srayzie ago

Your first post telling your story today shows it was deleted. If so, you may need to resubmit it to

I didn't close the tab yet so if you want to repost but not type that whole thing out again then let me know and I'll copy and paste it to you. Anyway, this was my comment to you in the deleted post...

Thank you so much for coming forward. I can't imagine working in that environment. My blood pressure would be thru the roof. I'd be pissed off daily. So, do you mean young people out of college and maybe starting an internship are groomed from the beginning? Have you noticed that they preferred to hire people that do not have such clean records so they can control them more? Have you heard people talking about pedophilia or any satanic or cult conversations?

I think it's very brave of you to give your info to a reporter and want to come here and help. There is all kinds of information gathered and archived here so you can get caught up. You can start by going to the main Pizzagate page and reading the "sticky" on the top. That will have you reading evidence for hours or days! Also, on the right of the main page, it will give you resources and a list of other subs. Like, if you are posting something that is not evidence but it's Pizzagate related, then you would post in instead. You'll get the hang of it.

MountainMama ago

Thanks. Presently the moderator is referring to rules, saying I need sources. I can't find these rules. I won't post again until this is clear. Re staffers. They recruit within known families, university interns, etc. The staffers have no criminal histories that I've ever heard of. They seek the true believers in the cause and/or the hard working & ambitious. I never heard about pedophilia or abuse, to be honest. I heard about the behavior of our candidates & officials & saw drug use. The grooming is to accept behavior that would be unacceptable or even illegal in any other field. It's just understood that you won't report it, it would ruin your career & help the Rs. You end up practically living with your boss, you're in their home, with them constantly, etc. I doubt anyone discovers affairs or drug use on day one, you gradually get used to finding yourself in dysfunctional quicksand of abberant behavior. But yes, recruits always start young, as I did. I think the lack of exposure to normal work standards helps them maintain control. There's no such thing as an HR person usually & if they were it wouldn't be safe to report anything.

srayzie ago

Oh gosh. That would be tough. You can post it. Just post it at pizzagatewhatever. People are supposed to post there if it's not direct evidence to Pizzagate. Some get away with it tho. You can also put it in comments. Even in Pizzagate comments. Here is what you posted so you can post in both if you want to. Or here...

@MountainMama original post I want to get more active in this investigation. I said I'd identify who I worked for after she left office this week, but naming this person is causing problems. So, Google 'Congresswoman 'dabs' in Senate debate if you're curious. I was told by a trusted source that around 2000, said Congresswoman & the husband of the recent losing presidental nominee were witnessed groping one another & this was reported to his wife, a Senator at that time. Both were married to others. This reported hatred of my ex boss by our party's nominee likely was a factor in my boss's recent loss. Re Pizza Gate. This relates to the culture of silence among Dems. It reinforces the illegal, immoral activities I personally witnessed, such as a sitting House Member engaging in numerous affairs, a high ranking Democrat with an excessively coozy relationship with Bush, cocaine use by Dem staffers & the Congresswoman's ex husband, with his 21 year old little sister, which I witnessed. I'm aware, for example, that my boss made herself vulnerable to blackmail & this could've impacted her decisions on military spending & policies. For Dems, illegal behavior or office holder's secret inappropriate sexual behavior is largely ignored. Reporting this would 'help the Republicans.' So do I doubt PG? No. I can easily see how young, impressionable, fresh out of college Dems are groomed to accept escalating scandalous behavior until their moral compass is completely compromised. The excessive demands for young staffers to work 120-150 hours a week, 7 days a week seemed necessary at the time. Now I wonder if it doesn't further compromise the thought process of these staffers. They are almost worked to death. The relationship between candidates & staffers can often be abusive. I personally was screamed at & insulted, exposed to & expected to lie about affairs & other unsavory behavior & was told about actual physical assaults by the candidate on staff. I witnessed my boss groping gay men at a fundraiser. Why my boss, a female, thought this was welcomed or acceptable, is beyond me. My point is these behaviors were well known. Despite the country being paralyzed by scandal, and his wife's future political ambitions, a former Democratic figure head continued his womanizing behavior along with said Congresswoman in front of numerous people. They believe their code of silence works & it appears it does, as this was reported to the wife but not to the public. Cocaine use by staffers falls under this code as well. It blew my mind. We actively claimed to represent minority groups who were being given harsh sentences for cocaine use, but 'we' were above the law. I saw cocaine use frequently, which is why I think we should investigate links to drug use & trafficking in PG. At any rate, this is long, I'll close by saying I'm here to help in any way I can. I'm especially concerned about Seth Rich's murder. I wonder if it was intended to silence him. He could be me. I don't want to see his murder swept under by 'The Russians did it' propaganda. I have given a reporter involved in PG all my information. If anyone can, please update me on his case. I'm here. I'll help. Thank you all.

