Votescam ago

Our Constitution created an Elite patriarchy -- how is that "all are created equal"?

Orange_Circle ago

I think of prophecy in scripture more as truth-telling than fortune telling, if that makes sense.

Orange_Circle ago

I agree with you that God will never abandon Israel?


This is one of the primary reasons why the Left, LGBT-whatevers, and the Western power elite / legacy media HATE Putin.

Anytime Russia speaks openly and directly about anything means that they are not only 100% sure but that they are in a position of power and in no way vulnerable by doing so. Putin certainly has access to far more than Hillary's email. He is a careful, highly intelligent master of diplomatic speak and is highly informed -- perhaps one of the most informed people on the planet -- about how the world actually operates. Not only is Putin aware of the Satanism and pedophilia at the highest levels of Western power, but he's been aware for some time.

Yes, the man and the country have many serious flaws and problems, but compared to the U.S., in this particular regard, he is saintly. While the U.S. has been busy enforcing transgender bathrooms, trafficking and raping children, and teaching toddlers Satanism, Putin rebuilt churches, constructed an unprecedented amount of other places of worship (mosques, synagogues), has clamped down on the corruption of children, and has promised to protect Christians everywhere on the planet. He still has a lot work to do cleaning up Russia, if it ever can be.

Orange_Circle ago

The side I'm always going to be on is Israels.

Hey, thanks for the reply!

sunajAeon ago

That's profound-has such a speech ever been made about the US before like this?

ActivistAngel ago

No, Check out Dr. Greer. Much more credible. Goode is a well meaning plant for the militarists.

ich1baN ago

Pablolove is right - the old covenant ended when Jesus was murdered by the Jews (sacrifice by God) and Jesus offered every Jew (Paul was instrumental in this) the choice of becoming a believer in Christ and the New Covenant.

The stuff you are peddling is that there is another way for people to be saved outside of accepting Christ's gift of salvation - complete nonsense peddled by zionists.

Pablolove ago

No He wouldn't but His people abandoned Him repeatedly. The covenant with physical Israel ended when Jesus was murdered.

roundhouse1776 ago

No, it's pretty clear that Europe is New Babylon. Europe was never meant to be united as one country. The EU parliament building in Strasbourg, Germany was even modeled after the Tower of Babel.

PolybiusPizza ago

Aliens are angels, good or bad. So yeah, God is going to send 'aliens'

Millennial_Falcon ago


catslovejustice ago

Site an example.

pizzagate_is_fake ago

You conspiracy theorists stretch anything to make it fit your harmful narrative. Pizzagate is false news.

centima ago

The statement "pizzagate is false news" is nearly nonsensical. Pizzagate is an ever growing and changing investigation which at it's best ties together facts, truly suspicious actions, and real convictions of pedophiles. False claims will surely be made in this endeavor, but that is true for any investigation. The claims that stick should be the ones with the most evidence. So please, go ahead and tell him which part of Pizzagate is false news, because calling the entirety of Pizzagatefalse is moronic.


Your mom is false news

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Wow you tin foil hatters are insane and immature to boot. Your mom must get tired apologizing for your rudeness and crack pot theories. Haw haw haw.

Brinecat ago

the irony is our media is lying to us, in an exasperated fashion so desperate, pleading for us to look the other way...

Meanwhile Putin who has a reputation for being a ruthless mob boss, has been telling us the truth...

i am wondering if i have really been propagandised my ENTIRE life...

Im_with_her ago

Yeah let's believe a four year old propaganda video from the country that hacked our emails and spread rumors about insane Satanic worship and children being sacrificed. You people need help. Mods, flag this post as we discussed. Chelsea 2020! Pizzgate is fake news.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Mods, flag this post as we discussed.

"As we discussed"? A shill trying to frame mods as shills, again?

