mooteensy ago

"Leave innocent people alone!"


carmencita ago

Every once in awhile I remember that and it makes me shiver and gives me the creeps.

zzvoat ago

I remain in awe of your investigative skills!!!

sleepingbeautycan ago

Can you send the link to this instagram account? I could only find Phillipa Soo, which is weird in itself.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

"Refund baby" "Nice toy" Pizza emoticons "Pizza"

Creepy fucking comments and people think this shit is normal. Muh coincidence

VainFaxJax ago

You're just generalizing...I'd say we get out enough as any other members of society, the other stuff, already addressed._. Tip: Don't waste your time criticizing, but better your own self and be a critical thinker, and actually research..

VainFaxJax ago

You don't know if it's fake. I can safely assume we do not support FAUX. Why do you generalize we're Alex Jones fans? Lol, nope. I wouldn't call this a ’conspiracy', which is associated with 'tin foil hat blah blah'. This was a direct Wikileaks release , high info organisation(whether they're trustworthy is questionable ); not something 'tin foil hats' fabricated out of thin air.We simply followed the cookie crumbs of the leak. Many of us were never theorists before this investigation , actually. Innocent? Highly questionable.

Selnee ago

Did this thread hit a nerve? Hmmmm

Selnee ago

I googled "are people using venmo to pay for drugs" and why yes they are. Lots of different articles about it.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Alot of people use it for sex too.

hopeforall ago

What is this app called? If we can find more people using this app who have paid Jimmy Comet, maybe we can get a lead.

PizzaGateExpress ago

This is one of the hotels in Fire Island Pines ('Good Time in FI Pines' was the first payment received), look at the open positions...

Also the services part of the site isn't working..

And their IOS app, "... Order liquor delivery and other services you never knew existed on our digital marketplace. Schedule a massage, reserve a spot in a beach fitness class, get help around the house and more!"

Their reviews:

I understand that this is a gay island, (this hotel literally only lets gay's rent) but this is clearly a front for male prostitution, I bet James Alefantis has a business somewhere here.

onemilligram ago

I wouldn't dismiss the emoji's as just random stuff. I think that they all most likely mean something.

Banned4Truth ago


Baby refund?? I literally had chills. Just wtf is going with these transactions? Guggenheim experience?? How was this obtained? phone hack?

TrotskyTrotsky ago

No hacks were involved. The app venmo is a payment app with a public transaction history. I just signed up for venmo and looked around. Anybody who has the app can see these transactions, they are publicly visible, and looking does not alert anyone.

detcmon ago

Holy shit.

RecycledUser ago

As long as something is a honeypot, which I don't think this could be.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

It says the date right there on the screen cap. Some of them are from a couple days ago

mooteensy ago

Wonder if they'll keep at it now!

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Please screencap this! I haven't seen it

basil999 ago

Well, Kimberly Whitfield is Brad Holman Jr's wife so maybe the child in Brad's arms is their kid. Here's her facebook page;

Lunari ago

Venmo isn't to be used for selling / buying anything. It's owned by PayPal but if you read the TOS - Venmo is only meant to be used as a platform to send money to your friends (thus why it links through social media) like for example: paying back a friend for buying dinner, or drinks at a bar, etc. They actually have banned people who used it it for selling / buying goods as it's not meant for that (that's what PayPal is for).

So there would be no reason to pay taxes or involve the IRS if people are using Venmo for its intended use - since it's a platform to "send money to pay back friends" and not a platform for selling / buying.

RecycledUser ago

Wow. Good point. And we know, if there's a way to exploit a system, they've found it.

basil999 ago

That Brad Homan jr guy, with the little kid in his arms, subscribes to the illuminatiam youtube channel;

That oneUmbrella Foundation is probably worth looking into.

RecycledUser ago

I've only looked at a few of them, but would this thread/info be one we want to move somewhere else, once stuff is archived? To a side folder or something? Maybe it's like Bitcoin, where trans can't be deleted. But just in case they can, i wanted to bring up the question, if it avoids giving any of them a heads up.

