also, Naval War College teaches a class on Anon/Stand Alone Complex/Hive Mind. They're both fascinated and terrified by a leaderless movement.

katphish ago

yeah but anyone, including agencies, can claim to be anon

MAGABoomer ago

Of course. That's why it's good to take all with salt. I like to watch to see how much of what they say turns out to be true. The push to the CF seemed legit. We shall see what happens next.

Melitica ago

Thanks! Also added flair "important ".

katphish ago

what is SAPs? from the pdf: "as well as some sensitive details of SAPs which would obliterate national security."

ok found it in the text later, it's special access programs

BestowFlower1Crown ago

I just CANNOT belive she sold this in trade for money and PEOPLE..

My God this has to end.

LawofTruth ago

I read the first post on Pastebin does this have more info?

shortymcbossypants ago

Downloaded and upvoted. Which squirrel moment over her,e does anybody know anything about mitochondrial dna? specifically Tzipi Mazuz posted something the other day that a lot on Twitter think could be DNA codes. I skimmed it over before going to sleep last night but didn't really find anything of real shocking importance.

KittyTigerlily ago

No, someone else posted about DNA codes, which we are guessing. Not Tzipi, I don't think. They stand for something else that we are trying to figure out. Not DNA.

shortymcbossypants ago

But one of her posts said L01, which is a possible Medical code, then L2, L3, L4, and L5, which I looked up and they are mitochondrial DNA codes possibly. Now this is significant in the fact that mtDna comes from the mother. If you look up the origins of mtDna, and most of these codes come primarily from Africa or Saudi Arabia, so let's just say for arguments sake that this was Obama's mother's mtDna, it would prove that the woman posing as his mother was in fact not his mom at all and is some African or Saudi woman! Explosive things right there. I'm also holding my breath mostly until the 28th. Let's hope this is a big one.

KittyTigerlily ago

Someone else came up with the mtDna codes, too, but I don't remember what was said. I'm sure she wouldn't have said anything about it yet. Are you following her on Twitter? I have a good friend that is. We'll see where this goes.

shortymcbossypants ago

Yes I am following her, she posted some yesterday about the Electoral College.

KittyTigerlily ago

It was today that I was blocked. Thanks for letting me know, though. I don't guess she's said anything today yet? Might be late in Israel anyway or she may be working. I'm not even going to ask why I was blocked. Probably religious reasons, I guess. I have Twitter and Gab, ai, but I haven't used Gab much yet.

KittyTigerlily ago

Well, she's blocked me, but I do have a friend that follows her, or did the other day. I'm still watching.

sinclair ago

Something here isn't quite accurate, or needs clarification. Page 24: Q: Is Brexit going to be a factor in all of this unravelling? A: It is very likely Britain will remain in the EU.

Okay, this is listed under July 2nd thread, days AFTER Brexit voted as yes. I'm not sure about the time discrepency here, but that indicates an inconsistency. Fact check please?

alliecapone ago

YOU...are a rockstar! I only saw the first two, and saw links to the others. I took xanax last night, so it's a bit hazy where I found them, but they were archives of the whole threads from /pol/. It was hard to tell where FBIAnon was answering questions sometimes. Also so helpful because I can read the pdf on my Ipad, and copy interesting stuff to my notes easily whilst I'm doing chores. Most websites crash my ipad anymore, it's old...but I hold onto it with a deathgrip, I've got so many books on it, some I might not find again...anyway, I love PDF. Will Upvoat this asap, I'm outta voats again. I swear I go through them like water. THANK YOU!!!!

victuruslibertas ago

Great Job.. Thanks ...

Platypus43 ago

Thank you for this, cheers mate!

Ronnilynn31 ago

Thank you. I downloaded it the other day from another thread and read every single page. Question - and this probably sounds stupid but whatever - Is this ok to link the transcript to other forums outside of Voat? Not this particular copy in the dropfile on this post, but the transcript in general. I figured the FBIAnon guy knew doing this would put his comments out there in the open, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to share beyond forums like this. Make sense?

oresd ago

FBI Anon is bullshit. There, said it.

