PresudentMcCheese ago

If Comet Ping Pong had a subverse on voat, then it would be used as proof. But it's okay for "investigators"?

PresudentMcCheese ago

A lot of these users are from 8chan, which is a known child pornography site. They are trying to distract from their own misdeeds. If anyone is pushing 8chan links, they are either sick or a dupe.

wecanhelp ago

Removing due to rule #8.

Please resubmit this according to the submission rules of meta concerns as drafted here. Thank you.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Maybe because you haven't covered the fees it would take as well as all the homework that goes into creating and hosting a site? Server space is expensive, bandwidth can be expensive, and although website design need not be hard it can be expensive too, then you got maintenance, security, etc.,etc.,etc......

Go get all that taken care of, in the name of fighting online pedophilia, dedicate your site to that, then come advertise on voat. You could probably start some tax-free charity, solicit the shit out of donations all over the net, and have the general public fund your crusade, and probably rather opulent lifestyle if you were so inclined.

For the record I think it's bullshit though, simulated child rape isn't "free speech", no more than the DEA claiming cannabis isn't a medicine makes cannabis not a medicine. It's no more true than many things our government does, allows, or bans for bullshit reasons. Every year for many now our government has to take away freedoms with the newest NDAA and yet that somehow supposed to protect us and our freedoms......?

Sorry if it's news to you, the world is insane, and mostly headed to hell, deal with it, try to enjoy the ride, it will most likely be over long before you wished it was, just another sparkly dying ember from the Roman Candle that was humanity...........

8BigMacNMuhDietCoke ago

Drawings are victimless, therefore, the countries that make them illegal are just countries that censor freedom of speech. Voat is about free speech. Not sure what's so hard to understand here.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Your dirty child drawings are disgusting. Get help.

SheSaidDestroy ago

What do you mean by "we"? You are brand new here, and you're asking a pretty retarded question. It's like asking why any of us would use YouTube to raise awareness, when there is inappropriate stuff put on YouTube. Maybe think harder about your approach next time.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Voat and pizzagate are just a front for 8channers to spread disinformation to distract from their own cp activity.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Yeah, it's definitely fucked up, no doubt. But free speech isn't free. And WE aren't allowed to exist everywhere.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

Because it's one of the only sites that will allow our speech. We need all the sites we can have.