specialplan ago

Thats plausible, I think when I've worked at restaurants they were about half that size. I wonder if the two restaurants share a freezer though.

Werwer12 ago


These pictures are from the Pegasus building. This thread illustrates it perfectly.

https://i.imgur.com/YzbJmyw.jpgJPG This picture and https://i.imgur.com/Ez3gVh1.jpgJPG This picture, did it for me.

BeezleyBillyBub ago


jewsbadnews ago

Anyone see all the shills on the reddit post of this? Just flat out saying its all bullshit with no arguments.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

one man's spam is another's treasure

rickman ago

Core Architecture worked on the interior in 2014 and posted these photos in May 2014. If work was being done in Comet at the same time as the work next door, it could be why the view through the doorway looks a little different. 103 weeks from May 2014 takes you up to June/July 2016. When did Alefantis post the pictures on Instagram? Core Architecture at Comet

Empty bar

That bar may not have even been finished when the photo of the trench was taken.

Fateswebb ago

They're his friends and employees.... and like half of construction goes documented. But assuming they're building a kill room we can assume it's most likely not documented.

rickman ago

The trench appears to be coming from the doorway between McCulloughs and Comet.

That filled in patch in the kill room definitely matches the early hole dug in the floor. Seems like that was the original location for a trench but they changed their minds and filled it in.

The structure in the ceiling of the construction photos is very similar but not identical to Comets ceiling which makes me think this is definitely next door.

Solver2 ago

What is McCullough?

cosmicmind ago

I don't know if that's been looked into. I don't recall reading about this particular point. I'd do a search but I don't have much luck with voat searches. Maybe you could start a new discussion with this info to help flesh this out. Something new might come up that has been overlooked. Thanks.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


These vans from politics and prose are parked in that corner

OrwellKnew ago

Probably very few of us are professional investigators. But every contribution we can make adds to the overall effort

Welcome aboard!

JoJoVoat ago

I figured as such... I just finished posting it (satanic calendar) .. Getting ready to watch Assange on Fox and I will look at that video afterwards. Im ususally up till 2 sometimes 3am before I realize it, reading and watching videos, learning and trying to understand all this craziness these ppl are doing. Just blows my mind, like many of us Im sure.
My daughter graduates with her masters in Psychology next year and she works now with some really disturbed children and ppl. Her internship - everyone suffers severe OCD. Her part time job-job she works with seriously disturbed children. After learning all I've learned the past 2-3 months, I can see why. People are fucked up. I mean how can a parent sexually abuse their own child or make them perform for videos. Sick shit. Touch my child and your dead, ya know.

1 out of 25 ppl huh? I believe it but isn't that scary. I'm glad I'm normal. lol Well I am until I drink. LOL

Ssgtpepper ago

Amazing work mate!

cosmicmind ago

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I wish somebody had taken the food to a lab analyst before this lid blew off.


it is a multi-unit bldg - there are rented offices and a gallery on the NW side of the building - only Comet is attached to the McCullough side - McCullough moved out in 2005 - yet the sign remains

anolegion ago

In the tax records, the owner of the property next to Comet at 5039 is Edwin S. Rockefeller.

Lawyer. Bar: Connecticut 1951, District of Columbia 1956, Supreme Court of the United States Court 1957. Member of American >Bar Association (chairman section antitrust law 1976-1977, house of deals 1979-1982), Metropolitan Club, Chevy Chase Club.

Rockefeller, Edwin Shaffer was born on September 10, 1927. Son of Edwin and Nancy Rhea (McCullough) Rockefeller.

McCullough is his mother's maiden name.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

He's 90 this year? That puts him at about, what, heart transplant #4ish?


Rockefeller !!!!


My point was about the juxtaposition between the way the emails seem to be very secretive and the public instagram posts, which would be very reckless and uncharacteristic of people covering their tracks by using secretive code words. People would be one way or another but it would be odd for them to behave both ways simultaneously.

Pizzagate requires that these powerful people have been very careful up to this point. If there really were many powerful people involved in this ring wouldn't they be extremely cautious and suspicious of each other and of the security? Wouldn't they put a quash on alefantis if he was publicly posting these things since there is so much at risk?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

These freaks have multiple personalities look at the Pedo Clintons!


the pics were posted BEFORE the email leaks - they think they are above the law by having the Podestas on their side, not at all strange to think they like making inside jokes that most people would not understand the true meaning of.

ArthurEdens ago

First, they got away with it this long, none of us would known about it if not for wikileaks, even with the flaunting. Second, the email people are political people and are secretive for a living, and the instagram people are just general public people with flaws in their discretion. Both groups still have plausable denyability. We still haven't found proof of anything just circumstantial evidence.


they didnt use permits before, why would they start now?



man size hole in ground construction: 103 weeks

trench construction photo: 97 weeks

killroom: 88 weeks

ArthurEdens ago

Jesus, 9 weeks later the kill room photo with "this is going to be fun" written. Depressing. Have you looked at that new parking lot photo behind McCullough with the vans?


yes and I wish there was more, need to see that corner ASAP

cosmicmind ago

We'd have to date and enlarge pictures 5 and 7, because eyeballing it pic 5 doesn't appear to be the same bar/counter scene as pic 7, unless the dates and enlargements show that it's the same prior to a renovation.