Im_with_her ago

We have allies everywhere. Enjoy your fake news while you can. Better get your ham radio ready soon. The internet will be regulated and not be the wild west anymore.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You shills know about the 1st Amendment, right?

cupofpolonium ago

Guys, there is some adoration of Putin among the Trump supporters or whatever. This is a mistake, Putin is plain and simple a thug. He's been robbing his people since he was in the Saint-Petersburg government. Since then he made himself and all his friends a billionaires. Russia is a total fucked up disaster. Social institutes destroyed, infrastructure non-existent, outside of Moscow people live in absolute poverty, AIDS raging, healthcare and education getting more expensive and less quality every day. There is no freedom or human rights in Russia whatsoever, abortions are through the roof, drugs are through the roof, alcoholism through the roof, uncontrolled immigration from muslim middle Asia, manufacturing jobs evaporating, constant fights withing families for their elders property, everyone in debt, everyone care only for the money, all youth is on drugs. At the same time all friends and team of Putin have their sweet villas in London or Miami or Zürich, their children leave Russia either in school or later, none is coming back to Russia. Intelligent and young people are leaving the country, those who stay wish they could leave.

Also Andrey Litvinenko, ex-KGB officer, who was secretly killed by the order of Putin in London has been accusing the Putin of pedophilia himself. Makes sense, if you look how Putin cannot help but touch and kiss little children in public.

postfascion ago

Although I wouldn't agree with you 100%, I do think people should be wary of replacing one group of "leaders" with another because they are exposing corruption in their adversaries. That is an old game. People should do more research on anarchism. We are capable of looking after ourselves. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

B3nder ago

Maybe her irrational hate for putin is pizzagate related...

Freaktheswamp ago

Dear God, I never thought the Russians would be ahead of us on ethics. This country will change or it will go down, and that would be intolerable for all the good people throughout the world.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Odd thing to say considering how much Putin hates Nazis

logjam ago

Where does Putin address satan worship in the video?

lawexaminer ago


target_blank ago

Wow this is sick!

Thanks for sharing

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Theres a lot of just standard abuse that happens in Russia due to poverty and alcoholism.

iownyou ago

Sorry to burst your bubble but this video is from 2013

lawexaminer ago

Thank you. I just updated the OP.

Votescam ago

"Moral values rooted in Christianity" --- huh? Male supremacist religions -- organized patriarchal religion -- did not provide moral values, but rather a long list of enemies: Women, Jews, Homosexuals, Africans. The Papal Edict given to Columbus was to "enslave or kill" natives here and Africans enslaved here. Old Testament/Hebrew, New Testament/RCC and Islam are the NEW religions. The Old Religion -- long before these organized patriarchal religions -- were based in Nature had no Satan. This is an old battle against pedophilia and clearly it is male-supremacist religions which foster it as we've seen from the pedophile priest scandals in the RCC. And, as the Italians make clear, this has been going on for 2000 years. The battle also involves the CIA/MKULTRA and MI5 or is it 6/? because these organizations found that torture and sexual abuse can create new personalities as slaves to their agenda. These new personalities can be programmed and have been -- for homosexual prostitution, drug running and spying/espionage. I understand, some of these young people have been exploited as well in porn films to enrich these agencies.


Not to take your bait too much, but you can thank Christianity for the following:

  • that aren't currently facing Mecca five times for prayer
  • hospitals and medicine
  • scientific method
  • university system and educational system
  • all of western culture, allowing you the wonderful unprecedented historic opportunity to bash it like a b!tch without consequence because of its inherent moral justification for individual rights, freedoms, and respect for human dignity

Meantime, pagan witches and Satanists -- many women -- always have, always will eat babies and rape them. That's what PizzaGate is.

Votescam ago

OT What you call "medicine" is actually plants which are the models for all drugs. Many of them have been destroyed intentionally. Most of our medicine is under control of the Rockefellers. Science is merely and only observation and, if we are lucky, a correct understanding of the results. Capitalism cripples science as we've long seen. Capitalism is suicidal -- i.e., Global Warming. Our Colleges and Universities have been taken over and corporatized which benefits no one but elites. Same with all of public education right now being moved to Charter schools which citizens pay for -- but have no control over. Re-read the Constitution and then re-think your 5th "point."