MountainMama ago

Yes, cleaely i need yo learn the rules here which are a bit challenging for me & not written for my tech 101 skills. Feel free to share my info IF you understand the rules clearly, as I don't:). I'll try to get up to speed with this tomorrow.

srayzie ago

All you do now is post what you did in the original post that I pasted for you in this thread

BallsDeepInReality ago

I would just like to commend you on not only being a decent person, but also on having the backbone and moral integrity that is so desperately needed in America.

Thank you for contributing.

Could you describe the interests and behavior without naming names?

I would also add; while /v/pizzagate is awesome, maybe reach out to a reporter or investigative journalist to provide this information?

MountainMama ago

I've given all my info, including my identity, to the Morning Mayan YT channel, she is a journalist. We're corresponding. I doubt a mainstream journalist would be open to speaking to me, but if you hear of one, let me know & I'll try. I've been out of the field for 15 years. What I have to offer is knowing how the Dems operate & what I saw shows a pattern of disregard for the law, conventional morality & a code of silence. For example, as of 2000 or so, Bill Clinton had not changed his behavior, many Dems noticed this, word got back to a furious Hillary, but no one came forward re this election. I didn't because I study polls & was pretty sure Trump would win, and it was Bill, not Hillary. My boss was involved in this incident with Bill, so it was a major factor in my boss losing in 2016. I'll talk about that once this person leaves office in a month.

AgainstPedos ago

Where ARE the honest ie non-corrupted reporters and authors of today? How would one without connections who wishes to remain anonymous for safety reasons contact any of them? Recall Martin Bashears (sp) series of exposes?

I too have a story for them that would make the entire world go into total shock. No joke.

Bet the $65,000 was for an after party at the White House correspondents' dinner with the celebrities as bait. Essentially a huge bribe by the DNC and Pres Obama to keep reporting the party line. High class escorts of both sexes and all ages provided and recorded for later blackmail purposes imported from Chicago.

MountainMama ago

Cocaine use by the Congressmember's spouse and at multiple campaign parties earlier in my career. Affairs, swinging, inappropriate sexual behavior, inappropriate touching in public. With BC & GWB, inappropriate sexual behavior, but I heard this second hand. My boss's behavior I witnessed. Enough to ruin their career, but they're out of office in a month anyway. The behavior of BC & Bush concern me the most. I didn't see any signs of pedophilia. But I did witness questionable, sometimes illegal, behavior.

DcFunny ago

^^ and @whatonearth are the same IP

whatonearth ago

Don't forget that the only evidence of the $65K party is some guy's vague recollection in one of the Podesta emails that the guy who wrote the email wasn't even sure about. Not that that has stopped pizzagate from treating it as undisputed truth.

AgainstPedos ago

Come on. Everyone knows all of the reporters at the White House Correspondents' Dinners have been compromised and are no longer the tough, aggressive Woodward & Bernstein style investigators of the past. Who are you kidding?

salinaslayer ago

found the shill

cosmicmind ago

I don't know you of course, but I'm very proud of you for your desire and choice to come forward. It would be great if you could write up your personal information or ytube, or some other way of getting all your information documented to the public.

When Larry Sinclair came forward he got a lawyer, rented the Press Conference room and did a media conference along with a few specific youtube interviews before he went missing.

I'm not sure how Larry Nichols came forward, but the two Larry's are heroes in my opinion; especially Larry Nichols. To go through what he went through and have a change of conscience... wow.

You said you have contacts? I wonder if they'd also be willing to come forward?

I'd like to see a pizzagate - pedogate webpage and videos for whistle blowers (the vids could be anonymous - voice altered) completely vetted.

I wonder if that's a project you, or somebody else, might consider taking on?

MountainMama ago

That said, yes, I would, if I have the tech skills. I think they'd be more likely to talk to me. They'd know of my boss, at the least. The election is over. They have less to lose right now. I'm working with a reporter on YT now. I'd want a journalist to tap on how to handle such things. I was in fundraising, not press.

cosmicmind ago

aaah, fundraising.
From what I see you would likely be filled with stories and info. How did you manage not playing into illegal activity or unethical activity? Or did you slide down that hole? I'm not judging you if you did, like I say, Larry Nichols is a hero, but I do wish he'd choose a different outlet than Alex Jones.

MountainMama ago

Tell me more. I doubt seriously any Dem will go on InfoWars. We need a politically neutral way for them to come forward or leak info. I've discussed this with other researchers. Leaks are more likely. Seth Rich's death is suspicious, but he was highly placed. Others down the line likely noticed something.

cosmicmind ago

I won't go on infowars either. He's way too volatile. Maybe a bi-partisan channel that allows whistleblowers to tape their story, or write an article.
How one would vet it is another thing.

salinaslayer ago

Welcome to the fight

AgainstPedos ago

Way before Pizzagate an online site was questioning why a few A-list actors repeatedly visited Haiti and certain African countries facing crises. Do they only have very positive intentions?

