Truthplease5 ago

can we FOIA request the evidence that never made it to court?

SChalice ago

There is an underscore missing in your link:

Wierd, voat is taking it out....

Im_with_her ago

Haw haw haw. I love watching you right wingers self destruct! Now we see the real monsters are Republicans/Reptilians. What a surprise! Pizzagate is fake news!

Lovethelight ago

How do you get that from my post!??? It is not really a partisan thing, it is up the power pyramid from all that I think.

fuckmyreddit ago

We don't give a fuck which party. I wish I had a downvoat for you. And your name helps people see what an idiot you are.

Lunari ago

Democrat / Republican shit doesn't fucking matter. Nobody cares what political party people associate with - there's people associated with both who are involved. Political parties are fucking irrelevant.

abortionburger ago

Has anyone heard from Sibel since this whole thing started? I know she did an impromptu AMA a year ago on reddit. She's obviously lurking somewhere, has she said anything?

Lovethelight ago

She has spoken about it. If you search boiling frogs pizzagate I think you will pull it up (I am on old technology right now and can't pull up any video content right now)

Lucienne ago

Oh no whatever would we do without a truckload of corrupt career politicians. Fuck these people forever.

Lovethelight ago

I seem to be able to post a link in a comment but not in the description...thanks for your info, I will hopefully get a bit more adept at these things :-)

garlicbulb ago

Thisnis on the same topic, for those that like to read it instead of listen Child Abuse and other criminality hidden by US Dept of Justice | #PizzaGate

Lovethelight ago

Excellent article. Thank you! (I am out of up votes or would be giving this a plus! :-))

LadyMinx ago

I'll do it for you!

Clinker ago

The thing about Donald Trump is that in general he tends to give zero fucks about upsetting the accepted order. The people he has asked to join him are mostly people outside the DC establishment. None of them have fucks to give about Hastert and pals. If McConnell or McCain or any other powerful GOP members are into this shit, my own personal opinion is that he will burn them. I'm not saying I think they are, but just as examples of GOP members who seem to have a bit too much concern about the populist movement.

witch_doctor1 ago

Agreed. FBI Anon said something like ~90% of Dems and ~25-30% of Republicans are involved. McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Boehner and John Roberts are pretty likely candidates IMO. Especially Roberts...remember the gossip that the Dems were holding his illegally adopted kids over his head and that is what caused him change his vote and re-write Obama care. There was a rumor that him and Justice Kennedy almost came to blows over it.

Your comment reminds me of Sarah Palin...I never understood all of the Palin hate. She cleaned up dirty politicians on both sides of the aisle in Alaska. Looking back, it sure feels like the hate directed at Trump.

roundhouse1776 ago

McCain is a traitor to the GOP, he sold out to the Democrats a long time ago. He's one of the major players in the Clinton Foundation operations in Libya and Syria.

endview ago

That is probably why Trump said McCain is not a hero. It may be because he knows much more about McCain and his antics and ties to Clinton.

YingYangMom ago

In Ukraine.

lostmypassword ago


Gorillion ago

It would be an amazing debut if he did. And he should reject any subsequent attempts by the Nobel organization to award him anything.

MolochHunter ago

unless.... is there a nobel prize for child protection? but then those fuckin idiots would give it to hillary anyway

lostmypassword ago

heheh, that would be so sweet if he did

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Information like that would be worth a fortune.

It also explains all the efforts to prosecute whistle blowers.

It makes me wonder a little bit about Robert Hanssen and the other spies we had. Where those guys greedy, or did they see too much and it killed their patriotism?

that is the problem with this style of investigation, once you see one rabbit hole, you know what others look like, and you start to see that your yard is infested with rabbits.

witch_doctor1 ago

I truly believe that there are more good people than bad, and my hunch is that we are about to see people in positions of power, that were unable to speak up, start spilling truth.

Look at Sheriff Joe...he knew all along the BC was fake and tried desperately to get congress, the DOJ and the media to address it and the result was a coordinated and vicious counter attack by those same agencies. It's a wonder they didn't kill him.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. If everyone is corrupt then who to be loyal to? No one. The tv series scandal (which I quit watching because it got too wronchy) did a good job of portraying Washington. It showed how they were all corrupt in their own way- all branches and all sides. No one was clean. No one was good. Those that were the white hats ended up corrupted too. The lower totem pole workers that figured this out about their bosses/government seemed to lose hope fall prey to bribery or blackmail. It's a dark and dirty place, Washington DC :(

I hope Trump keeps his promises.

Cantilever ago

Unlikely. Look at his cabinet

tehthu ago

If anyone would/could go after it, this cabinet would. You think any other candidate that ran ISNT compromised by the current power structure? Only chance we have right now, outside of open rebellion

Cantilever ago

I envy your optimism. Keep it up

postfascion ago

Me too. All I am fairly certain of is that central power corrupts.

Lovethelight ago

Done (I think)

Orangutan ago

What's with all the misspellings and grammatical errors in these posts? Sibel Edmonds. Dennis Hastert. Bill Clinton.

Lovethelight ago


2impendingdoom ago

There are a bunch of posts of Sibel Edmonds videos, please add all relevant names in your title when you post again, so that they show up when searched. This will be helpful to others. Thanks!!
PS Dennis Hastert has connections to the Podestas, even went to school with Tony P. and some program in Japan

postfascion ago

Sibel links up with James Corbett ( Both release great work. New world next week is a fucking awesome weekly overview of current events....could cover a little more on pizzagate, but they touch on it.

doubletake ago

that's a dime a dozen headline. here, i'll show you.

"Evidence in ........{fill in}........ case suppressed because it would incriminate so many other politicians." gotta be at least 12 more names.

Lovethelight ago

article linked below in comment by garlicbulb for more specifics.

NotAnIdiot ago

If the evidence would incriminate you, perhaps you're doing the wrong thing.

NerdyNoodle ago

Please fix the link

Lovethelight ago

I don't know why the link isn't working . I did a copy and paste from address bar--is there a better way?