Reading the answered, the bias is obvious. This is just some right wing dude, informed enough to fool people, spreading fake news.

I stopped when I read "soros is the kingpin". That's crap.

mrjdouble ago

Really, dude? Not much secret that he's the leader and puppet master that's pulling the strings behind the scenes. The de facto leader of the one world gov't or the NWO. He's a billionaire, a bilderbuger and heavily connected with the filth in the top 5% club. Do some more digging, perhaps you'll change your mind.

Ang68 ago

He's been fingered as the new head of the New York Luciferian group by a couple of people with very "out there" stories. Supposedly he took reigns from David Rockefeller as he's too old now. Again its "out there" type stories, but this whole world is getting more & more crazy.

eiggaMAD ago

Those who say the Soros comment is what makes them believe this was not real please research more about him. Out of everything I can't believe this is what made you think "bullshit".

paulf ago

He has a 100% record of being right so far. He also said that there would be announcement on a Tuesday 11am. Sure enough at exactly 11am that day, the FBI Vault account tweeted.

But to quote him, believe what you will.

Long_Knife ago

That's what I don't get. Why does everyone just go fucking gaga over this? The entire thing just sounds like pol bullshit.

oresd ago

Its pretty obvious someone is fucking around with people's minds. This is why confirmation bias is so common.

alliecapone ago

And you're totally entitled to that opinion. But "stopped reading at" did you a disservice. I believe one should look at it without bias. I allowed for his incredulous statements in the 2 I read, because it leaves room wide open for plausible deniability. Once I can read the others more easily, I feel like I would form a better opinion. Why not just read the two? I still would like to see if it lines up is all. Just throwin that out there so you're not missing out, discount the incredulous comments. It was smart of him to do that, because many still don't think that he was legit.

oresd ago

Nah, I see thru it. There is some guy at home getting a world of satisfaction at how easily he can fuck with the public.

If this person is real, I would encourage them to leak.

CaptnMeowMix ago

Nah, I see thru it.

Yeah, and I can talk to the dead and predict the future.

Look, it doesn't matter how 'good' your intuition/bs-detector is; if you openly admit to not having gone through the information, then you haven't gone through the information, end of story. Thus, it is an inarguable FACT that you do not know what you're arguing against, and no matter how well-reasoned your stance might be, you're basing it on incomplete knowledge and assumptions, setting you up for a very high likelihood of making arguments against a strawman, making your assessment worthless. Would you trust a restaurant review from someone who's only ever tried the water there? Didn't think so. The importance of thinking critically applies to everyone, regardless of your 'side'.

I don't care much about this whole FBIAnon saga one way or another, I just call out BS arguments when I see them.

oresd ago

I went thru enough to personally discredit it. What should I do, go thru more and pick more holes in it? What would be the point?

I think very critically. First and foremost, if Soros was this kingpin, would he really be telling the public this? Definitely not.

Admit it, its made up bullshit.

sinclair ago

You may in fact be correct. However, you may also be incorrect. Having a bias make the person more human. The context is not exactly professional, it's emergent. Also, they can't know everything. Either way, it's a good read. Could become source material for a poitical thriller novel.

oresd ago

The fake anon does a decent job of appearing realistic, but I was done with the Soros kingpin, that was his/her fatal mistake. George Soros is not a kingpin of a global cabal. It's bullshit and wasting any time with it is foolhardy.

sinclair ago

I don't know for sure about Soros, except that guy is broken in so many ways. I think you're right about it being a fan fiction though. Still a good read. LOL

poly ago

member for 3 days. username checks out

Phivex ago

Lol. Thanks buddy, but I can't trust you. You're a douche in a box. :)

Wtfreddit ago

Good work!!

Swede ago

I'm blown away by how much effort you guys are putting into this. I like it, keep up the good work.

Question: Do we know for sure that all 7 FBIANON threads were posted by the same individual? Did he sign a PGP message or something?

Melitica ago

No...come back and read more comments

Swede ago

Care to elaborate?

