elgindelta ago

Im going to flag everone of them ? Someone screenshot that I just said this, and stand by while I do and screen shot the I'm back comment, might need that down the road. I want to see youtubes response. Let me know with GO

elgindelta ago

You can't flag them?!? Only options are like or share? Dafaqq

LostandFound ago

@knowthyself please remove the flair on this article, it's speculative piece and makes no conclusion to be debunked. Try typing it into YouTube and see what you get, notice there's no autocomplete for the word webcam on a video sharing site. Also there's now a reddit sub found for pointing people to these videos.

User890020 ago

Pfft... Did you see that huge word list?

At this point, one would be among 50 million 'flagged' people.

Alpo ago

Since you're familiar with Youtube, I will ask you this question - how are the thumbnail images displayed in Youtube search results generated? Are they chosen by the uploader of the video, or does Youtube make or select them? Some of the thumbnails seem too suggestive to be the result of an innocent upload.

WHAMMO63 ago

My YT permissions let me upload any photo I want as the 'thumbnail'.

dogeminho ago

Imo it's about the last of days for evil. 1000 years of peace, rising of nations etc. when God reclaims the earth or something I forget how it goes. But I have hope

dogeminho ago

YouTube is taking pizza gate videos down yet allow these ones on. Twittergate was recently exposed, this entire thing is huge. It would be careless not to consider this as pizzagate as these children are being exploited and this investigation is about exposing the global trafficking ring.

Kazzy ago

I am so glad someone brought this up. I've seen a lot of almost-porn on youtube. Some terms (quotations included) to add to any keyword are

search by both relevancy and upload date. why upload date? they are fresh and havent been removed by flagging etc. (I once saw a video of guy sounding with an earthworm)

".3gp" some (older?) mobile phones that can upload to youtube seem to use some timestamp.3gp as the default filename of the video. other extensions that are common are: ".mp4" ".avi" ".mov" ".wmv" ".mpeg" or ".mpg"

.mp4 is usually the most common encoding for videos recorded via mobile devices.

When one uploads a video from an android device the default description (not title) is usually 'this video was uploaded from an android phone'. I'm not sure if that is it verbatim, so I'd just do "this video was uploaded from".

other stuff to try is "bandicam", "hypercam" (common screen recording software) um I've seen a lot search results (with sort by date uploaded option) similar to videos op is talking about use "with friend(s)" as a title in the video

with usernames the only thing that stands out to me as far as usernames go is they have some full name as it. In the 'first name last name' format. other accounts ive seen use names of common animals in part of them.

dbstfbh ago

So a 12 year old girl posting a video of herself twerking and saying "Say ratchet and I'll post more videos" is something a normal 12 year old girl does? Then she has much much older men commenting "I'll fuck that hot stuff", "I like those cheeks", "I would love to lick your pussy slowly".


I won't link the video - but it's not hard to find.

greycloud ago

the NSA is for terrorism and national threats, neither of which include pizzagate. they would be overstepping their bounds by a wide margin and would delegitmize themselves in the process. not only should NSA not be involved with this, they should retain any evidence they have and refrain from sharing it with other agencies. failure to do so would be an impressive breach of the 4th amendment and would potentially be grounds for dissolving the NSA altogether as being an unconstitutional agency.

greycloud ago

smartest comment in this whole thread. thank you sir for advocating responsibility rather than witch hunts, and sensation.

starseedlover ago

Clicked on a couple random videos, this is definitely disturbing. My pedo radar went off. It's not "nothing to see here, just random kids being dumb and uploading to YouTube with some default naming webcam software."

While not showing nudity, and some not intentionally sexual, there is a voyeuristic quality to the circumstances surrounding them that makes it sexual and disturbing.

One video (in the "liked videos" of one of the commenters) had 500,000 views and was a guy filming a marathon/race. Not overtly sexual... But he kept zooming in on young girls in the crowd who weren't aware of being filmed. It was just full on spy/voyeur, close-ups of their bodies, etc. I didn't watch much, just clicked around and this is what I saw.

So while this isn't full on child-porn, it's creep shots. It's exploitation. YouTube or someone is making money from these videos. These are softcore, "safe" entry-points into child porn. I don't think it's technically illegal, it's creepy as fuck and is a lead that should be followed up.

