PeaceFuture ago

Am I the only one that thinks its totally bizarre that the media is attacking Nicole Kidman for "supporting" (e.g. being neutral to) Trump by talking about pizza? " The 49-year-old was evidently hungry as she was ‘constantly ushering over’ waiters with pizza." "Husband Keith Urban, 49, was left to brush pizza crumbs off her frock, the magazine alleges.” etc. Seriously? Were they even serving pizza at the Golden Globes? That seems bizarre. Would have expected filet mignon or salmon. The reporters attacking her with pizza themes might be added to the list to look at more carefully.

pizzamate ago

Pure coincidence, goyim.

replaceable ago

So, the Hunger Games movies must be like the ultimate sick joke for these 'people.' We have to root each one of these motherfuckers out.

Gorillion ago

Wow, are they actually cleaning house or are these fuckers getting the fuck out before the shit hits the fan? Famous Creepy Photographer David Hamilton was just found dead yesterday in Paris.

Edit: Whoops, this is from 2014. Kept that shit fucking quiet. Feels like the sort of thing that should have been all over the mainstream medi...oh yeah...

ArcherMcTaco ago

A 'victim' of Dr. Kidman has spoken out and while I would of written this off before and still take much of it with a grain of salt there is one thing that I seriously want to look into however is DISNEY.

She mentions a VR movie/device/game called "candyland palace" that was proudly plastered with Disney logos. Why does this one thing stick out to me so much? Find this secret Disney program, you find hard evidence of a Disney connection.

A movie/program like this would not be a small undertaking either. If its a movie they had to hire animators and have shit tons of left over work from creating it. If its a VR game in the 70s/80s (it is possible it was a low resolution 2d faking 3d experience given the tech at the time) that is even bigger because there is code somewhere with this shit. There isn't a way to compartmentalize this without someone having an idea that what they are creating (that never gets released publicly) may be involved in something fishy.

Union workers at Disney handed out these flyers durring a strike.

However even if Disney has 3 mountains of evidence pointing to them, good luck getting it to leak. Disney lawyers are natoriously ruthless. These are the people who kept the star wars aquisition under wraps and Disney never has any project leaks come out (only past mistakes).

Artlife ago

I hate that Disney is involved in this. I took my kid to Disneyland a couple of years ago and loved it. I was well aware of all the conspiracy theory stuff out there from reading different sites. But I have to say, when your mind has been "awakened", you do get a different view on it all. I still don't have it all figured out, but there is symbolism in all of it. From the movies to the parks themselves. Fucking sucks man. It's hard to unsee that it all has some hidden meaning.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Don't feel down. Nothing has been proven. This is a VERY lose connection that may not even be real, or if real possibly counterfit. I'm more interested in finding the team who worked on this. There is no way the entire team running and making these things are entirely pedos.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I still don't know if I believe her. However in light of recent finds, I can't rule her out and do take her more seriously.

Trumpwon-suckit ago

What does that movie have to do with anything? I see it is linked above but at this point, I'm to afraid to click any links in this sub.

Gorillion ago

WTF. That Reddit link is creepy. I had been thinking lately about SK's death. He was an older fat guy, same as Justice Scalia, but when you consider the timing it becomes harder to take on face value.

also: the very end does show their daughter possibly being taken by 2 men (who appeared earlier in the background of the film) while they are at the toy store...

I need to rewatch this movie again apparently. Never noticed that. The bit with the teen girl and the Japanese businessmen was off-the-charts child prostitution though. It does seem to be about this guy being led around to see what his perversion is. How he can be brought into the fold and controlled. But he seems primarily concerned about other people's well being, and that's how they manipulate him. Maybe his kid being stolen or led away is another "threat" or warning shot.

I'm still a bit surprised nobody has done a definitive youtube deconstruction on EWS though. You'd think people would be falling over themselves to be the one to crack the code.

AnonymousRider ago

This pedo shit is global. Satan is loose in the world.

Vindicator ago

Satan has always been loose in the world.

HarveyKlinger ago

Holy shit, that's horrific.