You're also a victim of patriarchal propaganda -- remember the Witch Hunts? Women burned at the state? Ever seen The Crucible?
Contrary to what misinformation and disinformation has been passed on to you, women's Wisdom (Wicca) was based in Nature. Plants which are our natural medicines. Women were our original healers. Witches have nothing whatsoever to do with Satan ... "no gods above/no gods below." Satan is strictly the invention of organized patriarchal religions -- male-supremacist religion which is the very opposite of individual rights, freedom and respect for human dignity.

It is organized patriarchal religions which began practicing Satanic rituals -- offered "sacrifices" of youths, babies -- and which have long been involved with sexual abuse and torture.


Blah blah blah. You believe in a fairy tale made up by a man (Gardner) a few years ago who liked to get sky clad with little kids. Citations for you garbage views? Hollywood movies don't count. And Cotton Mather was correct anyway. And just because you believe in some BS pseudo-religion akin to Scientology, that doesn't believe Satanists who hate you too don't exist.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Christianity certainly does provide values, the book is full of teachings, as are Islam and Judaism. They were all written 200o years ago, by a variety of men, we don't know who these men are. Of the good teachings, it is hardly the teachings fault that humans and society remain flawed, is it? I don't know how you say Islam and Judaism are the new religions, what the fuck are you on about? Judaism and Islam actually targeted those different far than Christianity. The Gospel is the main message of Christianity, and that promotes respect for all those different, compassion and humility. Stop talking out ur ass.


Women leaders, lets see... Clinton, mass murdering witch, Samantha Powers, mass murdering witch, Condi Rice, mass murdering witch, Merkel, spawn of Satan witch who will go down in history as the destroyer of Europe. All of these womyn participate and lead in the rituals, the murder, the Capitalism. But I thought woman were healers who did no wrong and whose leadership will save teh world?

Votescam ago

Christianity provides no values that can't be found in personal conscience and everyday common sense and morals. There is no need to suggest religion is required to do good works or good deeds. As for Christianity it gave us new precedents of violence in the Inquisition -- in spilling of blood -- in violent Papal Edicts to "enslave or murder" natives here and Africans enslaved here. Organized patriarchal religion underpins patriarchy -- "the bird with one wing." These are male-dominated religions. The Old Testament was written to cement patriarchy -- and it was what Jesus was rebelling against. Again, the Old Religion had no Satan -- and it was based in Nature. Much LATER, the rise of Judaism, RCC and Islam arose -- all male-supremacist religions. Let me return the favor .... QUOTE " what the fuck are you on about?" UNQUOTE

pissfractal ago

Columbus was a Kabbalist Marrano Jew whose real name was Sal Zarco.

His voyage was bankrolled by a Jew

Luis de Santángel (or Santander) (died 1498) was a baptized Jew and finance minister to Ferdinand II who made the case to Isabella I in favor of Christopher Columbus' voyage in 1492.

Santangel had arranged for the majority of the financing for the voyage contributing much of the money from his own pocket and additional money that he had borrowed. He did this in order to keep the Queen from having to pawn the crown jewels

James Alefantis is a Kabbalist operating in the District of COLUMBIA just like Bill Clinton

Votescam ago

Allegedly, Columbus proclaimed that his highest mission in this new land was to spread "Christianity."

And from what I can see there were no Hebrew "Church Schools" set up to kidnap and brainwash young native children here.

They were Catholic and Mormon working for the US government -- and they tortured children and sexually abused them -- in every way possible.

Nor do I see any claims that Columbus brought Judaism to the New World . . . !!