Who are the parents? Who are the creepy commenters? Where are the videos being shared online (forums, chat-rooms, etc). And how do they link to larger pedo rings?

This is also evidence of larger, insidious pedo-culture that exists in plain site. Further illuminating the dark shadow of humanity and how common pedophilia really is.

Your kids could be being secretly filmed from some creeper with an iphone in plain site. Then later uploading and sharing with his friends online, to which they make sexual comments and jerk off too. Or they find your kids videos that they've already posted doing harmless stuff or maybe even pseudo-sexual acts (like twerking practice), and they get sexualized by older men (and maybe women) through the intent of their viewing.

Disturbing yes. But this is reality folks.

zoltan907 ago

For everyone saying this is all so innocent, I made an album of screen caps of comments on some of those videos. http://sli.mg/a/4oaNZF

The first video is a video of a little girl changing her doll's diaper. As she changes the dolls diaper, the web cam is at the level of her crotch, and her panties are briefly exposed. Here are some of the comments:

Jim Buc: “Grace has nice panties at 9:30. But can she breast-feed the baby?” Stephen Hardwick: “It is easier to do with a real baby of course :D You are such a beautiful little hottie darlin’. Big kisses” Marc R.: “omg do any one have some real videos showing pussy not just the panties”

bopper ago

This shouldn't be marked as 'debunked,' maybe in dispute.

hanknut42 ago

Dont stop digging guys we are getting downvoted to hell we are on to something gogogogoogogogogogogo

Davecross ago

Laredo The Witch Hunt is going to go onto YouTube these are just people uploading videos and they have a default filename... just another thing to get outraged about some of these videos are kind of weird but most of them are just kids trying to be video bloggers so way to go this will be another thing that YouTube uses to crack down on people because what they'll do is they'll make you identify yourself to join YouTube like you have to provide a photo of your ID or pay to join so that way you can prove you're an adult because only adults can have credit cards

dayoftherake ago

Yes, but what explains those views? These videos have anywhere from 100k to 1 million views. Those videos should be getting 100 views max. I mean, most of them are only about 30 seconds long. I'm sure there are bots involved, but why? It's just weird.

Davecross ago

I don't know

Kikimc22 ago

What's with All the talk of egg hunts in the comment. Egg means something.

Fateswebb ago

Because this is the default video naming format for webcam software for instance ezwebcam software. It automatically uploads videos to YouTube. The videos are just kids playing with their electronics and stuff. There is no illegal stuff and if you find any you can report it. Now if there are comments on some of these videos then that may lead to something but the videos themselves are innocent and people are reading into this more than is actually there....

hanknut42 ago

Its links the yoga video CHANGAGLEES THE FBIANNON SAID LOOK FOR YOGA these are all yoga videos of little kids


AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

Looked at the videos myself. Didn't see anything objectionable. Just a bunch of rugrats who figured out how to hit the "record" button on their mobile devices to take ill-advised videos of themselves, but forgot to title their vids.

Criticalthinker615 ago

We are just in the process of severely having out record corrected I think..severely

sprinklesmcsqueegee ago

Okay. This had "Debunked" flair, then it didn't, now it does again. What gives?

search4truth ago

Thank you so much for this info. This is one more piece of damming evidence of how ingrained this pedophilia culture is. Place this in the 'evidence of Corporate complicity' file. We can further prove that they are abetting crimes, while actively impeding the investigation of crimes. Keep fighting !!

bopper ago

Good for you, hope you're sincere (I'm not advocating fascism, maybe monarchy, theocracy, or benevolent dictator).

bopper ago

No not just any content appeals to them. Not all of it is 'irrelevant,' unless you have no moral compass. Actually yes, if it was up to me I would indeed ban all pics. pageants, gymnastics, etc. that featured young girls scantily clad and hypersexualized. Call me a puritan. A dreamer. Call it gagging free speech. I call it a beautiful thing. Do you get off to this stuff, just curious?

AnarchyChad ago

It's pretty gross, but you're getting into thought crime territory. It's anti-christ Ian that's for sure. Only God can judge a man's thoughts, and he will - man can only judge another man's actions.