Melitica ago

We don't know that all 7 were one fact, many believe they were not. Syntax/language pattern also indicates that at least one post was a woman where majority were likely male.

Some have speculated that one or more were LARP but the general direction still appears to be good.

Poster also stated more than once that there was purposeful disinformation in answers and statements.

pocketfulofstones ago

I remember reading somewhere FBI anon or someone saying "Nov 1 11AM it's going down", or something along those lines.

Then that post from the FBIRecordsVault twitter was posted on that exact timestamp.

Where is the original post from FBIanon saying that? Can't seem to find it anymore

LightlyToasted ago


red_pill_stefbot ago

Thank you for help. Going through FBI anon's stuff seems like the move at this point.

oresd ago

I certainly appreciate the work that has gone into this, great job for doing it.

My concern is that nobody has any idea who this guy is or if he is real. And I don't see a single thing that makes you say ok this person is really in the FBI.

If this person were real, he/she would do something to provide proof.

Melitica ago

Why? The direction was provided.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Well, there's been a flux of posts that have been nothing about pizzagate and in literally 20min have 50 upvoats. Hence, CTR is present; here at the moment and they will use many different tactics to try to lure us away from the fall men. KEEP RESEARCHING James Alefantis and his 15 different properties, as well as his construction LLC's and his renovation museum which has direct view of a playground. His friend even took a picture from within the house with the #Peeking. These people are obvious pedophiles, so keep on James and his suspicious friends. They're the easiest to target. RULE OF THUMB, when links and documents are deleted a few hours to a day after Voat Pizzagate breaks them, such as Jame's friends Instagram with the #kill-room and murder and his LINKEDIN pages being deleted, as well as current places he sets up shop, you know that they are watching and will desperately delete anything that is incriminating or leads us down the domino avenue.

nomorepepperoni ago

FBI Anon accurately called out the Clinton Foundation, but specifically referenced trafficking.

Thus, people believe he might have provided more clues we can use.

The issues you bring up sound like they should go into their own thread, but there's more to Pizzagate than a few shady DC shops and one group of pervs.

KittyTigerlily ago

What a blessing to get this. A friend sent me a link the other day to Reddit archive, but I don't think we had seen all of this. You did an amazing job on it!

hedy ago


winegrapes ago


Phivex ago

I really wish you guys would stop making PDFs. I'm not opening a file like that from a complete stranger. They can be used to infect you with malware. This stuff should all be in plaintext fIles or archived from pastebin or whatever.

Edit: Since people don't seem to get it. Posting PDFs of tempting information is setting a precedent where other malicious actors, that would wish to hamper this investigation, can also post info that is tempting in the same file format. You then download and run the file, because why not? Everyone else is posting those files and they seem fine enough. Boom, you're infected. Maybe it's not ransomware. Maybe it's just a beacon...or a keylogger...or whatever. Something to either destroy, monitor your progress, or even find info to blackmail you. You are all dealing nation-state entities. I highly recommend you don't fuck around.

totesgoats908234 ago

The fact this guy is getting so defensive about others calling out the real potential for PDF and other documents to spread malware makes me suspicious. He also makes claims like "N% of people already opened it without any problem, so it must be safe".

Either really dumb or shill.

EDIT: Converted them to image format -

GoodGodKirk ago

would prefer a pastebin post really...

DopeandDiamonds ago

I have been trying to read the other versions of this that have been previously posted. Could not make sense of the format and was not about to download a PDF. Thanks for converting it. I can make sense of it finally.

totesgoats908234 ago

Ayyyy someone who knows a little about malware.

I laugh my ass off when people say things like "I scanned it with AVG, im safe". Sorry, but your anti-virus signature detection is trivial to bypass with custom written malware and heuristics is easy to get around too by keeping your activity in-memory like with mimikatz.

Things like AVG are to make sure you are not a "low hanging fruit" target for generic malwares, they are NOT protection against crafted targeted attacks. If you are just a basic consumer type person and I want to get into your network, I will get in. I have won several bets with this.

