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2impendingdoom ago

For investigators on this subject, this is unrelated to the OP but concerns the virus/vaccine conspiracies. My personal theory is the Pfizer located to New London CT for its proximity to Plum Island. With apologies to it residents, New London is a low budget town with very little to offer an international Pharma co., except Coast Guard Academy and Navy Base. It is not at all convenient to a large airport. Plum Island is an operation paperclip (Nazi scientists) germ lab facility located in Long Island Sound where research in animal/human transmitted diseases occurred. The work was highly secretive (why?) but widely believed to be the cause of Lyme disease, also West Nile (the first US case of west nile was in a pigeon in the Bronz zoo after a hurricane in 1999). and probably EEE. Now, Plum Island is essentially shut down and coincidently Pfizer is also no longer in New London. A book called Lab 257 by Michael Carroll delves into the goings on at Plum Island, its pretty scary stuff.

sunshine702 ago

SPAWAR (The Navy base in San Diego) also has a Level 4 biolab- ebola, sars, smallpox, ect. Point Loma inlet. They always seem to put these things on island/inlets don't they.

2impendingdoom ago

I didn't know about SPAWAR, thanks. Actually the island kind of makes sense in theory, but the plan was/is to move the Plum Island lab to a town called Manhattan Kansas, why there I don't know.