NO cigar...It was going on in the old testament.Jezebel was with the homosexual cult priests.The whole patriarchal matriarchal division is based on bringing back what you call the divine feminine goddess.ISIS,ATHENA,VENUS,APHRODITE and lucifer.You believe your earth goddess religion is wholesome.that's why they were practising sodomy,ritual murder and all abominations when the Israelites removed them....first hermetic principle says the ALL is mental...before matter which is low vibration come into realization it must come from the source as thought...(before you do something you think it first).If the creator is spirit,mind or thought who in their right mind would put the spirit of a based thing as earth as the god.(somebody who ritually placates demigods). It is not the moral values of christianity that disturb the elite cabal.It is the legal ramifications of the laws that were built on these so called the magna carta.habeous corpus and the torah derived ten commandments that are the foundation of laws that protect the birth rights of those subject to them.

Votescam ago

The propaganda of patriarchal males writing history -- and as victors -- has to be questioned and challenged. Again, there was NO Satan in the Old Religion which was based in Nature. Nor, did Wiccans (women's wisdom) in any way offer a belief in Satan. "No gods above/no gods below." What you will find when you begin to question and challenge is that everything that male history offers has to be reversed.

Again, the NEW religions which long after followed the Old Religion were male-supremacist and created a Satan. That is Judaism, RCC, and Islam. And, still in Judaism and RCC you will find some still practicing these Satanic rituals that you speak of -- including incest and cannibalism.
There is no Creator, unless there is a Creator of the Creator -- and on and on. We have all been given individual conscience and individual thought and individual free will.


Consider this......If one day you woke and there were no ATM''s.Society has broke down.Big supermarkets were cleaned off their shelves.Now the fun begins.Because of divisions that have been encouraged in the media, the society of today could not function in any unilateral way.Not even in the smallest village cultures of our cities. What system would come into being....?A patriarchal or matriarch?...Remembering all sorts of sub-divison of cultural groups are biding for strength and dominance to feed their children. What would happen to all those gains the women's movement supposedly gained in the 20th century....?...NOTHING because they only existed on paper and were enforced by the patriarchal society that used them for there own ends..Women will do what that have done for generations...find a strong man to protect them from the others and return to their designated place on the table with the smaller men... Remember this ,that the vagina is the driving force of capitalism.All strong men climb to obtain wealth so they may have the top shelf kewpie doll....I'm just the reporter here remember but facts are facts...benefits and privilege are a given and can be taken...rights! Are your birth right.As given by magna charter...habeous corpus..bill of rights and so forth...These are bible derived and if the cannon law is disposed then so to are your legal rights.. Watch the opening scene of roman polanski's macbeth to see some of of your nature based religion verses some patriarchal religious convention.natural science

Votescam ago

wit -- What if you woke up one day and there was no water.
And if all our water was undrinkable? What if you woke up to the kind of violence and chaos the US has been pushing everywhere in wars? If we want clean water -- if we want appropriate food free from chemicals spread by Monsanto -- if we want a healthy environment, it is has never been -- and will never be brought to you by capitalism. Capitalism is a system intended to move the wealth and natural resources of nations from the many to the few -- and it has done that successfully all over the world. Unregulated Capitalism is merely organized crime. The vagina is the passageway which every living human comes through to gain life and breath. There is no one on this planet who hasn't gotten life except through the body of a woman. Nothing of freedom is derived from the Bible -- the Old Testament was written to cement patriarchy.
That's what Jesus was rebelling against. You may think you're a reporter, but hard to tell through the sexist comments. Patriarchy turns the world upside down -- reverse everything you think you know about males and females. AND -- let's get back to pizzagate.


back on the job.