Hooliganscat ago

Quick someone competent archive some of the names invoked with payments and their Instagram accounts. I just checked out mark bliss. Very sick photos.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

I already have Alefantis's entire friends list screencapped. I have not had time to go through them all, only the people who have the mentioned previously, like Scott Cunningham and Christopher Lynch. Every single one of those people have more connections that are doing more deals that are extremely suspicious..... this needs to be a mass effort.

RecycledUser ago

Thank you. I will check in tonight if more help is still needed.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Someone needs to go through Alefantis's friends list and look at everyone's transactions. Then do the same for key players like sasha lord and scott cummings, etc

RecycledUser ago

I totally agree. Especially if the RICO evidence could be more substantiated by having this.

RecycledUser ago

And some have 500 friends...

sK_DirtMcGirt ago

Piano "keys" = key = drug slang for "kilo"

Throeaweigh ago

To play devils advocate for a second... he does run a pizza shop...

oneslyfox ago

A pizza shop that has a point-of-sale system in place. Venmo is a service that uses private bank accounts to back up funds being transferred between individuals. Not saying it's not possible, but would definitely be abnormal and probably not reported business income if it was the case. Feels unlikely to be his restaurant's (advertised) products being exchanged here.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

But the problem, is that James alefantis never pays for pizza. The pizza icon appears in a lot of transactions with people he is linked to. So they're not actually buying pizza from him, but they're treading Pizza between each other. Why is there so much pizza between these random individuals?

Throeaweigh ago

It does seem to be 'non-retail' transactions... on closer inspection it does seem like they're at least discussing drugs, possibly something worse.

RecycledUser ago

Are you able to see amounts spent? I wonder if it's like PP, where sending to friends and family is free, other categories have fees.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

No you cant. sorry.

RecycledUser ago

Okay thanks!

Baluga ago

I dunno, shrimp? Just asking 'cause there were shrimp pictures here.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Christian Dutilh is a DC realtor, possibly relevant:

Not finding anything new that's too incriminating, but I would like to DNA test this roast:

Something might be creepy about Brad Holman if you consider him as someone in the Alefantis network. But nothing too blatant. I suspect most suspects have purged their social media by now.

I did find a bib with pedo sign:

common_sense ago

It's Venmo, they know. It's public.

oresd ago

This is quite interesting. Nice work, OP.

This is a continued pattern of using coded language, very valuable.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

I have a lot more than that. I can probably get them up somewhere today. Venmo requires little registration and all the payments are public so anybody can download it and start taking screen caps I would really encourage more people to do this because I'm kind of limited in terms of time.

sleepingbeautycan ago

How are you searching for people to screenshot?

sleepingbeautycan ago

Wish I could help but venmo isn't available in Canada.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

You just search their names. Most people use their real names on there

RecycledUser ago

Are you able to view their friends with the app? I will try it tonight.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

That's basically the only thing you can do. You can view each person's transactions, and their friends, and their friends transactions. You can do this without alerting them or adding them as friends or anything.

RecycledUser ago


retreaux ago

Urban Dictionary definitions:

-Boat: 1000 pills of ecstasy

-Banger: An intense party, which involves large amounts of drinking, beer pong, and plenty of skanks to grind on. Always leaving the house a total mess (Buyer uses term "Banger fuel")

-Ting: Someone who you aren't necessarily dating, but someone to have fun with while you are single. It's almost like someone you can have fun/do things with and there wont be any strings attached (buyer uses term "tings")

-Shrimp: a new type of drug available that is stronger than Ecstasty (MDMA). Shrimp's primary component is Methadone. Methadone is essentially prescription heroin; but stronger

-Guggenheim: When you ejaculate gratuitously in your pants making your underwear so messy that it is worthy of being hung in an art museum.

abortionburger ago

Not sure if it's known, but Alexandra Lord is definitely Sasha Lord.

Source: My name is Alexandra and I've gone by Sasha my entire life. It's an eastern European thing.

Nana66 ago

Pasta life

Interesting this video from about CPP can't play

This guy is following this guy...the video starts out trying to bore you then WTF is he talking about cuz I'n not tech savy but I feel he's teaching how to hide shit only certain people can open?