There's good reason for it too. Once you support thought crime against another, you'll see yourself charged of it. It's always the same story throughout history... they always have a 'Good reason' to start an unjust law, that will come around and bite the people in the ass.

Let's focus on what really matters, trying to limit victimization of innocent kids. You can't really stop creeps from looking at kids in weird way other than teaching your kids to be safe and keeping them away from that people. Let's also not forget most victims have shitty parents or no parents - and just being a parent is the best defense.

bopper ago

I'm not interested in thoughts, I'm talking about objective things. (Which tempt to evil thoughts and actions.) I completely understand Orwellian 'dogma,' and dislike the term hate crime for example (speech is not property as one person put it). My 'ideal' community is the early puritan new englanders (theocracy) which is not going to happen in my lifetime.

"Let's focus on what really matters, trying to limit victimization of innocent kids. You can't really stop creeps from looking at kids in weird way other than teaching your kids to be safe and keeping them away from that people. Let's also not forget most victims have shitty parents or no parents - and just being a parent is the best defense."

Well put/said, I'm a parent and I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, this isn't the 1950's, when it comes to parenting, but then no period has been exemplary. And today ... seems hopeless. (But it's not.) Thanks for the kind reply.

AnarchyChad ago

Thank you for the kind words, and same for you. I probably agree with you to a point, I'm conservative, so I'm not against some social protections. Problem is morality seems to be all over the place in today's world and one man's morality is another man's sins. I think there are big things going on in our society and it all relates back to people not having a solid moral compass. That's how SJWs get away with saying racial justice is 'just', when we all know that is not Anglo-Saxon morality and is anti-American; but none the less morality is so muddy today, that people can get away with it and no one can argue against them.

I've noticed now more than ever that people 'use the lord's name in vain' ALOT. Not people saying 'God dammit'(I don't think God gives a damn if you cuss), but people pretending that God would want them to do something, but they can't back up their claim with any theological authority. People pretend like killing their babies is the will of God. They can't just commit one sin, they have to commit another sin, by pretending its not a sin. I'm not even Christian, but I can tell most these people are definitely not either... I'm actually being driven to Christianity based on all these people. If we can't even agree on morality we are fucked. We need to bring back Christian morality as the overall source l, as that's how we got here, and it sure in the hell beats where we are going.

bopper ago

Well the country has just devolved so much morally. As with all nations, there's an ebb and flow, and sometimes a civilization just crumbles under the weight of it's sins, never to arise again. "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." We need a spiritual revival, and turn back to the scriptures and to God in Christ. Men must rule their own hearts, it has to come from within. You can't legislate morality.

Most churches today are washed out and are part of the problem. They imbibe and focus on 'psuedo-sins' such as homophobe, racist, etc. (I think you touched on that. cultural Marxism, It's sinful these days to be proud of being white!). Sin is defined by the Reformers (of the Great Reformation) as a "want of conformity unto, or any transgression of, the law of God' (ten commandments). Which leaves us all wanting, as all have sinned. Thus the reason for the sacrifice of Christ, which was a bloody human sacrifice, the only legit one. People who practice human sacrifice today are attempting to atone for their sins, in a perverted, unlawful way, a devilish way, and rejecting the real historical one.

Check out our true history, the puritans who founded the country, and their origin, there will be your true Christianity, and you might be shocked at just how strict they were, and how far we've fallen. We need to call upon the one true God and ask for national forgiveness. (Trump's mom was a member of a very strict Scottish 'puritan' church, and Trump remembers some of her teachings, and supposedly Trump has had a change of heart on some pertinent spiritual things, so maybe there's hope, you never know.) I have a youtube link if you want it (his puritan roots). Sorry I've rambled on too much.

AnarchyChad ago

No your not rambling, I pretty much agreed with every word. I used to look up to movie stars and athletes (like most young people of today), but now I'm looking up to people like George Washington, Henry Ford, General Patton, etc. They all where pretty puritan. I do agree that it has to come from within and you can't really regulate morality outside of common law - which implies an actual crime against another person. But I think they where on to something. It's not just about being a good student of Christ or w/e, but about restraining the immediate gratification monkey inside all of us that seems to be the basis of so many sins, because people have not trained their 'inner monkey' and are slaves to wimsicle emotions and motivations.

I've been limiting my internet use, barely watch tv, work out four days a week, eat pretty healthy, don't watch porn, etc. I think these puritans where on to something. It's not about restricting actions for control or religious dogma, it's about freeing yourself from you 'monkey brain' and allowing yourself to be the captain of your own ship which will propel you to knew heights. The only difference I have with puritans, is that I think balance is key - and I think it's okay to drink, smoke, etc - as long as it is minimal and doesn't effect the rest of your life.

I think the battle between good and evil is in every man's heart. I think the main way I can fight evil in this world is to fight it in myself. If I achieve that to a moderate degree I think it will be spread into my environment by my conventions and motivated actions to do good. I don't really preach my philosophy to anyone, I just live my philosophy. That's how I was introduced to it. No one preached it to me, I just saw a bunch of people I really admired and started to realize a lot of them had similar views of life - and how I should probably adopt those views and behaviors in my own life. Maybe I can inspire the same in someone else in the future - even if it's just a sibling, or nephew, or child, etc.

bopper ago

I think you're on to something - that 'inner monkey' is real, it's called 'original sin' or 'total depravity of man.' You should research John Calvin, Martin Luther, there's so many. The idea of the gospel is that the spirit of God is given inwardly to a Christian to enable one to overcome their naturally evil heart (which we don't want to admit to having). Surprisingly the puritans did smoke tobacco and they, as some think, were not against alcoholic drinks (that came from the Southern Baptists, being self-righteous). Obviously they did frown on drunkenness. Wow, sounds like you're on the right track, I wish the very best for you.

AnarchyChad ago

Thanks, same to you. I read C.S. Lewis' mere Christianity and it was really good, but too much to digest in one read, I'll have to visit it again and again I'm sure. Next books are probably gonna be Crime and Punishment, and Maps of Meaning.... I should probably read the Bible too, but it's too easy to confuse stuff, so for now gonna stick with those other things.

can_of_wurms ago

Member for 11 days, submits inflammatory post irrelevant to the scope of the investigation. Downvoted.

bopper ago

Which one did you post? You know damn well there is soft porn kid's stuff all over the net regardless how it got there. Look at the beauty pageants idiot - but you already knew that.

ArthurEdens ago

Well said. Christmas and debt go hand in hand.

bopper ago

"... but instead you're looking at it wanting it to be something more than it is." Actually all the views are from pedos idiot, that's what this content appeals to. The girls are doing 'splits' and exercises etc.

inspectordutch ago

why the fuck are you here then? contribute or gtfo

ArthurEdens ago

All we can do is fight back to minimize the abuse that is so out of control right now. But there's no way we can get rid of it all, that is unless honest people ran things, which they don't most of the time.

CrackerJacks ago

I've contacted everyone I can about this, YouTube, Papers, FBI....I think it's disgusting. You don't get the same results if you just type in Webcam.

missyshimmy ago

that is some pretty messed up shit. WTF?

PresudentMcCheese ago

Google is run entirely by pedophiles? This place gets stupider by the second.

AuntGeek ago

Thanks for this heads up. I shared the "type in 'webcam video from'", to help educate parents about the potential broadcasting of their kids all over the internet.

golly ago

I guess one of the mods tagged it debunked and did't bother to post in here explaining themselves.

auroraaurora ago

I have noticed some comments "suggest" there is nothing to these uploads, they are innocent, inadvertent "mistakes". Certainly not all. If you click on the users and visit their channel, some are suspicious, such as this one of "seemingly" advertise with young models: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbTeLkxzaI0zC_3S9yV6xcQ Only 3 videos, last uploaded 9 years ago, a million views, 743 followers. The channel seems to be an advertising for "contacts". From there, there are loads more even more suggestive of being a "pimping" exchange, contact. Other channels such as this one called "ilovecandy2" : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSulEhyV5rUPh8302i9upsA are suspicious for their content centered around a young girl or girls and being centered with all manner of toys and shows for that age group. I came across the term "cupcake" twice, (cupcake addiction) and "muffin" (little pony video it's muffin time), seems to be a code word for something. There are channels created by adults who exploit children in a way suggestive of pedophilia and "marketing". The channels may be a "front", for commerce and exchange with like minded people. Checking the channel subscriptions is also very telling. There are almost always either questionable "child glitter glamour" or weird shows for kids and eventually, some occult references. I stopped as there are just too many of these channels.

freeagent37 ago


freeagent37 ago

This is actually great to uncover in front of the world. Youtube is always censoring its content, but this is PROOF that those who control YOUTUBE dont give a shit about protecting children, but actually are making money from it. GOOD JOB!!!

LargePepperoni ago

I'm not sure then.

LargePepperoni ago

Photographing children in both sexual and nonsexual poses appears to be a common practice among pedophiles. This practice was noted in all three types of sex rings. In the sample, there was a wide range of pornography noted, from "innocent" poses to bondage, sadomasochism, and beastiality.

Source: http://archive.is/wAfxb#selection-565.444-565.734

inspectordutch ago

wtf is going on, this is horrible


There's no nudity on those ppl if there was a vote for over reaction I'd click it. Just a bunch of kids hanging out. These are not the Droid we are looking for.

DcFunny ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1512197/7343618 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1512252/7344195 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1511831/7342910 (granted the 911 connection is ridiculous, but it got attention and there was legit stuff being found in there)

DcFunny ago

Absofuckinglutely. Infinite is constantly talking about the mods being pieces of shit over here. I see it now. The last two threads I did decent work into are tagged "debunked" within 24 hrs. wtf. They were a stretch to connecting in to Podesta, but so was a fucking Pedo ring at the beginning and look where we are.

hopeforall ago

How is this debunked? Ok I haven't clicked any any of the links so I don't know what they are but if they are what people say they are then I don't think that this can truly be debunked.

LargePepperoni ago

I think the debunked was referring to the fact that you get put on a list for using the specific search terms in youtube, not the fact that there are sick people posting sexualized photos of children.

hopeforall ago

But the article says debunked next to it in the list.

Blindjustice ago

debunked just like everything else these days the FBI if they would be doing their job would be arresting CP pedo's 24/7 like they should we would not have this problem. It is so easy to set these up, every time they do sting they arrest hundreds of Pedo's. Unfortunately they arrest judges, lawyers, cops, school teachers the whole range of society it is sick. Yeah it's debunked alright society it is just sickening as it is already without any form of justice and morality. Just let it be they say it's all fake news James is a victim and we are all just witch hunters. Well honestly without witch hunters everyone would be worshiping Moloch already and buying up all the poor children to sacrifice to their Baal. Heaven forbid we ever think of outlawing devil worship I mean really we are such evil and bad people for not accepting such perversions what is wrong with you people.

search4truth ago

How does one balance witch-hunting with moderation? If justice ever had to be taken up into the People's own hands, how does one keep from becoming a zealot?

DcFunny ago

Yup these mods are bullshit. wtf.

waybackwhen1987 ago

this is huge take screen shots archive comments gather as much info as possible on anyone you can also grab kik details etc and maybe find out how they trade and what programs there using i.e wikr or pgp - youtube need to be held accountable for this disgusting shit fuck

tstr ago

reddit dude says it put you on FBI most wanted list. Obvious troll. I mean really...

jstayz44 ago

Wait, and YouTube is censoring some of our investigative stuff? This is RIDICULOUS! I now believe that every parent should be a helicopter parent...this investigation sickens and scares me, but at the very least, I am more aware!

e-traiu ago

As usual, they hide everything in plain sight.

There is a couple of the videos that is actuall pornographic content to. Not Nude, But with rubbing and other sexual innuendo.

Maybe some kind of menu?

Most of the video providers had few videos (2-3 Max) but they had 1400 followers? This is a little Odd?

ShoaNanas ago

Does youtube complete your search when it starts with "webcam" ?

Here, I have NO suggestion at all when i type "webcam" in the youtube search input, and i think is very weird, because the "webcam" word is something relevant in a "video hosting site".

For example, if i start with "dashcam .." i got a lot of suggestion.

It could be that youtube avoid suggestion on "webcam" because they know this CP stuff is here. So, only people knowing the exact "webcam video from" term will find videos.

LostandFound ago


wgvdl ago

I don't mind if they are "just bragging about it" or if it is real stuff. This shit has to be tackled and the sickos have to be called to account.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Without trying to sound like a dick, your attitude is shitty. Like, you can convey your view less abrasively and it'll be more likely to change minds. Just sayin

Globules ago

congratulations on being the most retarded dickhead in this entire thread.

Your prize is to fuck off back to reddit.

derram ago

How is it that an innocuous phrase like "webcam video from" bring up this stuff?

More than likely that's just a part of the default file name for whatever program makes the webcam videos.

Pizzainmyass ago

Millions of views on em

angular_planes ago

pretty sure that was sarcasm on the 4chan thread, but still a bad idea for SURE

joe_hill ago

maybe a good idea to delete this public thread ? and to give the information to someone else ?

Konran ago

Calling people "too stupid to breed" is what a shill would do.

Also claiming that people are using a strawman argument at the same time as calling others 'too stupid to breed' suggests a complete lack of self-awareness.

Pllatinum ago

Check his submission history. Member for 55 minutes.

sunajAeon ago

WTF? How is this on Youtube? This is too crazy

Tbear05 ago

So as a lot of people have already pointed out, these are self uploaded videos made by innocent children. There are pedos who are watching these videos who are commenting sick shit and liking the videos. Since it's children uploading the videos, they do not change the file name. Leaving the default name causing all of these videos to be grouped the same. I have looked through a few videos, and it's all kids doing vlogs. The only disturbing video i found was of a girl peeing herself. I already reported it. This is just a huge reason why children need supervision while on the computer/internet.

zoot3d ago

why yo post this shit on imgur?

Globules ago

Almost all the thumbnails look sexual too.

Well duuuuh do you think that's why they get clicks?

Go back to reddit.


Ginger_Snaps ago

I'm too afraid. Scares the heck outta me.

User890020 ago

These are inocuous search terms!

You can't be labeled 'pedo' just for searching that!

Think about it.

Onalaskeye ago

Yes, but if you dive into that site, then you're probably snagged.

Lunari ago

People here have only started acting more and more irrational.

Basically everyone here is at the point of attacking anyone and everyone who decides to give a logical explanation to something proving it to be normal and not anything to be concerned about. Because of course anything and everything on the Internet that involves kids is always 100% linked to pedos and CP.

thezodiac ago


PrideOfOshtekk ago

Says the idiot.

looking4truth ago

Should we be archiving this?

Lunari ago

I'm glad at least someone here has common sense.

PolybiusPizza ago

Bunch of pedos here plugging the line that these video are all posted by children. They know that it can't just all be kids... Which would still be illegal btw. Is youtube owned by children? Do only children watch youtube videos? You are ok with sexualized images of children being hosted on the most watched website in the world? Oh, you are ok with that... I guess I'll just drop it and move on then!

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I saw one but it was just a little girl talking into the camera. Reported for child abuse. The comments were nasty "you are so beautiful girl!!!". What the fuck?

iceboob ago

Youtube and twitter protecting paedophiles on their websites, but when a guy wants to voice conservative opinions, they get instabanned or censored. Something really fucked up in these corporations. Who the hell are they run by? occultists that molest and kill kids? kinda scary.

PolybiusPizza ago

Well, YT profitting from child porn or other lewd images of children no matter who produces it, is illegal. 100%. I wonder why you got so defensive...

PolybiusPizza ago

Are you listening to yourself? You basically just said pedos aren't on the internet...

Lunari ago

He in no way whatsoever said "pedos aren't on the Internet" or anything even slightky close to meaning that.

He said what is literally he reason for videos of kids showing up when searching that phrase.

Thousands of kids who have no clue how to use the Internet upload pointless, silly videos of themselves onto YouTube and usually don't have the computer skills to upload any other way besides directly from webcam and they usually leave that default name on the video....

Just because something posted here that is at first somewhat questionable regarding kids actually has a logical explanation that is actually NOT directly related to pedo shit does not mean that anyone who has the common sense to give that logical explanation is saying "pedos aren't on the Internet".

