2impendingdoom ago

For investigators on this subject, this is unrelated to the OP but concerns the virus/vaccine conspiracies. My personal theory is the Pfizer located to New London CT for its proximity to Plum Island. With apologies to it residents, New London is a low budget town with very little to offer an international Pharma co., except Coast Guard Academy and Navy Base. It is not at all convenient to a large airport. Plum Island is an operation paperclip (Nazi scientists) germ lab facility located in Long Island Sound where research in animal/human transmitted diseases occurred. The work was highly secretive (why?) but widely believed to be the cause of Lyme disease, also West Nile (the first US case of west nile was in a pigeon in the Bronz zoo after a hurricane in 1999). http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom/2012/08/17/west-nile-virus-the-stranger-that-came-to-stay/#.WGukT4nQdBk and probably EEE. Now, Plum Island is essentially shut down and coincidently Pfizer is also no longer in New London. A book called Lab 257 by Michael Carroll delves into the goings on at Plum Island, its pretty scary stuff.

sunshine702 ago

SPAWAR (The Navy base in San Diego) also has a Level 4 biolab- ebola, sars, smallpox, ect. Point Loma inlet. They always seem to put these things on island/inlets don't they.

2impendingdoom ago

I didn't know about SPAWAR, thanks. Actually the island kind of makes sense in theory, but the plan was/is to move the Plum Island lab to a town called Manhattan Kansas, why there I don't know.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Just a hunch, but Doctors without Borders kept getting hit by US bombs in Syria. Maybe there was a 'good guy' calling the shots? I know own that's a cruel thing to say but the continued bombings were extremely unusual

2impendingdoom ago

Here is CHAI getting involved (also with Norwegian govt): https://www.clintonfoundation.org/blog/2014/09/29/responding-ebola-crisis-liberia CHAI is run by Ira Magaziner in RI/Boston and two Ebola victims that survived (flown to some isolation treatment place in Nebraska) was a Rhode Island resident Ashoka Mukpo (whose father was a doctor) and a Mass doctor, Dr. Rick Sacra. I wonder if they had connections to Magaziner or CHAI? http://boston.cbslocal.com/2014/10/03/nbc-news-cameraman-from-providence-diagnosed-with-ebola/

SpikyAube ago

Fuck. How do we defeat this kind of organised, calculating methodical evil? I remember hearing that people were refusing Ebola vaccines at the time and feeling sad that all these people might die because they believed some silly scare story ('fake news' I guess). It's so weird going from one point of view to the other so completely. Now I feel so sad that so many people will suffer because they refuse to believe the truth, and the truth IS a scary story, a petrifying real life story.

naturehelps ago

Ebola "broke out" along the West coast of Africa where Webb is describing oil plays. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2014/08/well-how-very-clever-ebola-for-the-oil-companies.html

And Clinton donor Soros http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/hillary-clinton-george-soros-218494 and Bill Gates http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2015/03/hillary-clinton-women-around-the-world-are-awaiting-your-condemnation-of-clinton-foundation-donors-f.html were running a lab in Sierra Leone (West Africa) accused of weaponizing ebola, and a lab linked to ebola outbreaks. http://humansarefree.com/2014/08/george-soros-and-bill-melinda-gates.html.

Multi-billionaire George Soros, a friend of Sierra Leone’s president, is also a huge investor in the so-called “Ebola triangle” of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

The US sent troops to West Africa to "help" about ebola and coincidentally get a foothold there. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/10/04/ebol-o04.html

The CDC holds the patent on ebola. The CDC works for the CIA which works for the Rockefellers http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2014/08/cdc-and-cia-a-close-and-sick-relationship.html and runs pedophile rings worldwide. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2016/12/pizzagate-vaccines-and-disney-.html

George Webb, can you add "follow the diseases/vaccines" to following the money, oil, arms and kids? The diseases are the injuries from patented, profitable bioweapons (viruses) and the vaccines are the delivery system.

Webb might be interested in the map of countries with new oil finds off West Africa which parallel where ebola "hit." http://www.rense.com/general96/eboseng.html

CF strikes oil again, using with their secret weapon - "humanitarian vaccines" which are more effective than all other weapons 1. for getting into any place CF or its donors want and 2. for being actually SUPPORTED by the world. They are the UNEXPOSED White Helmets.

Or there's Dyncorp's dispersal of viruses with its patents or spraying of "vaccines" or dispersal through water or by other means. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2016/11/who-is-checking-have-the-us-water-and-subways-systems-been-rigged-to-kill.html

2007 Pentagon Report: Plans for biologic weapons dispersal

Pentagon Document:

In the Quarterly FunVax Review in June, 2007, http://www.wanttoknow.info/health/funvax070601.pdf the report lists the objective of a project listed as ID: 149AZ2 as a preparation of a viral vector that will inhibit/decrease the expression of a specific disruption gene (VMAT2) within a human population.

It further indicates in the abstract that six [?] method[s] of virus dispersal were tested including

  1. high altitude release, [chemtrails]

  2. water supply release, [see above: the remote controlled second line found in municipal water system]

  3. insect transmission, [the release of GMO mosquitos] and

  4. [other] various methods of diffusion. [subways, spraying airplane cabins, spraying against "zika" ... ]

Does Webb have military connections? There's concern about a sarin gas attack in the US in subways before the inauguration (or during?). https://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2017/01/01/january-1-2016-evening-news-special-listen-up-folks/