I am heading down the Rabbit hole of the video poster. starting here...

Nana66 ago

This is just creepy and seems to have random body parts and odd symbolism.

I cannot figure out what is on the swing....

Nana66 ago

Caption on pic in Chrome zoom app (yellow patina of cigarette smoke behind the bar at Dr. Pong, my fav in Berlin!) Here is a Dr. Pong connection

WTF is this?


Does John Podesta use Venmo?

TrotskyTrotsky ago

There's a guy on there named John podesta but I'm not sure if hes the right one. John and Tony podesta are older, if you look at the Instagram people, they tend to be younger and more technology savvy. John podesta is sort of like your grandpa. He loses his cell phone all the time and gets phished all the time and stuff.

BethesdaDC ago

Wow. Talk about a smoking money trail gun

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

You would also think that Twitter would should down accounts with child port, but nope. They just ban the ones that point it out.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Don't use imgur!!!!!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I think this is a good example of why commas are important.

"Refund baby" or "Refund, baby"

pray_the_gay_away ago

Well step 1 is don't use imgur you Reddit pleb.

amusso ago

imgur is terrible, but this "pleb" found an awesome lead.

Let's save the insults for shills and, well, people that aren't contributing to the investigation in a positive way.

You can say whatever the fuck you want. This is Voat, not Reddit. Just a suggestion.

pray_the_gay_away ago

It was meant as a term of endearment, but you're right, I'm sorry.

p0ssum ago

Are you fucking kidding me, a Pizza shop owner mentioned Pizza ... jesus fucking christ, do you even realize what you've found?!?

TrotskyTrotsky ago

But the thing is, he never mentions Pizza. Ever. At all. The people associated with him, are trading pizza to each other, and among each other.

Isn't it really suspicious that a bunch of people who are not pizza shop owners keep paying each other for pizza?

oneslyfox ago

You can count this reply as a hard downvoat. Not useful/constructive.

quantokitty ago

This is HUGE. I cringe when I see those photos of JA's friends holding babies ...

thestormking ago

J Scott Cunningham makes a reference to a "paramour show" on September 4th and several references to "good times in Fl Pines". Websters defines paramour as, "a person with whom someone is having a romantic or sexual relationship and especially a secret or improper relationship". I would suggest looking into related crimes in that area.

Lunari ago

There was a Cirque du Soleil show called "Paramour" that was at a theater in DC in June


thestormking ago

That must have been quite a show if he's still squealing about it in September within the context of a mobile money transfer service involving a suspected sex trafficker. Especially after his "Guggenheim experience" and "good times in Fl. Pines". If there wasn't already so much innuendo and "coincidence" surrounding these societal blights I might be able to let it slide. There are only so many double entendres that one can take before it becomes obvious what's going on. It stops being plausible when every comment becomes layered in innuendo and hyper-meaning. After awhile one begins to develop a sense for this sort of thing. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of convictions are based solely upon circumstantial evidence if for no other reason than that this type of evidence is more commonly encountered at crime scenes than direct evidence. The more likely scenario is that his comment was directed at the chain rather than a circus performance several months prior.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

So if you look at the transaction that says the times in FL Pines there is one comment to it. its alefantis saying "im worth more"

So he's being paid for something that involves his effort

oneslyfox ago

Also just ruling out that this could possibly be covered for as a concert (with obvious typo): Band isn't even touring this fall ('16) and did not have a show on 9/4 until 2013 in London.

Just covering bases.

thestormking ago

Thanks. It's doubtful but I'll keep that in mind.

zoltan907 ago

There's also a DJ Massimo Paramour, who released this mix on Sept. 4th ( Whether that has anything to do with the payment, I don't know.


Brad Holman Jr. man with baby and pizza slice icon below ....

sleepingbeautycan ago

Creepy, right?


Someone should look into him ...

0xFFF ago

"coincidences" and "jokes" are piling up...

redditsuckz ago

Comet Ping Pong is "freinds" with "apple"/ if they created secret emoji codes for Comet Ping Pong?...and being on Comet Ping Pongs "friends" is no coincidence...