JoJoVoat ago

I agree 100%. No empathy chip either. What floors me is how many there potentially are and we know from information gathering that they're worldwide. I mean how does someone new get in? "Hey can you get me a child to eat tonight?" I mean wtf? I wonder if anything happens if it will be coordinated worldwide. I really think the Pope is a satanist too. Im going to start a subverse and post the satanic calendar... would be interesting if we can could track these ppl on those dates, but either way,we should be extra vigilant those days.

quantokitty ago

CP and McCullough property were bought at the same time? Didn't know that. I didn't know McCullough owned that property. thought it was rented out. That's the other reason why this doesn't make sense. Why would JA have a tunnel going into a building that had different tenants? To answer the construction question, there has to be notification/permits put up on the property where the construction is being done. The permits list what type of construction, etc. Like I said, I believe CP is its own entity. The kid screaming was filmed on video taken by Frank Winstead a commissioner who opposed the ping pong table being outside. He also accused JA of spitting in the food. I'm surprised no one followed up on that. Did Winstead see him do that?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

there has to be notification/permits put up on the property where the construction is being done.

Rules are for non-babyfuckers.

quantokitty ago

Okay, good point. But that's "supposedly" how it works with the rest of the world. I really think we don't know what companies these things were filed under. For instance, the original renovation of CP, we know it was done, but did anyone actually post the permit that allowed that renovation? Maybe that's what we should do. We know about when that occurred so maybe look through permits for that time period. Since his "friends" helped him, I suppose all of them and their respective companies would have to be searched. It's a shell game.

ArthurEdens ago

Why would the lack of a building permit negate that the digging happened there?

Ihatepizza2 ago

If anyone wants to look up the significance of the masonic symbols - I cannot recommend highly enough to watch the first two videos in this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1491256 It contains EVERYHING you need to know about the masonic ♢☆●■ "isis" / saturn worshiping background that has birthed pizzagate

Ihatepizza2 ago

We see the cooling units in the kill room. Was there been any additional roof vents (visible in rooftop images) added to these buildings that coincide with the timline?

popezandy ago

No, not a very good proposal. Look at the picture with the supposed "white door", from the pov of McCullough's. Now look at where the white door is in CPP. Notice, it's right in front of the bar. Back in the McCullough's picture, through the door, we should therefor be able to see the bottles behind the bar, the bar itself, and possibly some chairs along the front of the bar. Actually, none of the colors are similar. Unless there were remodels which completely changed the look of the bar and account for what we see from one side of the fence, I'm afraid it doesn't hold a ton of water.

Anyways, I do love the thought that it's a secret door. Fuck, wouldn't that be cool? We need more digging anyways. It is weird that the properties were listed as separate, then combined later to share a wall and include a door between the two, only to brick that door up later. Like, who the fuck is in charge of renovations in that bitch?

party1981 ago

Holy shit! This is the fucking motherload!

carmencita ago

It must be his dream room. How sick. I say he already has it.

e-traiu ago

Good find. Upvoted 👊👊👊

whorsquini ago

Shouldn't the angle of the white door leading to Comet inside of the room being worked on show a bar on the other side? I see a tool set and a white background.

yabbadoody ago

walk-in cooler photo could be from anywhere. all we know for sure, is that J Achilles Alefantis / Jimmy Comet posted it to his Instagram. Based on the number of cooling units it has (count the fans upper right), I'd say he wants it EXTRA COLD in there, prolly a freezer.

yabbadoody ago

about the 80s comedy horror film you mentioned, that wouldn't be "Night of the Comet", would it? (1984)

JoJoVoat ago

Great job! The entire thread is full of great investigating and information... Great job guys!
I hope the mod allows this to stay :) I think it's important to note the satanic calendar and the days these "kill rooms" are more than likely used.
It looks like the next "blood" satanic holiday is Jan 7th and according to this calendar- men beware.


Jan 1 New Year's Day Druid Feast Day 15-33

Jan 7 St. Winebald Day blood animal and/or human sacrifice and dismemberment (male, if human)

JoJoVoat ago

I was thinking the same thing when I read that... It makes sense that there would be more than one... We're talking 800,000 children in the US each year missing. plus, there are many satanic holidays and dont they have to have their blood ? I cant recall why... immortality or power ( i know about the adrenaline in the blood and the "high" it gives the person consuming it) ... I may be wrong but I thought satanist have to have it.... (beyond gross, i know)

srayzie ago

For those of you who don't understand the layout, watch this video. It's very good with many pictures. There is a back door. But, where I think the hidden door leading into room at McCullough's is in that backroom behind the curtains. There are 2 spots with curtains. Like 20 something men went in and didn't walk back out. The video explains it all.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs

srayzie ago

Oh wow. I get it. Remember when those guys said they found tunnels? They got in their car in the parking lot and James Alefantis was standing there staring at them from there! I need to try to find it


that is the OTHER side - the east side - I am talking about the WEST side

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Starting at 3:11, do you think this is the way into it??


it is the white doorway with brick around it seen here on the left side of screen has a table in front of it :


srayzie ago

You would think they would at least make it look like a wall instead of raise ciriosity. Anyways, so they just left a door there and sealed it off?

srayzie ago

Yes! Thank you. Go to 3:11. See Alefantis looking at the camera? He has car parked all the way up and a trash can blocking the doorway. Is it around here that this kill room could be?

YingYangMom ago

Yes. In my opinion, if you look at the backdoor that leads outside, from an inside the backroom perspective, the secret passageway is hidden on the left of the door. There is a 2 to 3 foot brick wall, but you access it from behind the black curtains at the back of the room at 3:25 of this video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs&app=desktop

If you look at the backdoor of the CPP, from the parking point of view, it's hidden behind the wall on the right of the doorway.

