Cbradio ago

Young Turks is a sham. During no residential race, their lies and propoganda to milleniums was despicable. Where Is even their accurate Turkey news?/

dickface8 ago

The actual Jimmy Dore show is good. I don't really care for him on TYT. He's a liberal that doesn't make excuse for why they lost and calls out all the bullshit.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Check out his stuff on Syria.

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm not defending the establishment, I'm defending voat pizzagate from looking really foolish. To say we have proof that HRC is a pedophile, and then all you have is just Tranceformation seems really naive. That book has been around for a while, not all conspiracy theorists buy the whole thing.

I haven't read it in a while, I read some snippets last night. For me the cheesy dialog makes it seem like a ripping yarn versus a survivor testimony. If true, why isn't she dead, why wasn't the book suppressed.

You can find all kinds of strange first person accounts, in obscure books, on the web, if not written on a fucking napkin. Trips in UFO's, journeys inside the Hollow Earth, etc. Our societal standard for proof is sworn legal testimony with an opposite counsels trying to destroy your credibility.

By the way, why do you care so much about what the "Young Turks" have to say?

sore_ass_losers ago

(You mean "Wikipedia", not "leaks".) I know Wikipedia is absolute propaganda on any touchy subject, didn't you see I put "unsurprisingly for the source" in my comment. You were asking why Tranceformation might not be considered a reliable source, WP would be the top-level debunkers for something like this, I didn't have the stomach to go to Snopes.

I didn't ignore your statement about mutilation.

Before Cathy O'Brian there was a book by "Brice Taylor", who also worked with Mark Philips. Also accused HRC of abuse. Lots of people in the CT field think Philips is sketchy. Type Mark Philips CIA into your favorite search engine.


sore_ass_losers ago

Thorshamster ago

I'm on the fence about Larry Nichols. There was an article where he walked back previous claims that he was the Clintons' personal hitman and chalked it up to being on painkillers. If he makes a habit of saying a thing and then taking it back, it might come back to bite this investigation in the arse.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

This is why I was always an anarchist. I have no interest in the right, and the political left are liars and charlatans.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Don't know why you guys waste your time. The moment I see a shill, I ignore them. Before all this, I used to try and convince people that Israel is in the wrong, according to true history and according to sources that aren't just the bloody BBC. Ran into so many Hasbara trolls and no matter what valid points you made, it didn't matter. They would change the subject, claim I was Hamas (LOL they actually tried that shit with me), bring up the holocaust, call me antisemetic etc etc. They get paid to spread an opinion. Even if they don't believe what they write, they do it for the money. It is fruitless to debate them.

Vindicator ago

And Nicole Kidman's father, a high level psychiatrist charged in that huge pedo ring bust, left the country and then killed himself before he could be arrested. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1438172 At least some of her story is likely true.

Toogi23 ago

I used to follow tyt but their stance on this fecked me off completely and I removed them.

AgainstPedos ago

I agree with both of the above comments.

srayzie ago

Larry Nichols is great. I've heard a lot of his interviews

sore_ass_losers ago

Publishers do have credibility, they employ editors to vet non-fiction works so readers will trust them and to avoid lawsuits.

Reality Marketing, Incorporated only has one book, I would guess it's essentially self-published then: http://isbndb.com/publisher/reality_marketing_incorporated http://isbndb.com/publisher/reality_marketing_incorporated

Theupsidedown ago

Evidence is not proof - your headline is bullshit and serves to discredit the validity of this investigation. Stick to the facts.

EndIsComing ago

I'll just have a lot of fun watching all these big-name-shills choking on crow when it becomes truly undeniable.

AreWeSure ago

No. They are evidence, not proof.

It depends if they are reliable or not.


What was he doing before TYT?

sore_ass_losers ago

I was looking for a rebuttal, easy place to find one. The rebuttal authors are cited and footnoted. Wikipedia is seen as a reliable source, fringe publishers aren't.

Extraordinary claims like hers would require lots of evidence to be popularly accepted. I'm not aware of the details of these but photos of genital mutilation don't necessarily prove her story.