Jimmy Alefantis knows someone in Apple...

Comet Ping Pong Friends;

JoJoVoat ago

speaking of which, i noticed my last iphone updated, I have a pizza emoji, was that always avaialbl or am i just seeing pizza everywhere.

abortionburger ago

Yeah, I was just thinking that whenever I paypal someone money I always put something ridiculous in the notes like "hookers and heroin" just because I'm an asshole but that's only to very close friends and I don't have any of these other..... coincidences. One of these alone would be very explainable, but everything together? Not buying the "joke" story anymore.

JoJoVoat ago

exactly ... everything stacked together is huge... those who choose not to even consider this to be true, are contributing to the problem. Ignoring the shills is kinda fun.. they crack me up- the idiocy- it's ongoing.

Pizzagatethrowaway ago

Exactly. I use dumb things like that for e transfers and stuff but I also don't make all these weird "jokes" in every other place. How many coincidences do we need.

RedGreenAlliance ago

I think it may be drug orders. The icons could be indicative of what they are ordering

Shrimp - a new type of drug available that is stronger than Ecstasty (MDMA). Shrimp's primary component is Methadone. Methadone is essentially perscription heroin; but stronger.

Just a thought. Not everything we find will be about kids, not everything will be sinister in nature, and sometimes we might find something unexpected

alliecapone ago

I think if they run in one thing, then the others go along for the ride. Guns, drugs, humans, god even KNOWS what else. Used to think I was hip on the drug slang, but not so much anymore...the stuff (just drugs alone) people are doing today blows my mind. Might be hittin' on black markets...the ones that "come up" with brand new guns and what not. Guess I'll learn tons of slang now!

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Agree, some of it may be drugs. Looking at the users social media presence, i did see a lot of interest in new-agey meditation and chakra stuff. Not much in the way of pedo code like we saw with Alefantis. But it's possible these users might have cleaned up their online presence by now too.

Nana66 ago

And then again....maybe they take it before they do awful things to children who are also drugged with something and have saggy eyes in pics...

UncookedSpirit ago

The shooters in Paris that shot up that concert were supposedly on xanax and cocaine.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

The same woman uses an icon with pills.

Any idea what the star braclet looking icon is?

carmencita ago

I don't know exactly but I remember seeing a bracelet Biden gave to BO with flowers & stars. Someone said it was pedo related. Stars mean something. Maybe someone knows.

JoJoVoat ago

yes- I was just getting ready to type that... wasnt that a weird creepy gift? And then for him to post it on his twitter feed?

RecycledUser ago

It had beads spelling their names and a pizza piece bead.

Verite1 ago

True true TRUE!

DCmommaBear ago

There does seem to be creepy pedo and drug code. This is an amazing find!! James does have that connection to that "pain med/anesthesiologist" that owns the pig farm, Dr. Kent Ozkum. James posted the map of the pig farm on his IG.

Ozkum's pig farm

Dr. Ozkum

Bubbha ago

Never trust a man with a pig farm. Probably where they get rid of the evidence.

JoJoVoat ago

when i hear pig, I think of Deliverance.

chunky944 ago

None of this is particularly incriminating. Pizza emoji's could mean payment for actual pizza from a shared meal.

BethesdaDC ago

Yeah right. wink

0xFFF ago

yeah, and pills & beer is for what? or pizza,drugs, knife and gun?

Lunari ago

well to be devil's advocate here: myself and people I know have used the pill / gun / knife / etc. emojis on numerous occasions for absolutely no legitimate reason - basically just for the hell of it to be silly I guess. like, if me or someone I know where to send eachother money on Venmo - I could honestly see one of us likely putting into the message box emojis like those just joking around. it doesn't necessarily mean anything sketchy.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Okay what about this.

There's a lady working with refugees in south american that's accepting payments.

If you look at what she says they're for, it's alot of chicken, pasta, etc. Notice how the latte has the heart within a heart symbol

Fsumom ago

Also the pizza emoji has eyes and a mouth if you look close

clowntrash ago

"Guggenheim experience"...hmm Searching Guggenheim in urban dictionary is pretty interesting...