Of course yeshua opposed those that loved money.He did not hate money and he said pay to caesar what belongs to caesar. HE said we will always have poor. i'm sitting next to a woman who is a woman.She is mother .sister,daughter and grandmother.She had her first at 16.All natural and was doing the shopping at midday after giving birth at 8 am.She can change a tyre ...dig a one yard wide root stump out of the ground in 40degrees ...104 farenhieght.....She wears no make up as taught by the deoderant....she has reared 5 children and the youngest is autistic.....she has never been employed in her life ...except she chose to stay and raise her children...the children had no problems at school ,work or with the law.....She did this as a single mother and she would contend on your idea of sexism because she is aware of the agenda.She does not see in simple left and right paradigm.........Your ideas about patriarchy are from a sexist feminist perspective.... If i claimed to be a masculist you would label me misogynist....but you claim to fight for one sex...i'm fighting for humanity. jesus said he came to change not one iota from the law of moses.....i am not a capitalist....I and my wife live on the poverty level....and when I was young I believed idealism of the social ideal.But I studied and found by studying the Irish history that there was a correlation between the irish struggle against the crown corparation and the zionist struggle for palestine.....I found in New York the jew and irish worked together to further their social agenda.....Then I found that the russian bolsheviks were funded from the rich jews in NY.tHEN I STUDIED THE TORTURE MEOTHOD USED BY THE CHEKA....the russian secret police who were 70% jewish.10s of millions of christians butchered...not one synagogue touched.....Then I saw that napoleon came and was exile back to corsica...which was where all the refugees,jewish,,,,,,from spain all of a sudden napoleons on the mainland and he has a army again......How did he buy an army??????....They start chopping heads and out the royalty or the families and put in a republic that quickly de-volves into dictatorship...... see the plan is like cant get the wealth on the wealthy you introduce socialism and the people acquire wealth as the did in america but as quickly as the acquired wealth it is easily removed from them and it will be absorbed by the state cum corporation.....The left will usher in the new world order....they already have by the kyoto protocol ...and any country that signs to reduce carbon now has the authority of a individual sovereign taken away......they the people have to answer to a outside entity that the people never voted for the european union.....socialism is the ugly twin of capitalism....two headed ogre.....and you really thought there was a cold war.

Mtnchan ago

Thinking about what we're / you all are fighting here, it's turning out to be so much bigger than the pizzagate thing. Week ago Christmas Sunday the CBS Sunday morning show covered comet and fake news, it was so hard to watch them seriously report on fake news while spewing less themselves, they didn't get a single fact right in the entire segment and it was the leading segment for the show, not even close, they twisted everything for their own agenda. Then yesterday's episode, Christmas day they did a total fluff piece on boys town, talked ask about the history of the place, of course not one mention of the scandal. All seemed very intentional, very thumbing the nose, getting one over in the public. Raised so many questions who was responsible for the misinformation and why? Who are they covering for, how widespread and interconnected is it, is it still going on at boystown and they're trying plant the seeds of doubt with the public before things come out (again)? For me this has become almost as much about the obliteration of our freedoms, the total hijacking of our media companies, the shadowy goings on that keep the public from seeing how we are all being played. Hillary running for president and the effort to keep her from winning is what brought all this too light, now they, whoever they are, are showing themselves as they scramble to cover tracks while simultaneously jam the agenda down the public's throats. Think of all the people that goes into producing television shows like mentioned above, every single one of these people have drank the koolaid, no one in their camp sees anything wrong, any red flags, there are no whistleblowers on the left. It's all about position and loyalty to the company, ironic considering the left is supposed to be the anti capitalist subversive establishment rebellions. They see the right as being the greedy business owners, the evil empire builders, when in reality their favorite companies, should I say charities, are the largest and wealthiest in the world headed by countless billionaires in charge of all of our media and entertainment, our computer systems, our favorite apps and social platforms. The vast majority of electronic interactions we have and the information presented to us is under the control of people sympathetic or more directly assets of the larger globalist elite agenda.

Or exiting leadership is metaphorically trashing the White House on the way out, intentionally stirring up geopolitical trouble, sabotaging the incoming president, setting boobie traps, and perhaps worst of all making plans to lead a shadow government. Both sides of government are scared of a trump president uncovering they're dirty laundry and that they will actually have to work, that he will get things done and people will see that our politicians haven't actually been trying on either side and have just been living large on our dime.

I'll never be able to watch The Lost Boys the same way again: "One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach: all the damn vampires"

Piscina ago

Putin is my new hero.


P.I.ETHIS GROUP operated openly in the 70-80's. Putin is correct.