To know if that PDF was really malicious, you'd be best to analyze it dynamically by using a lab that is set up for malware analysis so you can open it on one machine, which is configured with analysis software, and use another machine on the network to watch the network traffic since it could be using some unknown technique that isn't easy to spot (like 0day) and could hide network traffic from your analysis machine. Some malware are even advanced enough to have ways to detect if the machine is an analysis machine by watching mouse movement/clicks/web traffic to deem it is a real person before delivering the malware payload. There is even a piece of malware that researchers have no idea what it does because it was designed to decrypt on a specific target machine and they dont know what the target for the malware is.

The safest way I can think to view it without analysis would be to just use a program to convert them to images -

There are services like this to scan documents- but again they may not catch the advanced stuff for the same reasons your anti-virus can't.

bopper ago

Thanks for reminding me, you're trying to help. Scary stuff.

alliecapone ago

Legit concerns, I was just talking in another post about some virus that fried my board. I've not opened it, but I've sent it to "the cloud" for now. From there I usually get the PDFs I've gathered and download to my Ipad. I should be good to go there, I don't use the Ipad for much really, just keep my book collection on there, and a bit of music for the tub. If I shut off, forget my wifi network I should be good to go, right?

Phivex ago

Not a mac person, but if you're ever going to connect to any removable device, network, or bluetooth network with it, reimage that bitch. Check and see if malwarebytes can help you out. Download it from a different machine, burn it on a disc, and then run it on the mac. If it doesn't help, boot up the mac with a live linux cd and move over anything you want from it to a fresh removable drive then nuke the fucker.

RageGoddess ago

I scanned this PDF on According to that site, the PDF is safe. I also scanned it with PDF Stream Dumper. Again, according to that tool, the PDF did not have any malicious JavaScript or Flash embedded. I'm by no means an OPSEC expert so feel free to do your own investigating.

Ciscogeek ago

0-days or unknown exploit vectors would not be caught by signature detection. This is bleeding edge stuff, I would still not trust it.

RageGoddess ago

Precisely why I included some wiggle words like "according to that site/tool." I did end up opening the PDF using a viewer called Sumatra PDF which, according to its site, does not allow PDFs to execute anything. Best I could do. I wanted to read those threads in a more reader-friendly way.

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

I think we're safe. The file is simply a reproduction of the threads. You could get much worse malware by visiting a false link.

GoodGodKirk ago

I'd be more leary opening files from pizzagate than from anywhere else. For all I know, a new stuxnet like virus is locating us and slowly taking us out one person at a time...

sunajAeon ago

Is there any reason to believe most anti-virus programs will not detect the virus?

lurch91 ago

The reason to believe there's nothing wrong with it is because there's nothing wrong with it...? kek, it's MY PERSONAL COPY.

Not everyone on here is a CTR mod or shill. I've been here for 22 days (a quick hover over my avatar will verify and validate that), since the very first day the pizzagate investigation transferred from reddit to voat.

You can run this through ANY antivirus, sandbox, VM, whatever you want, there is nothing there except a well put together 1-7 transcript of FBIanon AMA.

I get nothing out of you downloading this except a 3rd party backup of my file if (which it won't) gets deleted.

I'm pretty tech/IT savy, but honestly I couldn't care less about putting something in that file to ruin you. I'm a one man private journalist for myself only. I get my information from various sources tor AND non-tor related; and share it after I validate it.

wecanhelp ago

Even if what you're saying is true, you're doing a real disservice to the community by

  • urging them to habitually trust anyone's "there's nothing wrong with it because I said so" declaration, and
  • setting a precedent with the file format being an acceptable one to download, which then many will download later on even when it is indeed harmful.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work tremendously, the information you're sharing is invaluable to the community, but the practice you're encouraging is dangerous.

lurch91 ago

I'm not in anyway trying to make anyone do anything to be frank with you. I was more so trying to communicate with the people that know what precautions to take when downloading a PDF. If someone is hesitate or unsure how to scan a file for malware or viruses, then yes. They should ALWAYS proceed with caution.

