smokemirrors ago

Also, see this thread:

[–] RomarinBouteille 5 points (+5|-0) 8 hours ago (edited 8 hours ago) I have been looking at Maccoby for a week and did not find this. You are my hero. I don't download files so I didn't listen to that file. My bad. So here's the rabbit hole I went down when I tried my hand at this.

TL;DR Charles Manson

So an aunt of Izette, Abigail Folger, was a Tate murder victim. A. Folger donated money to the Height-Ashbury clinic which is credited with distributing psychadelic during San Francisco's "Summer of Love". She was an acquaintance of Manson who is exposed as a MKUltra asset in many documents online. There are many conspiracy theories about Manson that paint more of a CIA op than a murder conspiracy. But that's old news. Izette best friend is Carol Joynt. Carol's claim to fame is that she and Charlie Rose won the national Emmy Award for "Best Interview" for a one-hour prison interview with Charles Manson.

All of this is really making me want to build a game that is called 7 degrees of #pizzagate !!!

This whole thing is maddening :)

permalink save source reply report spam [–] Commonwombat 1 points (+1|-0) 3 hours ago That blew my mind.

permalink parent save source reply report spam [–] goat_cheese_pizza 1 points (+1|-0) 5 hours ago Wow. And great idea! haha

permalink parent save source reply report spam [–] RomarinBouteille 0 points (+0|-0) 37 minutes ago The Folger/Maccoby family is really interesting. They are responsible for the Shakespeare museum in D.C. I know some Shakespeare fans and they are 'all in'! Having a hard time making a family tree to see how the family connects to MKUltra and the CIA (Most likely there is no provable link). Since the conspiracy theory is that Tate and Folger were not killed but rather moved to another operation. It's intriguing because TODAY so many people are researching this whole crisis actor recycling thing... That's another can of worms :)

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IPleadThe2nd ago

The link is that both of their fathers, Tate and folger worked for naval intelligence. They had ties to the presidio in SF as they had both worked there.

smokemirrors ago

did you make the original comment, here?

Millennial_Falcon ago

What's this for?

2impendingdoom ago

Link show a Virginia restaurant / chef event with photo of Alefantis and Folger together. Gov. Terry McAuliffe also attended.

Rusdy ago

I had this bookmarked but my Windows 10 suffered froom the infamous Update Loop Bug and I lost a lot because of it :( I asked on Discord and will post it here if someone has it.