This group orerated freely in the UK 1974 -1984 and probably rebadged itself later into some other devious group.They used the word P.I.E or magpie and other AKA's.Putin is on the money and maybe they want to out themselves to normalize this so-called condition.Title HereP.I.E

RexAxisMundi ago

Need to find out what they renamed themselves as. There has to be a connection somewhere.

Orange_Circle ago

Hell just can't be hot enough.

logjam ago

"The excesses and exaggerations of Political Correctness in these countries indeed leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia"

This is pretty huge for him to say really. The whole clip there was an eye opener.

IlluminatiKing ago

Another reason why the *elite hates Russia. They know their secrets and are not a compliant nation. Probably would go all out war if they released the truth of the pedolite.

Cryptocentrus ago

PizzaGate is Real

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

Exactly, This is why they banned child adoption services from Russia to US families.

e-traiu ago

Putin is a leader of his country. Of course he has intel on his allies and enemies.

He knows exactly whats up :)

shaboyi999 ago


e-traiu ago

Hail Kek

Prepper_Jack ago

Putin knew about this before. When Russia banned America from adopting Russian children, he claimed at the time (and I remember it distinctly) that America was full of Satanic homosexual pedophiles as the justification. I personally found it odd, and more likely just anti-American rhetoric. Of course, now I find it hard to believe it anything other than the literal truth.

I was also reading where someone claimed that Putin was abused by a pedophile when he was young. Guy claimed to have proof - and was dead shortly thereafter. He may very well have a very personal perspective on the subject that isn't quite friendly. I'm sure some intelligence passed his way a long time before pizzagate.

UncookedSpirit ago

cites plz

Vindicator ago

Well, the massive Yahoo data breach in 2013 was apparently a 'state-sponsored actor'.

And the nasty ring of US cannibal pedophiles busted in 2012, which the Tampa Bay Times reported extensively but has just recently scrubbed was busted because they were discussing their snuff fantasies and pics on a Yahoo message board.

Russia was probably behind the Yahoo hack. And the Times probably scrubbed the articles so Putin wouldn't have easy material to cite to back up his claims.

islandofdelight ago

I don't necessarily think Putin would need access to Hillary's emails to know that the Rothschild and Rockefeller factions of the Cabal are rampant pedophiles and satanists.

Orange_Circle ago

I don't necessarily think Putin would need access to Hillary's emails to know that the Rothschild and Rockefeller factions of the Cabal are rampant pedophiles and satanists.>

Totally agree with that/ I'm just Joe Average out here in Middle America and even I know it.

Orange_Circle ago

Whoa. What a year. Putin hates Satanism and pedophilia and the major media outlets in the USA try and cover for pedophiles.

Growing up I always heard from the old timers that the USA wasn't to be found in end-times prophecy. Maybe this is why. Maybe our society is headed to be so completely degenerate that we can't survive until the end.

VainFaxJax ago

America is Bablon the 'great', get it? The merchants sad to see Babylon's chief city symbolized by a golden cup in her hand burning.It said they were sad because all nations were made rich by this place, one of the items "slaves" and "her cry was heard at the Red Sea" Saudi Arabia) coincidence, I think not.

Orange_Circle ago

Hmm, I could see that.

I've always thought there were two Babylons in scripture, in the end times. One is the city on 7 hills, being a spiritual Babylon and the other I guess would be NYC, being a commercial Babylon.

Just conjecture from Rev. 17 & 18, YMMV.

catslovejustice ago

Or maybe it is because the white hats try to expose the evil of the very powerful, who try to cover it up by getting into an unnecessary nuclear war

ArthurEdens ago

Thing about prophecies and Satanists is that they are more like goals for them, so they do anything they can to make sure the prophecy comes true

Fatsack ago

Whats up with all the stupid ass end times prophecy bullshit. Is this another media matters attempt to discredit?

postfascion ago

It is both relevant, and a smokescreen. The bible was edited at the council of Nicea. The Romans wouldn't have done so if it wasn't a threat. What we were left with was designed to be ineffectual, but some truth may still be obtained, but cautiously. Many will discount any relevance to what is going on contemorarily, because mystics "don't exist" and prophesy is bullshit, but they do exist, and have existed in all religions. We are headed for times where dogmatic tribalism will be eradicated within religion, science and nationalism. A new world order of sorts, but not the kind the satanic paedophiles have in mind, it may be a bumpy road getting there.