There could be a stairway there that leads to a basement or underground room...

srayzie ago

Thank you! That's what I keep telling people but you spelled it out clearer. Everyone keeps saying that white door with a table and chair in front of it. One of us needs to post your clear explanation it in comments

YingYangMom ago

https://archive.is/yLNJR look closely at the wall that holds the curtain up to the ceiling. The ceiling gives out the space that's behind the curtain. See it?

srayzie ago

I think the curtain I'm talking about is to the left of that facing left. If that door is the back door that is.

YingYangMom ago


Are you talking about the curtained door at 3:42 of this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs&app=desktop

Because if you are, it's not the backdoor that leads to the parking lot, that curtained entryway is the door that leads back to the front part of CPP. There are 2 entries to the backroom actually. And in the middle of them there is a stage, where sometimes they have diaporamas of fish just like in the video i posted to you at minutes 3:42 you can see it. That wall is completely opposite to the backdoor that leads to the parking lot. So the curtained door you're talking about is where JA goes back to the front of the restaurant in this next video here at 1:48. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYy0JPyZZ1E&t1m30s.

@G_Gordon_Linguini, @srayzie,

Now there is another video where you see an outcropped room to the left of the backdoor from the point of view of the parking lot at 3:20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMGGSY0A8r8 Acutally it's in between two backdoors. This room does look like it fits the size of the walk-in freezer or # killroom. Since there is no visible entry way to access it, I imagine you get to it through a secret door or passage which brings me back to either the space behind the curtain at the back of the kids party room or some other unknown way.

Edit: Dang. The killroom is right there. The door that JA opens in the video where he stares at the guys in the parking lot before going back in CAN'T be the backdoor of CPP because of the way it opens and also because the killroom would show and it doesn't. So the backdoor of CPP is at the left of the cropped white killroom in the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMGGSY0A8r8 at 3:40. So, according to this video then, and to the other video where he shows CPP around to some guy, the killroom (cropped white room visible from the parking lot) is glued to the black curtains at the back of the kids party room as showed in this picture here: https://archive.is/yLNJR

That's it, KILLROOM location finally found! Spread around.

srayzie ago

I see what your saying! The curtain I was thinking leads back up front. Thank you! Ok I'm confused with your conclusion tho. I see that little building that could be the size of the killroom between 2 doors. But, to the right of all of that is the back door that says Comet. https://i.sli.mg/h6YBqf.png So the big black curtain would be to the right of that back door from the outside. Right?

JoJoVoat ago

what a minute.... are you saying that body/organ parts are added to tinctures, hot sauces etc?

Also, I live in Florida if I need to go creepin' around anywhere... I have time.


So the thinking is that the same pedophile ring that have used coded language in their emails so well that no one on here can really say what it is they're talking about, these people have also publicly posted pictures to instagram of their secret killroom (including its construction) and then called it exactly what it is in a hashtag.

This is not how people behave.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

These fucks are Evil Satanic Pedos, they are fucking freaks! So yeah they just might be a little nuts!

SilenceDoGood ago

Once you get the picture in your head of the layout, this is a very possible conclusion. Everything, from a geometric positioning stand point, aligns. I'd also like to point out that if you look at the photo of the tunnel and next to the man bending over, you see the ladder. I never noticed it before but the ladder is submerged in the ground so that tunnel is dug out along the wall to where this possible entry hole was dug. If it can be verified that this in fact at this location then as far as I'm concerned, it makes this a smoking gun.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, this should be right about under the stairs of the CPP backroom. That's why I believe this is the Backroom of CPP. The ceilings, the red beam and the backdoorway that leads to the alley between CPP and McCullough's all add up. I'm sure they covered the doorway with bricks, but the tunnel goes to a secret room or passage way from the backroom it seems.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

One of POTUS vacation spots is Marthas Vineyard, MA. McCullough also has a house there. AND, the property found to be referenced in Susan Sandlers email to John Pidesta about the "Handkerchief that has a map which seems to be Pizza related." Surely some of them rent out there own house for vacation. Wonder if POTUS has a killroom cooler in his vacation home? Now we know why Hillary fired the White House Travel Agents and hired her friends back during Bill Clintons term in office.

JoJoVoat ago

As I recall, she fired a lot of ppl... a head chef, Secret Service etc...

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

couple of things that I saw that may lead you to change your mind about where the instagram "dig site" is...

  1. the room with the digging from instagram https://i.sli.mg/4rSCDc.png and https://i.imgsafe.org/0aab857046.jpg is 100% in CPP. The ceiling, bricks and cinderblock wall all match the back "party room" that JA takes us on a tour of here...Check video recon here with shots of the back "party room" and stop it from 5:29 to 6:03.
    You can even see the blue ping pong table folded up in frame 5:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTiUaloDDAYouTube What I noticed that no one has talked about is that the floor is about 3 feet deeper after the renovations. That is an illegal modification to the building. And maybe they did it to make a stage where bands can perform back there as well. Notice how he goes down stairs at around 5:29 and then back up at 5:50.

  2. I think the walk-in freezer could be in the basement of CPP or Bucks. The other stores in that retail development all have basements so why wouldn't CPP in the front half also?

  3. CPP has an extended back section, where the said instagram photos from 1 above are located. That must have been added on after the strip mall was built way back when.

  4. "We don't even have a basement" doesn't mean that his other restaurant, Bucks doesn't technically lease the basement space and make his statement legally accurate at the time he said it. Don't forget JA is surrounded by lawyers in his circles so they come up with this shit all the time to CYA.

edit: formating

cosmicmind ago

This is a little off the basement topic, but I was watching the vid again, and at 6:15 I noticed a convo going on that I hadn't paid attention to, so I'm putting it in here with your vid.

JA is asked what made him open a pizza joint. JA replied that he dropped out of college and didn't know how to do anything else, but he knew how to cook. He's in his 40's now, CPP has been open for 10 years, unless he was a late college student there's a lot of time between drop out and restaurant, but aside from that, I read an article (not sure where at the moment) wherein JA said that all food items were made because he didn't know that he could buy ingredients pre-made.

I recall another article saying he puts a special ingredient in his pizza dough, so maybe he has to make it instead of buying it, (who only knows what kind of special ingredient goes in a minimal ingredient dough) but here's the problem......

how does he not know basic cooking but he opens two restaurants because he knew how to cook?

Anybody who claims they know how to cook, especially to the level needed to open two restaurants, knows the difference between making your own products versus buying them, and knows that you can buy food products already prepped. That is a cooking no-brainer!

Major story flaw! I have to call b.s. on this guy with every.single.thing.I.research.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yeah, and if that's the only thing he knew how to do, how'd he become the 49th most powerful person in DC before age 40 just doing that? And what's with his lengthy list of properties owned?

lostinthevalley ago

49 is bothering me, how did they determine the numbers? In numerology, 4 + 9 = 13 clearly a Satanic number. Was this some kind of Satanic shoutout? These people love that shit.

cosmicmind ago

Yeah, no wonder he won't offer to clear his name by signing up for multiple nonpartisan 3rd party polygraph tests that are monitored and videoed for accurate analysis.

Cleanhouse ago

Also he didn't mention that he has directed/produced some apparently strange movies as well.


totaly wrong - the construction pics are next door - in the McCullough bldg -

did you not look at past the first pic of the infographic??


G_Gordon_Linguini ago

I did look at the first pic of the infographic.

Why I don't think its at McCollough

  • The two different buidlings CPP vs. McCoullough were built at different times and with different materials.
  • That RED beam and the large wood supports on the roof of the instagram photos pretty much match the back party room at CPP. Compare the video when it shows the ceiling of the back party room to the ceiling of the instagram construction project.
  • Notice the door in the instagram photo and how high up the floor is. They are digging out that floor to lower the overall elevation to increase the floor to celing height of the back party room. That's why he has to walk down the stairs to get to it now. It used to be on basically the same elevation as the rest of the building is what I think.
  • Also, I think the door that's open in the instagram construction photo could have been moved and that side opening, where OP thinks it leads to CPP could be a side entrance that was bricked over in the final build.

Of course I could be wrong since I've never been there...


there are several red beams - one red beam does not make a location - the elevation has been like that since before Comet - that area used to be 2 story Thai restuarant

the "bricked over" door is CLEARLY seen halfway down the infographic - it is near the ENTRANCE of Comet not in the back area

are you trying to confuse people on purpose??

YingYangMom ago

I agree with you. Compared the video and pics and beam, ceilings and walls match up. I believe there were two doorways to the alley between CPP and McCullough's and the killroom one is the doorway at the back of CPP. This makes more sense than anything else.

Edit: I also noticed that in the infographic pictures, when you look into CPP from the killroom perspective, you can't see a bar in there, which should be there since the doorway is directly in front of the bar. Look at pics 8 and 9, can you see a bar there? No. The doorway is at the level of the bar so it should appear but it doesn't.

StrangeHologram ago

Great analysis, I think the digging pics are near cpp but not sure if it is the lower back room because how do the doors line up ? Also need to factor in the wall gap which can be seen in the 2nd digging pic. I think it is next door to cpp.

YingYangMom ago

You're right! This IS the back room and when they were digging, they were taking the cement floor off to make it half a level lower so they could have a stage for future bands to come perform there. I also believe there could be a hidden basement somewhere where and a walk-in freezer could be hidden there. Buck's should be looked into more closely imho also. It could be the real deal, where things happen and Comet as the after party place or cover-up place. I remember one comment from John Kreher that said Comet after Bucks. Why would they go to a restaurant (CPP) after having gone to a restaurant (Bucks)? It kinda stayed with me.


this is NOT the back room at CPP - constructino was done next door at McCulloughs

YingYangMom ago

There were two door ways to the alley between CPP and McCullough's. One in the front part and one in the back room. The killroom is very possibly this backroom because the ceilings are the same, the red beam is still there and the back doorway has been blocked with bricks. In my opinion, the hidden passageway is somewhere under the stairs or under the protruding brick pillar on the wall next to the stairs where a hole had been dug with two guys looking down at it in the first picture.


NO the killroom is NOT the back door - is IS the front access door !!!

the back door leads to OUTSIDE

there are NO STAIRS

wtf why are you trying to discredit the info in the INFOGRAPHIC??


YingYangMom ago

Not talking about the backdoor that leads to the outside. I'm talking about the doorway on the side of the building that leads to the old alley between the CPP and McCullough. Not the one at the bar level. There is another one further down in the backroom where they were digging wholes and breaking up concrete. That door has now been blocked. You can even see the blue CPP folded table next to the wall. https://i.imgsafe.org/0aab857046.jpg

The secret passage way and stairs I'm talking about could easily be behind the black curtains at the back of CPP's kids party room. If you look closely, there is approximatively a 2-3 feet wide space between the black curtain and the wall to the backdoor that leads outside. Looking straight at that backdoor, check on the left side of it. There is a 2-3 feet wide brick wall. Behind that, there could be stairs that lead to a basement. Watch these videos again:



srayzie ago

There are curtains that lead past that back party room too https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs

YingYangMom ago

At minute 3:25. That's the curtain.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Biggest CYA ever because theres alot of fuckin asses to cover. No underpinning and making suggestions because his restaraunt is on the other side of the wall. Busted.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Also, in back right corner of the killroom it appears there are stains and also some white oxidization. If the builder suffered severe burns on his hands then maybe it happened when installing a tank of Sodium Hydroxide. He named lime as the culprit which absolutely does NOT cause the flesh on his hands to be eaten up like that. Can anyone say #TOAST

Werwer12 ago

This is the Pegasus building.https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/comments/1536880

https://i.imgur.com/YzbJmyw.jpg This picture and https://i.imgur.com/Ez3gVh1.jpg This picture, did it for me!!! Great find!!!! This is absolutely the same place


good eye !

AreWeSure ago

Kudos for putting Speculation right up front.

Moonlandinghoax ago

I'm honestly impressed with the Internet collectives investigation. This evil needs to be vanquished. If we can't protect our children, what kind of society are we? Keep up the good work all. This evil can't hide forever.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Symbolism is very important when it involves Freemasons and Satanic worship. Here is an archive of an old discussion on the topic. ----- CPP geometry and sybolism http://archive.is/W276c

yabbadoody ago

actually, not. You'd need about half of that to store the day's fresh dough (2 or 3 large rolling buckets that look similar to trash cans, food grade), and the rest would be filled up with veggies, meats and cheese on modular shelves.

You might even need a separate beer cooler, though this one looks large enough to handle kegs. just sayin'. If they have sick, Satanic humor, that's one thing, and their social media proves as much. I certainly wouldn't put it PAST them to have a torture space, sex space, "kill room" or whatever, especially as freely as this particular crowd makes jokes about that kind of stuff.

It's all very Dahmer-esque. I would NEVER eat there, even if I went to check it out - bottled beverages only. I honestly wouldn't trust anything James Achilles Alefantis might put in his "homemade sauce".


the dough fridge is seen here:


wokethefkup ago

Worked at papa John's 3 yrs as driver popular and very busy every night. We use ONE walk in cooler. I saw a comment saying comet would need 3 coolers it's fucking Bullshit place is small as shit and not as popular.

Baluga ago

All the pictures in this series seem well connected one to another. Except the last one. I'm afraid it's wild guessing to connect the freezer to any location, unless you have other evidence.

fartyshorts ago

I can't find anything.

Brimshae ago

Or Buck's, which we know has a basement that Alefantis uses.

Fateswebb ago

the white spray paint on the floor appears to be some sort of guide. was the digging for drainage? why the angled white spray paint guide? why dig out the floor? drainage? creepy!!!

yabbadoody ago

not necessarly drainage, looks to me like shoring up to put in a staircase leading down... that's one possibility, or they cut into DC plumbing and sewer lines and risked flooding the neighborhood without a permit... I suppose that's possible too.

It's not the cost of permits, its the DELAYS... mucho time. And then you have city inspectors and the like coming around, frequently. Though at some point, they HAD to let city inspectors in, so they could open the doors... would be interesting to check those inspections and permits.

yabbadoody ago

looks pretty solid to me, but more photo confirmation would be nice. the CEILING in the construction photos is: 1) unique, and 2) highly identifiable. So it seems to me that some pics of the "art" in the ceiling, really the ceiling, of Comet would help to identify, since they would've needed to tear the entire roof off and replace it to change that - and then DC would've slapped them with w Stop Work Order, for not having a permit for the work (plus it's a major hazard), and it's not something you could hide from the exterior, or even the street view below - big trucks, lots of noise, dumpsters, etc. It would surely have received a Stop Work, and best anyone can tell that was never permitted, SO - let's assume the same roof/ceiling, for these purposes.

I've been on the fence about this, but I'm slipping over toward it being Comet. ALSO: Please, when addressing the "kill room" (what they call it), realize that for all practical purposes, it is a walk-in cooler-freezer. I always use "kill room" in quotes like that, BECAUSE most people, seeing that for the first time, need to understand YOU aren't calling it that - but THEY are calling it that.

Hence, use quotes. "Kill room". end quote.

LostandFound ago

Bucks is listed as having a basement and is 4500 square foot 2250 per floor which can be verified by measuring on gmaps. I think there's a leap of faith I'm not currently willing to accept that there is a 'killroom' at any of JA's properties. Why shit on your own doorstep when DC is your oyster?

unconceivable ago

The freezer is located in an alley behind Comet, according to the report about the terrorist with the AR-15 -- "20. At about the time that everyone else was running away from WELCH, restaurant employee CW-1 was retrieving dough from a freezer in an alley behind the restaurant. " District Ct Criminal Complaint

bikergang_accountant ago

Some of you people are fucking impressive. This would make McCullough in on it unless Comet Ping Pong was partially honest and told McCullough that they needed some of their space for a freezer, but never mentioned to McCullough that it wasn't even going to be accessable in a useful way.

You would be suprised how wide angled photography can be. The camera position doesn't need to be that far back.

quantokitty ago

This is skipping a lot of steps. As mentioned timeline. Next, the connection to McCullough. Why would JA involve someone else that wasn't in on what was going on? There's already a tunnel to Bucks and a basement in CP. So how about this? And this would be dependent on when this was filled in, but let's say there was a space out there ... where customers would go to relieve themselves since it isn't big enough for much else. Or to cut through from getting to the front and the back. If there were a basement, you might be able to see something of it from that perspective, but there might be something else. If you're actually IN CP, the noise would drown out say a scream of someone calling for help. But if you were outside, right near this basement, patrons might have been able to hear things because it's so quiet outside. Just a thought, but it might prompt closing it up.

AreWeSure ago

There's already a tunnel to Bucks and a basement in CP.

Can anyone confirm this?

quantokitty ago

Anyone? The real estate listings confirm there's a basement, and it's confirmed there's a "passageway" from Bucks to CP. JA himself confirmed that when he sent out invitations to a CP event and told invitees to enter through Bucks. So "tunnel"? Maybe not, but viable passageway, yes. Confirmed by the big mouthed Majestic Ape himself.

AreWeSure ago

There are two levels at Comet. When you walk into the very back room you go down some steps, maybe about 5. But it's not under the main room, it's just that the street slopes significantly. So the two levels are next to each other, not stacked and this lower level is still open to the public. See this video https://youtu.be/vrBnP49RMAM?t=321

That is not a confirmation. Tunnel and basement are not confirmed at all. Passageway? Perhaps there is a door that connects them, but another possibility which is what I first thought was backdoors. In this case the Alleyway would be the the way to move from one restaurant to the other. Another way would be the front doors. Sometimes at parties, you have to check in first. So it could be then did something at Bucks before heading back out the front door to Comet.

quantokitty ago

Oh, dear God!!!! STFU and read up on building codes. Five steps down is not considered a floor. You have to be able to WALK UNDERNEATH IT AND LIVE THERE for it to be considered a floor. Go away ...

AreWeSure ago

Please show me where the DC building codes say this.

Please show me where's it confirmed there is a basement at Comet Ping Pong. That was your original claim, wasn't it?

fartyshorts ago

McCullough moved away from that location years ago. If you check the streetview, their sign was taken off recently. Not sure who owns/rents that building now.

quantokitty ago

Agree. It's yet another point that hasn't been cleared up.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

McCullough is Satan worshipping Freemason. His business is next door. 1 of his houses had a home tour on a realty site. Address: 2830 Chesterfield Place NW, Washington, DC 20008.

Etched in stone above his front door ---- https://i.sli.mg/oegSyW.png Blaphemous prayer station. Goat to right in trees ----- https://i.sli.mg/EQZ5PO.jpg Devil's Trident on jar of captured souls ----- https://i.sli.mg/oaYqsw.jpg

How bout them apples?

Ihatepizza2 ago

Could not conceive of a more masonic front door if I tried (he obviously did). Well done. As soon as the whole investigation starts to realise that this is masonic / satanic worship (paedophile shit being a side kink) we move up 10 levels!

quantokitty ago

It looks like a house to me.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

It looks stupid and of poor taste to me. I didn't know what the hell it was until I heavily researched the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Then i realized its all about worshipping and feeding the devil children.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

The Scottish Rite sits dead center of the pyramid in DC's mason setup. The WH is at the start of the pentagram.

Ihatepizza2 ago


quantokitty ago

Oh, okay. Don't know that much about it.

crazimal ago

go see an eye doctor?!!

front door tablet: "DMH" initials at top, "1927" at bottom.

goat to the right? i see no goat.

inside hall: print on right has motif vaguely like the greek minuscule omega, no trident.

with the lack of attention evident in your post, did you even verify that the house you posted has a link to the person in question?

Why should one think the house belonged to mccullough and not mcidiot or mcshill? With name mcullough it is possible, even likely the initials follow the monogram convention of placing the surname initial in the middle. Perhaps it was his father's house!

Stormtrooperx52 ago

DMH 1927 is actually a reference to a place that they really liked to feed the devil children. Do your research. Want me to find the deed for you? I have it. I also have pictures of Thomas and family inside. They have a Moloch owl made of white porcelain between the living room and the kitchen. Better start running if you are involved.

crazimal ago

DMH 1927 is actually a reference to a place that they really liked to feed the devil children.

Do tell.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Do you mind posting these photos and the context of the free mason stuff

Fateswebb ago

they mention overtime, so by the comments you would believe it is out of business hours.

quantokitty ago

Or that it's a huge job and not going to be completed in an hour. Oh, and we don't know where this is or the time constraints. If it was a business and they needed the place opened in a couple of days, it would take overtime to finish on time. There are a lot of unknowns.

Fateswebb ago

I feel like this post does a pretty good job of showing where it is. Thats the point of the post and considering the photo has the exact same kind of ping pong table in it that comet has, I dont feel like its a stretch.

quantokitty ago

I didn't say it was a stretch. I said the OP needed proof connecting some of the dots. Like what McCullough has to do with JA, etc.

hypercat ago

If you look from the back there is a door and windows and it looks to be a more recent expansion to the gallery next door, or additional house/storefront. The address shows the #1. Image from back to see the tilted sat view. https://sli.mg/JAv4py

quantokitty ago


Dressage2 ago

This whole construction scenario sounds like Dutroux's basement addition added to one of his houses. I hope this Slimg shows up below.


ZalesMcMuffin ago

Holy subterranean mysteries, Batman! Everybody ITT should see that.

yabbadoody ago

Excellent point, J Achilles Alefantis didn't put in for ANY foundation work, that anybody has been able to locate. So we ARE looking at "non standard" construction and techniques, here... those lines on the floor could be for anything. Pipes, vents, electrical or plumbing, floor safe, hidden access to a neighboring basement - doesn't matter, because he never submitted DRAWINGS to the city for that, so it would never SHOW.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Look at the images again and you'll see it wasn't just lines on the floor. They were busting up a large area with the jackhammer.

Annon365 ago

Can anyone near there go down and look through the windows?

Kikimc22 ago

Wow. Great work! Great leads!

Spindle ago

Ah yes, and most importantly -- the Health Department has the most recent signed-off plans so that they can compare what they find onsite to those plans. If there are deviations that take CPP out of spec, they could lose their permit and have a suspension placed on their Certificate of Occupancy.

Here are links to the most recent inspections. Nothing too juicy here at first glance: http://dc.healthinspections.us/webadmin/DHD_431/lib/mod/inspection/paper/_paper_food_inspection_report.cfm?inspectionID=830960&wguid=1367&wgunm=sysact&wgdmn=431

Follow-up: http://dc.healthinspections.us/webadmin/DHD_431/lib/mod/inspection/paper/_paper_food_inspection_report.cfm?inspectionID=831396&wguid=1367&wgunm=sysact&wgdmn=431

Spindle ago

The DoH notes meats being stored in "cold holding;" this is most likely a walk-in freezer (compare to note "reach-in freezer"). So the DoH is visiting "a" walk-in freezer upon inspections. Whether it is the freezer in the instagram photo or not is unknown until original plans can be obtained via HUMINT.

EDIT: I'm moving too quickly. There is no indication that there is a walk-in freezer based on these health department reports. Every "cold holding" refrigerator is labeled as a separate piece of equipment (sandwich prep unit, pizza prep unit, etc.). There appears to be no inspection of any localized walk-in freezer. According to their menu, their selection of draft could easily be kept in a kegerator, and the rest of their drinks are cans/bottles to be possibly kept in fridges rather than a walk-in.

Spindle ago

It depends on municipal and state regulations (I'm not familiar with regulations in the district of Columbia). The Health Department where I'm from only wants a "you are not locked out" sign with instructions posted next to a working release button on the inside of the cooler to prevent accidental death.

As I'm no DC expert, I can only use a bit of Googling. According to the DC Health Department website (http://doh.dc.gov/)), it looks like coolers need to be identified and labeled as per the 2012 IMC Chapter 3 (International Mechanical Code). So this basically means there is no separate permit for freezers (typical nearly everywhere) -- part of the Health Department signing off on construction plans to get a certificate of occupancy (or temporary certificate of occupancy) just requires that freezer construction adheres to the regulations in this document (linked if you're curious: https://law.resource.org/pub/us/code/ibr/icc.imc.2012.pdf)). The Health Department permit requires this and everything else (drain spec, food prep area size/accessibility, etc.) under one blanket sign-off, so there wouldn't be anything on record just about a freezer.

Original submitted plans to have a demo permit issued to begin construction have to go through the Health Department, so seeing those original plans that were stamped could be useful. This would require some HUMINT (calling DC DoH and having them faxed over, or perhaps the DC fire marshal who also has to sign off on original plans).

anolegion ago

According to the FBI affidavit of the comet ping pong 'shooter' there is a 'rear door into the restaurant' (6) leading to 'a freezer in an alley behind the restaurant' (20).

Where is the rear door, and where is the freezer? If the freezer is to the left of Comet in these pictures, it must be the cubic structure at the back of Little Red Fox. But where is the door? If the freezer is to the right of Comet there, the rear door must be on the short side (hard to see whether there is one). But there's no freezer in the parking lot on McCullough's side.

So if the rear entrance is indeed on the short side, the freezer can really only be inside McCullough, entered through its back door.

fartyshorts ago

In the video tour Alefantis gave a guy after PG broke, he shows him the back door.

Right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYy0JPyZZ1E&t1m30s

srayzie ago

Yeah and I posted a 2nd video that shows that and more. People should watch these

Spindle ago

This is posted elsewhere in this thread (buried), but here are links to the most recent DoH inspections:

Routine: http://dc.healthinspections.us/webadmin/DHD_431/lib/mod/inspection/paper/_paper_food_inspection_report.cfm?inspectionID=830960&wguid=1367&wgunm=sysact&wgdmn=431

Followup: http://dc.healthinspections.us/webadmin/DHD_431/lib/mod/inspection/paper/_paper_food_inspection_report.cfm?inspectionID=831396&wguid=1367&wgunm=sysact&wgdmn=431

We can see that, at least as far as the DC Health Department is concerned, there is no localized walk-in freezer being inspected, meaning it's not on the plans the DoH has. Any walk-in freezer would be discovered by a routine inspection unless well-hidden (tough due to evaporators and ventilation needed, but not impossible).

So it does follow that if there is a walk-in freezer, it being inside a different building explains why the Health Department never records inspecting it (as they never see it).

I want to also note that Buck's Fishing and Camping DOES have a noted walk-in freezer being inspected:


srayzie ago

The walk in freezer may be at Bucks where he admits has a basement. He stores his tomatoes there

yabbadoody ago

So they're just using wall-unit refrigerators at Comet? That's odd, since MIXING PIZZA DOUGH all but requires a walk-in cooler, due to the AMOUNT of dough that must be mixed... you basically fill large garbage-can-sized containers (white, sanitary) with the fresh dough, cover it with a damp cloth, let it rise, "punch it down" (after the first rise), let it rise again, and then you'll start breaking it out for individual crusts.