But if you know what you're doing in protecting yourself, then yes, I encourage all of those that would like what's in the contents of this pdf to take a copy IF THEY WANT IT.

I understand hesitation on downloading unknown files from an anon on voat, or anywhere for that matter. But with anything, you should proceed with caution always. I'm not trying to navigate into something that has nothing to do with OP.

totesgoats908234 ago

Why would we believe anything you say?

Why didn't you just do a PDF => JPG conversion?

lurch91 ago

Would've should've could've. I'm not going to keep giving answers to other alternatives I could've used just so I could tickle everyone else's fancy.

If you don't want it, then don't download it. That's pretty much it. If you can't use some sort of judgement by everyone else on here saying it's fine and you still believe it has some sort of malware, then go without. It really doesn't bother me either way.

totesgoats908234 ago

If you can't use some sort of judgement by everyone else on here saying it's fine

LOL are you fucking kidding me. Average person on here thinks their anti-virus will protect them from everything. Get the fuck outta here ya cunt.

lurch91 ago

Oh wow. Someone taking one sentence out of context to that whole comment to make it seem that's all I said.

I think I'm starting to be able to distinguish a liberal from a conservative on voat now, because we all know a liberal can't finish reading something without finding a triggered part so they can attempt to insult whoever they please.

I've wasted enough time entertaining the few trolls on here that complain about anything when the other 98% have done downloaded the file and went about their lives, malware free from this post. Get bent.

wecanhelp ago

Read my reply to OP in this comment thread. Certain harmful behavior will not be spotted as harmful by your antivirus.

KittyTigerlily ago

my avg said it's okay.

lurch91 ago

Then don't download it. I posted this for YOUR benefit, not mine.

I don't know of a way to have going on 150 upvoats and a splurge of various comments within 2 hours thanking me because I posted a PDF file with a virus.

Sometimes you have to outweigh the benefits to the negatives. OR, you could just sandbox the file and you would have no repercussions.

pontagon ago

you missed the point

Phivex ago

I posted this for YOUR benefit, not mine.

And I thank you for putting in the time to do so.

I don't know of a way to have going on 150 upvoats and a splurge of various comments within 2 hours thanking me because I posted a PDF file with a virus.

We've already seen upvotes are being sold and comments can be spammed. could just sandbox the file and you would have no repercussions.

There is malware that can break out of sandboxes.

wecanhelp ago

It doesn't have to demonstrate suspicious malware behavior to be extremely dangerous.

From the Tor website:

You should be very careful when downloading documents via Tor (especially DOC and PDF files, unless you use the PDF viewer that's built into Tor Browser) as these documents can contain Internet resources that will be downloaded outside of Tor by the application that opens them. This will reveal your non-Tor IP address.

This is why it's very bad practice to share sensitive textual information in any form other than plain text. The fact that 150+ people don't know this doesn't make it any less dangerous.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You access this website on Tor?

Phivex ago

^ This guy gets it

ejd4500 ago

^ Everyone should use Whonix on removable media.

lurch91 ago

I'm well aware of upvoats being bought and comments as spam, I completely get it, and for the most part agree.

But if you want to wait around to have 110% accuracy on everything in life (and virtually); let me know how many resources you come across that are significant. If you ran this file through a AV software on your PC, through a GOOD VPN, and for giggles you run a sandbox out of a VM, virtually speaking, you've got a practical 0% chance of getting anything. If you somehow did, just close the sandbox and trash the VM.

GoodGodKirk ago

anti-virus software is only good for a majority of viruses. Government and criminal entities can create untraceable malware.

Think Stuxnet and you'll understand...

Gone20 ago

Everything should be 100% accurate and sourced before it's made public.

totesgoats908234 ago

Malicious actors rely on this level of ignorance to break into systems/networks.

Phivex ago

Made an edit you might be interested in. Basically, it's not about me. It's about taking care of all of the other investigators and setting a precedent. There should be a standard, safe file format that everyone uses. Archived plaintext can serve that purpose for a great many of those cases. Otherwise, it's begging for abuse from malicious actors. Not everyone is going to know how to dissect and investigate a PDF or be able to run it from nested VMs. We gotta look out for each other.

popezandy ago

Hey, if anyone can repost as pdf I'll add that to the sidebar for leads.