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks for the link, I'll take a look tomorrow.

Freemasonsrus ago

A lot of people surmise the "new Israel" implies the U.S. Considering we weren't a country when he bible was written it wouldn't make sense for it to have a direct reference. Idk about you, but this entire election and aftermath with emails, pizzagate, George Webb ect has felt like an awakening. The miracle of the Constitution of the U.S. should always remind us that God most certainly did have a plan for us.

Fatsack ago

The bible is not a credible source, if you know anything about the bible.

whorsquini ago

The Resurrection Argument That Changed a Generation of Scholars - Gary Habermas at UCSB

Dr. Habermas uses only the information from the Bible that the most critical of historians will allow him and builds a fantastic case where one would be hard pressed to come up with an alternative conclusion.

catslovejustice ago

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

Fatsack ago

That's called a circular reference. It's funny because in the book of ME, chapter 1, verse 1, it says "All scripture is inspired by ME and is totally and utterly true, and your going to hell unless you send me 10% of your paycheck."

Freaktheswamp ago

I agree the bible is unlikely to be a credible source, but the spirit of the bible may have merit, none-the-less. I've never been terribly religious before this election, so I could be wrong. I do believe in good and evil, even though I refuse to sound like a crazy "church lady" and quote scripture as literal events, due to the fact I know the stories in the bible are meant to be allegories for an illiterate people. And, I'm talking about European peasants from a thousand years ago. I don't mean snowflakes.

Fatsack ago

just because someone believes in satan through satanism doesn't mean satan is true. It only means that the person choosing to believe, and then choosing to side with Satan, and the things he represents, believes it to be true. The only thing it reveals is that persons psyche and their motivations and intentions.

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks for the reply.

Freemasonsrus ago

No problem. I a, as curious to unravel the mysteries of the bible as anyone. We have not just survived, but thrived on a system created on the tenants of Judeo-Christian concepts, which seem to be the exact tenants people in power are trying to subvert and destroy. The question is, will we fight back for what is truly right and good or will we be another nation to fall b/c of evil? I have had more hope recently that we will be the former. We just have to be alert that prowling lions are always around seeking to destroy that which is light and good.

dogeminho ago

I always saw the end-times prophecies as the end of evil. I mean it talks about the 1000 years of peace and the rising of nations(place it to our time). I mean we have Brexit, Trump, Italy(I believe), etc. rising against tyranny.

followthedolla ago

thats one of the theories. we're so spiritually asleep that we cant see past or god forbid make action about the egoism that keeps destroying civilizations. so we're stuck in the same loop that sacked romans, greeks, ottomans, natsoc germany, soviet union, uncle brandons shitty 7-11.

Orange_Circle ago

Is it ego? I mean, what drives these people to view children as objects? I just don't get that.

Marthvedderette ago

Power. It's a power trip thing. A rapist always picks a victim smaller then themselves.

ArthurEdens ago

I've got news for you, we're all commodities to them. This all leads to Fema camps, marshall law, extermination, and depopulation for us all.

Orange_Circle ago

Hopefully that happens AFTER the rapture of the saints!

ArthurEdens ago

Nothing can save us but us

AgainstPedos ago

They don't view the children and babies as people worthy of consideration because they come from the lower class or if American are "throw aways" or run aways or even orphans and unwanted. Otherwise they'd be in school. Many are on drugs because they come from very dysfunctional and physically abusive homes where they never really had a decent chance in life.

If they're foreign born many Americans really look down upon those from poverty stricken 3rd world countries and believe most will soon die anyway of disease or the lack of medical care. Look up sociopath or psychopath online as many have at least some of the traits ie the inability to care for a stranger's well-being.

