Haldelos ago

Guys- after about 2 mins of research it appears this is a hoax site connected to a novel called 'Another One Goes Tonight' by Peter Lovesy. (Similar to how the TV show LOST used to create websites related to the show). The "staff" listed on the website for Cannibal club lists names that characters in the book...Books is apparently about a serial killer(s) mystery ....character names Elspeth Blake who does the cooking (also listed on the website as the proprietor of cannibal club) Here's an link to page 81 from the book.


Truthseeker77 ago

OK.. How can I delete this? I don't want to keep anything up that's false. I'm a newbie.

Haldelos ago

All good, bud...it happens

sore_ass_losers ago

"Cage free"

Truthseeker77 ago

I would think that all the staff would have false photos and names as well.. Especially the procurator! I'm praying it is a hoax!

wellington33 ago

Download the #PizzaGate 2.0 archive from torrent or direct download. Share all the info you find relevant, and help me make it greater.


Truthseeker77 ago

Where do you get your specialty meat?

Our avenues of procurement vary. Most of the businesses and institutions who supply us prefer to keep those relationships discreet. On the individual level, bodies are often bequeathed to us. For some, this is a way to supplement life insurance and offset funerary expenses. For others, such as Cannibal Club member Gwendoline Fenwich, who was served to her friends and relatives at the Club in January of 2008, being prepared as a meal, and thereby reborn into the bodies of the living, is an attractive alternative to the more the traditional practices of burial and cremation.

We take considerable care to ensure that all our meat is produced legally and ethically, and derived only from young, healthy bodies.

Question: just how do you ethically and legally "produce" human meat? How do young and healthy people die.. Like accidental death?? I've heard of organ donors but donate your body for human consumption? Seems like in order to have a functioning restaurant you need a steady supply of dead bodies?? How is this even legal??

abortionburger ago

I looked under "events" and then searched wikileaks for "Diamanda" and got this from the Syria Files.... wtf?


Found this connection too - http://diamandagalas.com/about/quotes/marina-abramovic/

Also "The performance artist Marina Abramovic remembers the first time she saw a piece by Ms. Galás. “She was covered in blood,” Ms. Abramovic said. “The audience and her became one beast together.”"

From - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/style/diamanda-galas-new-york.html?_r=0