PolybiusPizza ago

Holy shit. I am so glad I didn't try this. Wtf.

golly ago

How do you know it's just kids uploading these and not adults uploading (stolen) webcam videos? Kids with monetised channels? College fund?

Globules ago

Go back to reddit because you've just failed the age test.


Globules ago

Jesus christ how old are you people? Have you never seen click bait? Are you so easily traumatised by your own imaginations? Click the fucking videos and if you actually find CP on youtube then report it. Stop posting this hysterical nonsense to this sub because all you do is make it obvious that you're fragile childish faggots. If you're not old enough to be on the internet then go and do something else.

voat has turned in a fucking creche

roundhouse1776 ago

And yet when you search "Webcam video from" , all the results are young girls in sexually suggestive poses and have hundreds of thousands of views, and in some cases millions. Explain this please.

Globules ago

because it shows you the ones with the most views first.....

the ones with the most suggestive thumbnail get the most views. So everybody gets them in teh same order so the highest ranking ones get clicked much more than the later ones.

look theres 7 billlion people on earth and most of them on the internet. so of course the highest ranking of anything gets millions of views. Nearly all the highest ranking videos have tits in the thumbnail. People click to get a look.

To get an idea how many people 7 billion is.. If you decided to meet everyone, you'd literally have to shake hands with 250,000 people every day for 70+ years. Taht's about 3 people per second..... And even then you'd not include the 7+ billion who were born during that 70 years. Lots of curious people. In fact I'm 2 of those views!

it's not unusual to see videos get over 50 million views in less than a week.

This has over 800 million views. And its rubbish.


holy shit. gangnam style nearly 3 billion views


Pablolove ago

Really? That's what you call 'childish '? Maybe they're just sensitive, decent people. You sound like a right hard hearted individual.

Phobos_Mothership ago

fragile childish faggots

Well, one fragile childish faggot. With a lot of alts. many accounts that are just a name and two numbers are this person. He thinks he's important somehow. He's not.

Globules ago

there's loads of them. fresh off the boat from reddit..

OP has a 12 day old account.

They have to go back.

golly ago

voat has turned in a fucking creche

You poor lad. Maybe you should not visit subs that influence your blood pressure negatively.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I wouldn't quite put it as harshly, but I had a similar sentiment

hopeforall ago

I don't even want to click on that. And I don't think you should even post that imgur thumbnail here.

Julian55 ago

YouTube Gate for sure

concernedaboutitall ago

Didn't look. Can't. But if it is as bad as you say, I hope the authorities are aware of those videos. So sad for society right now.

sleepingbeautycan ago

This is not right. I want to go through and report every single link. I want to stop it. But I also want to protect any investigation.

DcFunny ago

Up vote for taking one for the team

RexAxisMundi ago

Poor fella.

Knightofkings ago

You guys are literally freaking out over videos that are just kids goofing around with computer webcams that are generating a cookie cutter file name for a video after it's recorded

zoltan907 ago

Even if these videos "are just kids goofing around with computer webcams," plenty of kids have filmed themselves having sex, distributed the videos, and have then been arrested for distributing child pornography. The age of the person making the video is no shield from legal consequences. These videos might not contain actual nudity or sex, but the accounts that are monetized could be distributing that stuff via some other channel, so this is worth delving into further.

hopeforall ago

A 15 year old I believe got in some legal trouble for uploading child pornography to 4chan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan#Arrests_for_child_pornography_and_cyberbullying

thezodiac ago

It's possible the kids post the videos themselves, and the pedos know this and look for this specific text to find those webcam videos.

golly ago

Explain why this search doesn't show up other videos? The sorting is highly suspect and might have to do with peso's liking these kind of videos. Also check the comments. These trading of screen names, phone number, etc, etc

There's more than meets the eye here.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Seems like kids are being stupid and pedos are taking advantage of it. They look for any opportunity I'm sure. And kids like that are probably easy to bait.

DcFunny ago

I really enjoyed your honeypot earlier :)

Ffs, don't feed the trolls people.

Blindjustice ago

the sad part is that they want to censor so called fake news, copy right bs on alt news constantly and almost instantly yet CP is not even an issue for them imagine that. Is this not proof of a double standard here or at least proof that the powers that be are only concerned with a opposite point of view are to be censored as their top priority. I did not even have to look to know this is true and totally unacceptable no excuse YOUTUBE!!! GATE!! without question making money on this is criminal i guess they have ads running as well this is unacceptable.