MountainMama ago

Yes, there's a close connection between the Dems & celebrities, obviously. I'd investigate anyone who worked in Haiti, especially if the celeb has close political ties. But I think tracing orphans brought here is vital. I'd investigate adoption agencies working in Haiti. I'd see if they brought any unaccompanied children into the US. See my note above. We should be able to determine where those children are. If they've disappeared, then we have evidence for an investigation.

AgainstPedos ago

Way to difficult to do as I'll bet all of the kids names were changed. They could be anywhere in the world. If any were placed in countries like the Dominican Republic not all of the new families would have access to the internet or media nor would they ever want to talk to any outsiders for any reason.

Littleredcorvette ago

Not sure if Lindsay Lohan qualifies as A-list but here is a post I made on a different thread.

Lindsay Lohan connection to Hip hop artist Wyclef Jean and a Haiti charity called Yele

Lindsay travels to refugee container town in turkey. Http:// Note the kids in the pic. If you go to and search Lohan Refugees, you will see these same kids again, still looking a little uncomfortable with the touchy feely adults. (I was unable to archive the Getty page) Turkeys deputy minister of youth and sports, Abdurrahim Boynukalin, is also pictured with Lohan in the Getty image.

Lindsay also opened a club in athens Greece to support charities for Syrian refugees children. Http:// The photos are from September and October 2016.

AgainstPedos ago

Interesting. Lindsay Lohan is someone who would be hired because she could bring pap attention. Note that Sean Penn has made trips to Haiti. Bizarre that some believe the actor has CIA connections and supposedly helped bring in El Chapo.

Then again the famous often film in areas where the locals distrust the US but love American dollars. Not impossible to get an undercover CIA asset attached to a film crew as a camera assistant for whatever reasons.

Orange_Circle ago

Very nice, thanks for weighing in.

What's the scuttlebutt on the war that David Brock is waging against Huma and Hillary?

MountainMama ago

I don't know much about Brock. I'll read over any info here. I do suspect Hill was sabotaged from within, but she died a death of a thousand cuts. There's something very odd up with Huma. I can't put my finger on it, but I'd bet she knew all about Weiner's perversion. How did the Clinton emails end up on the laptop he used to perve? That's a weird detail that's gotten lost in all this. Weiner's pic showing his privates to the underaged girl while in bed with his son. I am a Survivor myself. That picture makes me worry Weiner is abusing his son. Big red flags. Sexting while in bed with your child is highly abnormal. I bet any Survivor would feel the way I do. If Huma attempts to block any visitation by AW, maybe she's still human. If not, she's probably compromised. If this separation was a farce for the media, and they stay together, she's likely one of them.

Orange_Circle ago

Brock is Alefantis for boyfriend. He used to be a conservative but turned liberal and quickly because a top dog. John Podesta doesn't like him and thinks he's crazy as a bed bug, but Hillary found him useful for dirty tricks. Even Podesta gives him credit for handling the dirty stuff.

He's rigged up a supposed non profit or two that collect money for Dem causes, but every time he moves the money from Pac to Pac he takes a 12% cut via his unauthorized agent, MaryPat Bonner.

He also constantly churns out fake news for the liberal media. Sometimes when they "report" things, they read straight from Brock's new releases.

Huma doesn't like or trust him, and the scuttlebutt is that he is doing all he can to make it look like Huma is responsible for Hillary's loss.

Here's the thing: I think Huma actually loves her husband. I hope things work out for them.

MountainMama ago

12% wow. Gay Republicans in my experience tend to be greedy or more worried about their taxes than civil rights. Re Huma, it's very bizarre both of these women hold onto these sick men. I'm concerned about their son. Weiner sexting while in bed with their son would be a big red flag for sexual abuse. Then there's the 15 year old. He's too compulsive to be safe around a child. At the least, the boy won't be normal as an adult if Weiner stays in his life. At worst, Weiner has already abused the boy. Posing for a sex picture with a child is a common pedo tactic. He may have been testing the waters to see what this girl would accept. I understand it looks wrong but just weird to those who don't understand pedos, but for someone like me, alarm bells go off. I know you're sincere, but no, I don't hope they stay together. Huma may be involved in PG too, in which case I hope the child is removed from both of them.

Orange_Circle ago

Well, ok, since you put it like that, I can see more red flags than I originally thought.

I still feel sorry for their family. While I abhor their politics and crimes, there is still a little boy who's lost really the only caretaker he knew, he dad. His mother never had time for him and was rarely around him.

Wtfreddit ago

Wait, he's anti-Clinton again?

Orange_Circle ago

I'm hearing that Brock sees this as his chance to topple Podesta and the Hillary coven.

EndThePizza ago

Does that mean... the CTR shills will start helping us..?

sleepingbeautycan ago

I'm not sure how I would feel about that... icky??

thezodiac ago

Ok, looking forward for more info

Werwer12 ago

Upvoat for vis. Thanks for stepping in and helping. Hopefully others will see this and ask for your help.

msgtw123 ago

Thank you for the direction, hope to hear more.

ArthurEdens ago

Thank you for the directions, looking forward to you January messages