Note that today young teens have access to continuous porn where there's a complete lack of consideration or affection between the participants. Men play a very dominant and aggressive, even animalistic role. So some assume that's what is expected. When they're coarse behavior is continuously rejected by the beautiful young females they lust after a per cent will turn their repressed anger towards a far younger and more pliable human being. It's been suggested that a sexy looking but child like, human sized doll would be a good substitute.

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks for the reply. Sad to think that our world has devolved to this.

followthedolla ago

well, im guessing that thats when satanism comes into play, no pun intended. they worship old gods and sacrifice kids and whatever they get their hands on. the point behind this is of course -the taboo-. whatever civilization decides is something you shouldnt do, whether its drugs or fucking kids, these people get off on the fact that what they're doing is irredeemably evil and they're, in theory, not allowed to do any of that shit. but once this ego of theirs gets a good grip on what they get off scotfree from, theres no limit to their decadency which leads to things spiraling out of control and you end up with stuff like daisys destruction. peace

Ihatepizza2 ago

It relates to "Do as though wilt" as espoused by Alister Crowley. It means that they think - nothing is 'wrong' or a 'sin'. All acts are equal. If you want to sacrifice kids that is every bit as acceptable, and worthwhile, as say helping kids. According to Crowley (who helped in assembling and publishing "goeita.pdf") there are 72 spirits / demons. These types of acts relate to getting those spirits to do things for you.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Yep, the "religion" is just the means to an end. They may even just make up rituals and rules as they feel like it. Its all a big game. Psychopaths are incapable of admitting they are hypocrites, and will do anything they can get away with, especially if it is taboo. You can't understand them until you realize how twisted, delusional, and narcissistic they are. Nothing is more holy to them than themselves.

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks very much for the reply!

GenghisSean ago

Salient comment on the video:

While what he's saying is true, it was true too of the Soviet Union. Are these words merely convenient attacks on the "Soviet Union of the West" that some seem intent on creating, or as they sincere? It would help if he were to address Russia's role in past abomination, and condemn it utterly, on the record. I don't want to merely agree with an attack. I want an ally in restoring strength and freedom to the civilized world.

myowneyesnears ago

"Given the Putin likely has access to the 650,000 emails" Are we back on the Russians did it again? Seriously?

AgainstPedos ago

Do you really think access to Anthony W. emails is the very 1st time Putin became aware of Hillary's very kinky sexual interests? Or of her widely gossiped about role in certain secret societies prevalent among the power elite? Both must have been going on for more than a few months.

AgainstPedos ago

Putin is making a not so thinly veiled dis on Hillary and encouraging Trump to take action against her. Meanwhile Putin knows "the silent majority" of Americans may still be very much in the dark about the extent of US government corruption (oh the irony that I never thought I'd ever read.)

lawexaminer ago

I did not intend to imply that Russia was behind any "election hacking". However, since it is widely beleived that "at least five foreign state actors" hacked the Clinton server, it is a reasonable assumption that Russia has some knowledge of what's on her server.

logjam ago

Honestly, I don't think these are things that are new to him - especially considering this is so prevalent in governments of the world, including Putin's.

It looks as though Putin is drawing attention to PG on a big scale.

Mtnchan ago

Just to keep things in perspective, Russians in general as a society aren't redpilled, their black markets and human trafficking activity are infamous for a reason, buyers and sellers of illicit goods and services are equally complicit in the larger outcome of their collective bad choices and negative contribution to society. The Putin red pill is an interesting one though, let us not forget to best of knowledge none of the leaked info disseminated was altered, Democrats have never made any substantiated claims or proof that it was, so regardless of source it's just a matter of shining a bright light into the murky swamp.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Lol good catch. I didnt interpret it that way, but youre right, it totally does push that retard agenda. Fuck Hillary, fuck dnc, fuck their bitch "journalists." Merry Christmas friend.