lurch91 ago

Yes. I'm about to make a discussion with the link.

reasonedandinformed ago

Can someone do a summary of the Key Findings/Direction for each thread. They take hours to read and make the head hurt due to the nature of the back-referencing flow.

The first archive: We are directed to focus on the Clinton Foundation as it shows corruption in not just influence peddling but in selling US secrets (special access programs) to other countries/people...pure treason in the name of greed.

dreamdigital ago

Here is a full link to the whole thread. And I completely agree with this post. We are getting off track. Clinton Foundation being uncovered would expose it all.

FBI Anon Thread

smoothassilk ago

so what made u guys convinced that fbi-anon is not larping ?

Schade ago

Here's a condensed pastebin -

truthdemon ago

here is a way to set up courts of universal jurisdiction..thats kryptonite to them hiding behind diplomatic immunity ... itskryptonite for kissinger for sure: google : kissinger + universal jurisdiction asthe crimes unvolve international human trafficking (and more ) and the possible culprits beong politicians hiding behind diplomatic immunity ...only the setting up of courts with universal jurisdiction will work...courts inisde countries and also UN international human rights court ( in its present form) will not work .. it wil invvolve a group ready to take up responsibility ..and to show responsibility one must be ready to reduce international debt through the US treasury ...( which creates the debt machine ) if the group can pledge 5 dollars a month ( even a lesser amount might work ) ...then they will stand outside the world debt system as sureties .. googel : surety rights . ie they can instruct teh UN ( a conglomerate of debtor nations) as sureties ... all countreis , nations are but accounting department of the people ...the people atthe moment act as sureties with regard to the credit system ... take a closer look at ur check book ...the dotted line ...magnify it is not a dotted line points to u being the surety of the credit flow set ur self up as world sureties ...instead of just national sureties ..working inside the accounting department (ie nation and united nations) wiki : universal jurisdiction

Thrash57 ago

Does anyone have the pastebin link?

4thDaGrymReaper ago

There is a supposed 7th AMA as well, here is a link that features it as well a nice formatted pdf file.

We_The_People ago

The PDF has been wiped. Thanks for the 7th.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

I will reupload my copy of it soon. Thanks for telling me. I know see the mega link now is to download westworld lol.

Edit: Here is the link!O8RzkYZZ!RSu-8MTSxISmjvH21qZD22Kv7fTsU9YzuSSS63fdW0w

lurch91 ago

Ahem. *Pushes glasses up

I actually have the whole pdf transcript (1-7) I saved pretty much as soon as it was made.

All 129 pages of it. ;)

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Thanks for the backup as well.

I just reuploaded my own copy of the pdf again here.!O8RzkYZZ!RSu-8MTSxISmjvH21qZD22Kv7fTsU9YzuSSS63fdW0w

zzvoat ago

EXCELLENT! Thank you!!!

banusaur ago

I have trouble believing 1 and 2 are the same person. Will continue reading...

Edit: I think the anon from thread 1 is the only legitimate insider. The other threads seem to be written by someone with a few thousand fewer words in their vocabulary. They also lack the depth provided in the first thread and have many more grammatical errors.

party1981 ago

Can you give more information?

On Oct. 17 (number 7 transcript), he predicted Podesta code words in email and he also predicted that there would be a strong push for hostility with Russia. Seems legitimate to me. And if he was legitimate then, he would have called out the other intervening fakes.

banusaur ago

The first thread is well written, insightful, and has a clear focus on the Clinton Foundation. The others only offer information repackaged from the first thread as well as some added claims that don't pass the sniff test, such as "The Holocaust is a Lie".

The tone of the responses is also different. The anon goes from learned and well-spoken in thread 1 to conceited and cryptic in threads 2 and on. Including thread 7 from the /r/the_donald post. The grammatical errors are rampant in threads 2 and up. Read for yourself, it's all there.

Or maybe someone could process the text from each thread to count the number of grammatical errors. Or run them through a Flesch-Kincaid readability scoring program. The difference would be obvious.

Edit: Forgot to mention that HRC's hostility towards Russia was suggested in thread 1 so it would be easy for the imposter to mimic in thread 7 as you pointed out.

party1981 ago

The first and second threads are linked together, right? He announces the second thread at the end of the first thread. Or do you think the second thread is fake?

remedy4reality ago

That is the PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY aspect of intelligence, pointed out consistently by FBIANON. Without an understanding of that concept, you will fail to grasp the authenticity of his post.

party1981 ago

I'm not saying that you are wrong. You could be right, in which case all of my reading of threads 2-7 was a waste of time. On the other hand, if threads 2-7 don't really add anything, and if thread 1 is still a goldmine (it is), then it's not so bad.

We_The_People ago

I have never seen the 7th until the Voater suggested it here. I agree, the voice between some of these changes drastically. But, look on how much has proven true.

Arrvee ago

FBI Anon discussed many different things. Can you suggest any specific leads or details?

We_The_People ago


HRC and Chinese investments in Africa

The Bonner Group

7 Clifford St, London W1S 2FT (130 shell businesses registered at this address)

There is a bunch of stuff. Honestly, you would benefit reading them.

wecanhelp ago

I'll be happy to upvoat this, please just add this thread as your primary reference, and the links only as proof, because the latter are really hard to read, plus the former already contains a detailed discussion of FBIAnon's leads by this community.

We_The_People ago


wecanhelp ago

Thanks, upvoated.

wecanhelp ago

Would you mind annotating the links? Newcomers need to be able to quickly get to the transcripts without losing motivation. Something like this:

Original FBIAnon thread and transcripts:

AMA archives:







qwerty33 ago

good post

anonentity ago

I notice the Australian Daily mail has broken ranks and has an article on the slush fund. This might be the dam bursting.

Thrash57 ago

Please keep stressing this. I firmly believe the information will be leaked someway or another from a third party.

We know that Russia and China both made way in to hiklary's private server as well as at least two other countries. Furthermore, if the high command of Russia has it, they could leak the encrypted information to whoever they please or leak it themselves. Someone will leak this information.

I personally dont believe we have ever seen a bigger cover up by the Media and the govt. there could only be one reason to try so hard.

Intoxikated ago

FBIAnon link connected: