Truthplease5 ago

anyone should do this!!!

Fateswebb ago

We should all. One request is a joke. 15 isnt

Celticgirlonamission ago

I wish I could see the autopsy report, I want to know location of GSW and time he arrived at hospital. A person usually don't die that long after a GSW unless care was delayed or bad care. I'm sure Washington DC has excellent trauma care like we do in New Orleans....usually a person dies immediately in the street if heart or major arteries are hit....just a sneaking suspicion that they may have delayed his care. Wonder if his family has requested these reports?

Melitica ago

FOIA is for FEDERAL documents. You cannot get local PD info with FOIA.

mrjdouble ago

**Switched off locally by responding officers.

8toborrm ago

I filed a FOIA for Seth Rich was denied in very non-commital way.


This is in response to your FOIA request. Based in the information you provided, we conducted a search of the Central Records System. We were unable to identify main file records responsive to the FOIA.

By standard FBI practice and pursuant to FOIA exemption (b)(7)(E) and privacy Act exemption (j)(2) [5 USC $$ 55s/552a (b)(7)(E), (j)(2)], this repsonse neither confirms or denies the existence of your subject's name on any watch lists.

For your information, congress excluded three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records from the requirements of the FOIA. See 5 USC 552(c) (2006 & Supp. IV (2010). This response is limited to those records that are subject to the requirements of the FOIA. This is a standard notification that is given to all our requesters and should not be taken as an indication that excluded records do, or do not, exist.

Ok... So the codes say:

Title 5, section 552, (b)(7)

US code 552a, scroll to (j)(2), about halfway down

Melitica ago

FOIA is for FEDERAL records. Investigation was local PD.

8toborrm ago

I'll see myself out

Fateswebb ago

What was your request, and why does this mention him not being on watch lists? I'm more interested in the body am footage and other physical evidence surrounding his murder.

8toborrm ago

It was the first FOIA I've ever filed, and I think I phrased the scope incorrectly. I just requested files pertaining to Seth Rich. Damn.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah the will stonewall anything we try.

MAGABoomer ago

Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails, he did not phish Podesta, that was Gucifer2 I believe.


why do they list the weapon as a "handgun" when there were no witnesses or weapon left behind? how would they even know this detail

Celticgirlonamission ago

I've worked In trauma many years, and yes I can usually tell what caliber GSW is just by looking at the wound

mrjdouble ago

I believe it would be fairly obvious by looking at him that he was shot. More specifically by a smaller caliber, which would narrow it down to a handgun. A high powered rifle, shotgun or handgun all leave very distinctive characteristics.


a .22 is a .22 is a .22 - handgun or rifle - you would NOT be able to tell

popezandy ago

I'm pretty sure evidence in an ongoing investigation isn't available for freedom of information act requests. If the investigation is officially closed, I'm also pretty sure all of that information is then available to FOIA unless it compromises national security.

srayzie ago

Hurry and watch this video before it's deleted. Victims speak out. The children really got to me. So sad but important!

Wolftrail7272 ago

Appeal to the public living in a few block radius to see if they have private cameras, and also look into Shot Spotter. They are acoustic sensors that back record when a gun shot goes off. It could tell you the exact location of shots, how many shots and in what succession (think: one to down him, then execution shot), what caliber, type of gun, and maybe even more. Could even pick up a car or van accelerating away, which would help narrow leads on suspects.

pauly_pants ago

If he was alive and conscious for an hour after the shooting, I wonder if he mentioned any details to the officers?

crystalclearme ago

Absolutely wondering this and how it has or has not been followed up on. This is the sort of stuff we used to count on real journalists doing and investigating and reporting back. Now it just gets forgotten

KansasJakeBG ago

I don't think Seaman is a great talking head anymore. His daily ramblings are repetitive now and he says things that we have not been able to prove yet again and again. We suspect J Podesta is exactly what Breitbart said he was, someone overseeig and covering up for child sex trafficking. Nobody really knows if Podesta is a pedophile or if that aspect of the conspiracy is really what motivates this whole endeavor.

KansasJakeBG ago

This is a great idea. I am looking at what FOIA requests I can make that would be helpful.

Question: Who is Seth Rich? I know he was a Clinton campaign staffer, but where can I find info about what he did, day-to-day?

MAGABoomer ago

Seth Rich leaked the DNC the ones exposing Donna Brazille and media complicity etc.

Fateswebb ago

He worked on an app that allowed hillary supporters to find polling locations. According to his girlfriend he had found some scam that was going on with the polling locations. He would have known about possible bad deeds in other words. His girlfriend posted to facebook that she knows why he was killed and that it was he had uncovered a voting scam and had been asking questions about it.

KansasJakeBG ago

Thanks Fateswebb, that explains much better who he was. So based on this, his murder would have to do with the primary voting . And the fraud would have to do about the widely reported shutting out of Bernie Sanders. Or is it related to the general election?

Fateswebb ago

Well there are three theories, I think he is the podesta Wikileak. But others think he discovered a voting scam, or even both..

Fateswebb ago

I asked him in a comment on one of his videos, and linked it to this thread, I urge others to try this as well, not sure how to get his attention. The video I commented on had over 600 main comment threads so unlikely he will see it. but worth a try.

WakeyWake ago

Ok thanks for the info :)

PicowattBulb ago

From my experience, lawyers have the best luck on returned foia's

Fateswebb ago

I wonder if we have a good lawyer on our side... hmm.

anonymousj ago

According the the Police Report the "shots fired" notice came from Shot Spotter which is an automated system. One would wonder, since this was at the corner of a city address if there were any traffic cams or private security cams on the residences. Wonder if those were checked out by the DC police?

mrjdouble ago

We've all seen, "the First 48 hours". After securing the crime scene, this would be step one of a legit investigation.

MAGABoomer ago

The family had a reward and hired a PI to scout for video and they did indeed find a video from a private place that showed Seth Rich was attacked by two men.

Fateswebb ago

We could also include this information in the request I believe. thanks for the details.

Azagthoth ago

Featuring; totally not a serial-rapist, James Alefantis!!

WakeyWake ago

Isn't he banned or something? I thought I read somewhere he was suspended.


If you look at how much lying and stonewalling the city of newtown and state of connetictut have done to wolfgang halbig, you might get some perspective on how to be ready for this. All of the sandy hoax FOIA hearings i believe are on YT. A large portion of them pertain to getting raw dashcam video unmolested (no pun intended) to this date they have not received them.

Fateswebb ago

and yet the video they have released shows nothing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

set rich (last line)

Fateswebb ago

lol sorry fixed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no worries just helpin. i make mistakes all the time and gotta fix em so i know dat feel.

Azagthoth ago


Fateswebb ago

lol I had a typo he pointed out. I fixed it, thanks guys. oh by the way I think its Seths birthday today rest in peace.

WindowsInJudgement ago

RIP Seth

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol op had spelled it wrong in op.

gopluckyourself ago

The official foia request how to. Should have basically all relevant information on how to submit an foia and how to research if the the information is already publicly available.

crystalclearme ago

I appreciate seeing the police report! Amazing how the most simple of things have slipped by without action. Great idea and you are absolutely correct it needs to be done. Makes you wonder what he said... I had no idea he was still alive after he was shot and was transported... God bless him he will not be forgotten

Devious1 ago

The body cams had malware, which was planted by the Russians.

StrangeHologram ago

Yes. We need a prom youtuber or someone to be the "face" of this investigation.

Fateswebb ago

I agree I could try, but we need someone more trusted than me, like seaman maybe idk.

Yuke ago

Oh that sucks. I had always assumed this was a quick death but that says it was 1h 37m later that he eventually died. While you're at it, bodycams for the Comet gunman incident also.

mrjdouble ago

Which is strange to me if this was a professional hit. Shoot him multiple times in the back, take nothing and flee. Doesn't make it look like a robbery or random shooting; would also leave him alive and possibly able to tell one last story before he expired.

srayzie ago

I have read that he was walking and on his cell phone with his girlfriend. I'd like to know what she heard. Maybe he shouted out a name or something. She's probably scared to talk

User890020 ago

...For now

DontTreadOnMemes ago

She said in an interview the person who killed him was "full of anger" if I remember correctly.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Yeah, I don't think they can do that during an "actual investigation", and technically neither of these are closed.

Let me reiterate I DONT THINK, they can...

If they are technically allowed to do that, then I know they will say they can't.

That being said. We need be FOIAING every fucking thing that's related to this government corruption of the highest order. All of it. The fucking FBI laid it out plain and simple, when they told us that we have the option of doing it via internet...

And What the fuck have we produced via FOIA requests? Nothing.(Or maybe it was buried)

"Oh @fuckuredditfuckuspez, what FOIA requests have you applied for?"

Listen, I could make up an excuse, but I don't want to lie to my voat brethren... I don't have an excuse... So Don't do as I do, Do AS I SAY, mother fuckers.sorry, the mother fuckers part sounded more motivating in my head

Be better than @fuckuredditfuckuspez, and start these fucking FOIAs

LostandFound ago

Foia costs don't beat yourself up

srayzie ago

I think you're right mother fucker lol. Just kidding. But yeah, I agree

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. Request everything. You never know and it makes it more difficult to lie about certain details.

gosso920 ago

"Uhhh... the dog ate it?" - D.C. Police

bopper ago

Good idea.