You really think you could cite Tranceformation to the Young Turks and they would believe it?


The more I learn about Hillary the more I wonder about how Robby Mook manages to keep out of this. Nothing to do with Pizzagate seems to touch him. I don't see how you could run a campaign for Hillary without being implicated at some level - he must see a lot of disturbing stuff behind the scenes - yet he seems to remain pearly white.

sore_ass_losers ago

My proof that her account isn't seen as a reliable source in the mainstream is Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton are still respected as former presidents. The publisher is Reality Marketing Inc., not exactly in the top tier.

Here's the wikipedia entry which (unsurprisingly for the source) expresses some skepticism:

"According to scholar Michael Barkun, investigations into the story produced no credible evidence and numerous inconsistencies.


Swedish scholar Mattias Gardell states that O'Brien's assertions are almost entirely unsupported by any evidence outside her testimony or the similarly unverified testimony of others. Michael Barkun states that 'scholarly and journalistic treatments of MK-ULTRA make no mention of a Project Monarch'."


sore_ass_losers ago

I was surprised to see wikipedia intimate that O'Brien made up Project Monarch (It's interesting also they have an entry for Project MKULTRA but not Project Monarch). Here's something from Vigilant Citizen:

"The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication The New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, “What about monarch?” he replied angrily and ambiguously, “We stopped that between the late 1960s and the early 1970s.” [3. Anton Chaitkin, “Franklin Witnesses Implicate FBI and U.S. Elites in Torture and Murder of Children”, The New Federalist]"

AreWeSure ago

If you think any of that is proof, you're incorrect.

Atlantean120 ago

I actually enjoyed TYT's coverage of the election(am a Bernie fan), but their recent response to pizzagate with doing ZERO research has definitely turned me off to them.

OhBoyLookAtThat ago

you can read some of the snippets of the book on pleyades http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon08.htm

sore_ass_losers ago

Whole thing at: http://ia800306.us.archive.org/21/items/TranceformationOfAmerica/tranceformation_america.pdf

Oh, you can download it in various formats by clicking through the link in the original submission.

The_Kuru ago

Every time they set up a pizza event for Hillary the decor of these venues had images of human skeletons holding slices of pizza, inverted crosses and inverted pentagrams. But it's possible that it's all her handlers' doings and she's completely innocent but at some point she must have asked someone: "why are the pictures on the walls of these pizza campaign stops hung upside down and why do they keep the Halloween decorations up all year long?"

Atlantean120 ago

Pics please?

sore_ass_losers ago

Sorry using Cathy O'Brien as your main source isn't going to fly! I don't know if her account is true or not, I like to keep an open mind, but it certainly wouldn't be considered a credible source in the mainstream.

There were rumors that a picture on Anthony Weiner's laptop showed Huma Albedin and Hillary Clinton having sex with an adolescent female. (There's also rumors of a photo of Bill C. having sex with an adolescent female; this could be from Epstein's hidden cameras on his island.) If such a photo surfaces that would be a smoking gun; even then I suppose HRC's defenders will claim it's photoshopped.

I've seen allegations that HRC herself went to Epstein's island, but I don't think this is proven. If so, it wouldn't be proof of anything, but cast more suspicion.

Hillary is definitely into strange stuff. When she became First Lady it was reported she was communicating with the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt at the White House.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It was reported, alright -- by her husband, on camera.

sore_ass_losers ago

I recalled the rest of the 'Anthony Weiner's laptop' story: Apparently NYPD had a gander at it, saw lots of evidence of child abuse & trafficking, and threatened to reveal it to the public if the FBI doesn't. Hope the story is true and this happens.

WellSetTable ago

You're wasting your time with Chunky and Cuntsperian. Why even watch them or care what they say? After Chunks recent melt down with Alex Jones practically most of YouTube is laughing at him no making mock vids of his melt downs.

Chunk is a wanna be that is a nobody.

ghost_marauder ago

Seriously, my favorite con of the guy's is Wolf Pac.