SuperHappyFunBall ago

It has been suggested that FBIanon was assassinated for his efforts to expose the crimes and corruption in our world.

I suppose we will never know.

In any event, I am grateful for what FBIanon did.

KittyTigerlily ago

There is another FBI agent that died in a house fire with his wife. Can't remember where, but I think it was in CO. And it was after the Wikileaks started. Could have been at the end of Oct or into Nov. Can't remember now. Then I remember the article questioning did the FBI agent commit suicide and murder his wife as well? Here's the thing, the house was burned to the ground, and they are questioning that? Well, when I hear the word "suicide," and esp with an FBI agent, I don't think suicide. Seems they were both youngish.

alliecapone ago

One went crazy and shot at a police officer in Michigan. The agent was "Paranoid" That made me pause.

Freemasonsrus ago

He jokes in there that if we knew where he was from everyone would laugh. (Meaning country of origin) My assumption was that his family was originally from Russia. Makes the most sense with his background. So I'd check any FBI agent deaths with someone who may fit that bill.

KittyTigerlily ago

You might check this one out. I just started rechecking it, and the man's name was Michael Brown, FBI agent, but one place said it was a hoax. I do not know at all. I don't know if it was a hoax, or someone put out fake news that said it's a hoax. Story was he murdered his younger wife, 33, I think, set the house on fire and killed himself. He was supposedly working on the Clinton emails. Or Podesta or whatever,

hedy ago

HIGHLY doubtful anyone working for FBI is driving a Tesla.

SuperHappyFunBall ago

Did you read the story? It was not his car. He was no longer employed by the FBI at the time of this accident. I'm not saying this man was FBIanon. Just thought it was an interesting coincidence.

SChalice ago

He was using auto-pilot...

hedy ago

You're right - I missed that part of the story. But linking it to "FBIanon" (who can't be proved to be associated w/ FBI, much less one person) is such a HAYUUUUUGE leap, it's impossible to discuss rationally. Doesn't mean you're wrong.

SuperHappyFunBall ago

Yeah it is a huge leap to take. I wasn't trying to propagate the idea that this man was FBIanaon. I was just throwing it out there as an interesting aside. I've drawn no conclusions from this information and I don't suggest anyone else does either.

InIt2WingIt ago

Mirror of FBIanon AMA 1-7 Transcript

TimeForPitchForks ago

Thank You! This really helps open eyes.. showing everyone this :)

Brainyidiot ago

go go go

dreamdigital ago

Thanks for this!

NoBS ago

I could use a bump to up vote. Sorry to be crude, these are crude times for a newbie. That and this tech-tard needed a place holder. ;-)

Must admit, I'm not the only one, I'm just pissed enough to ask. We are doing hard copies on this side of the net.Thanks.

rodeo13 ago

Me too. Another newby here. Also saving hard copies of everything I can in multiple places.

Baluga ago

Consider this a training period. We want your substance not just your mouse clicks!

NoBS ago

House training an old dog is rather amusing but easy to understand. I'm just happy to not shit on this public forum. ;-)

WindowsInJudgement ago

Thank you lurch. Keep fighting the good fight

edit spelling

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@kingkongwaswrong THIS is what you tag important (data, lines of inquiry)

not concern trolling / distraction / meta posts.

my 2 cents.


pontagon ago

yeah im in total agreement, we should have a few permanent stickies going, with summarys etc - they used to be there, I don't understand why it was deemed necessary to remove them instead of updating..

wecanhelp ago

Re: EDIT: I've checked, the search works properly and finds stuff beyond the 19 pages, so old content is not gone, it's just that the paging has been hard-capped. Not a serious issue, unless I'm misunderstanding something.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this is known since last month when they removed access to any pages past 19 for comment history, comment reply and submission reply history for ALL users. without an annoucement and all attempts to notify users were silenced, including a default sub mod being removed silently for using the sub to notify users.