Ocelot ago

Could be terms invented to lash out at Guggenheim, the guy who ruined the Arrow TV show. Tons of fans of that show turned on him and maybe they wrote UD entries as a result.

Fishy-business ago

"When you ejaculate gratuitously in your pants making your underwear so messy that it is worthy of being hung in an art museum."

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Guys, the payment app is Venmo and it has a publicly viewable history of transactions. Anyone can get on it and take screencaps.

dreamdigital ago

Seriously this is a really great find. Good work.

ThePuppetShow ago

Thank you. BTW you need to charge your phone. =)

oneslyfox ago

May be useful considering Peter Thiel's alienation on SV: Venmo is run and serviced by PayPal. Another curious choice is that you can make transactions private/hidden.

Wtf are they doing? Maybe it is just the ability to be flagrant in the face of an ignorant public.

postfascion ago

Truth stream media published a recent video stating that pizzagate was a psyop, to enable further "web security", hence the blatant display of activities. I dont buy into that %100 but if the human trafficing shit is connected, less people would be arguing against chipping people as a counter measure. Anything but promoting cohesive communities with a desire to look after each other. May not be popular, but this could be a false flag based on sadly very real abuse.

Drugs ago

Ya i use venmo all the time

Baluga ago

Do you use it to order shrimp?

Drugs ago

I guess I could. I mostly use it for drugs and minor transactions between friends

AFriend ago

Strange. How does this payment function work? I am not too familiar with Instagram.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Not instagram. Venmo. Please install and see. It has a publicly viewable history of transactions. Anyone can get on it and take screencaps.

AFriend ago

Awesome. Thanks. I'll check it out.

Chance903 ago

It is like a smack in the face ,they know we are looking at that shit and they are laughing .

bdmthrfkr ago

Pg. 5 spiral icon. Pretty blatant if you ask me.

chunky944 ago

They could have split a bill for shrimp.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

The shrimp icon is used alot. Repeatedly by multiple people. Code for something. it is a spiral shape kind of.

Lunari ago

Well if it is actually something sketchy going on with the Venmo transactions - shrimp could mean "small" as in like kids? idfk. Though, I'd really highly doubt that any sketchy pedo related shit would blatantly be posted on Venmo where anyone could easily see it.... would anyone really be that fucking stupid? I really doubt it, but it's possible I guess..... you never know.

bdmthrfkr ago

Comment above that, pink spiral no shrimp.

edit: 2nd comment pg.5

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Linked to Alefantis is a lady working with refugees in south american that's accepting payments.

If you look at what she says they're for, it's alot of chicken, pasta, etc. Notice how the latte has the heart within a heart symbol

algernon4peace ago

I kind of want to contact the people she works with --- just ask them to keep a heads up.

Nana66 ago

Perhaps this should be it's own post but here is as far as I have gotten on this.....

"refugees from University of Georgetown"
I think this is a possible huge link to investigate. Podesta is apparently subscribed and has many emails from GU including a few that have no link to open them which is curious..... like they are ones that were scrubbed or whatever IDK how that would occur. Here is one that is accessible with several other To: emails included. It would be interesting to find out who all these people are and what they are associated with in addition to being probably GU alumni. He is alumni along with other HUGE this could be how they all connect at first or something and they connect all around the globe. Also notice in side bar of this page "Why Qatar" very curious...Snopes etc so called debunked it but CF was supposed to haves sent a ton of money there after Hillary lost and then there's the Bill Clinton Birthday gift of over a million that was found out about in emails.

After reading these...including things like

"home away from home"

"a roof-to-basement renovation"

at the bottom of the pages you click this and you get taken to a passworded section...

I don't know how to further investigate this but one thing I also noticed was easy access to the Potomac river and Virginia, missing children central...

pizzagateishell ago

Urban definition for Shrimp:

A person that is hot from the neck down. So called because, like shrimps, everything is good but the head.

LadyMinx ago

I thought that was a "butterface"