Julian55 ago


Knightofkings ago

this is easy to explain a lot of these old plug-in webcams wood have default programs used to record videos and most of the time they would have a default file name that would say webcam video from and then the date.

Like this "Webcam video from October 24, 2014 09:56 PM"

So pretty much all that is happening is is that people are uploading videos to YouTube and keeping the title as the default file name

survivingtime ago

so im not on a list?

Knightofkings ago

All this is is Google doing its function of automatically indexing something that has a lot of result. Just calm the fuck down

survivingtime ago

aah safe

Knightofkings ago

It's like you guys don't know how internet search engines work

survivingtime ago

Ooh cool, kicking him whilst he's down, I learnt something but you'll always be an ass

survivingtime ago


golly ago

Some of these videos have millions of views. If they're monetised that could be a big problem for YT as it would mean people are (including YT) are making money by showing half naked kids webcam recordings. I'm not even sure if all these webcam videos are recorded with the disk noting they were recorded. Very disturbing.

Edit: I checked. Some of the videos with millions of views are monetised, meaning whoever uploaded these is making tons of money, and YT too.

Ask yourself; how many small children have monetised Youtube channels/videos?

greycloud ago

i wish i was a kid in these ages when you could pay for college by wearing a swimsuit and making a video when you are young and collecting on it until college starts. if you think of that as the kid being a victim, than i only agree if the kid isn't benefiting from it. millions of views? i bet a lot of kids would do videos like that for food over in Venezuela, i hope they do.

pizzaequalspedo ago

It's very telling that youtube will allow this type of stuff to stay up, but is removing pizzagate videos.

golly ago

Yes. And in the US it is actually illegal to sexualise children like they do in the comments. For example it is fine to have some pics of boys/girls in bathing suits, but once you create a gallery where people leave sexual comments it becomes illegal. Not sure about the details in law, but I know this from my old job as server monkey for a big ISP having to take down forums/sites where men would share such images. Horrible shit like this has been going on years and years, pretty much out in the open.

wgvdl ago


curtis_c_flush ago

I posted something similar here before. There is some very profitable and bizarre stuff on YT. I wonder if it's a teaser ad for some other content elsewhere.


Julian55 ago


BethesdaDC ago

YouTube condones pedopfiles posting videos but pizzagate videos exposing pedopfiles are flagged or removed

Tancred ago

It's surprising at first, but then again, there's so much stuff uploaded that no one can check it and they don't seem to have CP image recognition yet.

dindonufin ago

clowntrash ago

Why did I search this? I knew I would hate the results...I wish I could erase what I just saw.

smoothassilk ago

disgusting. delete this post immediatly and report all videos u found. dont advertise this shit pls

tjarco ago

damn, how did you find this?

hopeforall ago

I third this

dafacts ago

what the fuck...

shibadognumberwan ago

definitely wtf... the number of views and comments is scary.

BlackSwordsman ago

The poor fucking kids.... This seems like hacking? No? I'm trying to figure out under what circumstances these videos are obtained.

sprinklesmcsqueegee ago

Without watching any of them I'm guessing they are from pedos who pose as teens/tweens, get the girls to do stuff on skype for them, capture it and upload.

BlackSwordsman ago

I have a VPN so I had a look. It's fucking disgusting. What it appears to be is kids who have made what they thought would be cute youtube videos for their own personal channels, and these fucking pedos have taken then and reposted them in a collection. One single video, on it's face, you'd just think is a silly kid having fun, but when they are all amassed like this together by some weird fucker, you know what these scum are doing. It seems like it's going to come down to a loophole here. Fucking hell.

Pllatinum ago

Parents likely

SpontaneousSpectator ago

Clicked on a random video and all of the comments were people sharing phone numbers and Kik accounts and advertising CP to trade.

everysomething ago


Because I don't want to go and look myself.. what were the channels named like? Random letters and numbers? I mean does it look organised?


And how is it coming up in this search? If it in the video description?

Lucky Google is saving us from the fake news.

Julian55 ago