it's JUST THE ACCESS not the content

but with no way to view


o we HAVE to use search now?

can't just browse voat anymore?

well fuck me, then so sorry to have bothered you with the FACTS that are being REMOVED FROM YOUR VIEW that the admins WON"T ANNOUNCE even for more than a month!

wecanhelp ago

Calm down, I didn't imply it wasn't useful input, I just added my findings. My guess would be that it's performance optimization. How many of us really browse past page 19 anyway? As long as the search works, we're not losing access to the content. As for the whole silencing thing, if it is true, that is alarming, but I unfortunately can't confirm that it is true.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

losing easy access to content may not be losing content

but this isn't really the issue

it's the admin silence, and the silencing of dissent that is really the issue.

confirm this:

not a fucking single announcement about the removal of access past page 19 on comment history, comment reply and submission reply history A MONTH AGO.

and all attempts to notify users were silenced on v/all/new comments in threads dv'd to -4

and the kicker

atko ninja booted @thc from his position as mod of v/videos for using a long standing bar to simply state "comment history disabled after page 19" because atko's fee fees were hurt (his reasons were nonsensical and are easily destroyed with simple application of logic.)

so the admin punished a mod by silently removing him (and then "going to sleep") for simply notifying users of something he did.

this is reddit admin behavior on voat.

lurch91 ago

I hope this can get a sticky, even if it's for just 1 day (regarding how long the file will be active).

Everyone needs a copy of this.


popezandy ago

Will put it in my sidebar post if it's uploaded on pdf forum

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the whole idea in the chain? make sure it's stated well to not tell anyone ever on here or elsewise. ruins the point. key that shit so you know if it's been altered. good shit zandy.

SaneGoatiSwear ago





key that shit.

EDIT: also, if you need to add more good into to it, don't! you need new drive. plug in once, dump data, never plug in again, add to the underground pile of never-on's. yeah it's extreme.

so are the circumstances.

PicowattBulb ago

You can always make some optical disc copies and also place it on a ad card with mechanical read only lock, and yes, optical is not long term archival but it is hard to erase/destroy unless you have it in hand.

Negro_Nazi ago

Great ideas

banusaur ago

As I said in another thread, I'm not convinced that these are written by the same person for a number of reasons. The first thread is the only one that could pass as a true insider to me. The others just mimic that one and don't add anything new or remotely credible.

EDIT: Whoops - when I was talking about the "first thread" I was talking about #1 from this post:

I think the order is different in this PDF that I didn't download.

katphish ago

ama 1 said that soros was working to breed out whites, but ama 4 said blacks have the most to fear. that kind of struck me as contradictory, but maybe not also.

banusaur ago

Whoops. I am talking about #1 from this post:

I thought they were in the same order on this PDF that I didn't download for security reasons.

hedy ago

I think there is some new info in a few of the multiple conversations by different "anons" but I do agree it's not the same person. I think it's more than one person collaborating, which seemed to support that it's an agency. However, there is nothing that can be KNOWN about the posters or the info. Although it's more information to add to the pile.

Vastator ago

Wow, good job! BTW are we sure that the guy of the firsts ama is the same of the last ones?

alliecapone ago

That's still up for debate...some of the answers were pointed out, like he claimed he had a day off, or took it off. It was pointed out that, that credible deniability of yours either got you in trouble saying that, or LARPing...(whatever that is, I gather it's something with Role Play though?)

Freemasonsrus ago

He also said a thousand other agents were given the day off so it wouldn't have been a tell. Idk if it was the same guy, but he seemed to carry the same message throughout.

PizzaGate2121 ago

Thanks for this, this is a real time saver sifting through it all.

BestowFlower1Crown ago

Awww...all my upvotes are gone. (These are my first few hours of subscription). THANKS so much for this post.

lurch91 ago

Once you download, please upvoat this submission so everyone gets a chance to have it if they want it, thanks!

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

please submit as next time. I downloaded the file, if there is malware, so be it - we're all on a list anyhow.

I would not recommend a pdf ever again.