MountainMama ago

Here's my responses to several questions. Open secrets is a good source. Campaigns are required to file reports on everything they spend & on donors. I'd look both at Elephantis' donations & any money he received from campaigns. I've heard the WH spent $65K on a hot dog party. Was that campaign or WH funds. Is there such a party on POTUS's schedule, was this at the WH, who entered that day? I woke up slowly, but finally with Sandy Hook. In politics, I saw inappropriate behavior. In particular, use of cocaine, rage fits from a Rep, a Governor, etc, wife swapping/swinging with the Congressperson I worked for (I'll post who in January as they lost their seat & will be gone by then),.. The one person I got the most info from would probably not come forward, as they are still working in the field, and it related to BC, interesting but not likely related to Pizza Gate. My other friends are state & local. My info isn't so useful re Pizza Gate except I believe this story is probably true. I rose high enough to see dysfunctional behavior from pols in my state to become outrageous, scandalous behavior from a high ranking Rep. Said Rep had a big mouth, so I know more about certain people than I should & they arrogantly assume you'll stay in the field & a Democrat for life. I decided to get out. But anyway, I can help re the financial reports of campaigns, general questions about how the Dems operate, etc. I doubt I'm in danger as the dirt I know is on a person who lost, but I will be prudent & not share that until January. Compared to Pizza Gate, what I know & saw isn't that huge, but I witnessed a great deal of sexually bizarre behavior, which is one of the reasons I believe PG is totally possible. I can't stand pedos, so I'm here to help.

the_cat_whisperer ago

Just be careful please. Let people close to you know that you are looking into this. It's one thing to click on links and investigate websites like most on here are doing, but it's another thing to use political connections to look into these people.

BatRascal ago

Open might be a good reference for dark money. Alefantis has numerous contributions to HRC and others and here are the site's pizza references:

dogmatix ago

Financial reporting is critical. Really good suggestion to compile Congressmembers associated with Comet. How would one find those publicly reported details? How did you become awake? Was it a single event or a combination of many fishy things that started to add up?

MeatballPizza ago

Is Comet Ping Pong (which is actually a d/b/a of Big Cheese, LLC) in bankruptcy? That was claimed by a 'doubter' who showed up tonight. I saw the other day Big Cheese was sued for not paying their rent.