7% of income spent on candidates. The rest on the extra fuel that's needed to move cenks coked out ass around the country.

kneo24 ago

TYT is a group of people who deliberately put their head in the sand. They ignore the fact that the Armenian genocide ever happened and named themselves after a group who partook in it. I'm not sure what you're goal here is to get their attention. They aren't going to care.

Cbradio ago

They do not care. And major Armenian coverup and what goes on in Turkey. Need ones to comment there and wake more teens up. Major propaganda and dumbing down.

herbsmoke ago

the young turks are jews working a jewish agenda against the goyim, the donmeh crypto jews created the young turks who killed the armenians in the genocide

Stellarjay ago

I can't be bothered to watch them. Waste of time. They are basically msm.

hanknut42 ago

Young turks paid by Soros move along!

ThruTheHaze ago

Those guys are on par with infowars. No need to try and prove anything to them.

dickface8 ago

Infowars gets a bad wrap for sure. They've pretty much been flawless this year and should win an award.

Cbradio ago

Infowars has done some great things. Obamacare frauds and ensuing vs scandal being suppressed by both main and alternative news is not cool. All have been contacted, ample times for years.

Ones of all ages are suffering and dying from it everyday. When is enough, enough? Its first phase FEMA depopulate. Even jail medical frauds are getting more coverage, yet still not enough. Noone touches public health care as connects to pedogate systemic, and major govt and Corporate state, fed, local.law and govt contracts fraud. Not even Sanders has addressed Via scandal at root, federal law and federal state contract frauds.

AmishMechWarrior ago

I respect Jimmy Dore

wecanhelp ago

It would be extremely sociopathic to call Pizzagate a blessing in disguise, but I'm so grateful that from now on it won't be an ongoing question just which media is really independent and which isn't. Not gonna lie, TYT had had me fooled, and their reaction to Pizzagate was what woke me up with a slap.

e-traiu ago

I wish they would check all sources @ TYT. Do not use MSM as your ONLY sources... 😦

AgainstPedos ago

On another website I brought up Pizzagate, the bizarre "performance artist" and the very inappropriate pictures on the wall of half naked kids with adults. No matter what I said the shills for Hillary and the Democratic Party would give a lame excuse and then go into non-stop attack mode. They wouldn't believe Cathy O'Brien at all.

SpikyAube ago

They are ridiculous. They say there is no evidence, and then when you present them with evidence, they say there are no victims, no witnesses have come forward. So you show them witness testimony. And they say oh but that witness must be lying or crazy. There is no way to get some people to see the truth unless it is fed to them through the MSM. The best way of getting people to see what's really happening is for the MSM to be caught out big time in a big lie. But they won't believe the MSM is lying unless the MSM tells them 'hey we're lying.' Impossible. The worst things about these people is how smug and arrogant they are, having somehow convinced themselves that their inability to have an open mind, to look at facts and then assess those facts for themselves, by themselves, using their own free mind, makes them superior to all those people who are willing and able to question everything. It makes me so frustrated!

Commonwombat ago

You are spot on in your analysis!

fartyshorts ago

EDIT: I was asking about this (original post is irrelevant now that found it):


Kam Kuwata, political strategist, talking about Obama backstage at the 2008 democratic convention. He later turned up dead.

ArthurEdens ago


LadyMinx ago

I remember reading about this on DW Ulsterman's website years ago. I never saw the video tho. Thx for posting. Scary $hît !!!

chickyrogue ago

cenk is a big disappointment as soon as his channel was sold to saban ....

ghost_marauder ago

Then selling out to Univision. So, he's sold out to the Saudi's and Carlos Slim. Hey, he's made it to the same league as NYT!

chickyrogue ago

well well well circles always in circles the same circles....

YingYangMom ago

Great work on Hillary's culpability in being linked to satanic pedophilia, but honestly, I don't think we have anything to prove to that jerk Cenk. I can't stand the guy.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Jimmy Dore ain't bad, though. Check him out.