But that all needs to be done AHEAD of time, because it requires HOURS for the dough to rise... and that amount of dough? One day's worth for a pizza joint? Would EASILY fill 3 industrial sized reach-in coolers, not to mention those are expensive to run on that scale, so yeah. my guess is they have at minimum one walk-in cooler, available on premises or very very near. They'd almost have to.


the guy fieri video shows the dough cooler - it is a small fridge



ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yep, right at the start of the video.

markrod420 ago

Worked at rocky ricocos in my teen years. Specifically came in on weekends to make dough. Your estimations on how much dough is needed for a single day does not line up with my experience. I would make less than what you describe and it would be a week's worth of dough at rockys. So unless comet is LIKE WAY WAY WAY WAAAAY BUSY ALL THE TIME, I am gonna have to disagree with your assessment. BUT I will say that it was still a lot of dough and we definitely let it rise in the walk in cooler.

JastheMace ago

When I used to work at Little Caesars we cut the dough right out of the Hobart and roll them into balls and put them on oiled large cookie sheets in rolling racks that were then rolled into the walk in fridge, we were the busiest in Tucson and it was only one large walk in, the racks hold a lot. A small place like Comet could do it with one walk in, maybe that is why Buck's has a walk-in, it may hold food for Comet.

Spindle ago

I know that some places use a dough pre-mix that is incredibly fast-rising and can be prepped more frequently than daily in smaller batches -- though these are usually larger chains trying to save on costs. I checked Besta's DoH record as well; no walk-in inspected/found onsite:


anolegion ago

Comet could be using the walk-in freezer at Buck's, but on those satellite images it's hard to see a logical route walked by employees many times a day from the rear exit to Buck's.

Spindle ago

Agreed -- I mentioned it so that one could compare a restaurant from the same area (ward) that does have a walk-in to see how the DoH notates them. Bottom line -- the DC DoH is not aware of a walk-in freezer as part of CPP.

the_one_tony_stark ago

that would explain this video report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJrkbgiETzs

AreWeSure ago

What's behind the curtains is a room that opens onto the back alley. It's used for Private Parties of folks who rent it Backstage when bands play the main space Smaller bands who only play this back space

So members of the public have been there.

srayzie ago

No. not the party room. Curtains that lead somewhere PAST the party room. Watch that video

ArthurEdens ago

Yeah, see when Alefantis pulls the curtain open and messes with it to tie it open onto the wall at 5:34? He's creating a diversion because that spot is where the second doorway and curtain is that that woman said men and kids where going into. Here he just covered it up so those guys walk right by it. Cc @carmecita

YingYangMom ago

5:34 yes. He does play with curtains but we can't see because the camera guy doesn't capture it. There is also a screen at the back of the backroom. That seems it could hold an entry with stairs that go down to an underground level.

carmencita ago

I know that someone posted a video on here of CP and JA told someone it was a rm for the kids parties. Then also an employee told people they could go back there to get a drink. He said it was a bar room. When they went behind the curtain the guy back there said the bar was closed. Yes, I saw the room and there was a door that looked as if it went outside. Something just does not add up.

srayzie ago

There were also curtains to the left. They show it

AreWeSure ago

You can see the back room and back door here https://youtu.be/g7rcbIfge2E?t=314

carmencita ago

I also remember the people that filmed with their camera said they saw a bunch of 50 60 yr old men go behind the curtain. When they entered the rm. the men were not there. They either went out that back door or there is another place or room for them to enter.

AreWeSure ago

The people who filmed that never went all the way to the back room that opens to the parking lot in the back alley, the private party room. They got into the room before that and saw there were more curtains and wondered what was back there. The guys who came to talk to Alefantis got taken all the way to the back room and JA opened the back door for them.

I posted the link in this thread.

carmencita ago

Thanks for pointing that out.

YingYangMom ago

The black screen at the back of the backroom, the kids party room... That seems like it could hide a passage way or stairs that go down to some other place.

Spindle ago

I have built a few of these (only the "modular" ones) for various commercial and restaurant use. If CPP serves beer, it's actually well-sized for both ingredients and a keg/draft system. Doesn't mean it is or isn't a "kill room."

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Here is the same discussion! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1532948

Millennial_Falcon ago

but the one that looks like a walk-in freezer is another one.

maybe, I don't know.

Besides, isn't the Pajama Factory in PA?

yes, but couldn't the walk-in cooler photo have been from PA?

specialplan ago

It looks like the standard freezer in the back of any grocery store in the united states. just fyi.

Kawksnahch ago

Oh, y'know what? If this set up is correct, then when all the adults and kids enter the back area of CPP, they just walk out and into the back door of the adjacent building. It's there for "bands to load/unload" for shows so we know it lets out the back.


Yuke ago

There is no chance that that is the 'main room' in Comet through that doorway as seen in the digging picture. They look like boxes or files or something. Probably more of a storage room.

Fateswebb ago

i do see a red stool that matches comets. cant tell whats behind that..

ArthurEdens ago

Yeah that's the red stool and the thing above it is a crossbeam above the bar with some decorative shelves. Don't listen to this Yuke guy, he's a trying to spin your wheels

Yuke ago

The red part is ground level, so it's not a stool. And if it were a stool there would be a bar, and if there was a bar, there would be lots of bottles; It's not a view into Comet.

I've been trawling the web for hours and I've just found what I believe is the site of the construction in the pictures. There is one key detail that I'll highlight to show this. It is now a workshop, so no, not a killroom. I'll have a location and more info tomorrow (I'm in the UK, it's late, I need sleep right now). What I've found I have archived.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I thought this video pretty well established that the "kill room" is in Jeffrey B. Smith's workshop at the Pajama Factory?

StrangeHologram ago

But this video never demonstrates that the brick pattern is at PJFactory. The more I research, the more I think this is McCullough.